From the Superintendent:
Happy Fall
The start of the new school year has started off on the right track. Fall officially started September 23rd and overall the weather has been nice. The kids, teachers and staff are excited to be back at school. We had a nice turnout for registration and our welcome back night. I enjoyed the opportunity to meet many new and returning families. Have a safe and wonderful fall.
Halloween - Chaney-Monge Style
Chaney Monge School will once again be the neighborhood center for Halloween activities this year. A Halloween Parade led by the Chaney Monge Band will tour the neighborhood beginning at 1:00 PM on Friday October 30, 2015. Classroom parties and activities will follow. Please note that if the weather does not permit us to participate in a parade outside, the students will be allowed to parade inside throughout the school. Due to safety and space issues, we will not be able to allow parents in the school for an inside parade.
The Crest Hill Lions Club will sponsor a free hot dog and drink in front of Chaney Monge School during regular trick-or treat hours on October 31st from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Make sure you remind your children of traffic safety rules and be extra careful while driving on Halloween night.
All major construction items this summer were completed on time. The entire roof is now new with a 20 year full warranty. There were electrical and lighting projects completed throughout the building and the locker rooms have been remodeled and updated. The 10 year life safety plan with many smaller projects required by law to complete has only one small work item left (2021 is when all the items are required to be completed). There was an issue with our 4th -7th grade lockers arriving on time from the manufacturer. The plan is to install our new 4th – 7th grade lockers over the long holiday weekend in early October. The manufacturer and general contractor did provide the district with temporary lockers for 6th and 7th grade (at no cost to the district).
The district entered into a three year contract with the Union School District to provide daily breakfast and lunch services. The food management group is Quest and the mission is to provide fresh healthy food each day. The previous food vendor provided the district with frozen meals what were required to be heated up each day. The new food vendor makes fresh meals with a choice of a hot or cold entrée daily (salad bar included). The law changed a few years ago that allows districts to make intergovernmental agreements for food services. The district did invest around $20,000 in lunch equipment this school year and did enroll in the CEP program that allows each student in 1st – 8th grade to participate in breakfast and lunch for free.
Parking regulations, traffic laws, bright orange cones, tickets and school rules will not prevent an accident from happening. However, as adult drivers, we all must remind ourselves that there is no excuse for compromising the safety of any child because we are in a hurry, late for an appointment, angry at a family member or angry at another driver.
So, for the sake of all children, drive safely and extremely carefully during your trips to, from and around school at all times. Discuss basic pedestrian safety with your kids. Our staff members, administrators and Crest Hill Police Department are committed to making sure your kids remain safe – and I am sure you are too.
The Chaney Monge Board of Education meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month starting at 7 p.m. We generally meet in the library during the school year.
Chaney Monge Website
Please check for updates at our website: each month.
We have recently learned about a new website, Omegle, which is growing in popularity with young people. It touts itself as a website to “chat” with random strangers. The user types in an interest and then is matched with a stranger who shares that interest. The other option is to just chat with randomly picked strangers online.
Also included is a webcam section, either moderated or unmoderated, as the user prefers. The site clearly states, “Predators have been known to use Omegle, so please be careful.” Our students have been using this site, so please pay extra careful attention to the activity of your child online.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, October 21st and Thursday, October 22nd from 4:00 to 8:00 PM. There is no kindergarten on the above dates. Grades 1-8 will be dismissed at 1:30 PM. Please make every effort to attend and join us in planning for your child’s success. All conferences are scheduled by and held with your child’s classroom teacher and held in the classroom. We look forward to sharing your child’s work and progress with you.
Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students
We are looking for some Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students)! We’re looking for male role models to assist in our school at arrival, dismissal and to work with our students. More information will be available at Parent-Teacher conferences. Ms. Jill Carter will be coordinating our Watch D.O.G.S. program this year.
Fire Safety
On October 13th the Lockport Fire Department will conduct fire drills and fire safety chats. Each year, the firefighters share their time with our students to remind them of fire safety procedures. Thanks to the Lockport Fire Department for their time and instruction to our students.
Mark your calendars for the mandatory Explore Placement Test at Lockport High School on Saturday, November 7, 2015. Student with last names A-I will test from 8:00 to 11:30 a.m., and J-Z will test from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. This test plays an important role in determining classes for the upcoming freshman year. The high school will soon be mailing out the Explore Test information to parents/guardians of our current 8th grade students.
REMINDER - Use Parent Connect to View Your Student’s Grades
For Grades 3-8, you are able to view your child’s grades through a secure connection via our school website. Accounts, passwords and user directions were given to third grade and new students. Returning students were reissued directions at registration day. Please call the office if you need another copy of the account and password.
Connect Ed Messages
Have you had an automatic call from our school? The Blackboard Connect system gives us the ability to communicate with parents and staff regarding emergency situations, school events and other important issues impacting you and your children. When a call comes from the school, your caller ID will display our school phone number. Please help us by ensuring we have your current phone numbers.
All are welcome to attend our Awards Assemblies which are held after each quarter ends to recognize those students who have displayed excellence. Students are honored with a Certificate of Achievement and a display in the hallway for the areas of reading, effort, character, and improvement. Invitations are sent and phone calls are made to families of students who have earned an award for the quarter in hopes that you may be able to attend. Mrs. Hall also recognizes students for Perfect Attendance and Honor Roll (fourth grade and up) at the assemblies as well as awards given from the library. Please check the school website at for Recognition Award Assembly dates and times or look for future newsletter articles. We hope to see you there!
A huge thank you goes out to Charter Fitness and Dollar General of Crest Hill for their generous donation of supplies for students in need.
From the Nurse’s Office
Reminders from Nurse Garza
For all students that require medication throughout the school day, please be sure to get the required yearly medication form and medications to Nurse Sherry.
Some common medications are:
Over the counter medication (Tylenol, Advil, etc)
A medication form filled out by your doctor and the parent must be on file with Nurse Sherry before they can be dispensed to your student.
Also submit remaining physical, (T-Dap shot is required for all 6th Graders) dental and vision forms as required.
Ms. Garza also shares that if your child is injured over the weekend; please seek immediate medical care if required. Please do not wait until the school week begins to seek assistance as many of the weekend injuries require immediate attention.
Per state law, children who are not in compliance with state physical and immunization requirements will be excluded from school until the following requirements are on file with Nurse Sherry by October 15, 2015:
PHYSICALS – Kindergarten, 6th grade, and all incoming out of state students.
VACCINE – New requirements for this year:
T-Dap – 6th grade
Meningococcal – 6th grade (1 dose)
Varicella – Kindergarten, 1st, 6th, and 7th grade (2 doses)
VISION – Kindergarten and incoming out of state students.
DENTAL – Kindergarten, 2nd and 6th grade.
Over the Counter Medications
Any over the counter medication (i.e. Ibuprofen, Tylenol, etc.) must be turned in to Nurse Garza and a Medical Authorization Form must be filled out. Students are not allowed to carry any over the counter medications with them.
Bring an Adult to School Day
For grades 1-8, this year’s “Bring an Adult to School Day” will be Wednesday, November 25th, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., with this day also being an 11:30 dismissal day.
However, since there are no Kindergarten classes on the 11:30 dismissal days, the Kindergarten “Bring an Adult to School Day” will be on Tuesday, November 24th. The AM Kindergarten times will be from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. The PM Kindergarten times will be from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
We schedule this day so you have an opportunity to join your children at school and experience their classrooms with them. We hope to see you and welcome your support of education.
Picture Day is October 27, 2015. All students will be photographed. You do not send money on picture day. The proofs of two photos will be printed directly on the order form, which will be sent home to you. If you choose to order the photos, you can return the order form to your child’s teacher, which will in turn be sent to the photographer. Photo orders will be processed and sent home with children at a later date.
Students are called for their pictures throughout the morning and early afternoon as their schedule allows. There are no ‘set’ time slots for each grade as some classes take longer than others.
Students not in attendance will have the opportunity to take their pictures in January on the make-up day.
Speaking of picture day, this year we will be pre-ordering yearbooks. Dates and payment information will follow as they become available.
The 5th grade students began D.A.R.E. on Wednesday, August 24th. D.A.R.E. is a police-officer led series of classroom lessons that teaches children how to resist peer pressure and live productive drug and violence-free lives. Officer Heidi Outlaw, from the Crest Hill Police Department, will be with us for approximately 10 weeks teaching D.A.R.E.
Don’t forget to save your box tops and labels for Education. They can be turned in to Ms. Pavnica.
If you receive a call from our school, please listen to the message before you call back. Often parents will call us back saying ‘someone called me’. The office has no way to know who called you from the many phones installed throughout the school. So please listen to the message before calling back so our assistants are more than willing to connect you to the right person without delay.
“Quick Pick-Ups or Drop-Offs” are allowed to occur in or near the major intersections surrounding the school. PARKING IS NOT ALLOWED along the west side of Hoffman Drive between Elsie and Chaney Avenues. Road closures and parking restrictions are part of the City of Crest Hill’s Vehicle Code and are controlled by the Crest Hill Police Department. Violators may be ticketed.
The Chaney Monge Music Parents Association would like to welcome all new 4th grade band members! We are so thrilled that you have chosen to be a part of the music program at Chaney Monge School and are looking forward to a wonderful year!
Jazz Band meets every Monday and Wednesday from 2:45 to 4:00 p.m. If you have any questions on joining Jazz Band, please contact Ms. Berger for more information.
Everyone is welcome to come out for the Halloween Parade where the Chaney Monge Marching Band will be kicking off the Halloween festivities beginning at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, October 30th.
Music parents, we hope that you will join the CMMPA in our efforts of supporting the Music Program. We are always in need of help, and welcome your thoughts, ideas and suggestions. If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please consider attending our next meeting on Tuesday, October 13th at 6:30 p.m. You can also reach us via email at
Check out our new website! There is a Google Calendar for the year on the site.
Last chance uniform fittings will be held on October 14, 2015 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
The fall fundraiser will begin on October 13, 2015. We will be selling coffee and tea this year! To ensure all orders will be delivered before the holidays, all orders must be turned in no later than October 23, 2015 - NO EXCEPTIONS!
Character Trait for October… Responsibility
If you are responsible you … Do what you are supposed to do - Plan ahead – Persevere: keep on trying! – Always do your best – Use self-control – Be self-disciplined – Think before you act – consider the consequences – Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes – Set a good example for others. Check it out at
Congratulations to the boys baseball All Stars – Aaron Darling, Daniel Sanchez and Aldo Guerra. They will represent Chaney Monge School in the All Star game on October 6th at Lockport Township High School (Central Campus) at 5:30 p.m. Come support and cheer them on. Congratulations boys!!!
Instructional basketball sign ups took place this last week. If your student is in the 3rd through 6th grades and missed the sign up, you can attend the 2nd signup that will take place on October 7th from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Nikki Zeglen at 779-435-0100.
We are also in need of coaches for 3rd, 4th, and 6th grade teams. If you are interested, please contact Nikki Zeglen at 779-435-0100.
October 6th
Girl Scout Meeting 6PM – 8 PM
October 9th
October 12th
October 16th
Jr. High Field Trip – Brookfield Zoo
October 20th
8th Grade Trip Fundraiser Delivery/Pick Up
Girl Scout Meeting 6PM – 8PM
October 21st
1:30 Dismissal – Parent Teacher Conferences
NO Kindergarten Classes
October 22rd
1:30 Dismissal – Parent Teacher Conferences
NO Kindergarten Classes
October 23rd
October 27th
October 29th
3rd Grade Field Trip
October 30th
Halloween Parade at 1 PM
Halloween Room Parties to follow
November 1st
1st Quarter Awards Assemblies
November 4th
November 7th