Indicators on attracted funds from the border
Coefficient of accumulation of capital from border (Kchjqm)
Kchjqm = CHjqm / B
Total capital (B) represents the contribution of funds drawn from foreign sources (IC)
Coefficient of accumulation of long-term borrowings from own funds (Kumchjkmm)
Kumchjqm = Umchjqm / OM
Long-term external borrowing represents the level of funding
The coefficient of accumulation of long-term attracted foreign capital in aggregate capital (Kumchjkmm)
Kumchjqm = Umchjqm / CHjqm
It reflects the contribution of long-term funds drawn from the overseas funds
Deposits with own funds attracted from abroad (Kchjqm)
Kchjqm = Hgqm / mm
Each sum represents how much foreign funds are attracted to their own funds