623-21 group student Bakhtiyorov Muhammadqodir
Lesson 1
Write about fault diagnosis and gif solutions for them. .
Blank screen
Sometimes, when repairing faulty computers, they can be misdiagnosed. This
problem needs to be corrected quickly. As soon as
an incorrect diagnosis is
detected, it is necessary to correct it or contact another specialist. need
Installation problems
When you install any program on your computer, the software or software of
the program may not be compatible.
Drive fragmentation
Fragmentation occurs on a hard drive, a memory module, or other media
when data isn't written closely enough physically on the drive. Those
fragmented, individual pieces of data are referred to generally as fragments
Unplugged or disconnected from the power source
The computer must always be connected to the power supply. The computer
will not work without electricity!
Lesson 2
Look at the meanings of these progamming instructions. Ask
and answer questions about how each of the instructions
controls information. Use make and cause.
1. Cout: sends out information to the screen
the Cout command is selected, the data is sent to the screen
2. Cin: takes input from the keyboard
The Cin command enters data into a computer using the keyboard
3. Rename: changes a filename
Allows you to
rename a file
4. Exit: stops a program
Stops the program and closes the window
5. Time: returns the number of seconds since midnight on 1 January 1970
Time is taken into account and it is calculated from the midnight part of
January 1, 1970
6. Remove: deletes a file
This command deletes the selected file from memory
Lesson 3
Answer the questions from the task above.
1. What is a multimeter used for?
A multimeter or a multitester, also known as a volt/ohm meter or VOM, is an
electronic measuring instrument that combines several measurement functions
in one unit. A typical multimeter may include features such as the
ability to
measure voltage, current and resistance.
2. What is the cable tester used for?
A cable tester is an electronic device used to verify the electrical connections in
a signal cable or other wired assembly. Basic cable testers are continuity testers
that verify the existence of a conductive path between ends of the cable, and
verify the correct wiring of connectors on the cable.
3. What is a system diagnostic card used for?
Diagnostic cards are today mainly used by designers of
motherboards and
extension cards, along with logic analyzers and other debug tools and interfaces.
They are less commonly used in the 21st century for computer repair and by
system integrators, but remain available.
4. What is the diagnostic software used for?
Computer diagnostic tools can be used scan your computer's hard drive, check
your ram for errors, check cpu temp and give you information about any other
devices connected to your computer. These tools are
made to find problems that
may be disrupting your computer's normal performance.
Leson 4
Write a short report to the IT supervisor on the most serious
incident. You will need to give recommendations on how to deal
with the incident
Coution It is necassary to immediately install software on the compyter system
infected with the virus.