ing a book. If you consider the entire book, writing it is an overwhelming task.
Getting Started
problem seems a little more doable. Of course, an entire chapter can seem a bit
daunting, too, so you break the task down into first-level headings, which seems
even more doable, but still not quite doable enough. The first-level headings could
contain second-level headings and so on until you have broken down the problem
of writing about a topic into short articles as much as you can. Even a short article
can seem too hard, so you break it down into paragraphs, then into sentences, and
finally into individual words. Writing a single word isn’t too hard. So, writing a
book comes down to writing individuals words —lots of them. This is how divide
and conquer works. You break a problem down into smaller problems until you
find a problem that you can solve without too much trouble.
Computers can use the divide-and-conquer approach as well. Trying to solve a
huge problem with an enormous dataset could take days — assuming that the
task is even doable. However, by breaking the big problem down into smaller
pieces, you can solve the problem much faster and with fewer resources. For
example, when searching for an entry in a database, searching the entire database
isn’t necessary if you use a sorted database. Say that you’re looking for the word
Hello in the database. You can begin by splitting the database in half (letters A
through M and letters N through Z). The numeric value of the H in Hello (a value of
72 when using a standard ASCII table) is less than M (a value of 77) in the alpha-
bet, so you look at the first half of the database rather than the second. Splitting
the remaining half again (letters A through G and letters H through M), you now
find that you need the second half of the remainder, which is now only a quarter
of the database. Further splits eventually help you find precisely what you want by
searching only a small fraction of the entire database. You call this search approach
a binary search. The problem becomes one of following these steps:
Split the content in question in half.
Compare the keys for the content with the search term.
Choose the half that contains the key.
Repeat Steps 1 through 3 until you find the key.
Most divide-and-conquer problems follow a similar approach, even though some
of these approaches become quite convoluted. For example, instead of just split-
ting the database in half, you might split it into thirds in some cases. However, the
goal is the same in all cases: Divide the problem into a smaller piece and deter-
mine whether you can solve the problem using just that piece as a generalized
case. After you find the generalized case that you know how to solve, you can use
that piece to solve any other piece as well. The following code shows an extremely
simple version of a binary search that assumes that you have the list sorted. (You
can find this code in the
A4D; 05; Binary Search.ipynb
file on the Dummies site
as part of the downloadable code; see the Introduction for details.)