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Search for particle-hole excitations across the N = 28 shell gap in 45, 46Ar nuclei
Zs.Dombradi, D.Sohler, O.Sorlin, F.Azaiez, F.Nowacki, M.Stanoiu, Yu.-E.Penionzhkevich, J.Timar, F.Amorini, D.Baiborodin, A.Bauchet, F.Becker, M.Belleguic, C.Borcea, C.Bourgeois, Z.Dlouhy, C.Donzaud, J.Duprat, Z.Elekes, D.Guillemaud-Mueller, F.Ibrahim, M.Lewitowicz, M.J.Lopez, R.Lucas, S.M.Lukyanov, V.Maslov, C.Moore, J.Mrazek, M.G.Saint-Laurent, F.Sarazin, J.A.Scarpaci, G.Sletten, C.Stodel, M.Taylor, C.Theisen, G.Voltolini
Nucl.Phys. A727, 195
1* Study of Ar-45 through (d, p) reaction at SPIRAL, Gaudefroy, L Sorlin, O Beaumel, D Blumenfeld, Y Dombradi, Z Fortier, S Franchoo, S Gelin, M Gibelin, J Grevy, S Hammache, F Ibrahim, F Kemper, K Kratz, KL Lukyanov, SM Monrozeau, C, Nalpas, L Nowacki, F Ostrowski, AN Penionzhkevich, YE Pollaco, E Roussel-Chomaz, P Rich, E Scarpaci, JA St Laurent, MG Sohler, D Stanoiu, M Tryggestadt, E Verney, D, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS, 31, oct 2005 2* Thick-target inverse-kinematics proton scattering from Ar-46 and the N=28 shell below Ca-48, Riley, LA Abdelqader, MA Bazin, D Bojazi, MJ Brown, BA Campbell, CM Church, JA Cottle, PD,Dinca, DC Enders, J Gade, A Glasmacher, T Honma, M Horibe, S Hu, Z Kemper, KW Mueller, WF Olliver, H Otsuka, T Perry, BC Roeder, BT Sherrill, BM Spencer, TP Terry, JR, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 72, aug 2005 3* Knockout from Ar-46 : l=3 neutron removal and deviations from eikonal theory, Gade, A Bazin, D Bertulani, CA Brown, BA Campbell, CM Church, JA, Dinca, DC Enders, J Glasmacher, T Hansen, PG Hu, Z Kemper, KW Mueller, WF Olliver, H Perry, BC Riley, LA Roeder, BT Sherrill, BM Terry, JR Tostevin, JA Yurkewicz, KL, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 71, may 2005 4* In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of neutron-rich boron isotopes B-15,B-17 via inelastic scattering on C-12, Kondo, Y Nakamura, T Aoi, N Baba, H Bazin, D Fukuda, N Gomi, T, Hasegawa, H Imai, N Ishihara, M Kobayashi, T Kubo, T Miura, M Motobayashi, T Saito, A Sakurai, H Shimoura, S Sugimoto, T Watanabe, K Watanabe, YX Yakushiji, T Yanagisawa, Y Yoneda, K, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 71, apr 2005 5* Structure of the neutron-rich, P-37,P-39 and Cl-43,Cl-45 nuclei, Sorlin, O Dombradi, Z Sohler, D Azaiez, F Timar, J Penionzhkevich, YE, Amorini, F Baiborodin, D Bauchet, A Becker, F Belleguic, M Borcea, C Bourgeois, C Dlouhy, Z Donzaud, C Duprat, J Gaudefroy, L Guillemaud-Mueller, D Ibrahim, F Lopez, MJ Lucas, R Lukyanov, SM Maslov, V, Mrazek, J Moore, C Nowacki, F Pougheon, F Saint-Laurent, MG Sarazin, F Scarpaci, JA Sletten, G Stanoiu, M Stodel, C Taylor, M Theisen, C, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A 22, nov 2004 6* Observation of bound excited states in B-15, Stanoiu, M Belleguic, M Dombradi, Z Sohler, D Azaiez, F Brown, BA Lopez-Jimenez, MJ Saint-Laurent, MG Sorlin, O Penionzhkevich, YE, Achouri, NL Angelique, JC Borcea, C Bourgeois, C Daugas, JM De Oliveira-Santos, F Dlouhy, Z Donzaud, C Duprat, J Grevy, S Guillemaud-Mueller, D Leenhardt, S Lewitowicz, M Lukyanov, SM Mittig, W Porquet, MGRoussel-Chomaz, P Savajols, H Sobolev, Y Stodel, C Timar, J, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A 22, oct 2004 7* The N=28 shell closure; from N = Z to the neutron drip line, Caurier, E Nowacki, F Poves, A, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 742, sep 2004 8* Beta-decay half-lives at the N=28 shell closure, Grevy, S Angelique, JC Baumann, P Borcea, C Buta, A Canchel, G Catford, WN Courtin, S Daugas, JM de Oliveira, F Dessagne, P Dlouhy, Z Knipper, A Kratz, KL Lecolley, FR Lecouey, JL Lehrsenneau, G Lewitowicz, M Lienard, E, Lukyanov, S Marechal, F Miehe, C Mrazek, J Negoita, F Orr, NA Pantelica, D Penionzhkevich, Y Peter, J Pfeiffer, B Pietri, S Poirier, E Sorlin, O Stanoiu, M Stefan, I Stodel, C Timis, C, PHYSICS LETTERS B 594, aug 2004
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Charmonia absorption in p A collisions at the CERN SPS: Results and implications for Pb Pb interactions.
C. Alexa, S. Dita, P.Cortese,V.Boldea et al., (NA50 Collaboration)
Nucl. Phys. A 715, pages 679-682 (2003)
*1 J/PSI ABSORPTION IN HEAVY ION COLLISIONS II. L. Maiani, F. Piccinini, A.D. Polosa, V. Riquer, Nucl. Phys. A 748, pages 209-225 (2005) *2 J/PSI ABSORPTION IN HEAVY ION COLLISIONS. L. Maiani, F. Piccinini, A.D. Polosa, V. Riquer, Nucl. Phys. A 741, pages 273-286 (2004) *3 CHARMONIUM CHEMISTRY IN A+A COLLISIONS AT RELATIVISTIC ENERGIES. E.L. Bratkovskaya, A.P. Kostyuk, W. Cassing, Horst Stoecker, Phys. Rev. C 69, pages 054903 (2004) *4 CHARM MEASUREMENTS AT SPS AND RHIC. Y. Akiba, J. Phys. G 30, pages S283-S293 (2004) *5 SIMPLE MODELS OF THE CONTRIBUTION OF INTERMEDIATE STATE GLUONS TO J / PSI SUPPRESSION AT THE CERN SPS. M. Jurcovicova, A. Nogova, J. Pisut, N. Pisutova, K. Tokar, Acta Phys. Hung. A 21, pages 1-16 (2004) *6 CHARM COALESCENCE AT RHIC. A.P. Kostyuk, M.I. Gorenstein, Horst Stoecker, W. Greiner, Phys. Rev. C 68, pages 041902 (2003) *7 CHARMONIUM PRODUCTION IN RELATIVISTIC PROTON NUCLEUS COLLISIONS: WHAT WILL WE LEARN FROM THE NEGATIVE X(F) REGION?. D. Koudela, C. Volpe, Phys. Rev. C 69, pages 054904 (2004)
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Charge exchange operators sum rules and proton-neutron T=0 and T=1 pairing interactions
E. Moya de Guerra, A. A. Raduta, L. Zamick and P. Sarriguren
Nuclear Physics A 727, 3025 (2003).
Lisetskiy AF, Gelberg A, von Brentano P Interplay of direct and spin-flip contributions in Gamow-Teller decay to odd-odd N = Z nuclei EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A 26 (1): 51-59 OCT 2005 Zamick L, Mekjian AZ, Lee SJ Interrelationship of isospin and angular momentum JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 47 (1): 18-22 JUL 2005 Alvarez-Rodriguez R, de Guerra EM, Sarriguren P Isospin mixing and Fermi transitions: Self-consistent deformed mean field calculations and beyond PHYSICAL REVIEW C 71 (4): Art. No. 044308 APR 2005 Zamick L, Escuderos A, Lee SJ, et al. Expressions for the number of J=0 pairs in even-even Ti isotopes PHYSICAL REVIEW C 71 (3): Art. No. 034317 MAR 2005 Dhiman SK Neutron-proton interaction and backbending in Cr-48,Cr-50 nuclei JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS 30 (10): 1465-1477 OCT 2004
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A window on nucleosynthesis through detection of short-lived radionuclides
Paul, M;Valenta, A;Ahmad, I;Berkovits, D; Bordeanu, C;Ghelberg, S;Hashimoto, Y;Hershkowitz, A;Jiang, S;Nakanishi, T; Sakamoto, K
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, May 2003, vol.719, pag.29C-36C
1. Vockenhuber C, Gosler R, Kutschera W, et al. (182)hf - From geophysics to astrophysics NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 758: 340C-343C Sp. Iss. SI JUL 25 2005 Times Cited: 0 2. Bacon JR, Greenwood JC, Van Vaeck L, et al. Atomic spectrometry update. Atomic mass spectrometry JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY 19 (8): 1020-1057 2004 Times Cited: 7 3. Hill SJ, Arowolo TA, Butler OT, et al. Atomic spectrometry update. Environmental analysis JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY 19 (2): 301-330 FEB 2004 Times Cited: 6 4. Wallner C, Faestermann T, Gerstmann U, et al. Supernova produced and anthropogenic Pu-244 in deep sea manganese encrustations NEW ASTRONOMY REVIEWS 48 (1-4): 145-150 FEB 2004 Times Cited: 6
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Microscopic description of the mirror nuclei Se-70 and Kr-70
A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, A. Faessler
Nucl. Phys. A 728, (2003), 396
*1 Fission barriers and fission paths of the Se-70 nucleus within a microscopic approach, L. Bonneau, P. Quentin, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 72 (1): Art. No. 014311 JUL 2005 *2 Variational calculation of the effect of isospin-mixing on superallowed Fermi beta decay in the A similar or equal to 70 mass region, A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, O. Radu, A. Faessler, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 747 (1): 44-52 JAN 10 2005 *3 Nuclear Data Sheets for A = 70, J.K. Tuli, Nuclear Data Sheets 103, No.3, 389, (2004) *4 On the use of general symmetry-projected Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov configurations in variational approaches to the nuclear many-body problem, K.W. Schmid, PROGRESS IN PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS 52 (2): 565-633 2004
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Destruction of Li-7 and Be-7 in astrophysical environments
France, RH;Baby, LT;Bordeanu, C;Delbar, T;Dooley, JA;Gai, M;Hass, M;McDonald, JE;Ninane, A;Przybycien, CM
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, May2003, vol.718, pag.398C-400C
1. Tilley DR, Kelley JH, Godwin JL, et al. Energy levels of light nuclei A=8, 9, 10 NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 745 (3-4): 155-362 DEC 13 2004 Times Cited: 11 2. Hass M Low-energy nuclear astrophysics - the fascinating region of A=7 NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 734: 631-638 APR 5 2004 Times Cited: 0 3. Baby LT, Bordeanu C, Goldring G, et al. New measurement of the proton capture rate on Be-7 and the S-17(0) factor PHYSICAL REVIEW C 67 (6): Art. No. 065805 JUN 2003 Times Cited: 23
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Homogeneity and size effects on the liquid-gas coexistence curve
Raduta AH, Raduta AR
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 724 (1-2): 233-240 AUG 25 2003
*1 Multifragmentation of very heavy nuclear systems (III): Fragment velocity correlations and event topology at freeze-out, Tabacaru G, Rivet MF, Borderie B, Parlog M, Bouriquet B, Chbihi A, Frankland JD, Wieleczko JP, Bonnet E, Bougault R, Dayras R, Galichet E, Guinet D, Lautesse P, Le Neindre N, Lopez O, Manduci L, Nalpas L, Pawlowski P, Rosato E, Roy R, Salou S, Tamain B, Vient E, Vigilante M, Volant C, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 764: 371-386 JAN 9 2006 *2 Shape effect of hot droplets on fragmentation, Komatsu N, Abe T, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 72 (2): Art. No. 021601 Part 1 AUG 2005
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J/psi and Phi production from proton to Pb induced reactions at CERN SPS.
C. Alexa, B.Alessandro,V.Boldea, S. Dita et al., NA50 Collaboration.
Nucl. Phys. A 721, pages 253-256 (2003)
*1 SEQUENTIAL CHARMONIUM DISSOCIATION. By F. Karsch (Brookhaven & Bielefeld U.), D. Kharzeev (Brookhaven), H. Satz (Bielefeld U. & CFIF, Lisbon),. BNL-NT-05-50, Dec 2005. 10pp. *2 COLOUR DECONFINEMENT AND QUARKONIUM BINDING. By Helmut Satz (Bielefeld U. & CFIF, Lisbon),. BI-TP-2005-51, Dec 2005. 50pp.
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New features of positive and negative parity rotational bands in 226Ra
A. A. Raduta, D. Ionescu, I. I. Ursu and A. Faessler
Nuclear Physics A 720, 43 (2003).
Lenis D, Bonatsos D Parameter-free solution of the Bohr Hamiltonian for actinides critical in the octupole mode PHYSICS LETTERS B 633 (4-5): 474-478 FEB 16 2006 Bonatsos D, Lenis D, Minkov N, et al. Analytic description of critical-point actinides in a transition from octupole deformation to octupole vibrations PHYSICAL REVIEW C 71 (6): Art. No. 064309 JUN 2005
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Sub-threshold phi-meson yield in central Ni-58+Ni-58 collisions
Mangiarotti A, Herrmann N, Maurenzig PR, Gobbi A, Kotte R, Kecskemeti J, Leifels Y, Alard JP, Andronic A, Averbeck R, Barret V, Basrak Z, Bastid N, Belyaev I, Bendarag A, Berek G, Caplar R, Crochet P, Devismes A, Dupieux P, Dzelalija M, Finck C, Fodor Z, Grishkin Y, Hartmann O, Hildenbrand KD, Hong B, Kim YJ, Kirejczyk M, Koczon P, Korolija M, Kress T, Kutsche R, Lebedev A, Manko V, Merschmeyer M, Moisa D, Nianine A, Neubert W, Pelte D, Petrovici M, Plettner C, Rami F, Reisdorf W, de Schauenburg B, Schull D, Seres Z, Sikora B, Sim KS, Simion V, Siwek-Wilczynska K, Smolyankin V, Stockmeier M, Stoicea G, Vasiliev M, Wagner P, Wisniewski K, Wohlfarth D, Yushmanov I, Zhilin A
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 714 (1-2): 89-123 FEB 10 2003
*1 Subthreshold phi-meson production and medium effects in proton-nucleus reactions, Paryev EY, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A 23 (3): 453-471 MAR 2005 *2 Hadronic matter properties from the reaction studies at SIS, Herrmann N, Wisniewski K, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 35 (3): 1091-1104 MAR 2004
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A new measurement of the proton capture rate on Be-7
Baby, LT;Bordeanu, C;Goldring, G;Hass, M;Weissman, L; Fedoseyev, VN;Koster, U;Nir-El, Y;Haquin, G;Gaggeler, HW;Weinreich, R
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, May 2003, vol.718, pag.487C-489C
1. Tilley DR, Kelley JH, Godwin JL, et al. Energy levels of light nuclei A=8, 9, 10 NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 745 (3-4): 155-362 DEC 13 2004 Times Cited: 11
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Beta-decay studies at the N=28 shell closure
S.Grevy, J. Mrazek, J. C. Angélique, P. Baumann, C. Borcea, A. Buta, G. Canchel, W. Catford, S. Courtin, J. M. Daugas, F. De Oliveira, P. Dessagne, Z. Dlouhy, A. Knipper, K. L. Kratz, F. R. Lecolley, J. L. Lecouey, G. Lehrsenneau, M. Lewitowicz, E. Liénard, S. Lukianov, F. Marechal, C. Miehé, F. Negoita, N. A. Orr, D. Pantelica, Y. Penionzhkevich, J. Péter, B. Pfeiffer, S. Pietri, E. Poirier, O. Sorlin, M. Stanoiu, C. Stodel, and C. Timis
Nuclear Physics, A722, 424-428(2003)
*1 Cameron JA, Singh B, NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS 102 (2): 293-513 JUN 2004
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Counting Ti-44 nuclei from the Ca-40(alpha,gamma)Ti-44 reaction
Paul, M;Feldstein, C;Ahmad, I;Berkovits, D;Bordeanu, C;Caggiano, J;Ghelberg, S;Goerres, J;Greene, J;Hass, M;Heinz, A;Henderson, D;Hui, SK;Janssens, RVF;Jiang, CL;Jiang, S;Nirel, Y;Pardo, RC;Pennington, T;Rehm, KE;Savard, G;Verri, G;Vondrasek, R;Wiedenhover, I;Wiescher, M
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, May 2003, vol.718, pag. 239C-242C
1. Nassar H, Paul M, Ghelberg S, et al. Study of the supernova nucleosynthesis Ca-40(alpha, gamma)Ti-44 reaction: progress report NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 758: 411C-414C Sp. Iss. SI JUL 25 2005 Times Cited: 0
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Dynamics of phase transitions in asymmetric nuclear matter
Di Toro M, Baran V, Colonna M, Drago A, Gaitanos T, Greco V, Lavagno A
Nuclear Physics A Volume 722, Pages 129C-135C (JUL 2003)
*1 Transport properties of isospin effective mass splitting, Rizzo J, Colonna M, Di Toro M, et al. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 732: 202-217 (FEB 2004)[Enter]
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Nuclear structure of 131Te studied with (n,gamma) and (d,p) reactions
I.Tomandl, T. von Egidy, J.Honz atko, V.Bondarenko, H.-F.Wirth, S.Raman, D.Bucurescu, V.Yu.Ponomarev, G.Graw, R.Hertenberger, Y.Eisermann,
Nuclear Physycs A717(2003)149-98
*1 - B.Singh, Nucl. Data Sheets 105(2005)223
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The East-West effect of the muon charge ratio at energies relevant to the atmospheric neutrino anomaly
I.M.Brancus, J.Wentz, B.Mitrica, H.Rebel, M.Petcu, H.Bozdog, H.J.Mathes, A.F.Badea, A.Bercuci, C.Aiftimiei, M.Duma, A.Meli, G.Toma, B.Vulpescu
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 721: 1044C-1047C JUN 30 2003
V.S.Putkin et al., to publ. Astron.Astrophys. 2004, astro-ph/0408025
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Transverse momentum and transverse mass distributions of J/psi mesons produced in p A and Pb Pb interactions at the CERN SPS
S. Dita, B.Alessandro,V.Boldea, C. Alexa, et al., NA50 Collaboration
Nucl.Phys.A721:249-252, 2003
*1 CHARM MEASUREMENTS AT SPS AND RHIC. By Y. Akiba (KEK, Tsukuba),. 2004. Prepared for 7th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM 2003), Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, 12-17 Mar 2003. Published in J.Phys.G30:S283-S293,2004
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Transverse momentum distribution of J/psi produced in Pb Pb and p A interactions at the CERN SPS.
S. Dita, B.Alessandro,V.Boldea, C. Alexa, N.Topilskaya, et al., NA50 Collaboration
Nucl.Phys.A715:675-678, 2003
*1 CHARM MEASUREMENTS AT SPS AND RHIC. By Y. Akiba (KEK, Tsukuba),. 2004. Prepared for 7th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM 2003), Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, 12-17 Mar 2003. Published in J.Phys.G30:S283-S293,2004
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Experimental determination of the Be-7+p scattering lengths
Angulo, C; Azzouz, M; Descouvemont, P; Tabacaru, G; Baye, D; Cogneau, M; Coulder, M; Davinson, T; Di Pietro, A; Figuera, P; Gaelens, M; Leleux, P; Loiselet, A; Ninane, A; Santos, FD; Pizzone, RG; Ryckewaert, G; de Sereville, N; Vanderbist, F
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 716: 211-229 MAR 24 2003
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Isomerism in 96Ag and non-yrast levels in 96Pd and 95Rh, studied in ? decay
L.Batist, J.Doring, I.Mukha, C.Plettner, C.R.Bingham, R.Borcea, M.Gierlik, H.Grawe, K.Hauschild, Z.Janas, I.P.Johnstone, M.Karny, M.Kavatsyuk, R.Kirchner, M.La Commara, C.Mazzocchi, F.Moroz, J.Pavan, A.Plochocki, E.Roeckl, B.Salvachua, K.Schmidt, R.Schwengner, L.D.Skouras, S.L.Tabor, M.Wiedeking
Nucl.Phys. A720, 245
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Light charged particle emission in fast neutron (25-65 MeV) induced reactions on Bi-209
Raeymackers, E; Benck, S; Nica, N; Slypen, I; Meulders, JP; Corcalciuc, V; Koning, AJ
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 726 (3-4): 210-230 OCT 20 2003
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Measurements of the interaction cross sections for Ar and Cl isotopes (vol 709, pg 60, 2002)
Ozawa, A; Baumann, T; Chulkov, L; Cortina, D; Datta, U; Fernandez, J; Geissel, H; Hammache, F; Itahashi, K; Ivanov, M; Janik, R; Kato, T; Kimura, K; Kobayashi, T; Markenroth, K; Meister, M; Munzenberg, G; Ohtsubo, T; Ohya, S; Okuda, T; Ogloblin, AA; Pribora, V; Sekiguchi, M; Sitar, B; Strmen, P; Sugimoto, S; Summerer, K; Suzuki, T; Tanihata, I; Yamaguchi, Y
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 727 (3-4): 465-466 NOV 17 2003
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Non-Scissors-Mode Behavior of Isovector Dipole Orbital Transitions Involving Isospin Transfer
A. Aroua, M.S. Fayache,L. Zamick, Y. Y. Sharon, E. Moya de Guerra, P. Sarriguren, A. A. Raduta
Nuclear Physics A 728, 96-108 (2003).
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Nuclear Stopping at SIS energies by using isospin asymmetric nuclear collisions
B. Hong si colaborarea FOPI, D. Moisa, M. Petrovici, V. Simion
Nuclear Physics,. Volume A721, Page 317-320, (2003)
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Nuclear structure of 129Te studied with (n,gamma), (d,p) and (d,t) reactions
H.-F.Wirth, T. von Egidy, I.Tomandl, J.Honz atko, D.Bucurescu, N.Marginean, V.Yu.Ponomarev, R.Hertenberger, Y.Eisermann, G.Graw
Nuclear Physics A716(2003)3-54
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Optical model potentials for alpha-particles scattering around the Coulomb barrier on A similar to 100
Avrigeanu, M; von Oertzen, W; Plompen, AM; Avrigeanu, V
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 723 (1-2): 104-126 JUL 28 2003
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