Assalomu alaykum. Mening ismim Javohir men California o’quv markazida o’qiyman .
Menga o’qituvchimiz shunday savol berdi. Javohir kitob o’qish foydalimi? Nima uchun foydali?Ustozimizni aytishiga qaraganda men shu mavzuda 500 ta so’zdan iborat insho yozib kelishim kerak ekan.Eng alam qiladigani hammasi ingliz tilida.Men albatta qo’limdan kelgancha bu berilgan savolga yaxshiroq javob berishga va berilgan inshoni so’zlarini 500 taga olib borishga harakat qilaman. Demak savol ‘’kitob o’qish foydalimi’’.Ha menimcha kitob o’qish foydali.kitob o’qishni foydali tomonlari juda ko’p lekin uni avval internetdan kuchsiz jihatlarini aytib o’taman.Kitobni internetdan kuchsiz jihati shuki internet kitobdan ko’ra ancha tez va malumotlar cheklanmagan.Yana shuni aytishimiz mumkinki internetda biz tushunmagan so’zlarni izohini ko’rishimiz mumkin.Bu esa o’z navbatida o’quvchi uchun juda qulay imkoniyat.Yani kitob o’qiyotgan inson kitobdagi berilgan malumotlarni tushunmagn joylarini tushunib ketadi va malumotdagi mavhum malumotlar o’z navbatida voqea yoki hodisani o’zimiz bilan his qilib ko’rishimiz va hissoyatlarimizni tushunishi oson bo’ladi.Kitobdagi o’ziga hos rang barangliklar va o’xshatishlar biz bilan birga sodir bo’layotgandek his etishimiz uchun bizga tushunarsiz bo’lgan so’zlrni manosini anglab va keyingi kelayotganda albatta qiyinchiliksiz tushunib ketishimiz oson.Malumotlarni topish tezligi esa bizga qandaydir malumot yoki faktlarni qidirish uchun qandaydir ensiklopediyadan qidirmay internetdan yozganimizda aynan bizga kerak bo’lgan malumotlarni katta tezlik bilan chiqarib beradi.Bu esa biz uchun vaqtni tejash yoki ayni paytda kerak bo’ladigan malumot uchun ayni muddao.Keyingi qulayligi esa malumotni cheklanmagani.Yani biz qandaydir mavzuni yoritishimiz kerak bo’lsa bir yoki bir nechta kitobni o’qib chiqishdan ko’ra internetdan ayni bizga kerak malumotni cheklanmagan miqdorda olishimiz va o;zimiz uchun foydalanishimiz mumkin.Kuchsiz taraflari shu edi. Endi kitobni qulaylik taraflarini aytib o’taman.Kitobni albatta telefonda ham o’qishimiz mumkin.Lekin kitobni o’qiyotgam paytimizda telefondan kelgan habar yoki qo’ng’iroqlar bizi chalgi’tishi mumkin.Bu esa biz qabul qilayotgan malumotni esalb qolishimiz yoki biz o’zimiz bilan his qilayotgan voqealarni oxiriga yetmay qolishiga olib kelishi mumkin.Bir so’z bilan aytganda insonni komillikga yetaklaydi. Masalan oddiygina bitta misol shuki insonni so’z boyligini o’zgartirishishidir.Inson nega keraksiz so’zlarni ishlatadi yoki so’kadi. Buning asil sababi shu inson kerakli so’zni bilmasligi va so’z boyligini kamligidir. Blamizki hammani jahli chiqadi va noqulay vaziatlarga tushib qoladi bu paytda o’lab ham o’tirmay beani so’zlarni ishlatadigan insonlar ko’p.Agar shu insonlar kitob o’qiganda edi kitobdagi so’zlardan foydalanib ham u gapirmoqchi bo’lgan insonga aytmoqchi bo’lgan gapini yetkazib bera olardi.Kitobni yana bir yaxshi sifati shundaki kitobdagi malumot inson ruhiyatiga tasir o’tkaza oladi. Yani inson shu o’qigan kitobidagi yaxshi qahramon sifatlarini o’zida aks ettirmoqchi bo’ladi.Undagi yaxshi bo’lgan hususiyatlarni o’zlashtirmoqchi bo’adi.Masalan kitob o’quvchi bitta kitobdagi qahramondan bitta hislatini olgan taqdirda ham buni amalga oshirsa o’zini hayotini tobora yaxshiroq bo’lishi uchun kerak bo’ladigan sifatni o’ziga ola boshlaydi.Kitob insonni dunyo qarashini o’zgartiradi. Hayotga bo’lgan qarashlari o’zgara boshlaydi.Menimcha bu yozgan malumotlarim yetarli deb o’ylayman.Kitobni kerakligini kitobni muhimligini kitob o’qigan inson albatta biladi.Zamonlar o’tar texnika rivojlanar lekin hech narsa kitobni o’rnini bosa olmaydi.Internetdagi kitob yoki malumotlar inson ruhiyatiga kitobchalik tasir ko’rsata olmaydi.
Ustoz siz ham kitob o’qigan insonsiz tushuning ahir 500 ta so’zdan iborat inshoni yozish oson bo’lmadi . Shuncha malumotni o’zim yozganimni aytmaysizmi. Maqtovga arzirlik ish qildim aslida.Shuning uchun iltimos qilardimki menda daftarga yozilganini so’ramang.Mr Shaboz men bu inshini keyingi safar qog’ozga ko’chirib kelishga harakat qilaman lekin hozir to’g’risi ulgurmadim.Shuning uchun menda hafa bo’lmaysiz degan umiddaman.
Assalamu alaykum. My name is Javohir and I study at the California Learning Center.
That's what my teacher asked me. Is it worth reading a jewel book? Why is it useful? According to my teacher, I have to write an essay of 500 words on this topic. The most painful thing is that it is all in English. i try to go So the question is, "Is reading a book useful?" Yes, I think reading a book is useful. It is very fast and the information is not limited. We can also say that on the Internet we can see the interpretation of words that we do not understand. This, in turn, is a very convenient opportunity for the reader. and the abstract information in the book, in turn, makes it easier for us to feel the event or phenomenon with ourselves and to understand our feelings. It is easy for us to understand the meaning of words that are not clear and to understand them without difficulty when we come to the next one. When we type on the Internet without searching the encyclopedia, it quickly retrieves the information we need. This saves us time or is the same for the
information we need at the same time. Instead of reading one or more books, we can get an unlimited amount of information on the Internet and use it for ourselves. That was its weakness. Now I will tell you about the convenience of the book. Of course, we can read the book on the phone. But when I read the book, we can be distracted by messages or calls from the phone. It can lead to the end of the events we feel with us. In short, it leads a person to perfection. For example, one simple example is how a person changes his vocabulary. Why does a person use or insult unnecessary words? The main reason for this is that the person does not know the right word and lacks vocabulary. We know that everyone gets angry and gets into awkward situations. There are a lot of people who use nonsense at this time without even dying. Another good quality of the book is that the information in the book can affect the human psyche. In other words, a person wants to reflect the qualities of a good hero in the book he is reading. He wants to acquire the qualities
that are good in him. the book begins to take on the quality it needs to make its life better and better.The book changes a person's worldview. His outlook on life begins to change. I think the information I have written is enough. Anyone who reads a book knows that a book is important. As time goes by, technology develops, but nothing can replace a book. or the data cannot have a biblical effect on the human psyche.
Master, it's not easy to write a 500-word essay without someone reading it. Please tell, whats the story of them big puppys ..... I did a commendable job. In fact, I begged you not to ask me to write it in a notebook. I hope so.