Audit and economical analysis

The classification of the accounting balance sheet asset

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complex. financial analaysis 2020-21.

The classification of the accounting balance sheet asset

Assets (A)

Long-term assets (UMA)

Current assets (JA)

Non - financial long - term assets (MBUMA)

Financial Long Term Assets (MUMA)

Non - financial current assets (MBJA)

FinancialCurrent assets (MJA)

Non-monetaryassets (PKBM)

Monetaryassets (PKM)

DepreciableAssets (QFS)

LiquidAssets (LA)


Table 51

Classification of passive balance of accounting balance

Passive (P)

Domestic Capital Resources (UMM)

Obligations (M)


Private Equity

Long-term loans and q offerings (UM)

Short-term loans and borrowings (KM)


liability (K)

Permanentliabilities (DP)

ObligatoryLiabilities (MP)



Common phrases


A = P              


UMA + JA = OMM + M


MBUMA + System Requirements + MBJA + Study MM + UM + Q = M + K


PKB A + PK A = DP + MP













Non-financial long-term assets include fixed assets, intangible assets, installations, capital investments.

Long-term investments in financial long-term assets are introduced.

Non-financial current assets include production reserves, uncompleted production, finished goods, goods, forward-looking expenses, delinquent expenses and receivables.

Financial current assets include cash, short-term financial investments and other current assets

Table 52

Affinity between different types of assets

Form of assets

Non – financial assets

Financial Equity

Total assets














Table 53

Constructing assets by content

The content of the asset wiping

Private (XK) *

Borrowed (LS)

Externaldebt (TQ) **

DomesticDebt (IQ) ***

* Sourceoffunds

** - Long and Short Term Loans and Payables, External Payables 

*** - Internal part of creditors' obligations


Private equity - receives unallocated profit and equity capital (including targeted earnings, upcoming payments and reimbursable reserves) of its own equity capital, fixed capital, reserve capital.

External debt includes bank loans and borrowings, advance payments, and part of creditworthiness liabilities to suppliers.

Domestic debt - interest on enterprise's wages, taxes, payments, and debts, interest on borrowed funds, liability for dividends to shareholders.

Table 54

Balance sheet items of property ownership district 


Owned property

Lending property


Non-monetary Property (PKB) = MBUMA + MUMA + MBJA




MonetaryProperty (PK) = MJA









Table 55

Changes in accounting balance sheets


We have debts per capita

Private property

Lending property

Debit balance at the end of the period

Growth rate

Loan balance perperiod






Non-monetary Property (PFBB)


< XK (PKB)

< QK (PKB)



MonetaryProperty (PFM)


< XK (PK)

< QK (PK)


< PShM

Credit balance at the end of the period








< XK

< QK


< A


In the structure of the financial statements, the balance of payments is at the central place and it is well-informed on the property and financial status of the business entity by analyzing and evaluating the indicators.

Changes in the economic situation of the undertaking are, of course, due to property and financial relations. Usually, the following is used as a classic formula for financial relations. 

Money1 => Brand1 => Money2 * => Brand2 * => Money3 * ...


* Achievement Cycle Outcome : Money1

This formulas are presented as follows:


PM => R => ICh => TF => XK => PM * ...



PM funds

PM * -The result of the cycle: PM PM PM <

R resources


TF trading activities


The assets of the enterprise, equity (s) and liabilities are the components of the accounting balance.

Table 56

Elements of accounting balance and their classification

Accounting balance elements




Controlled by the entity is the economic resources derived from previous operations to earn income from them


- BasicTools:

- Non-materialassets

- Long-terminvestments

- Installationequipment

- Capitalinvestments


- Materialstock


- Funds

- Short-terminvestment

Private Equity (Capital)

Subrogation assets are assets after deducting the liabilities









In the interest of the other person (creditor), the person (a creditor) is obliged to do certain work, such as transfer of property, performance of work, payment of money and other obligations or to abstain from certain actions, and the creditor is entitled to execute his obligations from the debtor

Long term liabilities

Current liabilities


Assessment of corporate assets and profits.

Assessment is the method of money measurement recognized in assets and liabilities recognized in financial statements.

The following methods of valuation are used in financial statements:

Initial value. Assets are stated at the date of acquisition, at the acquisition date, at the date of acquisition. Commitments shall be reflected in the amount of funds transferred to the obligations under the amount of money payable prior to the performance of the obligation.

Current value. Assets are reflected in the report on the amount of cash that should be paid at the moment such an asset or another asset is purchased. Obligations are reflected in the uncollectible amount of money required to meet the obligation.

Cost of sales. Assets are reflected on the amount of cash that can be deducted from sales. Commitments are reflected to their recoverable amount, which is the undiscounted amount of cash that is required to settle the obligation.

Discounted value. Assets are reflected at the present value of the discounted value of the proceeds of future cash flows that would have to multiply assets during normal business activities of the undertaking.

Liabilities represent the present value, which is the discounted value of the future cash inflow, which can be used to pay liabilities within the normal course of business of the undertaking.

Balance sheet value is the value of reflecting assets and liabilities at the balance sheet date.

Business entities are the basis for the initial valuation of financial statements. It is usually used with other basic concepts of evaluation.

Financial Reports.

Indicators of financial results are as follows : 

Income -, / Expenditure = N * 100 Profit (Loss) / Profitability (2.11)

Revenue - the increase in assets or a decrease in liabilities during the reporting period.

Given the increase in the estimated future economic benefits associated with the increase in assets and the decline in liabilities, income is reflected in the statement of financial results. This means that earnings represent simultaneous growth of assets and reflects a decrease in liabilities (for example, a net increase in the assets or the sale of goods or services, or a reduction in liabilities as a result of a debtor defaulting).

Expenses are the increase in the number of liabilities, not the reduction of assets during the reporting period .

Decrease in the estimated future economic benefits associated with the decline in the cost of assets and the increase in the liability will be reflected in the statement of financial performance and can be established reliably. This means that costs are reflected in the simultaneous increase in the liability or the depreciation of the assets.

Financial outcomes are the final economic downfall of the undertaking, which is expressed in the form of profit or loss.

Gross profit includes income from basic and non-basic activities of the undertaking. Revenue from core business can be deducted from sales of goods, works, services, inventories, other assets, as well as rent, interest and dividends, fees and principal activities of the undertaking.

Revenues generated by the business entity as a result of non-core activities involve items that are relevant to income determination and are not considered as separate components of the conceptual basis.

Repatriation of securities that are traded on the stock exchange and others can serve as an example of income generated as a result of non-core activities. Such revenues are shown separately if they are recognized in the financial statement report as the information they provide may be useful in making economic decisions.

Taxable income (loss) is the amount of profit (loss) for the reporting period, determined in accordance with the tax legislation.

Setting costs relates to property management, production management, and sales, performance of work, services, and loss. costs. They are typically cash assets, property, equipment, equipment and so on.

Losses represent a reduction in economic benefits and are, in essence, different from other costs and are not considered as a separate part of the conceptual framework.

Losses may arise from the sale of other assets or natural disasters. If such losses are reflected in the financial results report, information about them may be useful in making economic decisions, and therefore they are highlighted separately.

Revenues and expenses can be specified by limiting the types of activities to provide the information needed to make decisions in the financial statements. For example, the limitation between the items of income and expense that arise in the normal course of business of an undertaking and in the emergency of the business entity is a generally accepted practice. Such a restriction is made on the basis of the articles of the undertaking, which are important in evaluating the ability of the undertaking to further increase the cash resources. It is necessary to limit the nature of the undertaking with the nature of the undertaking and its activities. Substances in the ordinary course of business of a single undertaking may be more urgent than others.

The boundary between the income and expense items and their various combinations also provide an indication of the business results of the undertaking. These sections include various substances. For example, a statement of financial results indicates earnings from taxation and subsequent financial and economic activities.

Shares of depositors in private equity are not income; is not the cost of distributing between private ownership interests.

Revenue and expense disclosure identify major differences, but do not define criteria to be met before recognizing them in the statement of financial results.

The net gain or loss during the reporting period is determined by the following elements, each of which is disclosed in the statement of financial performance:

Income or damage incurred by a joint venture;

Emergency income (loss);

Total financial result (profit or loss) before income tax payment;

Net profit, except for income tax.

Financial results representing important indicators to determine the method of the following (see Figure 2. Figure 1.).


Gross Financial Results of Sales (Yamn)


Net Profit from Sales of Goods (Work, Service) (St)


Cost of sold product (works, services) (Tn)


Financial outcome of key production activities (MFM)




Expenditure per expenditure (Dx)


Other Operating Income(Bd)


Financial activity result (mmf)


Income from financing activities (MFD)


Financial activity yachts (MFX)






Accidental (Extraordinary) Profit or Loss (Tf) (Tz)


Random income (Td)


Random Cost (Tx)


Total Financial Benefit from Tax Payments (Yaf)


Financial Results of Major Production Activities (MFM)






Net Profit (Sf)


Total financial revenue from tax payout Yaf


Taxes and deductions (S)


Undistributed Benefit (Tmf)


Net Profit (Sf)


Switches (DV)


Figure 1. Indicators of the financial results of the enterprise and ways of their identification

Cash Flow Statement. The Cash Flow Statement allows users to evaluate changes in the financial position of the undertaking, providing information on how much money is spent and how much money is spent in the reporting period.

The report's information flows are useful for assessing the financial reporting capability of the entity's ability to attract cash assets and cash equivalents. The Cash Flow Statement divides money earnings and payments into three major categories:

- operation on activity ;

- investment activity ;

- financial activity.

The combined effects of the three categories of monetary resources determine the net change in the money supply during the reporting period. The cash flow statement is necessary to analyze the relationship between the effects of future cash flow forecast and the effects of net cash flows and the effects of price fluctuations.

Surgery on undertaking income generating activities, as well as investment and other non-financial activities of the economic activity of the subject is .

Investment activity - Purchase and sale of long-term assets and other investment objects not included in monetary equivalents .

Financial activity is the activity of the undertaking, as a result of which there is a change in the amount and structure of own funds and borrowed funds.

The cash flow statement shall provide information about the cash flows received by the undertaking as a result of an operating, investment or financing operation during the reporting period.

Cash flows from operations in foreign currency are denominated in the national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan using the exchange rate set by the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the day of the transaction. Private Equity Report. Private capital (investment) concept of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Accounting Law" On specific NAS17.

Private equity (capital) - assets of the subject after deduction of obligations .The private equity (capital) includes:

- Equity capital;

- Reserve capital;

- Undistributed profit (Unsolved Damage).

The disclosure of the relevant information at the beginning and the end of the report on equity (capital) .

Thereport should disclose information on equity (equity) and its components, equity capital, equity capital, reserve capital, undistributed profits (unrecovered losses), equity and other equity elements.

The report includes changes in the structure of equity (capital) : securities emission, revaluation of long-term assets, exchange rate differences, reserve capital, non-distributed profit (loss) of the current year, free property, cash dividends and shares as well as information about other sources of equity capital.

The report on equity (capital) should also contain information on the number of issued shares, the nominal value of shares and the number of circulating shares.

Information on the withdrawal of the participant, the acquisition or redemption of shares by the joint-stock company, the decrease in the nominal value of the shares or other reasons, should be disclosed in this explanation.

In the explanation of the report on equity (capital), the following information is provided:

- total and nominal value of shares subject to subscription;

- the total amount and nominal value of the shares outstanding when compared to the specified amounts;

- total amount of funds received during subscription;

- shares in the charter capital of certain types and categories;

- amount of unpaid dividends per preferred share;

- dividends payable in the form of shares, in particular the number and value of paid-in shares, as well as their types or categories;

- the crashing or mergers that occurred during the reporting period, and the nominal value of shares before and after the crash or merger.

Commenting on the report, calculations and explanations . Comments on the Financial Report. The multi-disciplinary nature of the activities of various economic entities is not taken into account, and financial reporting does not provide users with all the information they need to make economic decisions, so the financial statement annexed by the administration in addition to the annual financial statements includes the financial performance and financial position of the undertaking, the main signs are explained and the main uncertainties they face. This review describes the key factors influencing the investment policy, including the current period and, in particular, the dividend policy, in the future, for the results of the business entity's activities, to support and strengthen its activities.

Providing additional information - explanations, comments and calculations are presented in a special form or in a free form by an undertaking.

Remarks, calculations, and explanations may also be in the form of tables.

Financial statements reflect financial performance and other business transactions and group them into separate items in accordance with their economic characteristics, called items of financial reporting. Assets, private equity and liabilities are elements that are directly related to the determination of the financial results of the business entity in the balance sheet. Income and expense are the elements that directly relate to the business entity's performance indicators. The Statement of Cash Flows is an element of the report on the results of operations and changes in the accounting balance items. 

The impact of national and international standards on the financial reporting of financial reporting 

The integration of our country into the international community, the activation of international economic relations, and the wide involvement of foreign investments into the economy of the country require the business entities to organize accounting and financial reporting to meet the requirements of world standards.

This necessitates the development of National Accounting Standards (NAS), based on international accounting standards, based on the Law "On Accounting" and other statutory documents. These standards are the independence of enterprises in selecting accounting forms and methods.

Table 57

List of national standards of accounting , approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan   

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