Active Voice to be fill in the gaps with the Present forms of ‘BE

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Active Voice - to BE

  1. Fill in the gaps with the Present forms of ‘BE’. Ask questions and give negative answers.

1. I … hungry. 2. You … thirsty. 3. He … happy. 4. She … sad. 5. It … cold outside. 6. We … happy with our new flat. 7. You … bad at football. 8. They … glad. 9. He … glad about his new job. 10. She … satisfied with her holidays. 11. I … good at maths. 12 It … very hot inside. 13. I … afraid of snakes. 14. Mary … fond of music. 15. Jerry and Nick … interested in stamp collecting.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the Past forms of ‘BE’. Ask questions and give negative answers.

1. She … sad about your exams last month. 2. He … afraid of spiders, when he … a child. 3. At school they … fond of tennis. 4. Back at school we … interested in history. 5. Mike … crazy about snowboarding. 6. The children … fond of painting. 7. Last week he … in Spain. 8. The day before yesterday Kate … in the restaurant. 9. The students … in the museum last week. 10. A teacher … happy with the results of his students.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the Future forms of ‘BE’. Ask questions and give negative answers.

1. He … happy to go to Paris. 2. She … crazy about her new car. 3. They … glad to see us again. 4. I … at University tomorrow. 5. In a week we … in the mountains. 6. In 2 days they … at the seaside. 7. Next year I … an engineer. 8. Next week we … in the zoo. 9. Next month she … finally satisfied with her life. 10. I … glad to visit you in London.

  1. Fill in the gaps with: now, today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, a week ago, last week, last month, last year, long ago, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, in 2 days.

1. … I am at University. 2. … he was in the cinema. 3. … he was in the country and this week he is in the city. 4. She will be in Paris … . 4. He was fond of horse riding … . 5. … you are too tired. Get some rest. 6. The exhibition is … . Let’s go and watch it. 7. She was a good dancer … . Now she is too old. 8. … he will visit 3 countries! 9. … he will be an engineer. 10. … they were in London. 11. He was in Scotland … . And he will visit it next year again. 12. … they will be free from school. 13. She will be at her grandma’s … . 14. I was in that café … . 15. We were there ….

  1. Ask questions to the sentences from ex.4. Give negative answers.

  2. Translate into English.

1. Я хочу есть. 2. Я хочу пить. 3. Сейчас он счастлив. 4. Она довольна своими экзаменами. 5. Они рады встретиться с нами. 6. Им грустно из-за своих результатов. 7. Ему хорошо дается английский. 8. На улице очень жарко. 9. В здании очень холодно. 10. Вы интересуетесь живописью? 11. Они без ума от езды на лошадях. 12. Он боялся змей. 13. Она сильно устала. 14. Мы были в музее на прошлой неделе. 15. Наконец-то они довольны результатами. 16. На следующей неделе она будет в Испании. 17. Через 5 дней он будет у своей бабушки. 18. Послезавтра они будут в том кафе. 19. Позавчера они были в горах. 20. Через месяц он будет инженером.

  1. Ask and answer about your partners about their favourite colour, music, books, hobby, etc. Use the words and phrases from the previous exercises.


Books and films
















science fiction






soap opera











ice/roller skating






karate/marshal arts





Present Simple

  1. Fill in the gaps with the verb in Present Simple with ‘-s’ or without.

1. Water … at 100°C. (boil). 2. My uncle … in a factory. (work) 3. John and Sue … glasses. (wear) 4. The children … a lot of sweets. (eat) 5. He only … at weekends. (work) 6. I always … out on Saturdays. (go) 7. She … to London once a week. (drive). 8. She never … up very early. (get) 10. I occasionally … meat. (eat) 11. The teacher… at 6 this evening. (leave) 12. The concert … at 7 next Friday. (start) 13. They … in the paper it will be hot. (say) 14. He usually … early in the morning (get up). 15. She often … breakfast at 10 a.m. (have)

  1. Ask questions to the sentences in ex. 8 and give negative answers.

  2. Fill in the gaps with sometimes, seldom, often, usually, always, never to make the sentences true for yourself.

1. I … get up at 7 o’clock. 2. I … wash my face; brush my teeth in the morning. 3. I … go to the University on foot. 4. I … go there by car. 5. I … take a tram or a bus. 6. On Monday we … have three double periods. 7. At noon I am … free. 8. In the afternoon I … read books and magazines, go for a walk, meet my friends. 9. I … go shopping in the evening. 10. I … have dinner at 9 p.m. 11. I … cook diner myself. 12. I … go to bed at midnight.

  1. Ask your partner about his or her day. Use the words from the previous exercise. Tell the group about your partner using he/she and the verb with ‘-s’.

  2. Make suggestions to your partner using the forms: Why don't we ...? or Why don't you ...?
    Give a reason for your suggestion. Your partner agrees or disagrees.

  3. Translate into Russian.

1. High in the mountains water boils at 90°C. 2. The Sun rises in the east. 3. The Earth rotates around its axis and revolves around the Sun. 4. The Earth completes a rotation on its axis every twenty three hours and fifty four minutes. 5. The Earth completes one revolution around the sun once every three hundred and sixty five point two six days. 6. The elliptical orbit of the Earth has little effect on the seasons. 7. It is the tilt of the planet's rotational axis that causes winter and summer. 8. Earth’s axis tilts 23.5 degrees. 9. The revolution of the Earth and the tilting of the axis results in different angle of the sun during different periods. 10. For example, in summer the Earth’s surface and the midday sun form a 90 degree angle. 11. Because of the tilt the hemispheres receive different amounts of the Sun’s energy. 12. The water cycle describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth. 13. The water moves from one reservoir to another by the physical processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and subsurface flow. 14. The water cycle involves the exchange of energy, which leads to temperature changes. 15. When water evaporates, it takes up energy from its surroundings and cools the environment. 16. When water condenses, it releases energy and warms the environment. 17. Gravity is the force that causes things to fall down.

  1. Translate into Russian.

1. Physics excels at measuring and predicting the physical world. 2. With the use of measurements scientists observe the world, then model and predict it. 3. Physics and mathematicians group like measurements into measurement systems. 4. The most common measurement systems include the centimeter-gram-second (CGS) and meter-kilogram-second (MKS) systems. 5. Physicists call CGS and MKS systems SI (short for Systéme International d’Units). 6. Sometimes you come across the foot-pound-inch (FPI) system. 7. Each measurement system uses a different standard length and weight.

8. If you use the MKS measurement system to measure the depth of the swimming pool, it gives you an answer in meters; and the less common FPI system yields a depth in inches. 9. Physicists use various measurement systems to record numbers from their observations. 10. If scientists measure something, they always stick with the same measurement system all the way through the problem. 11. If physicists have results in different measurement systems, they convert everything to the same measurement system before they proceed.

  1. Translate into English.

1. Вода кипит при ста градусах по Цельсию. 2. Солнце встает на востоке. 3. Он работает по выходным. 4. Она не водит автомобиль. 5. Она посещает Париж каждый месяц. 6. Раз в неделю он ходит в театр. 7. Обычно он завтракает в девять. 8. Она всегда обедает в полдень. 9. Они часто ходят в зоопарк. 10. Иногда мы навещаем наших друзей в Англии. 11. Очень редко он ложиться спать в полночь. 12. Она никогда не читает книги по утрам. 13. Она никогда не выходит из дома по вечерам. 14. После обеда она обычно гуляет в парке. 15. Почему бы нам не пойти в парк? 16. Он работает в университете или на заводе? 17. Солнце встает на востоке или на западе? 18. Она ходит на работу пешком или ездит на автобусе? 19. Иногда он ест мясо. 20. Она всегда ходит по магазинам после обеда?

  1. Translate the text into Russian.

Physics is the study of your world and the world and universe around you. 1Physics is a study 2that you undertake naturally 3from the moment you open your eyes. Nothing falls beyond the scope of physics. You study various aspects of the natural world, and, accordingly, you study different fields in physics: the physics of objects in motion, of forces, of what happens when you go nearly as fast as the speed of light, and so on.

Your natural curiosity gives rise to endless questions:

- Why do I slip when I try to climb that snow bank?

- What’s the nature of this speck of dust?

- Why do blankets make me warm?

- What’s the nature of matter?

1Some of the most fundamental questions 2you may have about the world deal with objects in motion. 1Motion is a fundamental fact of life and one 2that most people already know a lot about.

When you take a look around, you see that the motion of objects changes all the time. A motorcycle comes to a halt at the stop sign. 1A leaf falls and then stops 2when it hits the ground, 3and the wind picks it up again. Motion changes all the time as the result of force.

  1. Translate the text into English.

Ученые наблюдают за миром, моделируют и предсказывают его. Измерения очень важны для ученых. Физики группируют похожие меры в системы измерений. Самая распространенная система – МКС. Менее распространенная – фут-фунт-дюйм.

Например, вы хотите найти площадь футбольного поля. Если вы измеряете длину футбольного поля в системе СИ, то вы получаете результат в метрах. И если у вас уже имеется его ширина в футах, вы переводите футы в метры, чтобы продолжить вычисления. Помните, что вы всегда придерживаетесь одной и той же системы измерений.

Past Simple

  1. Fill in the gaps.

1. We … for an hour yesterday (wait) 2. Joan … her room on Friday (clean) 3. She … my letter yesterday (post) 4. She … when she saw me (stop) 5. I … of a new car last night (dream) 6. He … a lot as a baby (cry) 7. We … when we saw them (laugh) 8. He … the orders (obey) 9. We … into the house (hurry) 10. I … early yesterday (finish) 11. I … the door before I left (lock) 12. We … first class (travel) 13. He … a lot of countries on during his world trip. (visit) 14. They … to rehearse the play yesterday. (start) 15. He … a lot as a teenager. (smoke)

  1. Ask questions to the sentences in ex. 16 and give negative answers.

  2. Fill in the gaps with correct forms of the irregular verbs.

Mr. Bear (wake up) at six,
(Brush) his hair and his teeth.
(Take) his sandwich, (go) to the stop,
(Sit) in his car and (drive) to work.
There he (run), (write) and (draw)
Until he (catch) a very bad flu.
The doctor (say) it’s time for bed,
But tired Bear disobeyed.
He (buy) some syrup, (eat) his meal
And (get) to work with extra zeal.
He (work) until he (fall) unconscious
Because he wasn’t enough cautious.

  1. Fill in the gaps with correct forms of the irregular verbs.

1. He … (become) an engineer when he was 23. 2. She … (come) up to the piano and … (begin) to play. 3. He … (loose) his wallet and … (feel) terrible. 4. She … (find) the keys in her purse and … (give) them to the driver. 5. They … (break) a new vase but mother … (forgive) them. 6. He … (buy) some flowers (bring) them to her. 8. She … (feed) him and … (read) to him when he was in the hospital. 9. The wind … (blow) and the old tree … (fall) on the ground. 10. The criminal … (burn) the house, but soon the police … (catch) him. 11. The company … (build) a house in three months and … (sell) it for half a million pounds. 12. She … (choose) beige wallpapers. 13. When he was a child he … (draw) very well and … (dream) to become an artist. 14. He … (forget) to invite Mary and … (write) to her in the last moment. 15. The birds … (fly) to the south in September. 16. He … (hear) some noise and … (go) downstairs to see what was the matter. 17. He … (wake up) at seven, … (get up), … (eat), … (drink), … (take) the keys and … (leave) the house. 18. The criminal … (hit) the man on the head and he … (forget) everything. 19. The butcher … (cut) a big piece of meat, … (give) it to the customer who … (pay) in cash. 20. He … (come) in, … (shut) the door, … (turn on) the light and … (see) a man in black in front of him. 21. He … (get) a heart attack and the doctor … (put) him into hospital for a month. 22. The flowers … (grow) very slowly but finally Mary … (understand) the reason. 23. Every morning he … (run) or … (ride) a bicycle. 24. He … (make) a big mistake when he … (spend) all his money before the pay day. 25. She … (send) a letter to her mother on Wednesday and … (meet) her at the railway station on Sunday. 26. On Monday they … (learn) a lot about our solar system. 27. He … (put on) a sweater, … (wear) it for half an hour, but then … (take) it off – it was too hot. 28. A new car … (cost) him a lot of money, but he … (drive) it day and night. 29. For some time he … (lie) in the bed but soon he … (fall) asleep and … (sleep) like a child. 30. He … (speak) English very well and everybody … (understand) him perfectly.

  1. Put the verb in Present Simple or in Past Simple.

1. He always … (shut) the door when he leaves the house. – He … (shut) the door and left the house. 2. She sometimes … (let) her daughter stay at friends’ house. – Yesterday she … (let) her buy a new car. 3. The car … (cost) too much, I can’t afford it. – The car … (cost) too much but he bought it anyway. 4. His knee always … (hurt) him and he can’t do sport. – His knee … (hurt) and he left professional sport. 5. She … (lead) an important research project in the 1990s. – She always (lead) people. It is her trait of character. 6. He … (read) very well even when he was a child. – Now every morning he … (read) a newspaper. 7. She … (cut) her finger and went to the doctor. – First, you … (cut) potatoes, then carrots.

  1. D
    1990 - kindergarten

    1995 – swimming competition
    raw your lifeline and speak about major events in the past.

1993 - school

2013 - University

go to kindergarten

be good at maths/music/painting

go to music/art/sports school

go to the country

go to gym/swimming pool

win medals/competition in

like reading/singing/dancing

like skating/skiing

finish school

enter the University

  1. Fill in the gaps with correct forms of the irregular verbs.

1. Yesterday Mike … (get up) at seven o’clock. 2. He … (have) breakfast at half past seven. 3. Then he … (go) to work. 4. On his way there he … (meet) his friend John. 5. John … (tell) him about the meeting. 6. Mike … (say): O.K. 7. They also … (see) Julie, another friend from work. 8. She … (have) her birthday that day and … (bring) a delicious cake. 9. Everybody … (eat) the cake with pleasure. 10. All the colleagues … (give) Julie nice presents. 11. Then they … (speak) about the latest news and after that … (go) to work. 12. After work Julie … (drive) the friends to the cinema. 13. They … (buy) the tickets to the new blockbuster. 14. They also … (take) soda and … (drink) during the film. 15. At home Mike … (write) to his Dad that he had had a good day.

  1. Speak about some interesting event that took place in the past.

  2. Translate the text into Russian.

1. Isaac Newton explained the workings of the universe through mathematics. 2. He formulated laws of motion and gravitation. 3. Isaac published his most famous book, Principia, in 1687. 4. In the Principia, Isaac explained three basic laws that govern the way objects move. 5. He then described his idea, or theory, about gravity. 6. In his book Isaac also used his laws to show that the planets revolve around the suns in orbits that are oval, not round. 7. When he saw the apple fall, Newton began to think about a specific kind of motion – gravity. 8. Newton understood that gravity was the force of attraction between two objects. 9. He also understood that an object with more matter – mass – exerted the greater force, or pulled smaller object toward it. 10. That meant that the large mass of the earth pulled objects toward it. 11. That is why the apple fell down. 12. Isaac Newton thought about gravity and the apple. 13. He thought that maybe gravity extended to the moon and beyond. 14. Isaac calculated the force needed to keep the moon moving around the earth. 15. Then he compared it with the force that made the apple fall downward. 16. Thus, he discovered that the forces were the same. 17. Isaac Newton’s calculations changed the way people understood the universe. 18. Isaac proved that the Sun’s gravity held the planets in place. 19. He also showed that distance and mass affected the force of gravity.

  1. Translate into English.

1. Вчера он встретил своего друга в парке. 2. Позавчера они ходили в кино. 3. В пятницу она видела автомобильную аварию. 4. Он пообедал полчаса назад. 5. Они купили интересную книгу на воскресной распродаже. 6. Он стал инженером, когда ему было 22. 7. Они разбили окно и заплатили штраф. 8. Они играли в футбол каждую пятницу весь прошлый год. 9. В детстве он мечтал стать актером. 10. Самолет улетел два часа назад. 11. Он простудился (catch a cold). 12. Во время экзамена он забыл всё, что знал. 13. Кот съел рыбу, выпил молока и уснул (fall asleep) на коленях у хозяйки. 14. У него был сердечный приступ и доктор дал ему рецепт. 15. Он написал письмо и сообщил, что остается там еще на две недели. 16. Ньютон сформулировал законы движения. 17. Ньютон открыл закон всемирного тяготения. 18. Открытия Ньютона изменили человеческие представления о мире.

  1. Translate the texts into English.

В четверг команда палеонтологов в Мексике обнаружила хвост динозавра, которому 72 млн. лет. Ученые сказали: «Институт проводил раскопки в пустыне недалеко от городка Дженерал Сепеда (General Cepeda). В прошлом месяце мы нашли 5-метровый хвост. Это был первый хвост, который мы нашли на этой территории». У ученых заняло 20 дней (it takes sb some time to do sth), чтобы откопать 50 позвонков (vertebrae) хвоста. Палеонтологи сообщили, что хвост похож на хвост хадрозавра (a hadrosaur).

В пятницу 26 июля 2013 года рабочие национального парка удаляли краску с мемориала Линкольну. Полицейские закрыли популярную достопримечательность до утра следующего дня. Полицейские заявили: «Вандалы выплеснули (toss) краску на мемориал ночью. Сотрудники обнаружили это рано утром и начали удалять краску. Мы расследуем инцидент». (investigate)

Future Simple

  1. Fill in the gaps with shall or will.

1. I … get up early in the morning next week. 2. We … do morning exercises next month. 3. They … read more next year. 4. She … work less next month. 4. In a week they … finish their work. 5. I … tell the story in the evening. 6. We … play tennis on Wednesday. 7. He … retire in a few month. 8. You … complete the form and send it by mail. 9. It … take a lot of time. 10. He … quit smoking.

  1. Tell what you will do to make your life healthier.

  2. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs. Ask questions and give negative answers.

1. Mr. Brown … (retire) next year. 2. He … (start) fishing. 3. He and his wife … (get up) early and (do) morning exercises. 4. She … (cook) porridge and (make) tea. 5. She … (visit) a hairdresser every weekend. 6. He … (play) tennis and golf. 7. They … (buy) a small house in Florida. 8. Later they … (rent) a yacht and they … (travel) around the world. 9. Mrs. Brown … (take) pictures. 10. Mr. Brown … (make) notes about unknown places. 11. In a year or two they … (return) home. 12. They … (publish) a book on remote places on Earth.

  1. Fill in the gaps with either Present Simple or Future Simple.

if, when, as soon as, before, after, till (until)

1. If I (to stay) some more days in your town, I (to call) on you and we (to have) a good talk. 2. If you (to decide) to forget about your diet, you (to eat) wed­ding cake tomorrow. 3. As soon as I (to return) from University, I (to ring) you up. 4. You (to pass) many towns and villages on your way before you (to arrive) in Mos­cow. 5. I (to stay) at home till she (to come). Then we (to go) to the theatre if she (to bring) tickets. 6. If I (to drink) too much champagne at my friend's wedding, I (to get) a bad headache. 7. When he (to return) to St. Petersburg, he (to call) on us. 8. If I (to see) him, I (to tell) him about their letter. 9. We (to gather) at our place when my brother (to come) back from Africa. 10. I (to sing) this song with you if you (to tell) me the words. 11. I hope you (to join) us when we (to gather) in our country-house the next time. 12. What you (to do) when you (to come) home? 13. When they (to cross) the road, they (to see) the hotel. 14. Be­fore she (to get) to the theatre, she (to go) past the shopping centre. 15. What we (to do) if it (to rain) tonight? 16. What she (to do) if she (to see) her best friend again? 17. If they (to go) to California next year, they (to visit) his friend in San Francisco. 18. If it (to be) very cold tonight, our car (not to start) in the morning. 19. If the weather (to be) nice, we probably (to go) to the beach. 20. If he still (to have) a cold and (not to feel) better, he (not to go) to a disco. 21. If she (not to work) properly, her boss (to fire) her and (to hire) my sister.

  1. Tell your friend what you will do if he does something for you. E.g. I’ll do your homework if you give me your new baseball cap. – And I’ll give you my cap if you … .

  2. Answer the following questions about what will happen in the next hundred years.

  1. Will the population increase? How many people will live on Earth?

  2. How many people will speak English? Will it still be a world-wide language?

  3. What fuel will people use? Gas, oil, electricity or some alternatives? Why?

  4. Will people smarter than they are now? Why?

  5. Will people read more? Why?

  6. Will men and women still get married? Why?

  7. Will the scientist send a manned space shuttle to the Mars?

  8. Will people inhabit other planets and satellites? Which ones?

  1. Talk to your friend. Describe what you think will happen in the future.

Present Continuous

  1. Fill in the gaps with correct form of the verb to be. Ask questions, give negative answers.

    1. Peter … writing
    2. John … reading
    3. The children … talking
    4. The team … is discussing
    5. We … learning the irregular verbs


    6. Helen … playing tennis
    7. The teenagers … playing football
    8. Melanie … walking home
    9. You … doing the exercise
    10. I … listening to my friend


  2. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs. Ask questions and give negative answers to every second sentence in the group.

1. Usually he … shirts. – Now he … … a sweater. (wear) 2. She often … the piano. – She … … the piano now. (play) 3. They … to the University every weekday. – They … … to the University right now. (go) 4. You seldom … your grandma. – You … … your grandma now. (visit) 5. The team sometimes … football. – The team … … football now. (play) 6. I usually … a book in the afternoon. – Now I … … a book. (read) 7. Kate … a letter to her mother every week. – Kate … … the letter now. (write) 8. Tom and Pam … every day. – Tom and Pam … … now. (cook) 9. Mary … food in the local supermarket. – Mary … … food now. (buy) 10. Peter … breakfast at six. – Peter … … breakfast now. (have)

  1. Ask your partner what he or she usually wears. Tell us what a person next to you is wearing right now?




jeans (skinny/flare)







suit trench coat






kitten heels

high heels













Attention! The following verbs are not used in Continuous:

  1. Abstract Verbs (to be, to want, to seem, to need, to cost, to contain…)

  2. Mental and Emotional State (to think, to believe, to know, to understand, to like, to hate…)

  3. Sense (to see, to hear, to smell, to sound, to taste…)

  4. Possession (to have, to belong, to own, to possess…)

* to have: He has a dog. – He is having breakfast now.
* to think: I think it is wrong. – Keep silent! I am thinking.
* to be: He is a doctor. – He is being funny. (temporary characteristic)
* to feel: How are you feeling?

  1. Fill in the gaps with either Present Simple forms of the verbs or Present Continuous.

1. Every day Mary … (visit) his parents. 2. At the moment he … (write) the letter. Don’t disturb him! 3. John usually … (buy) new clothes during the sales season. 4. Her parents often … (call) her in the evening. 5. Now he … (talk) to the client. 6. They … (play) football at the moment. 7. This month he … (study) in Italy. 8. She … (study) at University. 9. The cat … (sleep) during the day. 10. Birds … (fly) to the south in autumn. 11. Ladies and gentlemen, we … (fly) over the Atlantic right now. 12. Emily … (sleep). I’ll tell her that you’ve come. 13. Susan … (play) the violin better than Mary. 14. Kate … (have) dinner now. 15. The team … (think). Keep silent! 16. Matt … (think) that he is the best at math. 17. She … (have) a dog and two cats. 18. The children … (draw) now. Then they’ll go for a walk. 19. He … (look) tired. 20. I am surprised. John … (be) very rude.

  1. Look at the picture. Describe what everybody is doing.

  1. Imagine that you are far away from here and describe what you are doing in your dreams.

  2. Fill in the gaps with either Present Simple or Present Continuous. Translate into Russian.

1. We … (know) the UK … (not usually have) very cold weather, but it's very cold at the moment. It … (snow) and the temperature is -8°C. People … (stay) at home.

2. It's usually cold in February and it … (rain) a lot, but today the sun … (shine) and it's a very warm 22°C. People … (wear) their summer clothes and they … (not carry) umbrellas as they usually … (do).

3. I … (think) spring in the UK is very beautiful. People usually … (wear) sweaters and jackets.

4. It often … (rain) in summer in the UK and sometimes it's quite cold. But occasionally they … (have) very hot weather with temperatures above 30°C. Today isn't one of those days. It … (rain) and everyone … (wear) raincoats.

5. In the autumn it … (get) dark at 6 p.m. but in summer it … (not get) dark until 10 p.m.

  1. Describe the weather in your region.

  2. Translate the text into Russian.

1. Einstein explained that when two objects are moving at a constant speed as the relative motion between the two objects. 2. If you and some astronaut, Amber, are moving in different spaceships and want to compare your observations, all that matters is how fast you and Amber are moving with respect to each other. 3. Special relativity includes only the special case where the motion is uniform. 4. The motion it explains is only if you are traveling in a straight line at a constant speed. 5. Einstein’s theory of special relativity created a fundamental link between space and time – the forth space dimension – the space-time continuum. 6. If you are moving fast enough through space, the observations that you are making about space and time differ from the observations of other people, who are moving at different speeds. 7. Imagine that you’re on a spaceship and you are holding a laser so it shoots a beam of light up, strikes a mirror on the ceiling and the light comes back down and strikes a detector. 8. However, the spaceship is traveling at a constant speed of half the speed of light. 9. Imagine that astronaut Amber is spying on you. 10. Then he sees that the beam of light is not traveling up and down but along a diagonal path. 11. Thus, the paths of the light, their lengths and the time are different for you and Amber. This phenomenon is known as time dilation, where the time on a ship moving very quickly appears to pass slower than on Earth.

PAst Continuous

  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verb. Ask questions and give negative answers.

1. I … (watch) TV when she called. 2. When the phone rang, she … (write) a letter. 3. While we … (have) the picnic, it started to rain. 4. I … (listen) to my iPod, so I didn't hear the fire alarm. 5. You … (not listen) to me when I told you to turn the oven off. 6. While John … (sleep) last night, someone stole his car. 7. Last night at 6 PM, I … (eat) dinner. 8. At midnight, we … still (drive) through the desert. 9. Yesterday at this time, I … (sit) at my desk at work. 10. I … (study) while he … (make) dinner. 11. While Ellen … (read), Tim (watch) television. 12. I … (not pay) attention while I … (write) the letter, so I made several mistakes. 13. Thomas … (not work), and I … (not work) either. 14. She … always (come) to class late. 15. He … constantly (talk). He annoyed everyone.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verb. Decide whether it is:

1. Interrupted action in the past

2. Action taking place at specific time

3. Parallel actions

4. Description of the scene

1. I … (not like) them because they … always (complain). 2. … you (listen) while he … (talk)? 3. Sammy … (wait) for us when we … (get off) the plane. 4. What … you (do) while you … (wait)? 5. While I … (write) the email, the computer suddenly … (go off). 6. They … (eat) dinner, … (discuss) their plans, and … (have) a good time. 7. What … you (do) when you … (break) your leg? 8. What … you (do) when the earthquake … (start)? 9. Jane … (be) at my house when you … (arrive). 10. I … (study) when she … (call). 11. While I … (study), she … (call). 12. When I … (walk) into the office, several people … busily (type), some … (talk) on the phones, the boss … (yell) directions, and customers … (wait) to be helped. One customer … (yell) at a secretary and (wave) his hands. Others … (complain) to each other about the bad service.

  1. Complete the text below with appropriate tenses.

Last night, while I ... 1(do) my homework, Angela ... 2(call). She said she ... 3(call) me on her cell phone from her biology classroom at UCLA. I asked her if she ... 4(wait) for class, but she said that the professor was at the front of the hall lecturing while she ... 5(talk) to me. I couldn't believe she ... 6(make) a phone call during the lecture. I … 7(ask) what was going on.

She said her biology professor was so boring that several of the students ... 8(sleep, actually) in class. Some of the students ... 9(talk) about their plans for the weekend and the student next to her ... 10(draw) a picture of a horse. When Angela ... 11(tell) me she was not satisfied with the class, I ... 12(mention) that my biology professor was quite good and ... 13(suggest) that she switch to my class.

While we … 14(talk), I ... 15(hear) her professor yell, "Miss, are you making a phone call?" Suddenly, the line went dead. I ... 16(hang) up the phone and went to the kitchen to make dinner. As I ... 17(cut) vegetables for a salad, the phone rang once again. It ... 18(be) Angela, but this time she wasn't sitting in class.

  1. Tell your story from your past using Past Simple and Past Continuous.

  2. Translate into Russian.

Luigi Galvani is famous for his discovery of current electricity. At that time of his discovery he was working at the University of Bologna. He was teaching anatomy. One day he was experimenting with the muscles and nerves of the frog. He was dissecting the frog when he noticed the contraction of its leg. The frog’s leg was touching the metal at the moment. After that Galvani conducted a number of experiments. He was trying to arrive at general laws of the relationship between the muscle contraction and the quantity of electric fluid. Finally Galvani came to the conclusion that animals possess in their nerves and muscles a subtle fluid quite analogous to ordinary electricity. 

FUTUre Continuous

  1. Fill in the gaps with Future Continuous. Ask questions and give negative answers.

1. I … (watch) TV when she arrives tonight. 2. I … (wait) for you when your bus arrives. 3. He … (study) at the library tonight, so he will not see Jennifer when she arrives. 4. At midnight tonight, we … still (drive) through the desert. 5. Tonight, they … (eat) dinner, … (discuss) their plans, and … (have) a good time. 6. While Ellen is reading, Tim … (watch) television. 7. When I arrive at the party, everybody … (celebrate). Some … (dance). Others … (talk). A few people … (eat) pizza, and several people … (drink) beer. They always do the same thing. 8. While I am finishing my homework, she … (make) dinner. 9. Jane … (be) at my house when you arrive. 10. I … (stay) at the Madison Hotel, if anything happens and you need to contact me.

  1. Fill in the gaps with either Future Simple or Future Continuous.

1. Where is Tim going to meet us? – He ... 1(wait) for us when our train arrives. He ... 2(stand) on the platform. – And then? - We ... 3(pick) Michele up at work and go out to dinner.

2. When we get to the party, Jerry ... 4(watch) TV, Sam ... 5(make) drinks, Beth ... 6(dance) by herself, and Thad ... 7(complain) about his day at work. – Maybe, this time they won't be doing the same things. – I am absolutely positive they ... 8(do) the same things; they always do the same things.

3. Oh, look at that mountain of dirty dishes! Who ... 9(wash) all of those? - I promise I ... 10(do) them when I get home from work. – Thanks. – When you get home this evening, that mountain will be gone and nice stacks of sparkling clean dishes ... 11(sit) in the cabinets.

4. If you need to contact me next week, I ... 12(stay) at the Hoffman Hotel. – I ... 13(call) you if there are any problems. This is the first time I have ever been away from the kids – Don't worry, they ... 14(be) be fine.

5. Just think, next week at this time, I ... 15(lie) on a tropical beach in Maui. – While you are luxuriating on the beach, I ... 16(stress) out over this marketing project. How are you going to enjoy yourself knowing that I am working so hard? – I'll manage somehow. – You're terrible. Can't you take me with you? – No. But I ... 17(send) you a postcard of a beautiful, white sand beach. – Great, that ... 18(make) me feel much better.

Present Perfect

  1. Fill in the gaps with Participle II of the main verb.

I've … 1(see) a lot of beautiful places in my life, and I've … 2(do) a lot of interesting things. I've … 3(travel) in North and South America, for example. I've … 4(visit) all the big American cities. I've … 5(drive) across Mexico. I haven't … 6(be) to Argentina, but I've … 7(work) in Peru and Bolivia. I've … 8(swim) in the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea. I've … 9(eat) in the best restaurants in Paris, and I've … 10(sing) Italian songs in Rome. I haven't … 11(make) much money in my life, but I've … 12(meet) a lot of interesting people!

  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb.

1. Up to now I … twenty countries. (visit)

2. He six letters so far. (type)

3. They …… like this before. (never quarrel)

4. I …… to Marco since 1989. (not write)

5. We …… there since we were young. (not be)

6. I saw her in May, but …… her since. (not see)

7. She …… the same car for fifteen years. (drive)

8. I …… them for many years. (know)

9. She …… in that shop for ages! (be)

10. They …… a new car. (buy)

11. He …… all over the world. (travel)

12 …… your promise? (you forget)

13. I …… an elephant. (ride)

14. She …… in from Rome, (just fly)

15. She …… a director. (recently become)

16. They …… to me. (already speak)

17. I …… my tea yet. (not drink)

18. She still …… my letter. (not answer)

19. I …… her several times. (met)

20. ....... couscous? (you ever eat)

  1. Fill in the gaps with correct form of the verb. Ask questions and give negative answers.

1. I … (see) that movie twenty times. 2. I think I … (meet) him once before. 3. There … (be) many earthquakes in California. 4. People … (travel) to the Moon. 5. Scientists … (split) the atom. 6. You … (grow) since the last time I saw you. 7. The government … (become) more interested in arts education. 8. The rain … (not stop). 9. My English … really (improve) since I moved to Australia. 10. Doctors … (cure) many deadly diseases.

  1. Make sentences with the Present Perfect and for or since.

1. (I/not/play/tennis/last summer.)

2. (I/know/her/more than ten years.)

3. (I/not/eat/anything/lunchtime.)

4. (you/live/in this town/a long time?)

5. (Jill/be/a good friend/we were at school together.)

6. (you/see/Jack/the party last week?)

  1. Complete the dialogues, using just and the words in brackets ().

A: What's happening in this programme?

B: I don't know. …… (It/start).

A: …… (I/come) back from my holiday.

B: Did you have a good time?

A: Could I have a copy of Sports World, please?

B: Sorry. ……. (I/sell) the last copy.

A: Would you like something to eat?

B: No, thanks. …… (I/have) breakfast.

A: How's Lucy?

B: She's very happy. …… (She/finish) her exams.

A: (I/have) a letter from Mike.

B: Oh yes? What did he say?

A: Have you still got the same car?

B: No, …… (I/buy) a new one.

  1. Make sentences using the Present Perfect with already or yet.

1. (I/not/read/today's newspaper) yet.

2. (you/decide/which one to buy) yet?

3. (I/explain/this to you three times) already.

4. (Their baby son/start/talking) already.

5. (you/phone/Jane) yet?

6. (The game/not/finish) yet.

7. (I/have/lunch) already.

8. (He/spend/all his money) already.

  1. Fill in the gaps with correct form of the verb.

1. People … (not travel) to Mars. 2. Nobody … ever (climb) that mountain. 3. James … (not finish) his homework yet. 4. Susan … (not master) Japanese, but she can communicate. 5. Bill … still (not arrive). 6. Our son … (learn) how to read. 7. Don't take my plate away. I …… (not finish) my meal. 8. What's that book about? – I don't know. I …… (not read) it. 9. I …… (lose) my pen. Can I borrow yours, please? 10. My father …… (buy) an expensive new car. 11. I …… (book) a room here for tonight. – Yes madam, what's your name, please? 12. I …… (make) some sandwiches. Would you like one? 13. I'm not sure what the problem with the car is. It …… (not happen) before. 14. …… (you reply) to that letter from the bank? – No I haven't, but I'll do it soon.

  1. Talk to your friends. Speak about your accomplished actions and achievements.

  2. Complete the conversation using just, already or yet. Put the verbs into the Present Perfect.

- Are you having a good time here?

- Yes, I have already visited (I/visit) a lot of interesting places.

- (1) ………… (you/visit/the Art Gallery/?)

- No, (2) ………… (I/not/do/that), but I'm going to do it.

- What about the theatre? (3) ………… (you/see/a play/?)

- No, but (4) ……… (I/book/ tickets). It's called The Friends. Would you like to come with me?

- Thanks, but (5) …………… (I/see/that play). I saw it last month.

- (6) …………… (I/read) in the newspaper that The Adventurers are going to give a concert next week. Do you like them?

- Yes, I do. (7) …………… (they/make) a really good, new record. - I really want to get a ticket.
- (8) …………… (they/not/sell/all the tickets).

  1. Complete this paragraph with Present Perfect or Past Simple forms of the verbs.

London has had (have) an underground train system since the nineteenth century. The London Underground (1) ……… (start) in 1863, when Victorian engineers and workers (2) ……… (build) the Metropolitan railway. This railway line (3) ……… (go) from Paddington Station to Farringdon Street Station, and steam engines (4) ……… (pull) the coaches. Eleven more lines (5) ……… (open) since then. The world's first underground electric railway (6) ……… (open) in 1890. This line (7) ……… (go) from the City of London to Stockwell in South London. The most modern line is the Jubilee line, which (8) ……… (open) in 1979. Since the London Underground (9) ……… (begin), many other cities, such as New York and Moscow, (10) ……… (build) their own systems.

  1. Complete this paragraph with Present Perfect or Past Simple forms of the verbs.

Since computers were first introduced to the public in the early 1980's, technology ... 1(change) a great deal. The first computers ... 2(be) simple machines designed for basic tasks. They ... 3(have, not) much memory and they ... 4(be, not) very powerful. Early computers were often quite expensive and customers often ... 5(pay) thousands of dollars for machines which actually ... 6(do) very little. Most computers ... 7(be) separate, individual machines used mostly as expensive typewriters or for playing games. Times ... 8(change). Computers ... 9(become) powerful machines with very practical applications. Programmers ... 10(create) a large selection of useful programs which do everything from teaching foreign languages to bookkeeping. We are still playing video games, but today's games ... 11(become) faster, more exciting interactive adventures. Many computer users ... 12(get, also) on the Internet and ... 13(begin) communicating with other computer users around the world. We ... 14(start) to create international communities online. In short, the simple, individual machines of the past ... 15(evolve) into an international World Wide Web of knowledge.

  1. Translate into Russian.

More than 5,000 firefighters are battling a massive wildfire in the western U.S. state of California that is expanding into areas of a famous national park.

The U.S. Forest Service says the so-called Rim Fire has engulfed more than 90,000 hectares since it started two weeks ago on the edge of Yosemite National Park. It has destroyed more than 100 homes, businesses and other structures.

Firefighters say they have contained 40 percent of the massive blaze. They now estimate it will take until October 20 to fully contain the Rim Fire. It is the largest fire that has happened in the United States this year and the fifth largest California wildfire on record.

  1. Translate into English.

Ученые обнаружили огромный каньон на глубине 2 км под шапкой льда Гренландии. Каньон по крайней мере 750 км в длину и похож на извивающуюся реку. Ученые обнаружили, что его глубина схожа с глубиной Гранд Каньона.

Ученые говорят, что каньон сформировался до того, как лед образовался на Гренландии. Они также отметили: «Мы думаем, что мы полностью изучили рельеф Земли. Но наше открытие показывает, что мы многое еще не раскрыли и не исследовали».

NASA собрали по кусочкам рельеф Каньона благодаря радару, который собирал данные на протяжении десятилетий.

  1. Tell a piece of news using Present Perfect and Past Simple.

PAst Perfect

  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verb.

1. I … never (see) such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai. 2. I did not have any money because I … (loose) my wallet. 3. Tony knew Istanbul so well because he … (visit) the city several times. 4. … Susan ever (study) Thai before she moved to Thailand? 5. She only understood the movie because she … (read) the book. 6. Kristine … never (be) to an opera before last night. 7. We were not able to get a hotel room because we … not (book) in advance. 8. … you ever (visit) the U.S. before your trip in 2006? – Yes, I … (be) to the U.S. once before. 9. We … (have) that car for ten years before it broke down. 10. By the time Alex finished his studies, he … (be) in London for over eight years. 11. They felt bad about selling the house because they … (own) it for more than forty years. 12. … you previously (study) English before you moved to New York?

  1. Write sentences about what these people had already done or had never done before. Use the Past Perfect, and already or never.

1. Last weekend Tom rode a horse for the first time. Had he ever ridden a horse before?

2. Last summer Jeff ran in a marathon for the sixth time.

3. Last week Susan wrote a poem for the first time.

4. Last week Ann appeared on TV for the first time.

5. Last summer Tony played tennis at Wimbledon for the fifth time.

6. Last summer Mary won a gold medal for the third time.

7. Last year Ken visited Scotland for the first lime.

8. Last year Jean wrote her third novel.

FUTUre Perfect

  1. Fill in the gaps with the verb in Future Perfect. Ask questions and give negative answers.

1. By next November, I … (receive) my promotion. 2. She … (learn) enough Chinese to communicate before she moves to Beijing. 3. By the time I finish this course, I … (take) ten tests. 4. I … (be) in London for six months by the time I leave. 5. You … only (learn) a few words. 6. They … (complete) the project before the deadline. 7. By the time we get to Chicago this evening, we … (drive) more than four hundred miles. 8. I have not traveled much yet; however, I … (visit) the Grand Canyon and San Francisco by the time I leave the United States. 
9. In June, my grandmother and grandfather … (be) married for fifty years. 10. Frank just changed jobs again. If he keeps this up, he … (change) jobs at least four or five times by the end of the year. 

  1. Paul is daydreaming about his future career. Fill in the gaps with the information in brackets.

1. I hope I ………… before I'm twenty. (win lots of prizes)

2. Perhaps ………… my own exhibition by the age of twenty-five. (organize)

3. I wonder if ……………. by the time I'm thirty. (win the Pulitzer Prize)

4. Maybe I ……………. by the age of thirty-five. (visit many countries)

5. I hope I ………… by the age of forty. (write one’s autobiography)

6. I am sure I ………. by the age of forty-five. (open one’s own library)

7. Definitely I ………. before I am fifty. (write one’s hundredth book)

8. By the age of sixty I …………. . (buy a house and retire)

  1. What will you have done before, let’s say, the graduation?

  2. Put in the simple future, the future continuous or the future perfect simple.


By the middle of the 21st century we (build) will have built space stations which (circle)2………the earth and (probably circle) 3……… the moon, too. We (establish)4……… bases on planets like Mars. At present, we use radar to 'watch' nearly 8,000 objects in space. In addition, there are at least 30,000 bits of rubbish from the size of marbles to the size of basket balls flying round the earth. These (increase)5……… in number by the year 2050 and (orbit)6……… the earth. All these bits and pieces are watched by NORAD (North American Radar Defence Command). NORAD (have)7……… more and more rubbish to watch as the years go by. Some bits fall back to earth, like the Russian satellite C954, which crashed in the Northern Territories of Canada in 1978. Crashing junk could give us a bad headache. Most of the stuff (slay)8……… up there (we hope)! The sad fact is that we who are alive today (not clear up)9……… our own junk tomorrow. Perhaps we (Just watch)10……… from some other (safe) place as it goes round and round the earth!


  1. Translate into Russian.

Britain’s leader will still push for a “robust response” in Syria, despite parliament rejecting any military action against the Syrian government. David Cameron said Friday he “regrets” the outcome of the vote.

Cameron was speaking Friday after the British parliament gave its "no" vote late Thursday.
“Parliament I think made a very clear view which it does not want British involvement in military action so we will proceed on that basis,” he said.

Cameron had sought authorization for a military strike to “deter and prevent” the Syrian authorities from using poison gas. The measure was defeated by a vote, 285-272.

Cameron said Friday it’s still important for Britain to make a “robust response” to the use of chemical weapons - and by using channels such as the United Nations and NATO, Britain would “condemn what’s happened in Syria.”

Earlier this week, Britain drafted a Security Council resolution that would authorize the use of “all necessary force” in reaction to the Syrian government's alleged use of chemical weapons. But the Council’s five permanent members - Russia, China, the United States, France and Britain - have been in deadlock during meetings this week.

The leader of Britain’s opposition, Ed Miliband, said the British response to the Syrian crisis must be calm and measured. "I think the problem is that David Cameron was engaging in cavalier and reckless leadership and it was cavalier and reckless leadership that was taking Britain potentially into war without going through the United Nations, without putting the evidence properly before the British parliament,” he said.

The United States and a number of its allies said the Syrian government carried out a chemical weapons attack near Damascus last week that reportedly killed hundreds of people. The Syrian government denied the allegations.

On Friday French President Francois Hollande said he still supported taking “firm” action in Syria despite the British "no" vote. Hollande does not need parliamentary approval for a military strike, as long as the campaign lasts less than four months.

Germany said it would not take part in military action. Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle told journalists that participation in a strike was “not being considered."

  1. Translate into English.

Дети в пригороде Вашингтона рады возможности создать то, что они спроектировали.

Они участвуют в семинаре, который организовали студенты Стенфордского университета.

В прошлом году они запустили обучающую программу и путешествовали с ней по США в течение двух месяцев.

В этом году к ним присоединились студенты Калифорнийского университета.

«Мы пытаемся привнести креативность и планируем семинары так, чтобы дети познакомились с прототипами и материалами, и показываем им, что все эти вещи им доступны, даже если их нет в их школе».

Дети начинают с коллективного обсуждения и придумывают любой прототип устройства, который только могут придумать.

«Наша организация не идеальна. Мы не все инженеры. Наша цель – научить детей не боятся пробовать и совершать ошибки. Они могут получить опыт использования высокотехнологичных инструментов наряду с традиционными».

Эта программа возбуждает в детях интерес и воображение, - считает команда студентов.

  1. Translate into English.

Первым достижением Галилея было выдвинутое им представление о том, что движение само по себе не важно. В самом деле, человек, находящийся в закрытой со всех сторон камере, не может вообще знать, движется он или нет, пока камера находится в состоянии равномерного движения; человек способен воспринимать только измене­ния в движении – ускорения. Галилей, по-видимому, ни­где не зафиксировал это утверждение, считая его само собой разумеющимся. Галилей говорит, что тело, движу­щееся без трения по горизонтальной плоскости, будет продолжать двигаться с постоянной скоростью; он говорит это, словно высказывая самое обычное утверждение.

Таким образом, Галилей сделал первый крупный шаг в физике: он убедился в том, что важны изменения в дви­жении, а не равномерное движение само по себе. Ускоре­ния — вот что существенно. Придя к такому выводу, Га­лилей начал изучать ускорение свободно падающего тела.

Прежде всего ему предстояло установить, что следует понимать под ускорением – изменение скорости со време­нем или с пройденным расстоянием.

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iqtisodiyot fakultet
multiservis tarmoqlari
fanidan asosiy
Uzbek fanidan
mavzulari potok
asosidagi multiservis
'aliyyil a'ziym
billahil 'aliyyil
illaa billahil
quvvata illaa
falah' deganida
Kompyuter savodxonligi
bo’yicha mustaqil
'alal falah'
Hayya 'alal
'alas soloh
Hayya 'alas
mavsum boyicha

yuklab olish