Yodingizda bo'lsin! Talabaning video topshirig'i bajarilmagan holda, javoblar varaqasidagi qolgan topshiriqlar tekshirilmaydi. Запомните! Если видео-задание студента не выполнено, остальные задания на листе ответов не будут проверены. TASK 1. Video. This task is worth 5 points. Record and upload a video on the platform in English on the with your direct participation on recording, which should not last more than 1 minute.
A video task. Answer the questions. You have a minute to speak. (No more than 25-30 megabytes)
“There are lots of opportunities and online resources to learn English for pedagogical university students today than there was in the past. What is your response to this statement? To what extend do you agree or not?” O'zingizning to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ishtirok etishingiz bilan ingliz tilida videoni yozib oling va uni platformaga yuklang (1 daqiqadan oshmasligi kerak).
Video vazifa. Savollarga javob bering. Gapirishga bir daqiqa vaqtingiz bor. (25-30 megabaytdan oshmasligi kerak)
“Bugungi kunda pedagogika universiteti talabalari uchun ingliz tilini oʻrganishda avvalgiga qaraganda koʻplab imkoniyatlar va onlayn manbalar mavjud. Ushbu bayonotga qanday javob berasiz? Siz qay darajada bu fikrni ma’qullaysiz yoki qo’shilmaysiz?"
«Сегодня больше возможностей и цифровых ресурсов для изучения английского языка для студентов педагогических университетов, чем это было в прошлом. Как вы ответите на это заявление? В какой степени вы согласны или нет?,
2. Writing In this part you should write 2 types of letters: informal and formal. (Ushbu qismda siz 2 turdagi xat yozishingiz kerak: norasmiy va rasmiy)
(В этой части вам нужно написать 2 типа писем: неформальные и официальные)
You received this email from the president of the technology club. Read it and then write two letters. Write the first letter to your friend (informal) and the second email to the president of the club (formal). Follow the rules oa writing informal and formal letters. (Siz bu xatni texnologiya klubi prezidentidan oldingiz. Uni o'qing va keyin ikkita hat yozing. Birinchi xatni do'stingizga (norasmiy xat) va ikkinchi elektron xatni klub prezidentiga yozing (rasmiy xat). Norasmiy va rasmiy xatlar yozish qoidalarga rioya qiling)
(Вы получили это письмо от президента технологического клуба. Прочтите и напишите два письма. Напишите первое письмо другу (неформальное), а второе письмо президенту клуба (формальное). Соблюдайте правила написания неформальных и официальных писем.
Dear Member,
We are writing to inform you that the trip to the science centre to see the robotics display has unfortunately been cancelled. Although many of you were looking forward to this excursion, we did not reach the necessary number of participants to continue. However, we hope to
reschedule this event for next month. Please let us know if you would like a refund or if you would like to hold your spot for the new date.