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complex. financial analaysis 2020-21.

Разделительный баланс

A large enterprise is a balance sheet created at the time of division into several small businesses

Birlashtirish balansi

Joining balance

Присоединенный баланс

Balance that is created when several businesses are merged with an enterprise

Birmartalik balans

A once-time balance

Разовый баланс

Balance sheet created on a single business basis

Yig‘ma balans

Summary balance

Сводной баланс

Is based on one-time balances and reflects the economic resources of the associations (ministries, committees and departments)





Независимый баланс

Balance sheet created by all enterprises with a legal entity

Alohida balans

Particula rbalance

Особый баланс

Balance sheet formulated by structural subdivisions of the enterprise (branches, divisions, subsidiaries and dependent companies, etc.)

Brutto balans

Brutto balance

Брутто баланс

Balance sheet containing regulators

Netto balans

Netto balance

Нетто баланс

Balance of deductible amount of substances regulating the total value of the balance

Tashqi qarz

External payable

Внещный долг

Bank loans and borrowings, advance payments, and part of creditworthy commitments to suppliers

Ichki qarz

Internal payable

Внутренный долг

Interests of the enterprise on salaries, taxes, payments and debts, interests on borrowed funds, obligations on dividends to shareholders




Economic resources that are controlled by the subject and are subsequently derived from previous activities to earn income from them




It is the duty of the debtor to make a certain business in favor of the creditor, such as transfer of property, performance of work, payment of money and other obligations, or to abstain from certain behaviors

Xususiy kapital

Equity capital

Собственный капитал

Equity capital of the enterprise, equity capital, reserve capital and retained earnings

Buxgalteriya balansini gorizontal tahlili

Horizontal analysis of balance sheet

Горизонтальный анализ бухгалтерского баланса

The comparative analysis of items and items of accounting balance and the system of indicators in absolute and relative terms, at the beginning or the reporting period

Buxgalteriya balansi vertikal


Vertical analysis of balance sheet

Вертикальный анализ бухгалтерского анализа

Is called for a structured study of the absolute and relative expression of the components of the balance of payments and the system of indicators

Buxgalteriya balansini trend tahlili

Trend analysis of balance sheet

Трендовый анализ бухгалтеркого баланса

A method of comparing the elements and items of accounting balance with the base year or base year




Is a separate type of financial lease, in which one party (lessor) assigns the property (leasing object) to a third party (seller) under leasing agreement on the instructions of the other party (lessee) and transfers it to the lessor on the terms and conditions set forth in the agreement, for a term of more than twelve months

Lizing ob’ektlari

Leasing objects

Объекты лизинга

Any non-consumable items, including enterprises, property complexes, buildings, structures, equipment, vehicles and other movable and immovable property used for entrepreneurial activity. Land plots and other natural objects, as well as other property that has been circulated or limited in circulation can not be objects of leasing

Lizing subektlari

Leasing subjects

Субъекты лизинга

Lessor, lessor and seller are subjects of leasing.




A lessor shall be recognized as a person who is the owner of an object of leasing for subsequent transfer to a lessee under a leasing agreement

Lizing oluvchi



The lessee is the person who purchased an object of leasing under the leasing agreement for possession and use




The lessee is acknowledged as the seller of the object of leasing

Reyting baholash


Рейтинговая оценка

Comprehensive evaluation of the activities of enterprises is based on the comparison of the system of key indicators compiled by the analyst and identification of the sequence of rankings, as well as the comparison of several results indicators as a benchmark

Odilona baholash

Faire valuation

Справедливая оценка

The entity's property and production costs are explained by the revaluation of the financial position and financial performance of the entity, taking into account changes in the market, irrespective of its activity. This concept is appropriately applied to conventional assessment, clear assessment, legal assessment, rule of law assessment




An increase in assets or a decrease in liabilities during the reporting period




A decrease in assets or an increase in liabilities during the reporting period.

Moliyaviy natija

Financial result

Финансовый результат

Is the final economic downturn of the business entity as expressed in profit or loss.

Marjinal daromad (foyda)


Маржинанальный прибыл

The net proceeds from the sale are based on the deductible expenses.

O‘zgaruvchan harajatlar

Variable costs

Переменные расходы

(international practice) .- costs varying according to product fluctuation. With the increase in product unity, the proportion that grows to one unit increases

O‘zgarmas (doimiy) harajatlar

Fixed costs

Постоянные расходы

(international practice) - costs that can not be changed in line with the change in the volume of production. With the increase in the volume of production, the proportion of its products decreases.

Mahsulot sotishdan sof foyda

Net income from sale

Чистая прибыл от продажи продукции

(constant) costs of the marginal profit (international practice).


Natijalarto‘g‘risidagihisobotning maqsadi

Aim of the

Statement on financial results

Цель отчета

О финансовых результатов

Is a method that reflects the financial performance of a business entity for the reporting period and the understanding of various aspects of its activities

Mahsulotni sotishdan olingan yalpi foyda (yokizarar)

Value profit (or loss) from sale

Валавая прибыль (убыток) от продажи продукции

Is calculated as the difference between the net proceeds from sales and the production cost of the product sold

Asosiy faoliyatdan ko‘rilgan

Foyda (yokizarar)

Profit (or loss) from principal activity

Прибыл (убиток) от основной деятельности

The difference between the gross profit of the product and the period expenses, and the other income and expenses from the principal activity:

Xo‘jalik faoliyatidan olingan foyda (yokizarar)

Profit (or loss) from activity

Прибыль (убыток) от общехохяйственной деятельности

The amount of profit received from the principal activity and the results of the financial activities.

Xo‘jalik umumiy faoliyati deganda

General business activity

Общехозяйственный деятельности

Any entrepreneurial activity aimed at the strengthening and development of economic benefits of an undertaking.

Soliq to‘langungacha olingan foyda (zarar)

Pretaxprofit (loss)

Прибыль (убыток) до уплати налогов

The result of the economic activity and the sum of the immediate (not anticipated) profit (loss)

Yilning sof foydasi (zarari)

Net profit (loss)

Годовая чистая прибыль

After taxation, adjusts the amount of profits that can be left at the discretion of the business entity and in the free ownership.

Sotishdan olingan sof tushum

Net revenue from sale

Чистая вируча от продажи

From the sale of goods (works, services), added value, excise tax and export customs duties, as deductions. It does not include the return of goods, discounts for buyers, and so on.

Operatsion faoliyatdan daromadlar va harajatlar

Revenues and expense from operating activity

Даходы и расходы операционной деятельности

And other operating income (other than sales).

Favqulodda daromad (zarar)

Emergency income (loss)

Черезвичайные даходы

As a result of events or transactions which are clearly distinguishable from ordinary activities of the undertaking, that is, frequently or in the regular way.

Tushum -harajat-natija


Взаимоотношения даход-расход-


Compliance with revenue and expenses for the reporting period means that only the expense in the current period will be reflected in the cost of earnings. If it is difficult to establish direct linkages between income and expense, the costs are distributed between several reporting periods in accordance with any distribution system. This example refers to depreciating costs that are allocated over several years.

Taqsimlanmagn foyda

Undistributed profit

Нераспределенный прибыль

Non-distributed portion of pure profit. Since the date of opening of the enterprise, the total amount of profits will be deducted from the account.

Bankrotlik (iqtisodiynochorlik)



The inability of the debtor to fully satisfy the creditors' demands for monetary obligations and (or) to perform their obligations on mandatory payments fully recognized by the economic court

Kelishuv bitimi



The parties to the dispute on the dissolution of a judicial dispute on a reciprocal basis




The debtor is liable to any legal or natural person in respect of monetary obligations and (or) compulsory payments obligations, such natural or legal persons (the debtor is liable for damages to life or health of the individual except for the founders (participants) of the debtor-legal entity on the obligations arising out of its participation, as well as its participation,

Kreditorlar yig‘ilishi (kreditorlar qo‘mitasi) vakili

Meeting of creditors

Собрания кредиторы

The person participating in the bankruptcy case is a creditor meeting or a person authorized by the creditors' committee




The economic court shall have the right to keep the property of the debtor in relation to the legal entity, to ensure the safety of its property, to carry out financial, state analyzes of the debtor, from the moment of receipt of the application for the debtor's bankruptcy bankruptcy

Majburiy to‘lovlar

Compulsory payments

Обязательные платежи

Taxes and other compulsory payments to the state budget for civil trust funds




Suspension of the obligation of monetary liabilities and (or) mandatory payments by the debtor legal entity

Pul majburiyati

Currency liability

Денежные обязательств

The obligation to pay a certain amount of money to the creditor according to the debtor's civil-law and other instruments stipulated by the legislation

Sud boshqaruvchisi





(interim manager, rehabilitation manager, supervisor, liquidation manager) - a person appointed by the economic court for bankruptcy proceedings

Sudgacha sanatsiyaqilish

Sanation till judge

Санация до суда

Measures to be taken by the founders (participants) or the property of the debtor's legal entity, the creditors of arbitrators to recover the debtor's solvency and prevent bankruptcy

Sud sanatsiyasi

Judge readjustment

Судебная санация

The bankruptcy process applied by the economic court to the debtor-legal entity against the debtor's manager to restore its solvency and to control the debtor's business in order to repay debts to creditors

Tashqi boshqaruv

External managemet

Внешнее управления

The bankruptcy proceedings applied by the economic court to the debtor's legal entity to transfer the powers of the debtor to manage the debtor's affairs for recovery of its solvency

Tashqi boshqaruvchi

External manager

Внешний управляющий

A candidate who is fully elected by the creditor, debtor, proprietor, authorized state body and fully responsible for the management of the enterprise




A legal entity or an individual entrepreneur who is not able to meet the creditors' claims on monetary obligations and (or) to perform their obligations under compulsory payments




Competition of economic entities (competitors), in which their independent actions exclude or limit the possibility of unilaterally influencing the general conditions of the commodity circulation in the commodity or financial market.



Unfair rivalry

Недобросовестная конкуренция

Whether the undertaking or group of persons, which is contrary to the legislation, rules of business, and which leads to advantages of economic activity, and can damage or damage to other undertakings (competitors) or any other action that could or might hinder their business reputation

Korxonaning “tashkil etilish” davri

“formation” period of enterprise

Создания предприятий

New commodities are offered to the market and the market demand for it is low and sales are low.


Nochorlikni aniqlash modellari

Model sof

Bancrupcy determination


Определения экономических не састоятельности

A complex of methods for evaluating economical vulnerability and conditionality. Economic vulnerability identification models do not fit each country-specific model. This can be explained directly by the financial conditions of the country, inflation levels, financing, credit diversity, tax and budget policies, accounting and depreciation policy, business efficiency and effectiveness and so on.

Iqtisodiy nochorligini o‘rganishda baholanuvchi indikatorlar

To be evaluated indicators in learning economic bancrupcy

Оценочние индикаторы определения экономических несостоятельности

Is a system of indicators that can be used to assess economic uncertainty

Iqtisodiy nochor deb e’lon qilingan korxonalarga nisbatan qo‘llaniladigan tadbirlar

Procedures to be used in bancrupcy entities

Процедуры при состояние экономических несостоятельности

Measures to be taken to prevent and eliminate the vulnerability. Usually their rehabilitation (financial support); change of direction of activity; diversification (transition to product production in not more than one nomenclature); voluntary termination; compulsory closing forms are applied

Aktivlik tushunchasi



Is a concept that has a positive quality classification

Ish aktivligi

Worka ctiveness

Деловая активность

Is a quality mark that determines the reputation, reputation, glory, and power of the enterprise on the market. The corporate business activity refers to the conversion of its principal and current assets and the reliability of debt.

Korxonaning asosiy kapitali

Main capital

Основной капитал предприятий

Is an essential element of ensuring financial sustainability in terms of the driving force of working capital, the most important condition for the growth of the workforce, the important factor, status, movement and effectiveness of economic growth

Korxonaning aylanma kapitali

Working capital

Оборотный (рабочий) капитал предприятий

Permanent working capital (cash, accounts receivable and tangible fixed assets), current assets' money size

Xususiy kapital

Equity capital

Собственный капитал

The capital of the enterprise, the charter capital, the reinsurance capital and the retained earnings.

Qarz kapitali



Source of borrowing and borrowing

Aylanish davri

Circulation period

Срок обращения

A time scale for a single cycle of assets, capital, and liabilities

Aylanish koeffitsenti

Turn over ratio

Коэффицент обращения

The number of assets, equity and liabilities (as per the quality mark)


Mulkining umumiy aylanuvchanligi


Turnover of property

Обрачиваемость имушества предпиятий

Affect the business ownership and the turnover of all assets. This figure is based on the average annual value of the asset (property) net sales

Joriy aktivlarning aylanuvchanligi

Current assets turnover

Оборачиваемость текущих активов

Regulates the level of current assets in the current period. This figure is based on the average annual yield of current assets

Тмз aylanuvchanligi

Inventories turnover

Оборачивемость тмз

The enterprise regulates the volatility of the material inventory. Net sales are estimated based on the average annual value of the inventory

Pul mablag‘larining aylanuvchanligi-

Money funds turnover

Оборачиваемость денежных средств

Adjusts the volatility of cash flows in the current period. Net gain on sales is based on the average value of cash

Debitorlik majburiyatlari aylanuvchanligi

Receivables turnover

Оборачиваемость дебиторских задолженность

Adjusts the volatility of the entity's accounts receivable and is based on the net sales value to the fair value of the accounts receivable

Xususiy kapital aylanuvchanligi

Equity capitalturnover

Оборачиваемость собственных оборотных средств

It also stimulates the circulation of its capital. Net gains on sales are based on the fair value of the equity capital

Qarz kapitali aylanuvchanligi

Loans turnover

Оборачиваемость ссудных капиталов

The volatility of the borrowed funds. The net income from the sale of goods is based on the fair value of the liability

Ishlab chiqarish va moliyaviy sikl

Production and financial cycle

Производственный и финансовый циклы

The cyclical cycle of cyclical reserves and receivable liabilities is evaluated, and the cyclical cycle of the cycle of production cycles and the reciprocal cycle of creditors' liabilities are evaluated.


Market activeness

Риночная активность

The market's attractiveness on the market. There are usually two types of attractiveness in the market. It is broad and narrow. In the broadest sense, the attractiveness reflects the trust of investors, goods suppliers, competitors, buyers and customers to the enterprise, in the narrower sense, the stock exchange's stock market or market representative




(credit debt-debt) 1) costs of income-loss book; 2) livestock lending, as well as money, money to be loaned; 3) money, money spent for certain expenses; state k. - borrowing by the state of issuing bonds. The bank, the insurance community and all segments of the population may be lenders. Bank k. - debt to juridical and physical persons in the form of cash loans. Commercial k - selling one product to the other one on condition that the product is paid later. International k. - debt bonding, lending relationships between states.

Avans - bunak



Prepaid money, products, food, etc., on a case-by-case basis.




A formal statement about a transaction, an issue of debit and credit transactions, notes, account balances, money transfers, checks, letters of credit, and other records made by the bank to customers




A bank or bank depository issued to a bank or a cashier for a certain amount of money to a person or organization, for example, a document issued by a bank for receiving a deposit from any savings bank

Asosiy kapital


Основной капитал

Is a part of the labor product that participates in the production process for several years and is self-generating products

Aylanm akapital

Working capital

Оборотный капитал

Raw material, material resources in energy resources, and capitalized in a production cycle, fully transferring its value to the product




Providing intermediaries for loans, grants, payments between parties and other accounts, providing businesses and the general public with money, co-ordinate and uninterruptedly interfering with temporary and idle funds of legal entities and individuals credit and financial institution performing transactions with gold, foreign currencies. Paying interest on depositors at a fixed rate, and interest rates higher than those borrowed, and the difference between these interests is the bank's profit.

Bank foiz stavkasi

Bank interestrate

Ставка банковского процента

The amount of remuneration for the use of bank loans is charged as a percentage of the loan amount. Bfs. As a variable indicator, the bank loan is changed depending on the debt needs. The amount of bfs is determined according to the agreement between the bank and the client, depending on the terms and conditions of the debt repayment




The currency of the country and its type (gold, silver, paper, money)

Valyuta kursi

Currency course

Курс валют

Currency value of the country's currency expressed in other currency. Vk there are some types of fixed and variable types

Valyuta konvertirlashuvi

Currency convertizing

Конвертация валют

Its ability to exchange it to other foreign currencies




Excessive inflation, rapid price increases, a dramatic decline in the value of money, and a minimal effort to earn money. Under the conditions of g. Prices can not be adjusted completely

Jahon valyuta tizimi

World currency system

Мировая валютная система

International money-credit relations, which are based on the development of the world market and are supported by interstate agreements

Jahon puli

World money

Мировые денги

International payment and payment instrument, international value expression. M: national currency, which has a reputed value of gold or internationally recognized assets




The amount of circulated banknotes in circulation exceeds the sum of the offered commodity price; 2) depreciation of money as a result of excessive cash withdrawal. This situation occurs during the elimination of the difficulties in the management of the economy, as a result of additional cash flows in case of decline in production.




Mortgage, pledge of certain real estate (land, buildings, etc.) To obtain a loan.




It is understood that all kinds of national and intellectual wealth are the result of bringing income to business entities or achieving any creative effect

Real investitsiyalar

Real investments

Реальные инвестиции

(capital investments) - the use of monetary resources to the enterprise's financial and financial assets

Moliyav iyinvestitsiyalar

Financial investments

Финансовые инвестиции

Which is related to acquisition of elements of fixed capital and, in most cases, within the framework of investment projects.

Shaxsiy investitsiyalar

Private investments

Частные инвестиции

Which implies ownership and intellectual wealth that is invested in business activities by private individuals, companies, corporations and joint-stock companies




Who fulfills the investment acts

Investitsiya sub’ektlari

Investments subjects

Субъекти инвестиции

Physical persons, legal entities and the state with the property and intellectual wealth involved in investment activity

Investitsiyalar turi

Types of investments

Виды инвестиции

Institutional investors, individual investors

Institutsional investorlar

Institutional investors

Иснтуциональные инвесторы

They are experts and pay them for the strangers' money management

Investitsiya jarayoni

Investing process

Процессы инвестиции

- a mechanism for bringing those who are temporarily free of charge (for those who need them) with money.


Individual investors

Индивыдуальные инвесторы

Manage their own funds for their own financial interests

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