1. Importance of the book.
2. About classic literature.
3. About detective stories.
Books and friends should be few but good," says an English proverb. "Except a living man there is nothing more wonderful than a book! They teach us and open their hearts to us as brothers," wrote Charles Kingsley, an English writer of the 19th century. The book is certainly one of the greatest human inventions. It is a friend and a teacher. We learn many things by reading books. Books teach people to live. After reading some books it is easy to understand what should be done and what must not be done. One can learn a lot by reading books.
There are a lot of libraries in our country, where we can choose any book we need. Everyone has the right to use public libraries. The librarian is always ready to help you to find a book on any subject, even if you do not know the title of the book you want. Those who know how to use the library catalogue can find the books without consulting the librarian.
Talks, exhibitions and other events take place in libraries. Book lists are prepared beforehand to awake a new interest among the visitors. Except reading special and scientific literature it is a great pleasure to read belles-lettres.
Different people like to read different kinds of books. It depends on one's taste and character. Some people prefer detectives or science fiction. Others like historical books. Girls and women prefer love stories. Children like comics very much.
As for me, I prefer ... My favourite book is ... It is very interesting and exciting. The main character of the book is ... He (she) is a real personality. He (she) is clever (kind, courageous, strong, merry). I wish to be like him (her).
We can't imagine our life without books. They play a very important part in our life.
Books are our friends. We meet them when we are very small and can't read, but we remember our mother read them for us. We learn very much from books.
Books educate people in different spheres of life. They develop our imagination, make us think and analyse. They help to form our character and the world outlook. Books help us in self education and in deciding problems of life. They make our life more interesting.
People read both for knowledge and for pleasure. Different people read different books. They help us with our lessons and work. We read serious books which help us understand the life, give us answers to questions which worry us, they make us think.
Many people enjoy so-called "easy reading"- detectives, amusing, humorous stories, fantastic. But so many people, so many tastes.
As for me, I prefer to read adventure stories, full of interesting real fact and pictures, and detectives. My favourite author is Arthur Conan Doyle with his Holmes' adventures
There is an English proverb that says, "Books and friends should be few but good". And "Except a living man there is nothing more wonderful than a book!" I totally agree with it.
Any book is a wonderful thing! Just imagine – it may seem that it's just paper pages with a cover and letters inside, sometimes with pictures. But the moment you start reading a book the whole new world opens to you! New characters, scenes, lives, events. It's like real life in miniature. So, a book is truly one of the greatest inventions of man. We learn so many things by reading books. Books teach us to live. A book can be a faithful friend and a teacher. Reading a book you open new horizons for yourself. A book can form our values and our characters. It gives us an opportunity to imagine the future and to look into the past. One can learn a lot by reading books. And I am sure that the time spent on a good book is never wasted. And it's really a pity that people started to read less. But it, of course, depends on the author greatly too and on his or her talent.
Books are of great help in any education. That's why we have so many libraries in our country where we can choose any book we like or need. There are different kinds of books in any library – special literature, belles lettres, science fiction, periodicals like magazines and newspapers and so much more. Everyone has the right to use public libraries. The librarian is always ready to help you to find a book on any subject.
But nowadays Internet libraries have become more popular and people use them more often. Now we can find and read on-line almost any book or literary piece in the Internet. And I find it very convenient. Because it saves time a lot. But I am sure that no matter how convenient it is to get a book on-line there is still no bigger pleasure than reading a printed book.
Different people like to read different kinds of it. It depends on one's character and taste. Some people prefer fiction (novels, stories, short stories), some prefer detectives or science fiction. Others like historical books. Girls and women prefer love stories. Children like comics very much.
As for me, I'm personally fond of reading books. I like reading fiction.
I prefer reading science fiction. It is so interesting to read books by George Herbert Wells or Isaac Asimov. They speak about such things that have become real. How did they know? How could they know? That's a mystery and it is what makes science fiction interesting and fascinating
Books... I think that we can't live without them. I believe that books stay with us for all our life. When I was a child my parents read them to me. I was happy to listen to the stories and tales. I learned a lot of interesting things from books. I remember that I liked thick books. Later I've learnt to read myself. I like to read books about animals, nature and children. I like to get presents on my birthday. I am happy if it is a book. It doesn't matter what kind of book it is. I like to read almost all books. If I have spare time, I spend it with my favourite book.
When I was fifteen I was fond of reading too. But I preferred to read books about travels. I travelled with the heroes of the stories. I saw many interesting places and learned a lot of important facts about other countries and people. Now I like to read books about science. You can learn a lot from books. I am sure that books play a very important role in my life.
Our family has got many books. All the members of our family buy books and read them. My mother says that books help us in our self-education. In ancient times books were written by hand. It was difficult to write a book with a pen. Then printing came into our life. Printing played an important role in the development of literature and culture. Now there are a lot of books in the shops, there are many books in our homes. But it is expensive to buy all the books we want to read. That's why we can read books in public libraries.
There are many problems in our life and sometimes it is difficult to solve them. I think that books can help us in it. Last year I read a very interesting book titled "An American Tragedy" by Theodore Dreiser. This novel was published at the beginning of the 20th century. The novel describes the tragic fate of a boy and a girl, Clyde and Roberta by name. It is a sad story. This novel was written many years ago, but it is still popular nowadays. Books must be our friends during all our life.
Kitoblar va do'stlar oz bo'lishi kerak, lekin yaxshi bo'lishi kerak." Ingliz maqolida: "Tirik odamdan boshqa kitobdan ajoyib narsa yo'q! Ular bizga aka-uka sifatida o‘rgatadi va qalblarini ochadi”, deb yozgan edi 19-asr ingliz yozuvchisi Charlz Kingsli. Kitob, albatta, insoniyatning eng buyuk ixtirolaridan biri. Bu do‘st va o‘qituvchi. Biz o‘qish orqali ko‘p narsalarni o‘rganamiz. kitoblar Kitoblar odamlarni yashashga o'rgatadi Ba'zi kitoblarni o'qigandan so'ng nima qilish kerakligini va nima qilmaslik kerakligini tushunish oson.Kitob o'qish orqali ko'p narsalarni o'rganish mumkin
Mamlakatimizda kutubxonalar juda ko‘p bo‘lib, u yerda o‘zimizga kerakli kitobni tanlashimiz mumkind Har kim ommaviy kutubxonalardan foydalanish huquqiga ega. Kutubxonachi har doim h tayyorhar qanday mavzu bo'yicha kitob topishga yordam bering, hatto uning nomini bilmasangiz hamk siz xohlaysiz. Kutubxona katalogidan foydalanishni biladiganlar kitoblarni kutubxonachi bilan maslahatlashmasdan topishlari mumkin. Kutubxonalarda suhbatlar, ko'rgazmalar va boshqa tadbirlar o'tkaziladi. Kitob ro'yxatlari tashrif buyuruvchilarda yangi qiziqish uyg'otish uchun oldindan tayyorlanadi. Maxsus o'qishdan tashqari ava ilmiy adabiyotlarda belles-lettres o'qish katta zavq bag'ishlaydi. Turli xil odamlar turli xil kitoblarni o'qishni yaxshi ko'radilar. Bu odamning didiga va xarakteriga bog'liq. Ba'zi odamlar detektiv yoki ilmiy fantastikalarni afzal ko'radilar Boshqalar tarixiy kitoblarni yoqtirishadi Qizlar va ayollar sevgi hikoyalarini afzal ko'radilar Bolalar komikslarni juda yaxshi ko'radilar.Menga kelsak. Men afzal ko'raman Mening sevimli kitobim Bu juda qiziqarli va hayajonli ThKitobning asosiy qahramoni - u (u) haqiqiy shaxs. U (u) aqllir(mehribon, jasur, kuchli, quvnoq). Men u (u) kabi bo'lishni xohlayman.Biz hayotimizni kitoblarsiz tasavvur qila olmaymiz. Ular bizning hayotimizda juda muhim rol o'ynaydie Kitoblar bizning do'stlarimiz. Biz ularni juda kichkina bo'lganimizda va o'qiy olmaganimizda uchratamiz, lekinonamiz ularni biz uchun o'qiganini eslaymiz. Biz kitoblardan ko'p narsani o'rganamiz. Kitoblar insonni hayotning turli sohalarida tarbiyalaydi. Ular bizning tasavvurimizni rivojlantiradi, bizni fikrlashga va tahlil qilishga majbur qiladi. Ular bizning xarakterimiz va dunyoqarashimizni shakllantirishga yordam beradi. Kitoblar bizga o'z-o'zini tarbiyalashda va hayot muammolarini hal qilishda yordam beradi. Ular hayotingizni yanada qiziqarli qiladiOdamlar bilim olish uchun ham, zavqlanish uchun ham o'qiydilar. Turli odamlar turli kitoblarni o'qiydilar, ular bizga darslarimizda va ishimizda yordam beradi. Biz hayotni tushunishimizga yordam beradigan jiddiy kitoblarni o'qiymiz. bizni tashvishga solayotgan savollarga javob bering. qiladilaro'ylaymizKo'pchilik "oson o'qish" deb ataladigan narsalarni yoqtiradi.detektivlar, kulgili, kulgili hikoyalar, fantastik. Lekin juda ko'p odamlar. juda ko'p tastesMenga kelsak, men sarguzashtli hikoyalarni o'qishni afzal ko'raman, ular qiziqarli real faktlar va rasmlarga, detektivlarga to'la. Mening sevimli yozuvchim Artur Konan Doyl, Xolmsning sarguzashtlari bilanIngliz tilida shunday degan maqol bor."Kitoblar va do'stlar kam, lekin yaxshi bo'lishi kerak va" Tirik odamdan boshqa kitobdan ajoyib narsa yo'q!es ichida muqova va harflar, ba'zan rasmlar bilan. Ammo kitob o'qishni boshlaganingizdan so'ng siz uchun butunlay yangi dunyo ochiladi! Yangi belgilar, sahnalar, hayot, voqealar. Bu miniatyuradagi haqiqiy hayotga o'xshaydi. Demak, kitob haqiqatan ham insonning eng buyuk kashfiyotlaridan biridir. Kitob sodiq do'st va o'qituvchi bo'lishi mumkin. Kitob o'qish o'zingiz uchun yangi ufqlarni ochasiz. Kitob bizning qadriyatlarimiz va xarakterlarimizni shakllantirishi mumkin. Bu bizga kelajakni tasavvur qilish va o'tmishga qarash imkoniyatini beradi. Kitob o'qish orqali ko'p narsalarni o'rganish mumkin. Ishonchim komilki, yaxshi kitobga sarflangan vaqt hech qachon bo'lmaganted. Va haqiqatan ham odamlar kamroq o'qishni boshlagani juda achinarli. Lekin bu, albatta, ko'p jihatdan muallifga va uning iste'dodiga bog'liq. Kitoblar har qanday ta'limda katta yordam beradi. Shuning uchun bizda juda ko'p kutubxonalar mavjud i Mamlakatimizda o'zimizga yoqqan yoki kerakli kitobni tanlashimiz mumkin. Turli xillari bor har qanday kutubxonadagi kitob turlari-maxsus adabiyotlar, bellesLettres ilmiy fantastika, jurnallar va gazetalar kabi davriy nashrlar va boshqalarKo'proq. Har kim ommaviy kutubxonalardan foydalanish huquqiga ega. Kutubxonachi har doim sizga har qanday mavzu bo'yicha kitob topishda yordam berishga tayyor, ammo bugungi kunda Internet kutubxonalari tobora ommalashib bormoqda va odamlar ulardan foydalanadilar.yanada tez-tez. Endi biz Internetda deyarli har qanday kitob yoki adabiy asarni topishimiz va o'qishimiz mumkin. Va men buni juda qulay deb bilaman.Chunki bu vaqtni ancha tejaydi. Ammo ishonchim komilki, kitobni onlayn olish qanchalik qulay bo'lmasin, bosma kitobni o'qishdan ko'ra katta zavq yo'q. Turli odamlar uning turli turlarini o'qishni yaxshi ko'radilar. Bu insonning xarakteriga va didiga bog'liq. Ba'zi odamlar fantastika (romanlar, hikoyalar, qisqa hikoyalar), ba'zilar detektiv yoki ilmiy-fantastikani afzal ko'radilar Boshqalar tarixiy kitoblarni yoqtirishadi Qizlar va ayollar sevgi hikoyalarini afzal ko'radi. Bolalar komikslarni juda yaxshi ko'radilar.Menga kelsak, shaxsan men kitob o‘qishni yaxshi ko‘raman. Men badiiy adabiyot o‘qishni yaxshi ko‘ramanMen ilmiy fantastika o'qishni afzal ko'raman. Jorj Herbe rt Uells yoki Isaak Asimovning kitoblarini o'qish juda qiziq. Ular haqiqatga aylangan narsalar haqida gapirishadi. Ular qayerdan bilishdi? Ular qayerdan bilishadi? Bu sir va ilmiy fantastikani qiziqarli va jozibali qiladigan narsaKitoblar, men ularsiz yashay olmaymiz deb o'ylayman. Kitoblar hayotimiz davomida biz bilan qolishiga ishonaman. Bolaligimda ota-onam ularni menga o'qigan. Men hikoyalar va ertaklarni tinglashdan xursand bo'ldim. Men kitoblardan juda ko'p qiziqarli narsalarni o'rgandim. Esimda, men qalin kitoblarni yoqtirardim, keyinroq o'zim o'qishni o'rgandim, hayvonlar, tabiat va bolalar haqidagi kitoblarni o'qishni yaxshi ko'raman. Men tug'ilgan kunimda sovg'a olishni yaxshi ko'raman, agar bu kitob bo'lsa, xursandman. Qanday kitob ekanligi muhim emas. Men deyarli barcha kitoblarni o'qishni yaxshi ko'raman, agar bo'sh vaqtim bo'lsa, uni sevimli kitobim bilan o'tkazaman.O'n besh yoshimda men ham o'qishni yaxshi ko'rardim. Lekin men sayohatlar haqidagi kitoblarni o'qishni afzal ko'rardim. Men hikoyalar qahramonlari bilan sayohat qildim. Men ko'plab qiziqarli joylarni ko'rdim va boshqa mamlakatlar va odamlar haqida juda ko'p muhim faktlarni bilib oldim. Endi men ilm-fan haqidagi kitoblarni o'qishni yaxshi ko'raman. Siz kitoblardan ko'p narsalarni o'rganishingiz mumkin. Ishonchim komilki, kitoblar mening hayotimda juda muhim rol o'ynaydi. Bizning oilamizda ko'plab kitoblar bor. Barcha mem to'rt oila kitob va real sotib oladid ularni. Onamning aytishicha, kitoblar o'zimizni tarbiyalashimizga yordam beradi. Qadim zamonlarda kitoblar qo'lda yozilgan. Qalam bilan kitob yozish qiyin edi. Keyin matbaa hayotimizga kirdi. Adabiyot va madaniyat rivojida matbaa muhim rol o‘ynadi. Hozir do‘konlarda kitoblar ko‘p, uylarimizda kitoblar ko‘p. Ammo biz o'qimoqchi bo'lgan barcha kitoblarni sotib olish qimmat. Shuning uchun ham jamoat kutubxonalarida kitob o‘qishimiz mumkin. Hayotimizda ko'plab muammolar mavjud va ba'zida ularni hal qilish qiyin. BuBunda kitoblar bizga yordam berishi mumkinligiga ishoning. O'tgan yili men juda qiziqarli kitobni "ATeodor Drayzerning "Amerika fojiasi" romani. Bu roman begida nashr etilgan20-asrning boshlari. Romanda o'g'il va qizning fojiali taqdiri tasvirlangan.Klayd va Roberta nomi bilan. Bu qayg'uli hikoya. Bu roman ko'p yillar yozilganoldin, lekin hozir ham mashhur. Kitoblar butun hayotimiz davomida bizning do'stimiz bo'lishi kerak.
1.which type of book our parents read for us?
A) story
B) fairytales
C) novels
D) psychological books
2. Which type of books are not recommended to children?
A) love story
B) detective
D) novels
3.which type of book his parents love?
A) novels
B) love story
C) classical literature
D) detective
4.which type of book is unique?
Classical literature
5.which books give to them relax?
A) love story
B) novels
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