Way of communicating and working together.
Rapport b. colla boration c. working relationship
A system where some people have the right to get benefits promotions before others?
Packing order b.rapport c. job –share
Has the same position I does the the same job as me.
Pascing b. opposite number c. hierarchical
Communication / relationship
Collaboration b. hot-disking c. rapport
Working together and to achive goals.
Collaboration b. hot-desking c. rapport
Make decisions without being told what to do
Job-share b. rapport c. take the initiatevi
A policy of sharing desks in an office so people sit at whichever desk in free on particular day
CollaborВВБСЛОНВХЭЖСВЬҚnumber b.collabaration c. workmates. ВЧ\\ЦЙЎ9