Bibliographia Shestoviana Serbica by Bogdan Lubardic I. Works by Shestov in Serbian

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Bibliographia Shestoviana Serbica

by Bogdan Lubardic

I. Works by Shestov in Serbian

(23 items)

(given in chronological order)

*. Lev Shestov, Dostoevsky and Nietzsche: the Philosophy of Tragedy (= Lav Sestov, Dostojevski i Nice: filozofija tragedije, tr. M. Djordjevic, Slovo ljubve, Beograd 1979, 311 pp) — this work also contains a preface by M. Djordjevic, and an afterward essay by N. Milosevic.
*. Lev Shestov, Sine effusione sanguinis: on Philosophical Honesty (= Lav Sestov, Sine effusione sanguinis: o filosofskom postenju, Ideje, 2-3 [1980], 7-29)
*. Lev Shestov, The Good in the Teaching of Tolstoy and Nietzsche: Philosophy and Preaching (= Lav Sestov, Dobro u učenju grofa Tolstoja i Nicea, tr. M. Djordjevic, [Kristali 1: ed. D. Kalajic], Knјizevne novine, Beograd 1981, 167 pp) — this work also contains a preface in form of the Czeslaw Milosz essay: Shestov, or the Purity of Despair [in Emperor of the Earth:Modes of Eccentric Thinking, University of California Press, Berkeley 1977, pp. 99-119], and an afterward essay by M. Djordjevic.
*. Lev Shestov, A Diary of Thoughts (= Lav Sestov, Dnevnik misli, tr. B. Rajic, Letopis Matice srpske, 6 [dec, 1981], 901-912)
*. Lev Shestov, Dostoevsky and Nietzsche; Overcoming the Self-Evident, in Russian Religious Philosophy and Dostoevsky: Sestov and Rozanov on F. M. Dostoevsky as Thinker (= Lav Sestov, Dostojevski i Nice; Prevazilazenje samoocevidnosti, in Ruska religijska filozofija i F. M. Dostojevski: Dostojevski kao mislilac [knjiga 8], tr. M. Djordjevic & M. Colic, Partizanska knjiga: Ljubljana & OOUR IPD Beograd 1982, 379 pp) — apart from translations of V. V. Rozanov`s Commentary on the Legend of the Grand Inquisitor & Religion as Light and Joy & Preface to In the Dark Rays of Religion, — this work contains translations of Shestov`s book on Dostoevsky and Nietzsche (published in St Petersburg in 1903) and Shestov`s piece on the Self-Evident.
*. Lev Shestov, Under the Power of Ideas (= Lav Sestov, U vlasti ideja, in U vlasti ideja: polemika Mereskovski – Sestov, tr. M. Djordevic, Knjizevne novine, Beograd 1988, 31-55) — this work is a translation of Shestov`s Власт идей Д. Мережковский: “Л. Толстой и Достоевский”.

*. Lev Shestov, Soul and Existence (= Lav Sestov, Dusa i egzistencija, tr. & ed. Lj. Jovanovic, Tainska sfera, Sfairos, Budva 1989, 257 pp) — this work is a selected sum of 6 Shestov's studies + 11 aphorisms; it is opened by an introductory essay written by Milan Petrovic (cf. idem, The Philosophy of Lev Shestov and the Russian Religious-Philosophical Renaissance of the XX Century, op. cit., 7-34).

*. Lev Shestov, Athens and Jerusalem (= Lav Sestov, Atina i Jerusalim, tr. M. Djordjevic, Arche, Mediteran, Budva 1990, 311 pp)1 — this work is a translation of the Russian original published by YMCA-Press Paris in 1951.

*. Lev Shestov, In Memory of a Great Philosopher: Edmund Husserl (= Lav Sestov, Uspomene na velikog filozofa [Edmund Huserl], tr. D. Aranitovic, Letopis Matice srpske, 5 [1992], 808-832) — this work is a translation of the Russian original published in Russkiye zapiski, 12 (1938), and later reprinted in idem, Speculation and Revelation: the Religious Philosophy of Vladimir Soloviev and Other Essays, YMCA Press, Paris 1964.
*. Lev Shestov, Darings and Submissions (= Lav Sestov, Smeonosti i pokornosti, tr. P. Vujicic, Istocnik, 1 [1992], 21-29)
*. Lev Shestov, Science and Free Exploration (= Lav Sestov, Nauka i slobodno istrazivanje, tr. B. Rajcic, Sveske, 17 [1993], 78-89)
*. Lev Shestov, Apotheosis of Groundlessness: An Attempt at Non-Dogmatic Thinking (= Lav Sestov, Apoteoza iskorenjenosti: pokusaj nedogmatskog misljenja, tr. M. Djordjevic, CID, Podgorica 1996, 193 pp)
*. Lev Shestov, Athens and Jerusalem (= Lav Sestov, Atina i Jerusalim, Pramafilba, Dositej, Beograd 1997, 421pp) — this work is a translation of the Russian original published by YMCA-Press Paris in 1951.

*. Lev Shestov, A. S. Pushkin (= Lav Sestov, A. S. Puskin, tr. D. Aranitovic, Meridijani, 3-4 [1999], 139-147)
*. Lev Shestov, The Second Dimension of Thought: Exercitia Spiritualia (= Lav Sestov, Druga dimenzija misljenja: exercitia spiritualia, tr. M. Stojnic, in M. Stojnic, Obzorje ruske misli, Zavet, Beograd 1999, 162-179)
*. Lev Shestov, In Memory of a Great Philosopher: Edmund Husserl (= Lav Sestov, Secanja na velikog filosofa: Edmund Huserl, tr. I. Maric, Istocnik 29-30 [1999], 29-46) — this work is a translation of the Russian original published in Russkiye zapiski, 12 (1938), and later reprinted in idem, Speculation and Revelation: the Religious Philosophy of Vladimir Soloviev and Other Essays, YMCA Press, Paris 1964.
*. Lev Shestov, A. S. Pushkin (= Lav Sestov, A. S. Puskin, tr. D. Aranitovic, Letopis Matice srpske, [mart, 2000], 253-264)
*. Lev Shestov, The Good in the Teaching of Tolstoy and Nietzsche: Philosophy and Preaching (= Lav Sestov, Dobro u ucenju grofa Tolstoja i Nicea: filosofija i propoved, tr. M. Djordjevic, Logos, Brimo, Beograd 2002, 160-269 pp) — this work is a translation of the Russian original published in St Petersburg in 1900; this volume is supplemented by an essay written by Mirko Djordjevic (cf. idem, The Face and Fancy of God Janus: on the Philosophical and Literary-Theoretical Conceptions of Lev Shestov, op. cit. 271-288).

*. Lev Shestov, Dostoevsky and Nietzsche: the Philosophy of Tragedy (= Lav Sestov, Dostojevski i Nice: filosofija tragedije, tr. M. Djordjevic, Logos, Brimo, Beograd 2002, 5-159 pp) — this work is a translation of the Russian original published in St Petersburg in 1903; this volume is suplemented by an essay written by Mirko Djordjevic (cf. ibid).

*. Lev Shestov, Potestas Clavium (= Lav Sestov, Potestas Clavium, tr. M. Djordjevic, Logos, Brimo, Beograd 2002, 277 pp) — this work is a translation of the Russian original published by Izdatelstvo Moskva [vol. I, 15-312] in 1993.

*. Lev Shestov, Kierkegaard and Existential Philosophy: the Voice of the One Weeping in the Desert (= Lav Shestov, Kjerkegor i egzistencijalna filosofija: glas vapijuceg u pustinji, tr. M. Grbic, notes: A. V. Akhutin, Plato, Beograd 2002, 277 pp) — this work is a full translation of the Russian original published by Progress - Gnosis in Moscow 1992.

*. Lev Shestov, Kierkegaaard as a Religious Philosopher (= Lav Sestov, Kjerkegor kao religiozni filosof, tr. I. Maric, Istocnik, 41 [2002], 12-30) — this work is a translation of the five lectures Shestov gave on Kierkegaard in 1937; here they are rendered into Serbian from the Russian original published in Russkiye zapiski, 3 (1938), and later reprinted in idem, Speculation and Revelation: the Religious Philosophy of Vladimir Soloviev and Other Essays, YMCA Press, Paris 1964.
*. Lev Shestov, Speculation and Revelation: the Religious Philosophy of Vladimir Soloviev and Other Essays (= Lav Shestov, Umozrenje i otkrivenje: religiozna filosofija Vladimira Solovjova i drugi clanci, tr. M. Grbic & I. Maric, Plato, Beograd 2003, 325 pp) — this work is a full translation of the Russian original published by YMCA-Press Paris in 1964 [it includes the essay on A. S. Pushkin Shestov wrote in 1899].

II. Works on Shestov in Serbian: Criticism and Reception

(26 items)

(given in chronological order)

*. M. S. [probably S. Maric – n. BL], Lev Shestov (= M. S., Lav Sestov, Letopis Matice srpske, [oktobar 1926], 170-171)

*. Maric, S., Lev Shestov: On Occasion of His 70th Birthday (= Maric, S., Lav Sestov: Povodom sedamdesetogodisnjice od rodjenja, Stamparija Jovanovic i Bogdanov, Novi Sad 1936, 16 pp + ibid, in Letopis Matice srpske, [jul-avgust 1936], 61-74) — this work is a monographical reflection on the ideas and character of L. Shestov.

*. Djordjevic, M., The Capricious GodThree Sketches for the Spiritual Portrait of Lev Shestov (= Djordjevic, M., Cudljivi Bogtri skice za duhovni portret Lava Shestova, in Lav Sestov, Dostojevski i Nice: filozofija tragedije, tr. M. Djordjevic, Slovo ljubve, Beograd 1979, 5-23)
*. Milosevic, N., Psychology and Philosophy of Lev Shestov (= Milosevic, N., Psihologija i filosofija Lava Sestova, in Lav Sestov, Dostojevski i Nice: filozofija tragedije, tr. M. Djordjevic, Slovo ljubve, Beograd 1979, 253-311)
*. Djordjevic, R., Shestov in Relation to Dostoevsky`s Themes (= Djordjevic, R., Sestov prema temama Dostojevskog, Ideje 2-3 [1980], 239-240)
*. Babovic, M., “The Legend of the Grand Inquisitor” as Poem (= Babovic, M., Poema “Veliki Inkvizitor”, Zbornik za slavistiku, 20 [1981], 23-54)

*. Milosz, Cz., Shestov, or the Purity of Despair (= Milos, C., Sestov, ili cistota ocajanja, in Lav Sestov, Dobro u učenju grofa Tolstoja i Nicea, tr. M. Djordjevic, [Kristali 1: ed. D. Kalajic], Knizevne novine, Beograd 1981) — this work is a translation of Cz. Milosz`s essay: Shestov, or the Purity of Despair [in Emperor of the Earth:Modes of Eccentric Thinking, University of California Press, Berkeley 1977, pp. 99-119]

*. Zivkovic, Z. S., A Synthesis on Antipodes: L. Shestov`s “The Good in the Teaching of Tolstoy and Nietzsche” (= Zivkovic, Z. S., Sinteza o antipodima: Lav Sestov “Dobro u ucenju grofa Tolstoja i Nicea” [NIRO Knjizevne novine, Beograd 1981], Letopis Matice srpske 5 [maj 1982 ], 979-982) — this work is a review of the Serbian translation of The Good in the Teaching of Tolstoy and Nietzsche by Lev Shestov.

*. Djordjevic, M., The Eternal Companion: D. S. Mereskovskyà propos the Mereskovsky vs Shestov polemic (= Djordjevic, M., Vecni saputnik D. S. Mereskovski: uz polemiku izmedju Mereskovskog i Sestova, in L. Sestov, U vlasti ideja, NIRO Knjizevne novine, Beograd 1988, pp. ii-x)
*. Petrovic, M., The Philosophy of Lev Shestov and the Russian Religious-Philosophical Renaissance of the XX Century (= Petrovic, M., Filosofija Lava Sestova i ruska religijska renesansa XX veka, in Lav Sestov, Dusa i egzistencija, tr. & ed. Lj. Jovanovic, Tainska sfera, Sfairos, Budva 1989, 7-34) — this work is an overview essay thematizing the philosophical currents in Russia at the turn of the XIX and beginning of XX century with respect to the thought of L. Shestov.

*. Kajtez, N., Praise to the Ineffable: L. Shestov`s “Athens and Jerusalem” (= Kajtez, N., Pohvala neizrecivom: Lav Sestov “Atina i Jerusalim” [Mediteran, Budva 1990], Letopis Matice srpske, 4 [april 1991], 672-674) — this work is a review of the first Serbian translation of Athens and Jerusalem by Lev Shestov.

*. Vukadinovic, Dj. The Philosophical-Religious Thought of Lev Shestov (= Vukadinovic, Dj., Filozofsko-religijska misao Lava Šestova, Dometi, 67 [zima 1991], 79–86)

*. Milosevic, N., Lev Shestov, in Orthodoxy and Democracy (= Milosevic, N., Lav Sestov, in Pravoslavlje i demokratija, Prometej : Novi Sad, Tersit : Beograd 1994, 49-57 [80pp]) — this work is a collection of short articles on 7 major Russian religious philosophers; it explores their philosophical and political viewpoints.

*. Maric, I., The Problem of Evil in the Philosophy of Lev Shestov (= Maric, I., Problem zla u filosofiji Lava Sestova, in Zbornik filozofsko-knjizevne skole u Krusevcu, Bagdala [Kn. Z. S.] 1996) — this work is an exploration of the conception of evil in Shestov`s thought, presented at the annual philosophical-literary seminar in Krusevac (SCG).

*. Gajic, D., Lev Shestov: Apotheosis of Groundlessness [CID Podgorica 1996] (= Gajic, D., Lav Sestov, Apoteoza iskorenjenosti [CID Podgorica 1996], Nasa Borba [17. 07. 1997], Podgorica) — this work is a review of the Serbian translation of Apotheosis of Groundlessness by Lev Shestov.

*. Berdyaev, N., Tragedy and Everydayness, in V. Medenica [ed] Tragedy and Everydayness: Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Rozanov, Bely, Ibzen, J.-K. Huysmans, Leontiev, Sestov, Spengler (= Berdjajev, N., Tragedija i svakodnevica, in V. Medenica [ed.] Tragedija i svakodnevica: Dostojevski, Tolstoj, Rozanov, Beli, Ibzen, Uismans, Leontjev, Sestov, Spengler, Ruski bogotrazitelji, Logos, Beograd 1997, 199 pp)

*. Stojnic, M., Traces of Russian Emigrés in European Literature: Philosophical Aspects of the Contribution of Russian Emigrés to Development of European Literature (= Tragovi ruske emigracije u evropskoj knjizevnoj misli: filozofski aspekti doprinosa ruske emigracije razvoju knjizevne misli u Evropi), Zbornik Matice srpske za slavistiku, 53 [1997], 221-233)

*. Rankovic, M., M. Stojnic and “The Horizon of Russian Thought” (= Rankovic, M., Mila Stojnic i “Obzorje ruske misli: Mereskovski, Ivanov, Sestov, Loski, Bulgakov, Berdjajev”, Zbornik Matice srpske za slavistiku, 54-55 [1998], 249-251) — this work is an review of the book by M. Stojnic on Russian religious philosophy and literature.

*. Stojnic, M., The Horizon of Russian Thought: Mereskovsky, Ivanov, Sestov, Loski, Bulgakov, Berdyaev (= Stojnic., M., Obzorje ruske misli kraja XIX i pocetka XX veka: Mereskovski, Ivanov, Sestov, Loski, Bulgakov, Berdjajev, Zavet, Beograd 1999, 5-128 [229 pp])

*. Djordjevic, M. The Face and Fancy of God Janus: on the Philosophical and Literary-Theoretical Conceptions of Lev Shestov (= Djordjevic, M. Cud i lice boga Janusa: o filosofskim i knjizevno-teorijskim shvatanjima L. Sestova, in Lav Sestov, Dobro u ucenju grofa Tolstoja i Nicea: filosofija i propoved, tr. M. Djordjevic, Logos, Brimo, Beograd 2002, 271-288)

*. Berdyaev, N., The Fundamental Idea of the Philosophy of Lev Shestov (= Berdjajev, N., Osnovna ideja filosofije Lava Sestova, tr. I. Maric, Istocnik 31-32 [1999], 82-85; + ibid, in Lav Shestov, Umozrenje i otkrivenje: religiozna filosofija Vladimira Solovjova i drugi clanci, tr. M. Grbic & I. Maric, Plato, Beograd 2003, 5-10)

*. Copleston, F., Lev Shestov, in Russian Religious Philosophy: Selected Aspects (= Koplston, F., Lav Sestov, in Ruska religiozna filozofija : izabrani aspekti, tr. S. Mojsic, Plato, Beograd 2003, 170 pp)
*. Akhutin, A. V., Lev Shestov (= Ahjutin, A. V., Lav Sestov, in: L. Sestov, Kjerkegor i egzistencijalna filosofija: glas vapijuceg u pustinji, tr. M. Grbic, Plato, Beograd 2002, 227-235)
*. Lubardic, B., From Logic of Reason (Ratio) to Metalogic of Faith (Fides): Judeo-Christian Philosophy According to the Teaching of Lev Shestov (= Lubardic, B., Od logike razuma [ratio] do metalogike vere [fides]: hriscanska filosofija prema ucenju Lava Sestova, Bogoslovlje, 1–2 [2003], 139-181) — this work explores the “conditions of possibility” for constituting religious philosophy in a context of biblical fideism.
*. Ivkovic, M., Nikolic, D. D., Lev Shestov and the Third Dimension of Thoughtan Experiment in Cainite Gnoseology (= Ivkovic, M., Nikolic, D. D., Lav Sestov i treca dimenzija misljenja opit iz kainos gnoseologije, Logos [2005], 319-348)

*. Lubardic, B., From Logic of Reason to Metalogic of Faith: Judeo-Christian Philosophy of Lev Shestov and Apophaticism (= Lubardic, B., Od logike razuma do metalogike vere: hriscanska filosofija Lava Sestova i apofatika, in D. Rakovic [ed.] Religija i epistemologija, Srpsko filosofsko drustvo, Beograd 2006, 40 pp – in press) — this work explores the relation of Shestov`s religious philosophy to the polyvalent currents of apophatic tradition: East and West.

1 There are yet another two translations of Shestov's Athens and Jerusalem in progress [in toto, and curiously enough, there are to be 4 versions in Serbian]. One of these is super-structured by a rigorous and minute running critical commentary. — This Bibliography, hopefully, shall be regularly updated. I am grateful to all specialists who have made available the COBISS.SR system for catalogue and bibliography research through the united consortium of Serbian libraries integrated via the National Library of Serbia; also many thanks to philosopher and poet Mr. Dejan Nikolic for precious hints and comments, and to the staff of University Library of Belgrade - n. BL
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