Centro de estudos de filosofia patrística e medieval de são paulo

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As edições do texto grego correntes são da Les Belles Lettres (com tradução francesa), da Bibliotheca Oxoniensis, da Loeb (com tradução inglêsa), além de edições comentadas excepcionais, como a Política de Newman, a Ética nicomáqueia de Gauthier e Jolif etc. As traduções são: em alemão a da Felix Mainer, em espanhol a da Gredos, em francês a tradicional de Tricot e a mais recente de Pellegrin, em inglês a de Ross revista por Barnes e a série comentada Clarendon Aristotle, em italiano a da Laterza. Não há ainda um edição de referência em português. O único comentário completo (com exceção apenas da Política) é o de Averróis, o Comentador.

aristotelis opera omnia græce et latine

Ed. modernas

Aristotelis opera omnia, græce et latine. Parisiis, Apud Ioannem Billiaine, Simeonem Piget, Frederic Leonard, Via Iacobea, 1654. 4 vols. [Mário de Andrade]

Aristotelis Peripateticorum principis Organum. Hoc est, libri omnes ad logicam pertinentes, Graecè & Latinè. Julius Pacius recensuit, atque ex libris cùm manuscripts tum editis emendault: è Graeca in Latinam linguam conuertit... Frankfurt, 1597. Hildesheim, Olms, 1967. 895 p. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP]

Ed. Bussemark

ARISTOTELES, Opera omnia græce et latine cum indice nominum et rerum absolutissimo. Édition par Bussemark. Parisiis, Firmin-Didot et Sociis, [4 vols., 1848-1869 + 1 vol. de índices, 1874] 1883 | 1887 | 1927-1931. 5 vols. [PUC] [USP]

Hildesheim, Olms, 2007. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP]

I Organon, Rhetoricen, Politicam.

II Ethicam, Naturales auscultationes, De coelo, De generatione, et Metaphysicam.

III Libros de animalibus, De partibus animalium.

IV Physiognomica, De plantis.

IV Indicem nominum et rerum.

Ed. Bekker

Aristotelis opera. Ex recensione I. Bekkeri. Edidit Academia Regia Borussica. Editio altera, quam curavit O. Gigon. Berolini, apud W. de Gruyter. 5 vols.: vols. I-II [Opera grecæ], [1851] 1960; vols. III-IV [Translatio latine], [1851] 1961-1987. [UFSCar] [UNESP] [UNICAMP] [= tb. ebook] [USP]

Aristotelis Opera. Vol. V: BONITZ, H., Index Aristotelicus. Graz, Akademische Druck / U. Verlagsanstalt, 19552. [PUC] [UFSCar] [UNESP] [UNICAMP] [USP]

teofrastro, ca.371-ca.287 aec

Edições anteriores ao Séc. XX

Theophrasti metaphysicorum liber in Aristotelis opera cum Averrois Cordubensis commentariis. Venetiis apud Junctas, 1574. Frankfurt, Minerva, 1962. Vol. VIII. [UNICAMP] [USP]

Theophrastou Charakteres ethikoi. Theophrasti Characteres ethici. Græce & Latine. Cum notis ac emendationibus Isaaci Casauboni & aliorum. Accedunt Jacobi Duporti prælectiones jam primum editæ. Græca cum vetustissimis MSS. collata recensuit, & notas adjecit, Pet. Needham, ... Cantabrigiæ, impensis Cornelii Crownfield, 1712. CXIII+490 p. [ebook] [E diversas outras edições e traduções do Século XVIII]

The moral characters of Theophrastus. Made English from the Greek. With a prefatory discourse concerning Theophrastus, from the French of Monsr De La Bruyere. The sixth edition. London, 1713. XXIV+58 p. [ebook]

LA BRUYÈRE, JEAN DE, Les caractères de Theophraste. Avec les caractères ou les mœurs de ce siécle. Nouv. ed. augm. A Amsterdam, chez F. Changuion, [1701] 1731. 1741. 1784. 1842. 1849. 1882. 1885. 2 vols. [UNESP] [UNICAMP] [USP]

Les caractères de Theophraste. Tr. du grec par J. de la Bruyère. Paris, Flammarion, 1929. 374 p. Paris, Garnier, 1962. 622 p. Paris, Booking International, 1993. 412 p. [USP]

Theophrastus’s history of stones. With an English version, and critical and philosophical notes […] by John Hill […]. London, C. Davis, 1746. XXIII+211 p. [ebook]

Theophrasti Characteres. Marci Antonini Commentarii. Epicteti Dissertationes ab Arriano literis mandatae fragmenta et Enchiridion cum commentario Simplicii. Cebetis Tabula. Maximi Tyrii Dissertationes. Graece et Latine cum indicibus. Theophrasti Characteres XV et Maximum Tyrium et antiquissimis codicibus accurate excussis emendavit F. Dübner. Scriptorum graecorum bibliotheca, 5. Parisiis, Ambrosio Firmin Didot, 1840. XXII+656 p. (paginação variável). [USP]

THÈOPHRASTE, Caractères. Tr. nouv. avec le texte revu sur les dernières éditions critiques des variantes, des notes, etc, par J. F. Stiévenart. Paris, Perisse Frères, 1842. 416 p. [USP]

Theophrasti Eresii Opera quae supersunt omnia: Fragmenta. Accessit Prisciani Lydi Metaphrasis in Theophasti libros De sensu et De phantasia. Ed. F. Wimmer. Paris, Didot, 1866. 547 p. [USP]


THEOPHRASTUS OF ERESUS, Theophrastus of Eresus: Sources for his life, writings, thought, and influence. Vol. 1. Life, writings, various reports, logic, physics, metaphysics, theology, mathematics. Vol. 2. Psychology, human physiology, living creatures, botany, ethics, religion, politics, rhetoric and poetics, music, miscellanea. Ed. and tr. by W. W. Fortenbaugh et al. Philosophia Antiqua, 54. Leiden, Brill, 1993. 2 vols. [UFSCar] [USP]

THEOPHRASTUS OF ERESUS, Sources for his life, writings, thought and influence. Commentary Vol. 2. Logic. Ed. P. Huby, with contributions on the arabic material by D. Gutas. Philosophia antiqua, 103. Leiden, Brill, 2007. XIII+208 p. [UFSCar] [USP]

THEOPHRASTUS OF ERESUS, Commentary Vol. 3.1. Sources on physics (texts 137-223). Ed. R. W. Sharples, with contributions on the arabic material by D. Gutas. Philosophia Antiqua, 79. Leiden, Brill, 1998. XVIII+302 p. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP]

THEOPHRASTUS OF ERESUS, Commentary Vol. 4. Psychology (texts 265-327). Ed. P. Huby. Philosophia Antiqua, 81. Leiden, Brill, 1999. XVIII+254 p. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP]

THEOPHRASTUS OF ERESUS, Commentary Vol. 5. Sources on biology (human physiology, living creatures, botany: texts 328-435). Ed. R. W. Sharples Philosophia Antiqua, 64. Leiden, Brill, 1994. XVI+273 p. [UNICAMP]

THEOPHRASTUS OF ERESUS, Commentary Vol. 6,1. Sources on ethics. Ed. W. W. Fortenbaugh, with contributions on the arabic material by D. Gutas. Philosophia Antiqua, 123. Leiden, Brill, 2010. 879 p.*

THEOPHRASTUS OF ERESUS, Commentary Vol. 8. Sources on rhetoric and poetics (texts 666-713). Ed. W. W. Fortenbaugh. Philosophia Antiqua, 97. Leiden, Brill, 2005. XII+508 p. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP]

THEOPHRASTUS OF ERESUS, On sweat, on dizziness and on fatigue. Ed. W. W. Fortenbaugh et al. Philosophia Antiqua, 93. Leiden, Brill, 2003. VIII+328 p. [UNICAMP] [USP] [NA]

THEOPHRASTUS OF ERESUS, On weather signs. Ed. D. Sider and C. W. Brunschön. Philosophia Antiqua, 104. Leiden, Brill, 2006. X+270 p. [UFSCar] [USP]

THEOPHRASTUS OF ERESUS, On first principles (known as his Metaphysics). Ed. D. Gutas. Philosophia Antiqua, 119. Leiden, Brill, 2010.*

Les Belles Lettres

THÈOPHRASTE, Métaphysique. Texte edite, tr. et annote par A. Laks et G. W. Most et al. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1993. 2002. XC+101 p. [PUC] [UNICAMP] [USP]

THÈOPHRASTE, Caractères. Texte établi et traduit par O. Navarre. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1920. 1924. 1931. 1952, ed. rev. et corrig. 2003. 104 p. [PUC] [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP]

THÈOPHRASTE, Recherches sur les plantes. Texte etabi et tr. par S. Amigues. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1988. 3 vols. [UNICAMP] [USP]

THÉOPHRASTE, Les causes des phénomènes végétaux. Tome I. Livres I et II. Texte établi et tr. par S. Amigues. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2012. XXXII+364 p.*

Bibliotheca Oxoniensis

Theophrasti Characteres. Recognoviti breviqve adnotatione critica instrvxit H. Diels. Bibliotheca Oxoniensis. Oxonii, Clarendoniano, 1957. 30 p. [USP]


THEOPHRASTUS, The characters. Tr. J. S. Rusten et al. Loeb. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard UP / London, Heinemann, 1953. 19932. IX+574 p. [UNICAMP] [USP]

THEOPHRASTUS, De causis plantarum. Enquiry into plants and minor works on odours and weather signs. Tr. B. Einarson and G. K. K. Link, A. Hort. Loeb. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard UP / London, Heinemann, 1916-1926. 1949. 1976-1990. 3 vols. [UNICAMP] [USP]



TEOFRASTO et al., Caracteres [...]. Intr., tr. y notas de E. Ruiz. Biblioteca Clásica Gredos, 119. Madrid, Gredos, 1988. 327 p. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP]

TEOFRASTO, Os caracteres. Tr. D. Malhadas e H. Sarian. São Paulo, USP, 1978. 170 p. [USP]

THEOPHRASTUS, The characters. Tr. R. G. Ussher. London, Bristol Classical, [1960] 1993. XIV+330 p. [USP]

THEOPHRASTUS, Characters. Ed. with intr., tr. and commentary by J. Diggle. Cambridge classical texts and commentaries, 43. Cambridge, UP, 2004. 2007. VIII+600 p. [UNICAMP] [USP]

THEOPHRASTUS, The characters and MENANDER, Plays and fragments. Tr. P. Vellacott. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 19732. 247 p. [USP]

THEOPHRASTE, Caracteres. Tr. et postface de X. Bordes. Paris, Mille et une nuits, 1996. 71 p. [UNICAMP]


THEOPHRASTE, La métaphysique. Tr. et notes par J. Tricot. Paris, Vrin, 1948. XI+43 p. [UNICAMP] [USP]

THEOPHRASTUS, Metaphysics. With facing tr., intr. and commentary by W. D. Ross and F. H. Fobes. Chicago, Ares, 1978. 87 p. [UNICAMP]

THEOPHRASTUS, Metaphysics. With an intr., tr. and commentary by M. van Raalte. Mnemosyne. Leiden, Brill, 1993. 676 p.# [UNICAMP]

TEOFRASTO, Algunas cuestiones de metafísica. Ed. bil. Tr. M. Candel. Barcelona, Anthropos, 1991. 50 p. [UNICAMP] [USP]


THEOPHRAST, Die logischen Fragmente des Theophrast. Hrsg. A. Graeser. Berlin, de Gruyter, 1972. 122 S. [USP]

TEOFRASTO, Historia de las plantas. Intr., tr. y notas de J. M. Díaz-Regañón López. Biblioteca Clásica Gredos, 112. Madrid, Gredos, 2008. 531 p. [UFSCar] [USP]

TEOFRASTO, Sobre las sensaciones. Ed. bil. Tr. J. Solana Dueso. Barcelona, Anthropos, 20062 ed. cor.. 159 p. [USP]

BERNAYS, J., Hrsg., Theophrastos’ Schrift über Froömmigkeit: mit Bemerkungen zu Porphyrios’ Schrift über Enthaltsamkeit. Hildesheim, Olms, 1979. 195 p. [USP]

Comentários antigos e medievais

enéas de gaza, ca. 450-ca. 534

ÆNEAS GAZÆOS, Theophrastus, sive De animarum immortalitate et corporum resurrectione dialogus, PG, 85. Turnhout, Brepols, [1864]. 932 p. [UNICAMP e USP Ed. online]

ENEA DI GAZA, Theophrastus. Intr., testo critico, tr. e commentario a cura di M. M. Colonna. Naples, Iodice, 1958. XL+161 p.

AENEAS OF GAZA, Theophrastus. With ZACHARIAS OF MYTILENE, Ammonius. Tr. J. Dillon, D. Russell, and S. Gertz. Ancient Commentators on Aristotle. Bloomsbury, Bristol Classical, [2012] 2014. 216 p.*

prisciano de lídia, fl. séc. vi

Excerptorum Constantini De natura animalium libri duo. Pars I: Aristophanis historiae animalium epitome. Pars II: Prisciani Lydi quae extant. Pars I: Subiunctis Aeliani Thimothei aliorumque eclogis. Pars II: Metaphrasis in Theophrastum et Solutionum ad Choasroem liber. Ed. S. P. Lambros et al., 1886. CAG, Supplementum aristotelicum, I, I-II. Berlin, de Gruyter, 1962. 2011*. 328 p. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP]

Expositio Prisciani & Marsilii in Theophrastü de sensu, phantasia, & intellectu in Iamblichus de mysteriis Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum. Sammelband neuplatonischer Schriften übersehen und hrsg. von Marsilius Ficinus. Venedig, 1516. Frankfurt, Minerva, 1972. 367 S. [USP]

PRISCIAN, On Theophrastus On sense-perception. Tr. P. Huby. With SIMPLICIUS, On Aristotle’s On the soul 2.5-12. Tr. by C. Steel and J. O. Urmson; notes by P. Lautner. Ancient commentators on Aristotle. London, Duckworth / Ithaca, Cornell UP, 1997. 261 p. [UFSCar] [USP]

pedro de alvernia, ca.1240-1304

PETRUS DE ALVERNIA, Sententia super librum “De vegetabilibus et plantis”. Commentary on a collection of botanic texts by Aristotle and Theophrastus, compiled by Nicolaus Damascenus. Ed. E. L. J. Poortman. Aristoteles semitico-latinus, 13. Leiden, Brill, 2003. XLII+204 p. [UFSCar] [USP]

Alguns comentários contemporâneos

ALGRA, K. A., et al., eds., Polyhistor: studies in the history and historiography of ancient philosophy. Philosophia antiqua, 72. Leiden, Brill, 1996. X+438 p. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP]

Aristoteles Werk und Wirkung: Paul Moraux gewidmet. 1. Aristoteles und seine Schule. 2. Kommentierung, Uberlieferung, Nachleben. Hrsg. J. Wiesner. Berlin, de Gruyter, 1985-1987. 2 Bd. [UFSCar] [USP]

AX, W., Laut, Stimme und Sprache. Studien zu drei Grundbegriffen der antiken Sprachtheorie. Hypomnemata, 84. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1986. 290 p. [USP]

BALTUSSEN, H., Theophrastus against the Presocratics and Plato. Peripatetic dialectic in the De sensibus. Philosophia antiqua, 86. Leiden, Brill, 2000. XIV+285 p. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP]

BÉNATOUÏL, T., and BONAZZI, M., eds., Theoria, praxis and the contemplative life after Plato and Aristotle. Philosophia antiqua, 131. Brill, Leiden 2012. 295 p.*

BERETTA, M., ed., When glass matters: studies in the history of science and art from Graeco-Roman antiquity to early modern era. Biblioteca di Nuncius, studi e testi, 53. Firenze, Olschki, 2004. XIV+355 p. [USP]

BILDE, P., et al., eds., Conventional values of the Hellenistic Greeks. Studies in Hellenistic civilization, 8. Aarhus, UP, 1997. 325 p. [USP]

BOBRICK, E. A., Theophrastus’ Characters. Bryn Mawr Greek Commentaries. Bryn Mawr, Thomas Library, 1991. 31 p. [UFSCar] [USP] [NA]

DOLLIN, J. M., and ELKAISY-FRIEMUTH, M., eds., The afterlife of the platonic soul. Reflections of platonic psychology in the monotheistic religions. Studies in platonism, neoplatonism, and the platonic tradition, 9. Leiden, Brill, 2009. X+236 p. [USP]

FORTENBAUGH, W. W., Aristotle on emotion: a contribution to philosophical psychology, rhetoric, poetics, politics, and ethics. London, Duckworth, 20022. 142 p. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP]

FORTENBAUGH, W. W., Aristotle’s practical side: on his psychology, ethics, politics and rhetoric. Philosophia Antiqua, 101. Leiden, Brill, 2007. XII+482 p. [UFSCar] [USP]

FREDE, D., and LAKS, A., eds., Traditions of theology. Studies in Hellenistic theology. Its background and aftermath. Eighth Symposium hellenisticum. Philosophia antiqua, 89. Leiden, Brill 2002. XIV+343 p. [UFSCar] [USP]

GEMELLI MARCIANO, M. L., Democrito e l’Accademia. Studi sulla trasmissione dell’atomismo antico da Aristotele a Simplicio. Studia praesocratica, 1. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2007. XII+376 p. [UFSCar] [USP]

GIGANTE, M., Kepos e Peripatos. Contributo alla storia dell’aristotelismo antico. Elenchos, 29. Napoli, Bibliopolis, 1999. 159 p. [UFSCar] [USP]

IRBY-MASSIE, G. L., and KEYSER, P. T., eds., Greek science of the Hellenistic era. A sourcebook. London, Routledge, 2002. XXXV+392 p. [USP]

de JONGE, C. C., ed., Between grammar and rhetoric: Dionysius of Halicarnassus on language, linguistics and literature. Mnemosyne, 301. Leiden, Brill, 2008. XIII+456 p. [USP]

KAMP, A., Philosophiehistorie als Rezeptionsgeschichte. Die Reaktion auf Aristoteles’ De Anima-Noetik. Der frühe Hellenismus. Bochumer Studien zur Philosophie, 33. Amsterdam, Grüner, 2001. VIII+315 p. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP] [NA]

LAKS, A., Histoire, doxographie, vérité. Études sur Aristote, Théophraste et la philosophie présocratique. Aristote, traductions et études. Louvain-la-Neuve, Peeters, 2007. XII+294 p. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP]

MIRHADY, D. C., ed., Influences on Peripatetic rhetoric. Essays in honor of William W. Fortenbaugh. Philosophia Antiqua, 105. Leiden, Brill, 2007. VIII+282 p. [UFSCar] [USP]

PAVORD, A., The naming of names: the search for order in the world of plants. New York, Bloomsbury, 2005. 471 p. [USP]

SEDLEY, D., Lucretius and the transformation of Greek wisdom. Cambridge, UP, 1998. 2003. XVIII+234 p. [UNICAMP] [USP] [ebook]

STANNARD, J., Herbs and herbalism in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Aldershot, Ashgate, 1999. 322 p. [UNICAMP] [USP]

STRATTON, G. M., Theophrastus and the Greek physiological psychology before Aristotle. Amsterdam, E. J. Bonset, 1964. 227 p. [USP]

VOELKE, A.-J., Rapports avec autrui dans la philosophie grecque: d’Aristote a Panétius. Bibliothèque d’histoire de la philosophie. Paris, Vrin, 1961. 206 p. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP]

ZHMUD, L., The origin of the history of science in Classical Antiquity. Tr. A. Chernoglazov. Peripatoi, 19. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2006. X+331 p. [UNICAMP] [USP]

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