Akhsikent Archeology Memorial Complex
160719, Turakurgan district, The village of Shahand, A. Navoi Street.
Phones: +93 498 78 44, +97 426 88 11
Email: Axsikent2017@mail.ru WWW.axsikent.uz
The Akhsikent monument is considered the capital of ancient Ferghana and its ruins are located in the Namangan region of the Turakurgan region on the right bank of the Syr Darya. Archeology led by the head of the Tashkent department of archaeological research of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Abdulҳamid Anarbaev exploring the ruins of Akhsikent. We came to the following conclusion: This city was built in the 3rd century BC. and named Ferghana, its defensive walls were 5.5 meters thick. The area occupied more than 50 hectares.
In Chinese sources, Ferghana is referred to as “Yuan,” and the valley is “Da Yuan” (Big Ferghana). From a topographical point of view, the city consisted of 3 parts: Arib, inner and outer city. A talented Chinese diplomat, who visited the Ferghana state in 128-127, Zhang Qiang wrote that the ruler controls the state with the help of his two colleges and the council of Aksakals (parliament).
Based on an external threat, the Ahsikent people increased the width of their defensive walls to 20 meters.
At the beginning of the VIII century AD The Arab historian Tarabi first mentions Ferghana, relying on the information of Ibn Khurdadbek, which was given in the first half of the 9th century. It is scientifically proven that the city of Ferghana was on the site of the Akhsikent settlement. Only in the second half of the 9th century the city of Ferghana was called Ahsikent. In numismatic materials, the city until the middle of the IX century is called Ferghana and Akhsikent.
In the IX-XII century, according to archaeological research, the area of the capital city of Akhsikent attracted more than 400 hectares, and the population of more than 200 thousand. The city flourished in many areas. Here swords were made with one blow of which it was possible to cut the stone and known around the world as “Damascus” swords, which were sold in the east of China and in the west in Damascus bazaars. In the middle of the 10th century, an underground water supply system already existed in Ahsikent. The plumbing was built of baked bricks in the form of current bricks. Built by the great engineers of its time, this water supply served for over 250 years.
In the fifteenth century, the Ferghana Valley was ruled by the father of Babur Mirza Umarsheikh Mirza.
Axsikent yodgorligi qadimgi Farg'ona poytaxti hisoblanadi va uning xarobalari Sirdaryoning o'ng qirg'og'idagi To'raqo'rg'on viloyatining Namangan viloyatida joylashgan. Axsikent xarobalarini o'rganayotgan O'zbekiston Fanlar akademiyasining Toshkent arxeologik tadqiqotlar bo'limi boshlig'i Abdulhamid Anarboyev boshchiligidagi arxeologiya. Biz quyidagi xulosaga keldik: bu shahar miloddan avvalgi III asrda qurilgan. va uning mudofaa devorlari qalinligi 5,5 metr bo'lgan Farg'ona deb nomlangan. Maydon 50 gektardan ortiq maydonni egallagan.
Xitoy manbalarida Farg'ona "Yuan" deb nomlangan, vodiy esa "Da Yuan" (Katta Farg'ona). Topografik nuqtai nazardan, shahar 3 qismdan iborat edi: Arib, ichki va tashqi shahar. 128-127 yillarda Farg'ona davlatiga tashrif buyurgan iste'dodli xitoylik diplomat Chjan Tsyan hukmdor o'zining ikki kolleji va oqsoqollar kengashi (parlament) yordamida davlatni boshqarishini yozgan.
Axsikentliklar tashqi tahdidga asoslanib, himoya devorlarining kengligini 20 metrgacha oshirdilar.
Milodiy VIII asrning boshlarida arab tarixchisi Tarobiy IX asrning birinchi yarmida berilgan Ibn Xurdadbekning ma'lumotlariga tayanib, Farg'ona haqida birinchi bo'lib eslatib o'tadi. Farg'ona shahri Axsikent aholi punkti o'rnida bo'lganligi ilmiy jihatdan isbotlangan. Faqat 9-asrning ikkinchi yarmida Farg'ona shahri Axsikent deb nomlandi. Numizmatik materiallarda shahar IX asrning o'rtalariga qadar Farg'ona va Axsikent deb nomlangan.
IX-XII asrlarda, arxeologik tadqiqotlar natijalariga ko'ra poytaxt Axsikentning maydoni 400 gektardan ziyod, aholisi esa 200 mingdan oshiq edi. Shahar ko'plab sohalarda gullab-yashnagan. Bu erda qilichlar bitta zarba bilan yasalgan bo'lib, toshni kesish mumkin edi va butun dunyoga "Damashq" qilichi sifatida tanilgan bo'lib, ular Xitoyning sharqida va g'arbida Damashq bozorlarida sotilgan. 10-asrning o'rtalarida Axsikentda er osti suv ta'minoti tizimi mavjud edi. Santexnika hozirgi g'isht shaklida pishgan g'ishtdan qurilgan. O'z davrining buyuk muhandislari tomonidan qurilgan ushbu suv ta'minoti 250 yildan ortiq vaqt davomida xizmat qilgan.
XV asrda Farg'ona vodiysini Bobur Mirzo Umarshayx Mirzoning otasi boshqargan.