So'zlashuv uchun iboralar
Romance and Love Phrases
Are you free tomorrow evening?− Ertaga kechki payt bo'shmisiz?
I would like to invite you to dinner− Kechki ovqatga taklif qilmoqchiman
You look beautiful! (to a woman)− Ko'rinishingiz yaxshi
You have a beautiful name− Ismingiz chiroyli ekan
Can you tell me more about you?− O'zingiz haqida ko'proq gapirib beraolasizmi?
Are you married?−Turmush qurganmisiz?
I'm single− Bo'ydoqman (for men) /Turmushga chiqmaganman (for women)
I'm married− Uylanganman (for men), / turmushga chiqqanman (for women)
Can I have your phone number?− Telefon raqamingizni bera olasizmi?
Can I have your email?− Elektron manzilingizni bera olasizmi?
Do you have any pictures of you?− Rasmingiz bormi
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