5. Innovative, scalable new enterprises Innovative and scalable business start-ups play an important role in the development of Austria as a busi-
ness location as they contribute significantly to structural change. However, fewer individuals are planning
to form new enterprises in Austria over the coming years than in other countries, making it necessary to
prioritise a strengthening of entrepreneurial spirit both in education and in public relations work. In addi-
tion, various options for early stage financing via the Austria Wirtschaftsservice (aws) should motivate the
formation of new enterprises and encourage venture capitalists and business angels to contribute to the
long-term success of young companies.
2.6 Christian Doppler Research Association (CDG) 121
2.6.1 Profile and key figures The Christian Doppler Research Association (CDG) supports the establishment and operation of the Chris-
tian Doppler Laboratories (CD Laboratories) at universities and non-university research institutions and of
Josef Ressel Centres (JR Centres) at universities of applied sciences.
These efforts are aimed at promoting application-oriented basic research: This includes application-ori-
ented research activity as well as the necessary further development of the associated foundational sci-
entific knowledge. The participating researchers are granted scientific autonomy within this process. The
guiding research question comes from the companies, with no restrictions on the potential topics. Coop-
eration with companies generates new avenues of research and advances the state of knowledge in the
respective research fields. The research results then strengthen the innovative potential and competitive-
ness of the participating companies.
The promotional programmes of the Christian Doppler Research Association (CDG) are founded on the
basic assumption that companies actively participate over the entire term of the programme, in other
words seven years for CD Laboratories and five years for JR Centres. The research budget of a CD labora-
tory is up to €5.25 million, with an annual budget of up to €750,000. This is covered 50% by public funds,
or 60% in the case of SME participation. The public funds are provided by the Federal Ministry for Digital
and Economic Affairs (BMDW) and the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development
121 The deadline for report submission by funding recipients for the year 2019 is 31 January 2020. As a result, up-to-date
statistical data and accounting data for 2019 are currently not available in full (i.e. January 2020). The listed budgetary
data for 2019 therefore correspond to the maximum available budgetary framework and not the accounting data. Figures
for the year 2019 that have been approved and released by the CDG general meeting will be available after holding of the
general meeting in October 2020.