Attestatsiya uchun test topshiriqlari (Ingliz tili) I.F:_________________________________________ Imzo:____________
Tipi: 012 Kod:12006
1. In Uzbekistan we celebrate our Independence ___ September 1 st.
A) In B) *on D) at
2. I miss you a lot. Im having a wonderful time ___ America.
A) On B) at D) *in
3. But ___ the evening they have Bonfire night parties.
A) On B) * in D) at
4. ___ Christmas in the UK and the U.S.A all the members of a family give each other presents.
A) * At B) on D) in
5. One day in 1954 he ___ to a recording studio called Sun Records.
A) Go B) gone D) * went
6. The ____ of a heart attack on 19 August 1977 in his mansion at Graceland, Memphis.
A) Die B) * died D) has die
7. In 1935 Elvis Presley ___ born in Mississippi.
A) Is B) * was D) has
8. What ____ you father do ?
A) Do B) * does D) done
9. Where ___ Terry and Jackie going ?
A) Is B) * are D) will
10. She ____ already ____ to the air Port.
A) Had | went B) has | went D) * has gone
11. ____ you ____ the Tower of London ?
A) *Have | visited B) has | visited D) has | visit
12. They ____ ____ the Queens crown.
A) Has | seen B) have | saw D)* have | seen
13. Have you got ____ brothers or sisters ?
A) Some B) * any D) a
14. I didnt see ____ one at the club.
A) * Any B) some D) an
15. Nobody ____ ever ____ the South Pole before.
A) Has | reach B) * had | reached D) had | reach
16. Scott ____ ___ to the Antarctic twice before 1911.
A) Has | be B) had | be D) * had | been
17. He said I have finish this work
A) He said he has finish this work.
B) * He said he had finished that work.
D) He said he have finished that work.
18. Akmal said I am very strong
A) Akmal said a he is very strong.
B) Akmal said he has very strong.
D) * Akmal said he was very strong.
19. He said, I enjoyed the film
A) He said he enjoyed the film.
B) * He said he had enjoyed the film.
D) He said I enjoy the film.
20. Lola says, I am a student at medical institute .
A) * Lola says she is a student at medical institute.
B) Lola says she was a student at medical institute.
D) Lola says I am a student.
21. When I arrived at the party, Tom ____ already ____ home.
A) Have | gone B) has | went D) * had | gone
22. Sobir said, I want to go London next year .
A) Sobir said he want to go to London next year.
B) Sobir said he wanted to go to London next year.
D) *Sobir said that he wanted to go to London next year.
23. Jack said, I can speak English well .
A) Jack said I can speak English well.
B) * Jack said that he could speak English well.
24. Nodir says, I am working in the garden now .
A) * Nodir says he is working in the garden then.
B) Nodir says that he works in the garden.
25. We can watch concerts every where ____ Independence Day.
A) In B) at D) * on
26.Assosiasiya deganda nimani tushuniladi?
A)Narsalarni buzulib noto'g'ri ko'rsatilishi B) Ortiqcha sezuvchanlik
D) *Narsa va hodisalar o'rtasida aloqa o'rnatish E) O'zgargan muhitga o'rganish
27.Parishonlik qaysi psixik jarayonning xususiyati?
A)*Diqqat B) Tafakkur D) Xotira E) Xayol
28.Ayni vaqtda sezgi organlarga ta'sir etib turgan narsa va hodisalarning aks ettirilishidan iborat bo'lgan psixik jarayon nima deb ataladi?
A)*Sezgi B) ldrok D) Xotira E) Tafakkur
29.Muloqot deganda nimani tushunasiz?
A) Kishilarni bar xil imo ishoraluridun iborat bo'lgan munoitahati muloqotdir
B)Nutq orqali munosabatga kirishish muloqot deyilndi
D) Kishilarni o'zaro fikr almashishluri muloqot deyilndi
E) *Kishilar faoliyatida nutqli va nutqsiz munosabalga kiiishisliishi, o'zaro fikr almashishi muloqotdir
30."Prinsip" so'zining ma'nosini korsating.
A) Namunali ta'lim. B) *Xulqning, xatti-xarakatning asosiy qoidasi,etakchi g'oya. D) Bilimlar majmui. E) Barcha javob to'g'ri.
31."Namunali ta'lim" risolasi kimning qalamiga mansub?
A) A.Navoiy. B) A. Qodiriy. D) A. N. Farobiy. E) *YA. A. Komenskiy.
32."Insonda ijobiy sifatlarni tarkib toptirishning eng zarur omili uning aql kuchini rivojlantirishdir"- deb qaysi sharqshunos olim fikr bildirgan edi?
A) * Kindiy. B) YA. A. Komenskiy. D) Babanskiy. E) M.M.Skatkin.
33.Ta'lim printsplari nechta?
A) 5-10 gacha. B) 12 gacha. D) *7-11 gacha E) 13 gacha.
34. Prezentatsiya tayyorlash dasturi?
A) Word B) Excel D) *Power Point E) Access
35. Kompyuterning qaysi qurilmasi insonga zarar yetkazishi mumkin?
A) Klaviatura B) *Monitor D) Printer E) Modem
36. Ozbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasining nechanchi moddasida Ota-onalar oz farzandlarini voyaga yetgunlariga qadar boqish va tarbiyalashga majburligi qayd etilgan?
A) 4-modda B) 41-modda D) 50-modda E) *64-modda