Chair and Discussant: Waltraud Schelkle

E The Court of Justice vs the Member States of the EU. New Methods, New Insights

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7E The Court of Justice vs the Member States of the EU. New Methods, New Insights
         Chair: Daniel Naurin (University of Gothenburg)
         Discussant: Fernanda Nicola (Washington College of Law)

Constellation E

L’article 55, le Droit Communautaire, les Luges et les Juristes-politiciens. Histoire d’un Combat de Réseaux en France entre 1958 et 1980
         Alexandre Bernier (University of Copenhagen)


Legislative Override of Constitutional Courts. The Case of the European Union

         Olof Larsson (University of Gothenburg)
         Daniel Naurin (University of Gothenburg)


Resisting the Court of Justice: Germany’s Reception of European Law 1952-1979

         Bill Davies (American University)


The Importance of the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Different Policy Areas

         Mattias Derlen (University of Umea)
         Johan Lindholm (University of Umea)


7F The New Transatlantic Agenda: Policy Perspectives

         Chair: Laurie Buonanno (Buffalo State - SUNY)
         Discussant: Eleanor Zeff (Drake University)

Constellation F

A Comparison of Mobility Regimes: The Passenger Name Registry and Highly Skilled Migration
         Caviedes Alex (SUNY Fredonia)


Governance of the Transatlantic Agenda

         Natalia Cuglesan (Babeş-Bolyai University)


Historical Background to and Establishment of Transatlantic Dialogues and Agreements

         Neill Nugent (College of Europe)


Less is More: International Cooperation in Transatlantic Competition

        Nikos Zahariadis (University of Alabama at Birmingham)


7G The EU and International Trade

         Chair: Maria Green Cowles (American University)
         Discussant: Kurt Huebner (UBC)

Baltimore Room

Divide and Conquer: How China Can Exploit the Multiplicity of Investment Rules in the EU
         Sophie Meunier (Princeton University)


Regions and the European Union’s External Economic Policies: How Regional Authorities Capacity for Control Varies

         Margaux Kersschot (University of Antwerp)
         Dirk De Bièvre (University of Antwerp)


Social vs. Global Europe in the Wake of the Crash: Reconciling EU Trade Policy with the European Social Model?

         Gabriel Siles-Brugge (University of Manchester)


The Power of the Commission: Negotiating the EU-India Free Trade Agreement

         Magdalena Frennhoff Larsén (University of Westminster)


7H Critical Perspectives on the EU's External Relations

         Chair: Abraham Newman (Georgetown University)
         Discussant: Sabine Saurugger (Sciences Po Grenoble)

Annapolis Room

De-colonizing the EU’s democratization policy through the Maghreb periphery
         Bohdana Dimitrovova (University of Tubingen)


Ethical Intervener Europe: Asset or Obstacle in Somaliland’s Democratization Process? Critical Perspectives on Democratization Assistance

         Olivia Umurerwa Rutazibwa (Ghent University)


Europe beyond Europe? Identity and the politics of the everyday in the making of the European Union’s ’External Dimension’

         Ruben Zaiotti (Dalhousie University)


The Democratic Deficit of CSDP: An Explanation Based on Governmentality

         Evangelos Fanoulis (University of Essex)


7I Causes and Consequences of Supranational Identity in Post-Communist Europe

         Chair: Lena Surzhko-Harned (Mercyhurst College)
         Discussant: Basak Yavcan (TOBB University of Economics and Technology)

Frederick Room

Accession and the Domestic Agenda: How Accession Affects Political Competition
         Tristan Vellinga (University of Florida)


The Connection between “European” Identification and the European Union across Europe

         Danial Hoepfner (University of Pittsburgh)


The Effect of Supranational Identity on Social Values in Eastern Europe

         Galina Zapryanova (MZES, University of Mannheim)
         Lena Surzhko-Harned (Mercyhurst College)


7J The Institutional Challenges of Auditing the EU Budget in a Multi-level System

         Chair: Aneta Spendzharova (Maastricht University)
         Discussant: Hartmut Aden (Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht)

Columbia Room

Multilevel Governance in the Audit of EU funds: Challenges for the European Court of Auditors
         Maria Luisa Sánchez Barrueco (Universidad de Deusto)


The Fathers of Financial Control: The Early Institutional Politics of Auditing Europe

         Paul Stephenson (Maastricht University)


The Prerequisites of Audit Convergence and its Implications in Structural Fund Spending

         Judit Fortvingler (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)


7K The EU as a (Non-)power / Actor in the (Extended) Neighborhood
         Chair: Wulf Reiners (Cologne University)

Discussant: Sophie Vanhoonacker (Maastricht University)

Lombard/Camden Room

From ‘Non-power’ to ‘Regional-power’? Conceptualizing the EU's Actorness in its Eastern Neighborhood
         Bogdana Depo (Cologne University)


From ‘Non-power’ to ‘Would-be-power’? The EU as a Newcomer in the Arctic

         Andreas Raspotnik (Cologne University)


From ‘Soft Power’ to ‘Smart Power’? The EU's Role as an International Security Actor in the Libyan Crisis

         Nicole Koenig (University of Edinburgh)


Regulatory Power of the EU in Maintaining Security in Space: Politics beyond Normative Power

         Kazuto Suzuki (Hokkaido University / Princeton University)



4:00 – 5:45 p.m.


8A Progress and Regress -- Social Policy and Inequality

         Chair and Discussant: Karen Andersen (University of Nijmegen)

Constellation A

Class Struggle in the Shadow of Luxembourg? The Impact of the European Court of Justice’s Case Law on the Autonomous Regulation of Working Conditions by Social Partners
         Daniel Seikel (University Bremen)


Income Inequality and Election Outcomes: Has the 2007-2009 Economic Crisis Changed Anything?

         Florence Bouvet (Sonoma State University)
         Sharmila King (University of the Pacific)

The Political Participation of Immigrants in Belgium

Brian Salant (Yale University)

8B The EU, Global and Regional Challenges
         Chair: Zaki Laïdi (Sciences Po Paris)
         Discussant: Eva Heidbreder (Heinrich-Heine University)

Constellation B

A Case Study of Regional Cooperation: EU’s effect on Transport Policies in the Black Sea Region
         Cigdem Ustun (Gediz University)


Defiance, Controlled Change and Breakdown: Conceptualizing Autocracies’ Reactions to International Democratization Pressure

         Gergana Noutcheva (Maastricht University)


Pulling Teeth or Pulling its Weight? The EU’s Performance as an International Actor in Bilateral Relations

Anke Schmidt-Felzmann (Stockholm University)



8C Member States' Resistance to EU Norms in Foreign and Security Policy
         Chair: Fabien Terpan (Sciences Po Grenoble)
         Discussant: Richard Whitman (University of Kent)

Constellation C

A Truly European Diplomatic Service? Domestic Responses to the Establishment of the EEAS
         Karolina Pomorska (University of Cambridge)
         Sophie Vanhoonacker (University of Maastricht)


Member States’ Resistance to EU Sanctions

         Clara Portela (Singapore Management University)


Norm Resistance and the European Defense Agency

         Mai'a K. Davis Cross (University of Southern California)


Resisting European Norms: A History of Instruments

         Sabine Saurugger (Sciences Po Grenoble - IUF)
         Fabien Terpan (Sciences Po Grenoble)


The Internal Tensions of the European System of Governance towards Israel: The Cases of ‘the Israeli Exports from Palestinian Territories’ and of the ‘Jerusalem Question’

         Caroline Jochaud du Plessix (Sciences Po Paris)


8D The EU and International Security

         Chair: and Discussant: Eva Gross (Free University Brussels)

Constellation D

Still a Logic of Diversity? Convergence, Divergence and EU Defense Policies
         Hubertus Juergenliemk (University of Cambridge)
         Anand Menon (University of Birmingham)


The Cooperation between European Union and the United States on Customs Security

         Dimitrios Anagnostakis (University of Nottingham)


The Deployment EU NAVFOR Atalanta: A Collective Action Perspective

         Niklas Nováky (University of Aberdeen)


8E The EU and Its Member States: Norms, Law, and Language

         Chair and Discussant: Kathleen McNamara (Georgetown University)

Constellation E

Linguistic Pluralism and the EU
         Stefania Baroncelli (Free University of Bozen)


The CJEU and LGBT rights: Diverge Approaches to Union-wide Definitions, or the Case of ‘Convenient Judicial Activism’

         Panos Stasinopoulos (King’s College London)


The Philosophy of Small Change: Harmonization of Transborder Litigation

         Nanette Neuwahl (Université de Montréal)
A Multi-Layered Social Europe? Three Emerging Transnational Social Duties in the EU

Ben Crum (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

8F Funding Opportunities for EU Integration Studies: The Jean Monnet Programme Constellation F
EU Funding Opportunities for European Studies

Mark Pituch (EU Delegation to the United States)

Luciano Di Fonzo (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency)
How Proposals are Evaluated by External Experts

Leonce Bekemans (University of Padua)

Enrique Banus (International University of Catalunya)
How to Present a Good Proposal and Overcome Administrative Difficulties

Amie Kreppel (University of Florida)


8G Identity, Minority Rights and Citizenship in Europe

         Chair and Discussant: Susanne Schmidt (University of Bremen)

Baltimore Room

Europeanization of Minority Protection Policies in Latvia: EU Accession and the Linguistic Rights
         Emel Tugdar (West Virginia University)


The Changing Face of European Citizenship: Defense Naturalization and Romanian-Moldovan Relations

         Irina Angelescu (University of Rome Tor Vergata and the Graduate Institute of Geneva)


The EU Fundamental Rights Agency & NGOs: Probing Theories on Transnational Advocacy and Sociological Institutionalism in the EU

         Markus Thiel (Florida International University)

8H The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 4: The External Dimension of AFSJ 2

         Chair: Joerg Monar (College of Europe, Bruges & University of Sussex)
         Discussant: John Occhipinti (Canisius College Buffalo)

Lombard/Camden Room

EU Police Cooperation in the Western Balkans
         Olga Kantokoski (University of Helsinki)


Portable Policing: External Transformative Power in a Uniform

         Monica Den Boer (Police Academy of the Netherlands)


Spring Awakening in Europe’s Front Yard: Watering or Lawnmowing?

         Jan Voelkel (Cairo University)


The Area of Freedom Security and Justice and the External Effect

         Ester Herlin-Karnell (VU University Amsterdam)


6:00-6:30 AFSJ Interest Section Meeting Annapolis Room

6:00-6:30 EU Political Economy Interest Section Meeting Baltimore Room

6:30-7:00 p.m. EUSA Prizes Ceremony Constellation A

EUSA Award for Lifetime Achievement in European Studies

Alberta Sbragia

Award Presented by

EUSA Award for Best Book Published in 2011 or 2012

EUSA Award for Best Dissertation Defended in 2011 or 2012

EUSA Award for Best Paper Presented at the 2011 EUSA Conference

7:00-8:00 p.m. EUSA Biennial Conference Reception Constellation B

Co-sponsored by the The Members of the Center for Transatlantic Relations

Network of European Union Centers of Excellence

The Mortara Center for International Studies, Georgetown University

American University Center for International Studies

Dept. of Political Science, Johns Hopkins University

Saturday May 11, 2013

8:30 - 10:15 a.m.

9A Reflections on and advances in integration theory

Chair and Discussant: Craig Parson (University of Oregon)

Constellation A

Circles and Hemispheres. Differentiated Integration in and beyond the European Union
         Frank Schimmelfennig (ETH Zurich)


Confessional Culture, National Identity and Political Pressure: A Cultural Theory of European Integration

         Brent Nelsen (Furman University)


Of Wealth and Powerlessness: States, Political Development and Europe’s ’Defense Deficit’

         Anand Menon (University of Birmingham)


What, Exactly, is Elitist about the European Union?

         William Phelan (Trinity College Dublin)


9B New Perspectives on EU External Governance

         Chair and Discussant: Chuck Sabel (Columbia Law School)

Constellation B

Extending Experimentalist Governance? The EU and Transnational Regulation
         Jonathan Zeitlin (University of Amsterdam)


The Dual Nature of EU External Relations: Functionalist versus Political Logics

        Sandra Lavenex (University of Lucerne)


The EU as a Unilateral Actor and the Territoriality of EU Law

         Joanne Scott (University College London)


The Internalization of International Norms by the European Court of Justice

        Gráinne de Búrca (University of New York Law School)


9C The Governance of EU Migration and Mobility Policies

         Chair: Sarah Wolff (Queen Mary, University of London)
         Discussant: Florian Trauner (University of Vienna)

Constellation C

Governing EU Migration Policies: Analyzing the Role of Supranational Institutions
         Ariadna Ripoll Servent (University of Vienna)


Negotiating Readmission Agreements with the EU: A Comparative Study of the Cases of Morocco and Turkey

         Sarah Wolff (Queen Mary University)


Labor and the EU Deportation System

         Jean-Pierre Cassarino (European University Institute)


New Institutional Dynamics in EU Migration Law and Policy: The Case of Family Reunification

         Diego Acosta (Sheffield University)
         Andrew Geddes (European University Institute)


The Three-level Game in EU External Migration Policy: The Case of the Mobility Partnerships

        Natasja Reslow (Maastricht University)
        Maarten Vink (Maastricht University)


9D The Decision-making Culture of the Council of Ministers

         Chair: Bill Davies (American University)
         Discussant: Daniel Naurin (University of Gothenburg)

Constellation D

Consensus as Implicit Dissent in the EU Council of Ministers (1986-2010)
         Stephanie Novak (Hertie School of Governance)


Institutional Change and Legislative Stability: Contested Decision-Making in the EU Council (1995-2010)

         Wim Van Aken (HEC-Ulg & UA)


Personnel Turnover in the Council of Ministers: What it Is and Why it Matters

         John Scherpereel (James Madison University)
         Lauren Perez (University of Pittsburgh)


Selective Consensus in Council Voting?

         Bjørn Høyland (University of Oslo)
         Vibeke W Hansen (University of Oslo)


9E Post-Westphalian Diplomacy? Europe's Bilateral and Multilateral Diplomatic Relations before and after Lisbon

         Chair: Jost-Henrik Morgenstern (Loughborough University/University of Cambridge)
         Discussant: Chris Bickerton (Science-Po, Paris)

Constellation E

Making a Splash or Roiling the Waters? The Impact of the Lisbon Treaty for the EU at the UN
         Katie Laatikainen (Adelphi University)


Merging Mindsets: The Challenges of the Lisbon Treaty for EU Diplomats in Geneva

         David Spence (London School of Economics)


Playing the Brussels Game Abroad: The Role of Coordination Groups of European Diplomats in Third Countries

         Frauke Austermann (ESSCA School of Management -Shanghai Campus)


Representing the European Interest in Washington: Post-Lisbon patterns of EU diplomacy

        Heidi Maurer (SAIS-Johns Hopkins University)


9F Integrated Financial Systems on the EU

         Chair: Patrick Crowley (Texas A&M - Corpus Christi)
         Discussant: Terraence Guay (Pennsylvania State University)

Constellation F

Debt Contagion in Europe: A Panel-VAR Analysis
         Florence Bouvet (Sonoma State University)
         Ryan Brady (US Navel Academy)
         Sharmila King (University of the Pacific)


Remittances and Foreign Banking in the New Member States of the EU

         Jason Jones (Furman University)


The Interaction of Politics and Sovereign Debt Markets in the Euro Area; The Impact of Political Communication on Sovereign Bond Spreads

         Thomas Gade (European Central Bank)
         Gabriel Glockler (European Central Bank)


9G Attitudes toward European Integration

         Chair: Achim Hurrelmann (Carlton University)

Baltimore Room

Discussant: Francesca Vassallo (University of Southern Maine)


Democratic Competence in the European Union
         Stefanie Costa (George Washington University)


Finding the European Demos: Quantitative Indicators and the Performance of Being European

         Victor Olivieri (University of Florida)
Causal Heterogeneity in Support for the European Union

Danial Hoepfner (University of Pittsburgh)
The Space Between Us: Elite and Mass Attitudes toward Crisis-Driven Integration in the European Union

Edward Fogarty (Colgate University)

Kevin Wallsten (California State University - Long Beach)


9H The Politics of European Competition Policy
         Chair and Discussant: Tim Büthe (Duke University)

Annapolis Room

Decision-Making for Cooperative Governance: The Case of European Regulatory Networks
         Martino Maggetti (University of Zurich)


How the European Commission Deepened Financial Market Integration. The Battle over the Liberalization of Public Banks in Germany

         Daniel Seikel (University Bremen)


The Emergence and Design of European Regulatory Networks: Combining Functional and Political Explanatory Logics

         Michael Blauberger (University of Salzburg)
         Berthold Rittberger (University of Munich)


The Legitimacy and Accountability Deficit in EU Competition Law Regime

         Firat Cengiz (Liverpool Law School)


9I Analyzing the Foreign Policy of the European Union from a Transatlantic Perspective

         Chair: Federiga Bindi (University of Rome Tor Vergata and SAIS-Johns Hopkins University)
         Discussant: Irina Angelescu (University of Rome Tor Vergata and the Graduate Institute of Geneva)

Frederick Room

The Future of EU-Latin American Relations from a Transatlantic Perspective
         Joaquin Roy (University of Miami)


The Janus Face of Foreign Policy in a Globalized World: An Analysis of EU-U.S. Cooperation on Internal Security

         Irina Angelescu (University of Rome Tor Vergata and the Graduate Institute of Geneva)


The Role of the U.S. in the Formulation of the EU Foreign Policy: A Historical Perspective

         Federiga Bindi (University of Rome Tor Vergata and SAIS-Johns Hopkins University)


9J Evaluating the European Union as a Global Actor in an Age of Austerity

         Chair: Jeffrey Stacey (Johns Hopkins University)
         Discussant: Roy Ginsberg (Skidmore College)

Columbia Room

EU Development Assistance and CSDP: How to Dance When You Cannot Afford the DJ"
         David Armitage (American University/National Intelligence Council)


The EEAS and the Comprehensive Approach: What Future Role for CSDP?

         Eva Gross (Institute for European Studies)


The West at the Crossroads: Toward a New Transatlantic Bargain

         Jeffrey Stacey (Johns Hopkins University)


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