Bog'liq Biologiya fakulteti talabalari uchun Ingliz tili. Nazarova D
Grammar Practice 4. Find examples of past tense passives and past perfect
tense passives in the text. Why are the verbs in the passive
form? Vocabulary 5. Use your dictionary to find out more about these
words which appear in the reading text.________________ bribery export/import illegal poaching solution j
threaten 1. What is the name given to money (or other things)
which is offered in bribery?
2. What is the difference in the pronunciation of import and
export when they are verbs and nouns?
3. What is the opposite of illegal? What is the difference
between illegal and immoral?
4. The verb is to poach. What do you call a person who
5. What is the verb related to the abstract noun solution?
6. Threaten is a verb. Is there a related abstract noun?