Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 12:52]
๐ฆ B2 Unit 3 18-19-bet ๐ฆ
Statement : had+past participle
@ o'tgan holatdan avvalgi holatlar
Ex: We 'd lived next to the gym for a couple of months before l decided to join.
@ o'tgan zamonning ayni daqiqasidan avvalgi to'liq voqea -hodisalar
Ex: l'd already boutht the computer game when l saw it was cheaper in another shop.
@ to'liq voqea-hodisalar o'tgan zamonning ayni paytida muhim narsalarning natijalarini ko'rsatish
Ex: We didnโt feel like playing Scrabble because we had just finishing a long game of Monopoly.
๐ฐ birozgina tez-tez yoki past perfect simple va past simple o'rtasidagi ma'noning farqlanishi
We'd lived next to the gym for a couple of months before l decided to join.
We lived next to the gym for a couple of months before l decided to join.
๐ฐ Biz past perfect simple bir marotaba ishlatib keyin biz tez-tez past simple ning o'rniga past perfect bilan ishlatishni davom ettiramiz
Ex: l had already had one flying lesson , which was great fun , and l knew immediately that l wanted to get my pilot's licence.
๐ฐpast perfect simple da birinchi ikkinchi so'z birikmasi vaqtning ketma-ket sodir bo'lish yordamida ishlatiladi
Ex: It was the second time l'd been on a plane.
Statement : S+had been playing
Negative : S+hadn't been playing
Question : Had+S+been playing
@ o'tgan zamonning ayni paytida davom etayotgan voqea-hodisalar
Ex: When you saw us , we had been running for six miles-and we still had a mile to go!
@ o'tgan zamonning ayni vaqtgacha sodir bo'lgan va hozirgina tugagan ish-harakatlar
Ex: Sarah looked tired because she had been exercising all morning.
๐ฅ WOULD ๐ฅ
Would+bare infinitive
O'tmishdagi odatlar va voqea-hodisalar , o'tmishdagi ma'lum bir oraliqdagi vaqt
Ex: When l was very young , my grandfather would take me to the park to play.
๐ฐ biz so'roq va inkor gaplarda wouldni ishlatolmaymiz. So'roq va inkor gaplarda would never dan foydalanamiz
Ex: โ
We would never play games togher as a family when l was growing up.
๐ฅ USED TO ๐ฅ
Used to + bare infinitive
Statement : S + used to train tree times a week
Negative : S + didnโt used to be good at football
Question : Did + S + used to play hockey here ?
O'tgan zamondagi odatlar va o'tgan zamondagi ma'lum bir oraliqdagi vaqt
Ex: My mother used to play a lot of squash before l was born.
๐ฐ o'tgan zamondagi voqea- hodisalar haqida aytganimizda biz used to dan foydalanamiz , lekin would emas
We used to have a house that was right next to the park.
โ we would have a house that was right next to the park.
Form be/get used to + ing form/noun
@ tanish yoki uzoq vaqtdagi noodatiy voqea-hodisa
Ex: l didn't like being the goalkeeper at first but now l'm used to it.
๐ฐ Biz hohlagan narsaning tanish bo'lgan jarayon boshlanishi haqida gapirayotganimizda biz get used to dan foydalanamiz
l'm gradually getting used to being in a new team.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 12:54]
$$$ B2 Unit 4 $$$
$$ Pitch - palatka tikmoq , maydon
$ track - ( sportda ) trek ; maxsus aylana
$ court - sud zalining maydoni
$ course - golf maydoni yoki shu kabi musobaqa maydoni
$ ring - aylanasiga tomoshabin o'tiradigan joy/sahna
$ rink - konki uchish joyi yoki sahna
@@ Win - urishda g'alaba qozonmoq (davlatlar o'rtasida )
@ beat - urishda g'alaba qozonmoq ( ikki kishi o'rtasida )
@ score - urishda g'alaba qozonmoq ( sportda to'plangangan ochkolar o'rtasida )
$$ Play - o'ynamoq
(pyesa , spektakl)
$ game - o'ynamoq
( xalqaro )
@@ Spectator - tomoshabin ( sport o'yinlarini ko'rish )
@ viewer - tomoshabin
( TV orqali ko'radigan )
$$ Umpire - ( o'yinda ) sudya
$ referee - (sportda ) hakamlik qilmoq
@@ Final - ( kurashda ) oxirgi olishish
@ finale - ( musiqa ,
opera , shoularning so'ngi qismi
@ end - tugashi ( dars soati , vaqt )
@ ending - tugashi ( film , hikoya )
$$ Bat - sport bita (sport o'yinlarida ishlatiladigan yog'och to'qmoq )
$ stick - tayoq (sportda boshlash va tugatishda ishlatiladigan )
$ rod - uzun tayoq ( yog'och , metall
$ racket - raketka
@@ Amateur - havaskor mutaxassis ( kasbga oid bo'lmagan )
@ professional - mutaxassis ( kasbga oid )
$$ Sport - sport turi
$ athleticks - atletika
@@ Interval - ikki hodisa o'rtasidagi vaqt , muddat , tanafus
@ half time - vaqtning yarmi
$$ draw - uzaymoq , tenglashmoq (kunga nisbatan )
$ equal - teng , tendosh
( insonga nisbatan )
@@ Copetitor - raqib
( konkurs qatnashchisi )
@ opponent - raqib (sportda )
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:11]
๐ฆ 24-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 4 $$$
$$ allow -ruxsat bermoq
$ disallow-inkor qilmoq
$ allowance-yordam puli
$ allowable-ruxsat etilgan
$$ associate-bog'lamoq
$ disassociate-ajratmoq
$ association-hamkorlik
$$ compete-musobaqalashmoq
$ competition-musobaqa
$ competitive-raqobatlashadigan
$$ enjoy-rohatlanmoq
$ enjoyment-zavq
$ enjoyable-huzurbaxsh
$$ equip-ta'minlamoq
$ equipment-jihoz
$ equipped-ta'mirlanadigan
$ misfortune-baxtsizlik
$ fortunate-omadli
$$ interest-qiziqtirmoq
$ interesting-qiziqarli
$$ know-bilmoq
$ knowledge-bilim
$ (un)knowledgeable-bilimli(siz)
$$ lose-yo'qotmoq
$ lost-yo'qotilgan
$ loss-yo'qolish
$$ maintain-davom ettirmoq
$ maintenance-ta'mirlash
$$ medal-medal
$ medallist- medal bilan taqdirlangan shaxs
$ medallion-medalyon
$$ oppose-qarshi chiqmoq
$ opposition-qarshilik
$ opponent-raqib
$ opposite-qarama-qarshi
$ opposing-raqobatdosh
$$ practice-amaliyot
$ practise-mashq qilmoq
$ practical-amaliyot
$ practically-deyarli,yaqin
$ retrain-o'rganib chiqmoq
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:17]
๐ฆ 24-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 4 $$$
$ bring forward - oldinga surmoq
$ carry on - davom etmoq
$ get round to - boshlamoq
$ get up to - biror ish qilmoq
$ go in for - odatlanib qolmoq
$ go of - yoqtirmaslik
$ join in - ishtrok etmoq
$ knock out-mag'lub bo'lmoq
$ look out - ehtiyot bo'lmoq
$ pull out - to'xtatmoq
$ put off - kechiktirmoq
$ put of with - chidamoq
$ take to - ko'nikmoq
$ take up - boshlamoq
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:23]
๐ฆ 30-31 bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 5 $$$
๐ฅ Kelajakda will/won't va be going to ifodalanishi ๐ฅ
will/won't va be going to
๐ฐ Bazan will va be going to ma'no jihatdan o'rtasida birozgina farq bo'ladi. Rasmiy ishga nisbatan. Be going to ga qaraganda ko'proq will umumiy formal holat hisoblanadi.
@ kelajakdagi dalillar haqida
Ex: The webside will come online next week. ( ko'proq rasmiy )
Ex: The wesite's going to come online next week.
( ko'proq norasmiy )
@ oldindan bashorat qilishga asoslanmagan va hozirgi dalilga nisbatan
Ex: ln the future , everyone will have their own flying car . ( ko'proq rasmiy )
Ex : ln the future , everyone is going to have their own flying car . ( ko'proq norasmiy )
@ Ayni daqiqada gaplashayotganda qaror qilinganda
Ex: l've decided! I won't get a new DVD player just yet . ( dalilga urg'u berish )
Ex: l've decided! I'm not going to get a new DVD player just yet .
( maqsadga urg'u berish )
๐ Bazan be going to ga qaraganda ko'proq will dan foydalanishimizga to'g'ri keladi ๐
@ Maslahatlar va takliflar qilinganda
Ex: l'll help you with your physics homework , if you like.
@ Iltimos qilinganda
Ex: Will you help me with my physics homework?
@ First conditional gaplarida
Ex: If we get a computer, we'll be able to surf the lnternet.
@ Maslahatlar va takliflar so'roq formasida biz will dan foydalanmaymiz , shall dan foydalanamiz
shall l help you with your physics homework?
โ Will l help you with your physics homework?
๐ Bazan will ni ma'lum bir darajada qaraganda ko'proq be going to bilan ishlatish to'g'ri hisoblanadi ๐
@ Rejalar va maqsadlar
( allaqachon gapirilayotganida )
Ex: l'm going to be a famous doctor one day!
@ Hozirgi dalilga asoslangan bashorat qilishga nisbatan
Ex: lt sounds like the planet's going to take off in a few minutes .
๐ฅ Kelajakda present continuous ifodalanganda ๐ฅ
@ Gapirilayotgan payt reja qilinganda
Ex: Are they installing the new computer next week?
๐ฅ Kelajakda present simple ifodalanganda ๐ฅ
@ Jadvallar , rejalar va belgilangan voqea-hodisalar
Ex: The bus to the science museum leaves at 8 o'lock tomorrow morning.
@ lf dan keyingi first conditional va zero conditional gaplarida
Ex: lf technology continues to advance so quickly , what will life be like in a hundred years ?
@ Keyingi aniq vaqt ifodalanganda
Ex: We'll find out as soon as we get to the lab .
๐ฅ Kelajakda future perfect simple ni ifodalanishi ๐ฅ
Will/won't + have + past participle
@ Hozirgi biroz vaqt o'rtasidagi to'liq voqea-hodisalarga nisbatan
Ex: l'll have finished my chemistry homework by the time you come home.
๐ฅ Kelajakda future continuous ifodalanganda ๐ฅ
Will/won't + be + ing form
@ Voqea-hodisalar kelajakda harakatlanishini ko'rsatish
Ex: This time next week , l'll be taking my biology exam.
@ Kelajakdagi datlar yoki takrorlanadigan voqea-hodisalarni ko'rsatish
Ex: ln the future , we'll all be flying around using jek-packs.
๐ฅ Kelajakda future perfect continuous ni ifodalanishi ๐ฅ
Will/won't + have + been + ing form
@ Kelajakdagi voqea-hodisalarning tugashini ko'rsatish
Ex: At seven o'clock , l'll have been doing my chemistry homework for tree hours!
๐ฅ Hozirgi zamonning vaqt bog'lovchilari ๐ฅ
๐ Vaqt bog'lovchilarida keyin , biz will yoki be going to ni to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ishlatolmaymiz , time words va Phrases dan foydalanamiz ๐
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:23]
๐ฆ B2 Unit 5 davomi 30-31 bet ๐ฆ
๐ฅ Time words and Phrases ๐ฅ
๐ฐ When - qachon ๐ฐ
Ex:lt'll be Wonderful when scientists find / have found a cure for cancer.
๐ฐ As soon as - gach , bilan ๐ฐ
Ex: Let me know as soon as your new computer arrives / has arrived.
๐ฐ Before - oldin , ilgari ๐ฐ
Ex: lt'll be several years before we send / we've sent a manned mission to Mars.
๐ฐ After - keyin ๐ฐ
Ex: Let's go for a pizza after we go / have been to the natural history museum.
๐ฐ Until/till - gacha , ga qadar ๐ฐ
Ex: The rocket won't be launched until they do / have done a final check.
๐ฐ While - mobaynida , davomida ๐ฐ
Ex: Think of me while you travel / are travelling to the Moon!
๐ฐ Once - bir marotaba , bir marta ๐ฐ
Ex: We'll stop for petrol once we pass / we've passed Cambridge.
๐ฅ Joy va vaqt predloglari ๐ฅ
๐ Vaqt predloglarining kaliti ๐
$$ ( from ) Monday to Friday - dushanbadan jumagacha
$$ on Monday - dunshanba kuni
$$ on my birthday - mening tug'ilgan kunimda
$$ on my Easter Sunday -
Paxsa bayramidagi yakshanbada
$$ in July - iyulda
$$ on September 20 th - 20-sentabrda
$$ in 2008 - 2008-yilda
$$ in ( the ) summer - yozda
$$ at the tree o'lock - soat 3 da
$$ in / for an hour - soatda
$$ at the moment - ayni paytda
$$ in the morning - tonda
$$ in the afternoon - abetda
$$ in the evening - oqshomda
$$ at night - tunda
$$ on time - yetib kelmoq ( o'z vaqtida emas )
$$ in time - o'z vaqtida yetib kelmoq ( kech qolmasdan )
$$ just in time for - hozirgi vaqtda
$$ in the beginning - boshida
$$ in the end - oxirida
$$ at the beginning - ning boshida
$$ at the end of - ning oxirida
$$ at the age of - yoshda
$$ at the weekend - hafta oxirida
$$ next week - kelasi hafta
$$ last week -o'tgan hafta
๐ Joy predloglarining kaliti ๐
$$ turn right at a place - bir joydan o'ngga burilmoq
$$ sit on sth - biror narsaning ustiga o'tirmoq
$$ go in ( to ) a building - bino ichkarisiga kirmoq
$$ wait in ( side ) a building - uyda kutib o'tirmoq
$$ arrive in London - Londonga yetib kelmoq
$$ arrive in Greece- Greece ga yetib kelmoq
$$ arrive at the stadium - sport maydoniga yetib kelmoq
$$ in the corner ( of ) - xonaning burchagida
$$ on the corner ( of ) - ko'chaning burchagida
$$ at the corner ( of ) - ko'chaning burchagida
$$ come to a place -
( biron bir ) joyga kelmoq
$$ go to a place - ( biror bir ) joyga bormoq
$$ walk to a place -
( biror bir ) joyda yurmoq
$$ next to the building - keyingi bino
$$ beside the building -bino yonida
$$ by the building - bino orqali
$$ at the frond of - oldindan
$$ on the frond of - oldindan
$$ at the back of - orqada
$$ on the back of - orqada
$$ in the front of - oldinda
$$ behind the station - stantsiya orqasida
$$ go out of a building - binoni tark etmoq
$$ go towards the station - stantsiya tomonga bormoq
$$ between the two buildings - 2 ta bino o'rtasida
$$ opposide the station - stantsiya qarama-qarshisida
๐ฅ US vs UK GRAMMER ๐ฅ
๐ Amerikan ingliz nutq so'zlovchisi odatda " on before days of the week " ishlatmaydi.๐
US: We've got a biology test Monday / on Monday.
UK: We've got a biology test on Monday.
๐ Amerikan ingliz nutq so'zlovchisi ko'p marotaba " Monday through Friday " gapirganida ishlatadi. ๐
US: I'm going to be on a field trip Monday through Friday.
UK: l'm going to be on a field trip from Monday to Friday.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:44]
$$$ B2 Unit 6 $$$
$$ Artificial - sun'iy ( artificial tooth - sun'iy
tish )
$ false - sun'iy ( soxta narsa )
$$ Natural - tabiiy
$ physical - jismoniy
$$ True - to'g'ri ( haqiqiy, chin
$ accurate - to'g'ri , aniq
$$ Method - yo'l ( usul, metod, uslub )
$ way - yo'l ( yuradigan yo'l )
$$ Engine - motor ( dvigatel )
$ machine - mashina, mexanizm
$ motor - motor ( motorga oid )
$$ Aim - maqsad, niyat
$ cause - sabab , dalil , bahona
$ reason - sabab , asos , dalil , isbot
$$ Estimate - hisoblamoq ( tahminan )
$ calculate - hisoblamoq
( jamlamoq )
$$ Electric - elektr oid
$ electronic - elektron
$$ lnvent - kashf qilmoq
$ discover - kashf qilmoq
$$ Research - izlanish ( ma'lumotlarni izlovchi shaxs )
$ experiment - eksperiment , tajriba
$$ Progress - rivojlanmoq ( o'sish, harakatlanish )
$ development - rivojlanish ( aktivlikning namoyon bo'lishi )
$$ Modern - zamonaviy ( talablarga javob
beradigan )
$ new - yangi ( endi
kelgan )
$$ lndustry - ishlab chiqarish , sanoat
$ factory - zavod , fabrika
$$ Award - mukofot puli ( sud hukmiga binoan olingan pul )
$ reward - mukofot puli
( birovni biror narsa uchun mukofotlamoq )
$$ Take place - bo'lib o'tmoq
$ occur - sodir bo'lmoq ( xayoliga kelmoq )
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:44]
B2 Unit 6
$ break down - buzulmoq
โฌ carry out - amalga oshirmoq
ยฃ come off - muvaffaqqiyatli chiqmoq
ยฅ come on - rivojlanmoq
$ come up with - biror narsa haqida o'ylamoq
โฌ cut off - ta'minotni to'xtatmoq
ยฃ find out - tushunib yetmoq
ยฅ give off -o'zidan hid yoki issiqlik chiqarmoq
$ narrow down - ehtimollikni kamaytirmoq
โฌ plug in -vilkani razetkaga tiqmoq
ยฃ put through - telefon orqali ulanmoq
ยฅ turn into - ga aylanmoq
$ turn off - o'chirmoq
โฌ work out - muamoni yechimini topmoq
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:44]
B2 Unit 6
$$ Appear - ko'rinmoq
$ appearance - tashqi ko'rinish
$ apparently -ochiq , oydin ko'rinishicha
$$ Build - qurmoq
$ builder - quruvchi
$ building - bino , imorat
$$ Discover - kashf qilmoq
$ discovery - kashf qilish
$$ Explain - tushuntirmoq
$ explanation - tushuntirish
$$ Important - muhim , zarur
$ unimportant - ahamiyatsiz
$ importance - muhimlik , zarurlik
$ importantly - eng muhim
$$ Introduce - kiritmoq
$ introduction - kirish
$ introductory - kirish , dastlabki
$$ observe - ko'rib qolmoq
$ observer - kuzatuvchi
$ observation - kuzatuv
$$ possible - ehtimol
$ impossible - imkonsiz
$ (im)possibility - imkonsizlik
$ (im)possibly - imkonsiz
$$ Psychology - psixologiya
$ psychologist - psixolog
$ psychological(ly) -psixologiya
$$ Research - izlanish
$ researcher - izlanish olib boruvchi
$$ Revolution - inqilob
$ revolutionary -inqilobiy
$$ Science - ilm , fan
$ scientist - olim
$ (un)scientific(ally) - ilmiy
$$ Technology - texnologiya
$ technological(ly) - texnologik
$ technical(ly) -texnik
$ technician - texnik
$ technique - uslub
$$ Wood - yog'och , o'tin
$ wooden - yog'ochdan ishlangan
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:44]
$$$ B2 Unit 7 $$$
๐ฅ Noaniq artikl ๐ฅ
Ingliz tilida noaniq artikl 2 ta A va An . An artiklini unli tovushlar oldidan ishlatamiz
๐ฆ Birlikdagi sanalmaydigan otlar ( biz aniq bo'lmagan yoki biror narsa birinchi marta atilganda ishlatamiz )
Ex: There's a good film on TV tonight.
๐ฐBiz "A" va "An" artikliga bog'liq bo'lgan tovush yoki talafuz qilmasdan foydalanamiz ๐ฐ
Ex: โ
The news is on TV in an hour.
โ The news is on TV in a hour.
Being in a film was a unique experience for me.
โ Being in a film was an unique experience for me.
๐ฅ Aniq artikl ๐ฅ
lngiliz tilida aniq artikl
1ta The
โก๏ธ USEโก๏ธ
๐ฆ Birlikdagi sanaladigan otlar ( bizga aniq bo'lganda )
Ex:where's the DVD you were talking about ?
๐ฆ Birlikdagi sanalanadigan otlar ( biz umumiy gapirganimizda )
Ex: The radio seemed amazing to people at first.
๐ฆ Ko'plikdagi sanaladigan otlar ( bizga aniq bo'lganda )
Ex: l didn't believe the rumours about the prime minister.
๐ฆ Sanalmaydigan otlar ( bizga aniq bo'lganda )
Ex: l followed the advice my lawyer gave me.
๐ฐ ๐ฐ
๐ฐ Biz "The" artiklini yolg'iz bo'lgan narsa haqida aytganimizda ishlatamiz ๐ฐ
The sky , the sun , the moon , the Prince of Wales , the North Pole , the World Cup
๐ฅ Zero artikl ๐ฅ
Biz hamma artiklni ishlatolmaymiz , u bazan zero artikl deb nomlanadi
โก๏ธ USE โก๏ธ
๐ฆ Ko'plikdagi sanaladigan otlar ( biz umumiy gapirganimizda )
Ex: Journalists often face dangerous situations.
๐ฆ sanalmaydigan otlar
( biz umumiy gapirganimizda )
Ex: News travels fast these days.
๐ฅ So'z birikmali artikllar va iboralar ๐ฅ
๐ฆ Bizni so'z birikmali artikllar va iboralar qanday ketma - ket sodir bo'lishiga qarab ishlatamiz. Bularga umumiy ko'p kategoriya misol bo'ladi , misol uchun "the River Thames" barcha daryolar ma'nosida foydalanamiz. ๐ฆ
โก๏ธ USE โก๏ธ
@@ Vaqt @@
$ Aniq artikl $
In the 1990s , in ( the ) summer , in the morning
$ Zero artikl $
in 2008 , in June , on Friday , at night
@@ Odamlar va ish @@
$ Noaniq artikl $
have a job , work as a ...
$ Aniq artikl $
the queen , the principal , the president , the French
$ Zero artikl $
become president , go to work , be at work , have work to do , he's French.
@@ Joylar @@
$ Aniq artikl $
the Alps , the Atlantic ocean , the River Thames , the Earth , the Arctic , the USA , the UK , the Cyclades
$ Zero artikl $
Mount Everest , Paris , America , Mars/Venus/Jupiter etc, Oxford Street , Lake Surperior , Crete
@@ O'yin-kulgu va sport @@
$ Aniq artikl $
the media , on the radio , play the guitar , go to the cinema , watch ( the ) TV
$ Zero artikl $
listen to music , on television , play tennis / football etc
@@ Tashkilotlar @@
$ Aniq artikl $
the army , the police , the fire brigade
@@Ta'lim maskanlari @@
$ Aniq artikl $
go to the shool (as a visitor) , be in the first year
$ Zero artikl $
go to school ( as a
student ) , be in Class 3B , maths
@@ Safar @@
$ Noaniq artikl $
take a taxi , catch a/the bus
$ Aniq artikl $
on the bus
$ Zero artikl $
on foot , go home , go by bus
@@ Salomatlik @@
$ Noaniq artikl $
have a cold / headache /cough
$ Aniq artikl $
have (the ) flu / measles
$ Zero artikl $
have toothache
@@ Mahalliy domlar @@
$$ Aniq artikl $$
the bank , the tax office , go to the hospital / prison
( as a visitor )
$$ Zero artikl $$
go to hospital / prison / church ( as a patient / prisoner / worshipper )
@ Amerikan ingliz nutq so'zlovchilar odatta hospital so'zini artikilsiz ishlatishadi.
๐ฅ Us: The ambulance took Simon to the hospital.
๐ฅ UK: The ambulance took Simon to hospital.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:47]
๐ฆ B2 Unit 7 davomi ๐ฆ
๐ฅ Sanaladigan va sanalmaydigan otlar ๐ฅ
๐ฆ Turlari ๐ฆ
๐ Sanaladigan otlar ๐
๐ฅ A , the , some , many foydalaniladi
Ex: l want to be a Journalist.
Ex: Where is the newspaper ?
๐ฅ Birlik yoki ko'plik fel foydaylaniladi
Ex: How many channels do you get ?
๐ Sanalmaydigan otlar ๐
๐ฅ The , some , much foydalaniladi.
Ex: Did you hear the news ?
Ex: Some important news has just come in.
Ex: How much information do we have about it ?
๐ฅ Birlik fel foydalaniladi
Ex: Your advice was very useful.
๐ฆ Odatda sanalmadigan otlar ๐ฆ
๐ฐ Advice , coffee , furniture , glass , hair , homework , information , knowledge , luggage , money , news , paper , work
@ Bir qancha sanalmaydigan otlar birlikda keladi lekin ba'zilari ko'plikda bo'ladi. Bularning ichiga clothes , scissors , jeans , spectacles , trousers , groceries va boshqalar kiradi. Biz bu so'zlar bilan
ko'plikdagi felni ishlatamiz.
Ex: โ
Oh , no! My new clothes are dirty!
@ Bir ma'noda sanaladigan otlar , boshqa ma'noda sanalmaydigan otlar
Ex: โ
Do you think you could bring me a clean glass ? ( sanaladi )
We should make computer monitors out of recycled glass.
( sanalmaydi )
๐ฅ Miqdor ๐ฅ
๐ฅ Many -sanaladigan otlar , odatda inkor , so'roq gaplarda ๐ฅ
Ex: There aren't many programmes on TV that l find interesting.
๐ฅ Much - sanalmaydigan otlar , odatda inkor va so'roq gaplarda ๐ฅ
Ex: My dad never shows much interest in the news.
๐ฅ A lot of / lots of - sanaladigan va sanalmaydigan otlar , darak gaplarda ๐ฅ
Ex: That film has won a lot of / lots of awards.
Ex: What a lot of luggage you've got!
๐ฅ A few - sanaladigan otlar , "some" ma'nosida ๐ฅ
Ex: There have been a few scandals in the papers recently.
๐ฅ A little - sanalmaydigan otlar , "some" ma'nosida ๐ฅ
Ex: They say that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
๐ฅ Few - sanaladigan otlar , "not many" ma'nosida๐ฅ
Ex: Richard has few Interests outside work.
๐ฅ Little - sanalmaydigan otlar , "not much" ma'nosida๐ฅ
Ex: The police have little information about the robbety.
@ "Only a few" so'z birikmasi "not many" ma'nosida. "Only a little" "not much" ma'nosida foydalaniladi
There are only a few programmes on TV that l like watching.
Thete is only a little sugar left , so get some when you go out.
BShS oสปquv markazi
$ Bring up - biron bir mavzuni muhokama qilishni boshlamoq
$ Come on - namoyish
qilina boshlamoq
$ Come out - chop etmoq
$ Fill in - ariza to'ldirmoq
$ Flick trough - ko'z yugurtirmoq
$ Go into - namadir bilan jiddiy shug'ullanmoq
$ Hand out - tarqatmoq
$ Look up - so'z qidirmoq
( lug'atdan )
$ Make out - biror narsani to'g'riday ko'rsatmoq , qiyinchilik bilan tushunmoqย
$ Make up - yaratmoq
$ Put forward - taklif qilmoq
$ See throught - biror bir narsani yolg'onligini bilib unga ishonmaslik
$ Stand out - ma'lum bir ustunligi bilan boshqalardan ajralib turmoq
$ Turn over - varaqlamoq
$$ Announce - e'lon qilmoq
$ announcement - e'lon qilish
$ (un) announced -e'lon qilingan
$$ Belief - ishonch
$ disbelief - ishonmaslik
$ believe - ishonmoqย
$ (un) believable - ishonarli
$ (un) believably - ishonsa bo'ladigan
$$ Communicate - xabar qilmoq
$ communication - aloqa qilish
$ (un) communicative -kirishimli , dilkashย
$ communicator - axborot beradigan
$$ Convince - ishontirmoq
$ convinced - ishontirilgan
$ (un) convincing - ishonarli
$$ Discuss - muhokama
$ discussion - bahs , munozara
$$ Edit - tahrir qilmoq
$ editor - muharrir
$ editorial - bosh maqolaย
$ edited - tahrir qilingan
$$ Humour - hazil
$ humorous - kulgili
$ humouriess - kulgili holatda
$$ lnform - xabar bermoq
$ information - ma'lumot
$ (un) informed - xabardor
$ (un) informative - informatsion
$$ Journal - jurnal
$ journalist - jurnalist
$ journalism - jurnalistika
$ journalistic - jurnalga oid
$$ Politics - siyosat
$ political (ly) - siyosatiy jihatdan
$ politician - siyosatchi
$$ Power - imkoniyat
$ powerful (ly) - kuchli
$ powerless (ly) - kuch-quvvatdan qolgan
$ empower - imkoniyat bermoq
$$ Ridicule - mazax qilish
$ ridiculous (ly) - kulgili
$ ridiculousness - kulgili emas
$$ Second - ikkinchi
$ secondly -ikkinchidan
$ secondary - ikkilamchi
$$ Write - yozmoq
$ writer - yozuvchi , adib
$ writing - yozuv
$ wrote - yozilgan
$ (un) written - yozilmagan
$$ Deny - rad etmoq , inkor qilmoq
$ refuse - inkor qilmoqย
( norozi bo'lmoq )
$$ Agree - mos kelmoq , kelishmoq , qoshilmoq.
$ accept - qabul qilmoq , rozilik bermoq
$$ Headline - sarlavhaย
( qisqa so'ngi axborot )
$ heading - sarlavha
( yozuv)
$$ Feature - maqola (biror bir narsaning qismi )
$ article - maqola ( ashyo , buyum )
$$ Talk show - tok shovย
( suhbat shov)
$ Quiz show - savol-javob shov shov
$ game show - har xil o'yinli shov
$$ Announcer - diktor , e'lon qiluvchi
$ commentator - sharxlovchi
$$ Tabloid - ixchamlashtirilgan ro'znoma
$ broadsheet -varaqa
$$ Journalist - jurnalistika
$ columnist - sharhlovchi
$$ Press - matbuot
$ media -ommaviy axborot
$$ Programme - dastur , ko'rsatuv
$ program - kompyuter dasturi
$$ Channel - telekanal
$ broadcast - teleko'rsatuv
$$ Bulletin - qisqa teleradio yangiliklari
$ newsflash - yangilikni taqdim qiluvchi jurnal
BShS oสปquv markazi
Mr Holov
$$$ B2 Unit 9 $$$
Zero conditional
If + present simple , present simple
@ Umumiy yoki ilmiy faktlar va ta'riflar
Ex: If you have faith in something , you believe in something you cannot prove
First conditional
If + a present tense , will + bare infinitive
@ Haqiqiy yoki hozirgi Conditional o'shaydi yoki kelajak va ularning hozirgi natijalari va
Ex: lf you have a birthday party , you'll get loads of cool presents!
Ex: lf you're working till half past six , we'll have dinner at about eight.
Ex: lf you have revised properly , you won't have any problems in the test next week.ย
@ Biz shuningdek may , might , can , could , shall , should , ought to , have to ga
qaramasdan will ma'nosida foydalanamiz
Ex: lf you have a birthday party , you might get loads of cool presents!
@ Biz shuningdek should + bare infinitive ga qaramasdan present simpledan foydalanamiz.ย
Bular ehtimoldagi taklif holati balki sodir bo'lishiga o'xshaydi
Ex: lf you should bump into Alex at the concert , you'll be able to get a lift home.
@ Biz shuningdek first conditional dan haqiqiy qo'llanma haqida yoki kelajak va hozirgi
vaziyatda foydalanamiz
Ex: lf you decide to have a birthday party , tell me!
Unless , in case , as/so long as , provided (that)
so'z va so'z birikma
Unless - if dan tashqari if ...not
Ex: l'll be there at six unless l get delayed.
(= bundan tasqari lf l get delayed / if l donโt get delayed )
In case - sababli he/she/it vahokazo might
Ex: Let's take our wellies in case it's muddy. ( = sababli it minght be muddy )
as/so long as - lf yoki only ifย
Ex: As long as l'm happy , my parents donโt care what job l do.
Ex: So long as l'm happy , my parents donโt care what job l do.
Provided (that) - if yoki only ifย
Ex: Provided (that) l'm happy , my parents donโt care what job l do.
Second conditional
If + past simple yoki past continuous , would + bare infinitive USE
@ Imkonsiz , ehtimoldan yiroq yoki faraziy kelajak va hozirgi Conditional , ularni natijasi
kelajak yoki hozir zamonda bo'ladi
Ex: lf you had a beard , you would look just like Charles Dickens!
Ex: lf you were flying to Rio , would you get there much quicker ?
@ Maslahat
Ex: lf l were you , l would think very carefulluly about my future . ( ko'proq rasmiy )
Ex: lf l was you , l'd have a party at the weekend! ( ko'proq norasmiy )
@ Shuningdek biz might yoki could ga qaramasdan would ma'nosida ishlatamiz
Note: could shu yerda tez tez would be able to ma'nosini beradi
Ex: lf we were older , we could go on holiday on our own.
@ Shuningdek biz if clause da could ni ishlatamiz. Bu yerda , u was/were able to ma'nosidaย
Ex: lf l could drive , l'd buy a car.
Third conditional
If + past perfect ( simple yoki continuous ) , would + have + past participle
@ O'tgan faraz conditional va ularning natijasi o'tgan zamonda bo'ladi
Ex: lf you had worn a fake beard , no one would have known who you were! (= you didnโt
wear a fake beard so people knew who you were. )
If she'd been wearing her new glasses , l would have noticed them. (= she wasn't wearing
her new glasses so l didn't notice them. )
@ Shuningdek biz might , could yoki should ni foydalanganimizga qaramasdan wouldย
ma'nosini beradi
Ex: lf l had done some reviaion , l might / could / should have passed the exam.
Mixed conditional
If + past perfect ( simple yoki continuous ), would + bare infinitive
@ O'tgan zamondagi faraz va natija o'tgan zamonda
Ex: lf l had listened to my parents , l wouldn't be in so much trouble now. (= l didn't listen to
my parents so l'm in lots of trouble now. )
If + past simple yoki past continuous, would + have + past participle
Hozirgi sharoitdagi faraz va natija o'tgan zamonda
Ex: lf l had a mobile , l would have called you last night. ( = l donโt have a mobile so l didn't all
you last night )
lnverted conditionals
Should l/you/he vahokazo...instead of if l/you/he vahokazo should...
Were l/you/he vahokazo. ..instead of if l/you/he vahokazo were
Had l/you/he vahokazo... instead of if l/you/he vahokazo had... USE
@ First conditional ga qaraganda ko'proq rasmiy
( should bilan )
Ex: should the situation worsen , the United Nations is prepared to send in a peacekeeping
force . ( = lf the situation should worsen...)
@ Second conditional dan ko'ra ko'proq rasmiy
Ex: Were the situation to worsen , the United Nations would be prepared to send in a
peacekeeping force. (= lf the situation were to worsen ... )
@ Third conditional dan ko'ra ko'proq rasmiy
Ex: Had the situation worsened , the United Nations would have been ptepared to send in a
peacekeeping force. (= lf the situation had worsened... )
@ Barcha conditional gaplari uchun ( birinchi , ikkinchi , uchinchi , aralash , o'zgargan tartib )
da odatda natija ketma-ket sodir bo'lganda vergul qo'yiladi , birinchi natija kelganda vergul
Ex: lf l had a mobile, l would have called you last night.ย
l would have called you last night if l had a mobile.ย
@ Conditional gaplarida modallar ( will , would , could vahokazo ) ba'za fe'lning noaniq
formasi continuous orqali ketma-ket sodir bo'ladi
Ex: We'd still be waiting if you hadn't turned up.
$$ US vs UK GRAMMER $$
Ikkinchi va uchinchi condition lar norasmiy suhbatlar bilan ishlatiladi , Amerikan ingliz nutq
so'zlovchisi ba'zan would yoki if bog'lovchisida would have dan foydalanadi. Bu Britaniya
ingliz tili uchun g'alati .
US: How would you feel if this happened/would happen to you ?
UK: How would you feel if this happened to you ?
US: l would have felt awful if that had happened/would have happened to me.
UK: l would have felt awful if that had happened to me.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:55]
๐ฆ 60-61 bet๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 10 $$$
$ Ask after - so'rab surishtirmoq
$ Bring up - voyaga yetqazmoq
$ Fall for - sevib qolmoq
$ Fall (out) - tortishib qolmoq
$ Get on (with) - yaxshi chiqishmoq
$ Grown up - ulg'aymoq
$ Look down on - o'zini boshqalardan ko'ra yaxshiroq deb hisoblamoq
$ Look up to - xurmat qilmoq
$ Make up - yarashmoq
( kimdir bilan)
$ Pass away - o'lmoq
$ Pick on -kamsitavermoq
$ Put down - kamsitilmoq
$ Stand up for -yon bosmoq
$ Take aback - xayratda qolmoq
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:55]
๐ฆ 60-61 bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 10 $$$
$$ Able - qodir
$ unable - qobiliyatsiz
$ (in) ability - qobiliyat
$ disabled - mehnat qobiliyatini yo'qotgan
$ disability - qobiliyatsiz
$$ Achieve - erishmoq
$ achievement - yutuq , g'alaba
$$ Argue - isbot qilmoq
$ argument - dalil
$ argumentative - dalilli
$$ Care - g'amxo'rlik
$ careful(ly) - ehtiyotkorlik bilan
$ careless (ly) -e'tiborsiz
$ (un)caring - g'amxo'r
$$ Correspond - mos kelmoq
$ correspondence - moslik
$$ Friend - do'st
$ friendship - do'stlik
$ (un)friendly -do'stona
$$ Happy - baxtli
$ unhappy - baxtsiz
$ (un)happiness - baxt
$ (un)happily - baxtli
$$ Jealous - rashkchi , rashkli
$ jealousy - rashk , qizg'anish
$ jealously - rashk bilan , qizg'anib
$$ Kind - mehribon
$ unkind - bemehr
$ (un)kindness - mehribonlik
$ kindly - marhamatli
$$ Marry - uylantirmoq
$ marriage - nikoh
$ (un)married - uylangan
$$ Nerve - nerv , asb tomirlari
$ nervous(ly) - asabiy
$ nervousness - asabiylashish
$$ Obey - itoat etmoq
$ disobey - bo'ysunmaslik
$ (dis)obedient(ly) - itoatkorlik
$ (dis)obedience - bo'ysunish
$$ Person - inson
$ (im)personal(ly) - shaxsan
$ personality - shaxsiyat
$$ Polite - odobli
$ impolite - beandisha , beadab
$ (im)politely - boadablik
$ (im)politeness - odoblilik
$$ Relate - bog'lamoq
$ relative(ly) - nisbatan
$ relation - bog'liqlik
$ relationship - aloqa , munosabat
$$ Willing - tayyor , hozir
$ unwilling - yoqtirmaydigan
$ (un)willingness - tayyor holat
$ (un)willingly - bajonidil , jon deb
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:55]
๐ฆ 60-61 bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 10 $$$
$$ Relationship - aloqa
( sevgi yoki do'stlik
aloqasi )
$ connection - aloqa , bog'lanish ( texnika bilan aloqaga ulanish , bog'lanish )
$$ Blame - ayblash
( biron bir narsada ayiblash )
$ fault - ayiblash , kamchiligi bor
( asosan elektr jihozlariga nisbatan )
$$ Old - qari yoshi o'tgan
$ ancient - qadimiy , tarxiy , juda qari
$$ Crowd - olomon , ko'pchilik
$ audience - auditoriya , tinlovchilar
$$ Enjoy - biror narsadan rohatlanmoq
$ please - xursand qilmoq , ko'nglini ko'tarmoq
$$ Support - madad , yordam ( biror narsaga )
$ assist - yordam bermoq ( kimgadir )
$$ Kind - muloyimlik bilan
$ polite - muloyim , izzat-hurmatni joyiga qo'yadigan
$$ Sympathetic - rahmi kelhan ( biron bir narsaga nisbatan )
$ likeable -
$$ Nervous - asab bilan bog'liq
$ bad-tempered - yomon fe'latvor , asabiy
$$ Sensitive - sezgir
( ilmiy dastgoh va uskunalarga nisbatan )
$ sensible - sezgir
( hissiyot )
$$ Company - kompaniya ( biron bir tashkilot a'zosi )
$ group - guruh ( yakka tartibdagi guruh a'zosi )
$$ Popular - mashur , taniqli ( ommabop )
$ famous - mashur , taniqli ( narsalarga nisbatan )
$$ Typical - o'zi , odatda
$ usual - odiy , har doimgi
$ ordinary - oddiy , odatiy
$$ Close - yaqin , yiroq emas ( o'rtoq va boshqa narsalarga nisbatan qo'laniladi )
$ near - yaqin ( vaqt yoki masofaga nisbatan )
$$ unknown - taniqli bo'lmagan , notanish
$ infamous - yomonligi bilan mashur
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:55]
๐ฆ 66-67 bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 11 $$$
๐ฅQiyosiy va orttirma darajadagi sifatlar ๐ฅ
๐ฆ To'g'ri sifatlar bir bog'inga bo'lib talafuz qilinadi .
โก๏ธ Sifat: black
โก๏ธ Qiyosiy: +er blacker
โก๏ธ Orttirma: + est blackest
๐ฆ To'g'ri sifatlar bir bog'inga bo'lib talafuz qilinganda ( oxirgi harfi unli + undosh )
โก๏ธ Sifat: thin
โก๏ธ Qiyosiy: double final letter +er thinner
โก๏ธ Orttirma: double final letter +est thinnest
๐ฆ To'g'ri sifatlar ikki bog'inga bo'lib talafuz qilinganda ( oxirgi harfi y )
โก๏ธ Sifat: funny
โก๏ธ Qiyosiy: replace -y with -ier funnier
โก๏ธ Orttirma: replace -y with -iest funniest
๐ฆ To'g'ri sifatlar ikki yoki undan ortiq bog'inga bo'lib talafuz qilinganda
โก๏ธ Sifat: intelligent
โก๏ธ Qiyosiy: more/less+adj more intelligent
โก๏ธ Orttirma: most/least+adj
most intelligent
๐ฆ Noto'g'ri sifatlar/sonlar
โก๏ธ Qiyosiy:
โก๏ธ Orttirma:
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
$$ Comparative $$
Narsalar taqqoslanganda yoki odamlar farqlanganda
Ex: The crime rate in this area is higher than in other parts of the country.
$$ Superlative $$
Bir guruh odamlar yoki narsalarning to'liq a'zosi taqqoslanganda
Ex: The robbery was the biggest in the bank's history.
@ Tog'ri sifatlar ikki bog'inga bo'lib talafuz qilinganda shuningdek qiyosiy va orttirma darajadagi sifatlar bir bog'inga bo'lib talafuz qilingan o'xshaydi
clever , cleverer , cleverest
@ Sifatlar bir bog'inga bo'lib talafuz qilinganda oxirgi harfi -e bilan tugasa -r va -st qo'shiladi
white , whiter , whitest
@ Yodda tuting qiyosiy darajasini "than" orqali topiladi
Crime is a much bigger problem in this country than in many other countries
@ Yodda tuting orttirma darajani biror narsadan oldin "the" ishlatilishi bilan topiladi
Our local police force is the best in the country
๐ฅ Qiyosiy va orttirma ravishlar ๐ฅ
๐ฆ To'g'ri ravishlar
โก๏ธ Ravish: easily
โก๏ธ Qiyosiy: more/less + adv more easily
โก๏ธ Orttirma: most/least + adv most easily
๐ฆ Noto'g'ri ravishlar
โก๏ธ Ravish:
โก๏ธ Qiyosiy:
More often
โก๏ธ Orttirma:
Farthest / furthest
Most often
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
$$ Qiyosiy $$
Voqea-hodisalarning farqi taqqoslanganda
Ex: Lock your door more carefulluly next time and maybe you won't get burgled!
$$ Orttirma $$
Bir guruh odamlar yoki narsalarning to'liq voqea-hodisalar farqi taqqoslanganda
Ex: Only the criminal who ran fastest managed to escape from the police.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:56]
๐ฆ B2 Unit 11 davomi 66-67 bet ๐ฆ
๐ฅ So ๐ฅ
So + adjective + that
So + adverb + that
So + many/much + noun + that
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
Voqea-hodisa yoki holatning natijasini ko'rsatishda
Ex: The burglar was so clever that no one could catch him.
Jane took the money so quickly that no one saw her.
There was so much money that the robber couldn't carry it all.
@ Bu so'z odatda ikkinchi bog'lovchini tanishtirish hojati yo'q
Ex: โ
The crime rate is so high people are very frightened.
@ So'z va boshqa raqamdan foydalaniladi
The crime rate is so high that people are very frieghtened.
l saw that burglar leaving the house , so l called the police.
๐ฅ Such ๐ฅ
Such + a/an + adjective + singular noun + that
Such + adjective + plural noun + that
Such + a lot of + noun + that
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
Voqea-hodisa yoki holatning natijasini ko'rsatishda
Ex: lt was such a terrible crime that the man was sent to prison for life.
The security guard had such good hearing that he heard the door open immediately.
There is such a lot of crime here that the police can't cope.
๐ฅ Enough ๐ฅ
Enough + noun ( + for and / or + full infinitive )
Adjective + enough ( + for and / or + full infinitive )
Adverb + enough ( + for and / or + full infinitive )
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
Voqea-hodisa yoki holatning natijalarini ko'rsatishda ifodalaniladi , qandaydir bir narsaning tartib raqami / o'rtasida is/isn't foydalanishga to'g'ri keladi
Ex: There aren't enough police officers on the streets to keep us safe.
It wasn't dark enough for the burglar to start working.
Did the police respond quickly enough to help ?
@ Sifatdan enough gacha umuman xato , quite yoki fairly so'zi to'g'ri
It's quite / fairly dangerous around here so donโt go out alone.
โ it's enough dangerous around here so donโt go out alone .
๐ฅ Too ๐ฅ
Too + ( + for and/or +full infinitive )
Too + adverb ( + for and/or + full infinitive )
Too + many/much + noun ( + for and/or + full infinitive )
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
@ Biron bir narsani tasvirlashga qaraganda kerakli va inkor natijani ifodalaydi
Ex: The young man was too young to go to prison.
We arrived too late for the start of the trial.
We sent too many Innocent people to prison.
@ Biz too dan biror bir narsani tasvirlashni hohlaganimizda , darak shaklidan foydalanilmaydi , o'rniga biz very , really yoki extremely dan foydalanamiz
You were very / really / extremely lucky not to get caught.
โ You were too lucky not to get caught.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:56]
๐ฆ 72-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 12 $$$
$ back down - shashtidan qaytmoq
$ break out - qamoqdan qochmoq
$ bring in - yangi tizim , qonunni joriy etmoq
$ chase after - ortdan quvmoq
$ come forward - yordam yoki ma'lumot taklif qilmoq
$ get away with - jazodan qutilmoq
$ go off - portlamoq
$ hand in - hukumatga topshirmoq
$ hold up - zo'ravonlik bilan o'g'irlik qilmoq
$ let off - ozroq yoki umuman jazo bermaslik , portlamoq
$ look into - tekshiruv ishlarini olib bormoq
$ make off - qochmoq
$ take down - boshqalarni gapini yozib olmoq
$ take in - yolg'onni xiyla bilan ishontirmoq
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:56]
๐ฆ 72-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 12 $$$
$$ Accuse - ayblamoq
$ accused - sudlanuvchi
$ accusation - ayblash
$$ Addict - kashanda
$ addicted - chalingan
$ addictive - kashandaga aylantiradigan
$ addiction - zararli odat , chalinish
$$ Convict - hukm qilmoq
$ conticted - hukm qilingan
$ conviction - hukm qilish
$$ Crime - jinoyat
$ criminal -jinoiy
$$ Evident - ko'rinib turgan , ma'lum
$ evidence - dalil
$ evidently - aniq , ravshan , shubhasiz
$$ Forge - qalbaki narsa yasamoq
$ forgery - soxtalashtirilgan
$ forger - soxtalashtiruvchi
$$ honest - halol
$ dishonest - vijdonsiz
$ (dis)honesty - noinsoflik
$ (dis)honestly - vijdonsizlik
$$ Investigate - tekshirmoq
$ investigative - tekshirish bilan bog'liq bo'lgan
$ investigation - tekshirish
$ investigator -tergovchi
$$ Law - qonun
$ lawyer - advokat
$ (un)lawful -qonuniy
$$ Murder - qotillik
$ murderer -qotil
$$ Offence - ayb
$ offensive - hujumkor
$ offend - xafa qilmoq
$ offender - jinoyatchi
$$ Prison - qamoqxona
$ prisoner - mahbus
$ impreson (ed) - qamoqqa olmoq
$ imprisonment - qamoqqa olish
$$ Prove - isbotlamoq
$ proof - isbot
$ (un)proven - isbotlanmagan
$ disprove - rad qilmoq
$$ Rob - o'g'irlamoq
$ robbery - o'g'rilik
$ robber - qaroqchi
$$ Secure - xavfsiz
$ insecure - xatarli
$ (in)security - xavfsizlik
$$ Theft - o'g'irlash
$ thief -o'g'ri
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:56]
๐ฆ 72-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 12 $$$
$$ Proof - dalil ,isbot
$ evidence - dalil
$$ Suspect - gumon qiluvchi
$ arrest - qamoqqa olish
$ charge - hujm qilmoq
$$ Suspect - shubhalanmoq
$ accused - biron bir narsada ayblamoq
$$ Decision - qaror , hukm
$ verdict - qaror , hukm , yakuniy xulosa
$$ Commit - sodit etmoq
$ break - sindirmoq
$$ Rule - grammatik qoida
$ law - qonun huquqiy
$ justice - adolat , haqqoniylik
$ right - aniq , to'g'ri
$$ Judge - sudya , hay'at a'zosi
$ jure - jure
$$ prosecute - ayblamoq ( kimmidir biron bir narsa uchun )
$ persecute - ta'qib qilmoq
$$ Capital punishement - poytaxt jazosi
$ corporal punishement - jismoniy jazo
$$ Robber - o'g'ri , talonchi ( bank , magazin narsalarni o'g'irlamoq)
$ burglar - i'g'ri (qulfbuzar o'g'ri )
$ thief - o'g'ri , kissavur
( odamlarning narsalarinni o'g'irlamoq )
$$ Vandal - madaniyatsiz johil odam
$ hooligan - bezori
$$ Sentence - hukm qilmoq , jazolamoq
$ imprison - qamamoq , ozodlikdan mahrum qilmoq
$$ Innocent - beayb ,beziyon
( zarar yetkazmaydigan )
$ guilty - aybdor , gunohkor
$$ witness - kafil , guvoh
( sud majlisida guvohlik beruvchi kishi )
$ bystander - guvoh
( tomoshabin )
$$ lawyer - huquqshunos
$ solicitor - advokat , yuriskonsult (Brit)
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:56]
๐ฆ 78-79 bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 13 $$$
๐ฅ Modallar: qobiliyat , ruxsat , maslahat , tanqid qilish , majburiyat va zaruriyat darajalarning ishonchliligi ๐ฅ
@ Barcha modallar ( will, would, shall, should, can, could, may ,might, must ) va bazi modallarning yolg'iz bitta ought to shakli bor
@ Modallar infinitive siz holatda ishlatiladi yoki
( simple yoki continuous ) yoki perfect infinitive siz holatida ishlatiladi
Ex: Toby should be very fit by now.
@ Bazi modallar have to va need to ularning shaxsini o'zgarishiga bog'liq va zamoniga
Ex: The doctor said l had/needed to give up red meat.
๐ฅ Modallar: qobiliyat ifodalovchi ๐ฅ
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
๐ฆ Hozirgi yoki umumiy qobiliyat izoh qilinganda
๐ Can ๐
Ex: l can run a kilimetre in four minutes.
๐ฆ Kelajakdagi qobiliyat haqida hozir fikr izohlanganda
๐ Can ๐
Ex: We can meet at the gym tomorrow , if you like.
๐ฆ O'tgan zamondagi qobiliyat izohlanganda
๐ Could ๐
Ex: l could do fifty press-ups with one hand when l was younger.
๐ฆ Hozirgi zamondagi qobiliyat izohlanganda , kelajak yoki umumiy faraziy holatlarda
๐ Could ๐
Ex: lf only l could quit smoking!
๐ฆ O'tgan zamondagi faraziy holatdagi qobiliyat izohlanganda
๐ Could + perfect infinitive ๐
Ex: l could have roadted the potatoes , but l decided that boiling them was healtier.
@ Biz be able to ni infinitive va boshqa zamonlarda ishlatamiz
l'd love to be able to fit into these jeans again!
( infinitive )
l'll be able to leave hospital in a few weeks , apparently. ( future )
l've been able to swim since l was five . ( present perfect )
๐ฅ Modallar: ruhsatni ifodalovchi ๐ฅ
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
๐ฆ So'rash uchun va hozir , umumiy yoki kelajak uchun ruhsat berilganda
๐ May , could , can ๐
Ex: May/Could/Can l see the doctor , please ?
@ May could ga qaraganda ko'proq xushmuomilalik bilan so'rashda , va could can ga qaraganda ko'proq xushmuomilalik bilan so'rashda ishlatiladi
@ Biz odatda modalni o'tgan zamondagi ruhsat berish haqida gapirganimizda ishlata olmaymiz
l was allowed to wear a knee support during the match.
โ l could wear a knee support during the match.
@ Biroq , biz reported speech dagi o'tgan zamondagi ruhsat berish haqida gapirganimizda could dan foydalanamiz
The coach said l could wear a knee support during the match.
๐ฅ Modallar: maslahatni ifodalovchi ๐ฅ
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
๐ฆ So'rash uchun va hozir , kelajak uchun umumiy maslahat berishni ifodalaydi
๐ Should , ought to ,
( + perfect infinitive )๐
Ex: He ought to /should have made more of an efford with his diet.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:56]
๐ฆ B2 Unit 13 birinchi davom ettiramiz 78-79 bet ๐ฆ
๐ฅ Modallar: Majburiyat va zaruriyat ๐ฅ
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
๐ฆ Majburiyat va zaruriyat izohlanganda
โก๏ธ Must / have to / need to
Ex: l must / have to / need to pick up that prescription from the chemist on the way home.
๐ฆ Majburiyat yoki zaruriyatga ega bo'lgan holatni ifodalanganda
โก๏ธ Needn't / donโt have to / donโt need to
Ex: You needn't / donโt have to / donโt need to pick up that prescription from the chemist as l'll get it while l'm in town.
๐ฆ O'tgan zamondagi majburiyat izohlanganda
โก๏ธ Had to
Ex: l had to take the pills three times a day for two weeks.
๐ฆ O'tgan zamondagi majburiyatga ega bo'lmagan holatni izohlanganda
โก๏ธ Needn't ( + perfect infinitive ) / didn't have to / didn't need to
Ex: l needn't have gone / didn't have to go / didnโt need to go to the doctor.
@ Odatda must va have to ma'no o'rtasida farq yo'q.
Biroq , biz bazan ko'proq ehtimollikda must shaxsiy majburiyat uchun ishlatiladi ( o'ziga tegisjli fikr haqida biz must do dan foydalanamiz ) va have to uchun tashqi majburiyat
( kimnindir boshqa fikri haqida must do ishlatiladi )
@ Shuningdek biz will have / need to kelajakdagi majburiyatni izohlanganda
You'll have / need to be more careful about what you eat in future.
@ odatdan tashqari must so'roq gaplarda ishlatiladi
Biz odatda have to /need to dan foydalanamiz
Do l have / need to take this medicine before every meal ?
@ Mustdan keyin infinitive ishlatilmaydi , to have to dan foydalaniladi
l'd hate to have to have injections everx day.
โ l'd hate to must have injections every day.
@ Musn't va donโt / doesn't have / need to ma'nolarida farqlanishi
You musn't do that
( Don't do that! )
You donโt have / need to do that. ( You can do that if you want to but it's not necessary )
@ Needn't ( + perfect infinitive ) odatda voqea-hodisaning sodir bo'lishini nazarda tutilish. Didnโt have to va didn't need to voqea-hodisalar bo'lishi nazarda tutilganida did yoki didnโt sodir bo'ladi
l needn't have gone to the doctor. ( l went but it wasn't necessary. )
l didn't have / need to go to the doctor because l suddenly felt better. ( l didn't go. )
l didn't have / need to go to the doctor but l went just to be on the safe side.
( l didn't go )
@ Need felidan ehtiyot bo'ling , uni -ing formasi ham bor
l need to sterilise this syringe.
This syringe needs sterilising.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:56]
๐ฆ B2 Unit 13 davomi ikkinchi 78-79 bet ๐ฆ
๐ฅ Modallar: daraja va ishonchni ifodalanishi ๐ฅ
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
๐ฆ Ishonch ( yoki ishonchga yaqin ) haqida hozir yoki umumiy izohlanganda
โก๏ธ Must , can't , couldn't
Ex: That must be the district nurse at the door.
๐ฆ Ishonch ( yoki ishonchga yaqin ) haqidagi o'tgan zamonda ishlatiladi
โก๏ธ Must , can't , couldn't
( + perfect infinitive )
Ex: She must have been in a lot of pain.
His leg can't / couldn't have been in plaster for two years!
๐ฆ Hozirgi ehtimollik umumiy yoki kelajakda izohlanganda
โก๏ธ Should , ought to
Ex: You ought to / should feel better in a few days , as long as you get lots of rest.
๐ฆ O'tgan zamondagi ehtimollik haqida izohlanganda
โก๏ธ Should , ought to , ( + perfect infinitive )
Ex: The bruise ought to / should have disappeared days ago. I wonder why it didnโt.
๐ฆ Hozirgi ehtimollik umumiy yoki kelajak haqida izohlanganda
โก๏ธ Could , may , might
Ex: You should talk to your doctor first because that diet could / may / might be dangerous.
๐ฆ O'tgan zamondagi real ehtimollikni izohlanganda
โก๏ธ Could , may , might ( + perfect infinitive )
Ex: That could / may / might have been the doctor who rang earlier while we were out.
๐ฆ O'tgan zamondagi faraziy ehtimollik haqida izohlanganda
โก๏ธ Could , might , ( + perfect infinitive )
Ex: lt's a good thing you went to the doctor or you could / might have become quite ill.
Mr Holov
$$$ B2 Unit 14 $$$
$ break out - tasodifan boshlamoq
$ bring on - kasallik olib kelmoq
$ come down with - og'ir kasallik bilan yotib qolmoq
$ cut down (on) - nimadir miqdorini kamaytirmoq
$ feel up to - biror ish qilish darajasida o'zini yaxshi xis qilmoq
$ get over - tuzalmoq
$ give up - odatda qiladiganishini tashlamoq
$ look after - g'amxo'rlik qilmoq
$ pass out - xushidan ketmoq
$ pull through - og'ir kasallikdan zo'rg'a tuzalish
$ put down - o'ldirmoqย
( kasal va qarigan hayvonlarga nisbatan )
$ put on - semirmoq
$ wear off - tasirini yo'qotmoq
$$ Allergy - allergiya
$ allergic - allergiyasi bor
$$ Aware - biladigan , tushunadigan
$ unaware - bexabar
$ awareness - bilish , qiziqish
$$ Benefit - foyda
$ benefical - faydali , manfaatli
$$ Comfort - qulaylik
$ discomfort - noqulay
$ (un)comfortable - qulay , shinam
$ (un)comfortably -qulay sharoitda
$$ Emphasis - urg'u berish
$ emphasise -urg'u bermoq , ta'kidlamoq
$ emphatic - urg'u berilgan
$$ Fit - jidmonan baquvvat$ unfit - jismonan yaroqsiz
$ fitness - jismonan baquvvatlilik
$$ ill - kasal
$ illness - kasallik
$$ Inject - ukol qilib yubormoq
$ injection - ukol
$$ Injure - zarar yetkazmoq
$ injury - zarar
$ injuries - shikastlanish
$$ Operate - boshqarmoq , amalga oshirmoq
$ operation - operatsiya
$ operator - operator
$ operating - operatsiyaga oid
$ cooperate - hamkorlik qilmoq
$ cooperation - hamkorlik
$ (un)cooperative -birlashgan , qo'shma
$$ Poison - zaharย
$ poisonous - zaharli
$ poisoning - zaharlash
$$ Recover - tuzalmoq , sog'aymoq
$ recovery - sog'ayish o'z holiga qaytish
$$ Strong - kuchli
$ strength - kuch
$ strengthen - kuchaytirmoq
$ strongly - kuch bilan
$$ Surgery - jarrohlik
$ surgeon - jarroh , xirurg
$ surgical(ly) - jarrohlikka oid
$$ Treat - munosabatda bo'lmoq
$ treatment - munosabat , muomala
$$ Prescription - retsept
, tayinlash , ko'rsatma berish
$ recipe - tayyorlash usuli
$$ Operation - operatsiya
$ surgery - jarrohlik
$$ Sore - og'riganย
$ hurt - shikastlangan
$ pain - og'riq , dardย
$$ illness - kasallik
$ disease - xastalik
$$ Injured - shikast yetkazmoq
$ damaged - zarar yetkazmoq
$$ Thin - oriq
$ slim - nozik , ozg'in
$$ Remedy - dori-darmon
$ cure - kasallikka barham bermoq
$ therapy - terapiya , muolaja
$$ Effect - natija , ta'sirย
( maqsad , niyat )
$ result - natija ( o'yin , musobaqa yoki saylov so'ngida )
$$ Healty - sog'lom ( tana yoki aql )
$ fit - jismonan sog'lom
$$ Examine - tekshirmoq
( imtijon qilib )
$ investigate - har tomonlama tekshirish
$$ Infection - infektsiyaย
( yuqumli kasallik )
$ pollution - ifloslanish
( kir qilish )
$$ Plaster - plaster ( gips )
$ bandage - bint ( bint bilan bog'lamoq )
$$ Ward - shifoxona bo'limi
$ clinic - klinika , shifoxona
$$ Dose - doza , dori o'lchoviย
$ fix - narkotik modda dozasi
$$ fever - isitma
$ rash โ toshma
Mr Holov
$$$ B2 Unit 15 $$$
The passive
Noun + be in the correct form + past participle ( + by/with + noun )
@ Present simpleย
Ex: They grow bananas in tropical areas.
Am/is/are + past participle
Ex: Bananas are grown in tropical areas.
@ Present continuous
Ex: They are redecorating the cafe.
Am/is/are + ing + past participle
Ex: The cafe is being redecorated.
@ Present perfect simple
Ex: Has anyone peeled the carrots ?
Has/have + been + past participle
Ex: Have the corrots been peeled ?
@ Past simple
Ex: They served the meal in on elegant dining room.
Was/were + past participle
Ex: The meal was served in an elegant dinning room.
@ Past continuous
Ex: We asked for coffee while they were preparing the bill.
Was/were + ing + past participle
Ex: We asked for coffee while the bill was being prepared.
@ Past perfect simple
Ex: someone had eaten all the food by the time l got there.
Has + been + past participle
Ex: All the food had been eaten by the time l got there.
@ Will future
Ex: We will deliver your pizza in forty minutes.
PassiveWill + be + past participle
Ex: your pizza will be delivered in forty minutes.
@ Be going to futureย
Ex: Overweight customers are going to sue Burgerland.
Is/are going to + be + past participle
Ex: Burgerland is going to be sued by overweight customers.
@ Future perfect simple
Ex: They will have harvested all the grapes by the end of September.ย
Will + have + been + past participle
Ex: All the grapes will have been harvested by the end of September.ย
@ Modal
Ex: You shuold brush the chicken breast with oil and then fry it.
Modal + be + past participle
Ex: The chicken breat should be brushed with oil and then fried.
@ Modal + perfect infinitive
Ex: They should have delivered the groceries by now.
Modal + have + been + past participle
Ex: The groceries should have been delivered by now.
@ -ing (gerund)
Ex: l donโt like people telling me what to do in the kitchen.
Being + past participle
Ex: l donโt like being told what to do in the kitchen.
@ Does/did ni kimgadir biror narsa bajarishini bilmaganimizda ishlatamiz
Ex: My groceries have been stolen!
@ Does/did ni kimgadir biror narsani qilishi aniq bo'lganda
Ex: A boy was arrested in town yesterday for stealing an apple.
@ Does/did ni kimgadir biror narsa muhim emasligini ifodalanganda
Ex: The French bistro is being knocked down.
@ Biz yangi ma'lumotni ta'kidlashni hohlaganimizda yoki odatdagi formal holatni
Ex: The potato was brought to Europe by Sir Walter Raleigh.
WATCH OUT @ Biz odatda passive fellari oldidan present perfect continuous , past perfect continuous ,
future continuous yoki future perfect continuous zamonlarini ishlatmaymiz
, o'rniga biz turli so'z birikmasidan foydalanamiz.
Ex: The restaurant has been under construction for four years.
The restaurant has been being built for four years.
Dave has been in training as a chef for three years.
Dave has been being trained as a chef for three years.
@ Biz odatda kimnidir biror narsani bajarishini , muhim ma'lumot aytganimizda faqat "by" ni
Ex: Margarine was invented by a French chef.
The best pizzas are made by the ltalians.
Waiter! This steak has been overcooked by someone.ย
@ Biz odatda "with" ni biror narsani haqida gapirganimizda ya'ni nimanidir buyumlar
( jonsiz narsa ) orqali bajarilishini ko'rsatilganda foydalaniladi
Ex: The soup should then be stirred with a spoon.
The soup should then be stirred by a spoon.
@ Bazi fellar odatda passive da ishlatilmaydi.
Ular o'timsiz fellarni o'z ichiga oladiย
( to'ldiruvchidan tashqari) , such as appear va die , va bazi o'timli fellar such as have , let ,
lack vahokazo
B2 Unit 15 davomi 94-95 bet
shaxsi ma'lum bo'lmagan majhul nisbat
Boshqa odamlarning rasmiy uslubdagi fikrlarini ifodalaganda , biz ikki xil formadagi majhul
nisbatdan foydalanamiz. Ular sonli fellarni o'z ichiga oladi.ย
Say - aytmoq
Believe - ishonmoq
Think - o'ylamoq
Claim - tasdiqlamoq
Estimate - taxmin vakohazo
Noun + is/are said to + bare infinitive / perfect infinitive
It is said that + clause
Ex: people think he is a great chef.
Ex: He is thought to be a great chef.
It is thought that he is a great chef.
Ex: People believe he was a great chef.
Ex: He is believed to have been a great chef.
It is believed that he was a great chef.
Ex: People claim he has had an influence on many other chefs.
PassiveEx: He is claimed to have had an influence on many other chefs.
It is claimed that he has had an influence on many other chefs.
Ex: People say he has been making the best cheese in the area for over thirty years.
Ex: He is said to have been making the best cheese in the area for over thirty years.
It is said that he has been making the best cheese in the area for over thirty years.
Ex: People estimated that his restaurant was worth over $10 million.
Ex: His restaurant was estimated to be / to have been worth over $10
It was estimated that his restaurant was worth over $10 million
Ex: People have suggested that he is a great chef.
Ex:It has been suggested that he is a great chef.ย
Kuzatuv fellarida
Noun + have/get in the correct form + noun + past participle ( + by/with + noun )
@ Kimdir nimanidir bajarishni ko'rsatib ularni tartibga solgandaย
Ex: l have my groceries delivered by the supermarket once a week.
We are having a new cooker put in tomorrow.
We had a large wedding cake made.
Have you had your kitchen decorated ?
We are going to have the food for the party made by a catering company.
@ Nazarda tutiladigan yoqimsiz voqea-hodisani tartibga solingandaย
Ex: We had our herb garden vandalised while we were away.
The Smiths have had their new microwave stolen.
@ Odatda have ga qaraganda ko'proq rasmiy holatda get dan foydalaniladi
Ex: Can you go and get this recipe photocopeid for me ?
@ Shuningdek get somebody to do va have somebody do ni biz uchun odamlarni nimanidir
bajarishi hohlaganimizni nazarda tutganimizda
Ex: Why donโt you get the chef to prepare you a vegetarian meal ?
Why donโt you have the chef prepare you a vegetarian meal ?
Vositali va vositasiz to'ldiruvchilar
Bazi fellarni vositali va vositasiz to'ldiruvchilar orqali topiladi ( odatda odamlarni )
Bu fellarni o'z ichiga oladi
Bring , buy , get , give , lend , make , offer , owe , pass , promise , send , show , take , teach ,
tell , write vahokazo
Biz feldan keyin to'g'ridan - to'g'ri vositasiz to'ldiruvchi yoki gap oxirida predlog bilan
ishlatamiz ( for/to vahokazo )Ex: A friend gave my sister this cookery book.
A friend gave this cookery book to my sister.
Gapda egasi vositasiz to'ldiruvchi yoki gapda aktiv vositali to'ldiruvchi holatida keladi
My sister was given this cookery book by a friend.
This cookery book was given to my sister b a friend.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:58]
๐ฆ 100-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 16 $$$
$$ Anxious - tashvishlangan , xavotirlangan
$ anxiously - xavotirlik bilan
$ anxiety - bezovtalik , notinchlik
$$ Appreciate - yuqori baholamoq
$ (un)appreciative(ly) - minnatdorchilik
$ appreciation - baho
$$ Contain - o'z ichiga olmoq
$ container - biror narsa saqlanadigan idish , konteiner
$ content(s) - tarkibi
$$ Create - yaratmoq
$ creative(ly) -ijodiy
$ creation - yaratish , yaralish
$ creativity - ijodkorlik
$ creator - ijodkor , muallif
$$ Disgust - jirkanish , nafratlanish
$ disgusting - jirkanchli
$ disgusted - jirkantirmoq , nafrat uyg'otmoq
$$ Grow - o'smoq
$ growth - o'sish
$ grown-up - voyaga yetgan
$ growing - o'sib boradigan
$ grown - kap-katta
$ home-grown -katta vatan
$ grower - ishlab chiqaruvchilar
$$ Mix - aralashtirib yubormoq
$ mixed - aralashtirilgan
$ mixture - aralashma
$ mixer - mikser
$$ Origin - kelib chiqishi
$ (un)orginal(ly) - dastlabki kelib chiqishiga ko'ra
$ originate - vujudga kelmoq
$ originator - yo'qdan
$$ Prepare - tayyor bo'lmoq
$ preparation - tayyorlash
$ preparatory - tayyorlov
$ (un)prepared - tayyor
$$ Safe - xavfsiz
$ unsafe - xavfli
$ (un)safely - bexatar holda
$ save - qutqarmoq
$ safety - xavfsizlik
$ saviour - qitqaruvchi
$ saver - omonatchi
$$ Surprise - ajablantirmoq
$ (un)surprising (ly)- ajablanarli
$ surprised - ajablangan
$$ Sweet - shirinlik
$ sweetly - shirin
$ sweetener - shakarni o'rnini bosuvchi narsa
$ sweetness - shirinlik
$$ thorough - batafsil
$ thoroughly - butunlay
$ thoroughness - puxtalik , sinchiklab bajarishlik
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:58]
๐ฆ 100-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 16 $$$
$$ Chop - chopmoq
$ slice - tilim , bo'lak , karch
$ grate - maydalamoq , qirqmoq
$$ Bake - duxovkada pishirmoq
$ grill - qo'rada pishirmoq
$ fry - qovurmoq
$ roast - kabob qilingan
$ boil - qaynagan
$$ Cook - oshpaz
$ cooker - pechka
$ chef - bosh oshpaz
$$ oven - pechka
$ grill - qo'rada pishirmoq
$ hob - gaz plitasining tepa qismi
$$ Kitchen - oshxona
$ cuisine - pishirish xonasi
$$ Lunch - tushlik
$ dinner - tushki ovqat , ziyofat
$$ Plate - tarelka
$ bowl - kosa
$ saucer - tarelka
$ dish - idish-tovoqlar
$$ Vegetable - sabzavotga oid
$ vegetarian - vegetarian
$ vegan - qat'iiy vegetarian ( hech qanday hayvon mahsulotlarini iste'mol qilmaydigan kishi )
$$ fast food - fast fud , tezpishar taom
$ takeaway - olib ketish
$$ Kettle - choynak
( gazga qo'yiladigan )
$ teapot - choy damlaydigan choynak
$$ Freezer - muzlatkich , muzxona
( muzlatish kamerasi )
$ fridge - muzlatkich
$$ Frozen - muzlab qolgan
$ freezing - muzlatadigan
$$ Mix - aralashtirmoq
( xamirning kukun holidagi qorishmasi )
$ stir - aralashtirmoq
( tebranmoq )
$ whisk - ko'piklatgich
$$ Soft drink - alkogolsiz ichimlik
$ fizzy drink - gazli ichimlik
$$ Menu - taomnoma , menyu
$ catalogue - katalog
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 13:59]
๐ฆ 100-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 16 $$$
$ drop in (on) - kutilmaganda tashrif buyurish
$ get on for - biror ( vaqt , miqdor , yosh ) ga yaqinlashmoq
$ get off - aynimoq
$ go on - davom etmoq
$ go/come round - kimningdir uyiga ularni ko'rish uchun bormoq
$ keep on - davom etmoq
$ leave out - hisobga olmaslik
$ put off - ko'ngilni qoldirmoq
$ run into - to'satdan uchratib qolmoq
$ run out of - tugatmoq , tugamoq
$ take to - yoqtira boshlamoq , nimadir qilishga odatlanmoq
$ try out - sinab ko'rmoq
$ turn out - bo'lib chiqmoq
$ turn up - paydo bo'lib qolmoq
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 106-107-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 UNIT 17 $$$
๐ฅ Fel / ot / sifat so'z birikma + ing form ๐ฅ
@ Bazi fel , ot , sifat so'z birikmalari odatda -ing oladi.
l've finished writing my essay.
Bularni o'z ichiga oladi
$ Admit - tan olmoq
@ Appreciate - tushunmoq , qadirlamoq , anglab yetmoq
$ Avoid - oldini olmoq
@ Can't help - o'zini to'xtatolmaslik
$ Delay - kechiktirmoq , sekinlatmoq
@ Deny - rad etmoq
$ Detest - juda yomon ko'rmoq
@ Discuss - muhokama qilmoq
$ Dislike - xush ko'rmaslik
@ Enjoy - rohatlanmoq
$ Escape - uchib ketmoq , bug'lanib ketmoq ( gaz va suyuqliklarga nisbatan qo'llaniladi )
@ Face - yuz(n) , yuzlanmoq , qaramoq (v)
$ Fancy - fantaziya , orzu , tilak , xohish
@ Feel like - yoqtirmoq
$ Finish - tugatmoq
@ Give up - voz kechmoq
$ Involve - taqozo etmoq , jalb etmoq
@ Keep (on) - davom etmoq
$ Mention - eslatib o'tmoq , aytib o'tmoq
@ Mind - aql , idrok , zehn (n) , zerikish , noqulaylik(v)
$ miss - o'tkazib yubormoq
@ Postpone - keyinga qoldirmoq , kechiktirmoq
$ Practise - amaliyotda o'tkazmoq
@ Put off - keyinga qoldirmoq
$ Resist - qarshi turmoq
@ Risk - tavakkal qilmoq
$ Suggest - taqdim qilmoq , taklif qilmoq
@ Understand - tushunmoq , anglamoq
@ Bazi fellar , otlar va sifatlar yuqoridagi ro'yxat shuningdek to'ldiruvchidan oldin -ing ishlatiladi.
l can't stand people cheating in exams.
@ Biz predlogli feldan keyin , deyarli -ing ni ishlatamiz
l'm interested in hearing more about that course.
๐ฅ Fel / ot / sifat so'z birikma + to'liq infinitive ๐ฅ
@ Bazi fel, ot, sifat so'z birikmalaridan keyin odatda to'liq infinitive ishlatiladi
Your answer appears to be wrong.
Bularni o'z ichiga oladi
$ Able - qobiliyat
@ Afford - biror nima qilish uchun yetarli pul , vaqt , imkoniyatga ega bo'lmoq
$ Agree - rozi bo'lmoq
@ Appear - ko'rinmoq
$ Arrange - tartibga solmoq
@ Ask - savol bermoq
$ Attempt - sa'y-harakat , hujum qilish
@ Beg - sadaqa , ๐ sb for sth - yolvorib so'ramoq
$ Choose - tanlamoq
@ Decide - qaror qilmoq
$ Encourage - ruhlantirmoq
@ Expect - kutmoq
$ Fail - muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchramoq
@ Happen - sodir bo'lmoq
$ Help - yordam bermoq
@ Hope - umid qilmoq
$ Manage - boshqarmoq
@ Offer -taklif qilmoq
$ Plan - reja
@ Pleased - xursand
$ Prepare - tayyorlamoq
@ Pretend - (1) mug'ambirlik qilmoq , (2) da'vo qilmoq
$ Promise - va'da bermoq
@ Refuse - inkor qilmoq
$ Seem - tuyulmoq
@ Tend - g'amxo'rlik qilmoq
$ Want - hohlamoq
@ Wish - hohish , istak
$ Would like - yoqtirmoq , xoxlamoq
@ Bazi fellar, otlar va sifatlar yuqoridagi ro'yxat shuningdek to'ldiruvchidan oldin to'liq infinitive ishlatiladi
l didn't want to take the exam.
My mum didn't want me to take the exam.
๐ฅ Verb + bare infinitive ๐ฅ
Bazi fellar to'ldiruvchi + the bare infinitive ishlatiladi
You never let me say the answer.
Bularni o'z ichiga oladi
$ Feel -his qilmoq
@ Hear - eshitmoq
$ Let - ruhsat bermoq
@ Make - yasamoq
$ Notice - e'lon
@ See - ko'rmoq
$ Watch - ko'rish , tomosha qilish
@ Feel , hear , notice , see va watch fellarini -ing formada ishlatiladi. Biz tez-tez bare infinitive uchun to'liq voqea-hodisani ( boshlashdan tugatishgacha ). Biz tez-tez bir vaqtda davom etayotgan voqea-hodisa uchun -ing ishlatamiz
l heard Miss Jenkins tell Julie not to do that.
(= l heard all of it. )
l heard Miss Jenkins telling Julie not to do that.
(= l heard part of it. )
@ Majhul nisbatda , hear , make va see fellari to'liq infinitive bilan ishlatiladi
Active: The teacher made me stand in the corner.
Passive: l was made to stand in the corner.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 106-107-bet davomi ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 UNIT 17 $$$
๐ฅ Verb + full infinitive or -ing form with little or no change in meaning ๐ฅ
@ Bazi fellar to'liq infinitive yoki -ing bilan yoki o'zgarmas ma'noda ishlatiladi
We continued to do experiments in the lab all afternoon.
We continued doing experiments in the lab all afternoon.
Bularni o'z ichiga oladi
$ Begin - boshlanish
@ Can't bear / stand - chidayolmaslik
$ Continue - davom etmoq
@ Hate - nafratlanmoq
$ Intend - rejalashtirmoq
@ Love - sevmoq
$ Prepare - tayyorlamoq
@ Start - boshlamoq
๐ฅ Verb + full infinitive or - ing form with a change in meaning ๐ฅ
@ Bazi fellar ham infinitive ham -ing formada ishlatiladi. Ma'nosiga qarab tanlanadi.
l remember teachers at my school hitting children when they were naughty!
Did you remember to do your homework?
Bularni o'z ichiga oladi
Consider - muhokama qilmoq
Forget - esdan chiqarmoq
Go on - davom etmoq
Imagine - tasavvur qilmoq
Learn - o'rganmoq
Like - yoqtirmoq
Mean - ma'no anglatmoq
Regret - pushaymonlik
Remember - yodda saqlamoq
Stop - to'xtatmoq
Teach - o'rgatmoq
Try - harakat qilmoq
๐ฅ Prefer , would rather , had better ๐ฅ
โก๏ธ Prefer + noun / -ing + to + noun / -ing
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
Umumiy afzal ko'rishni ifodalaganda
Ex: l prefer biology to history.
I prefer reading English texts to speaking in English.
โก๏ธ would prefer + full infinitive + rather than ( + bare/full infinitive )
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
Aniq afzal ko'rishni ifodalaganda ( aniq bir vaziyatda )
Ex: l'd prefer to have the lesson on Wednesday rather than ( [to] have it ) on Tuesday , if that's possible.
โก๏ธ would rather + bare infinitive + than (+ bare infinitive )
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
Umumiy yoki aniq afzal ko'rishni ifodalaganda
Ex: l'd rather have the lesson on Wednesday than ( have it ) on Tuesday , if that's possible.
โก๏ธ would rather + sb + pat simple / past continuous
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
Umumiy yoki aniq afzal ko'rishni ifodalaganda
( boshqa kimdir haqida )
Ex: l'd rather you didnโt sit next to Brian.
โก๏ธ had better + bare infinitive
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
Maslahat berilganda
Ex: You'd better ask your parents if you can come on the school trip.
Biz odatda l donโt prefer deb aytolmaymiz . Biz l prefer not to dan foydalanamiz
l prefer not to have music on when l'm studying.
๐ฅ Maqsad infinitive lari ๐ฅ
Biz kimnidir maqsadi haqida gapirganimizda
( ularni nimanidir bajarishidagi sabab ) ishlatamiz.
โก๏ธ the full infinitive
Ex: l went to university to avoid getting a job!
โก๏ธ in order + full infinitive
Ex: l went to u iniversity in order to avoid getting a job!
โก๏ธ so as + full infinitive
Ex: l went to university so as to avoid getting a job!
@ Biz so (that) ni bir xil fikr ifodalanganda ishlatamiz
l went to university so (that) l could avoid getting a job!
@ Biz inkor ma'nodagi maqsadni odatda to'liq infinitive ning o'zida ishlatamiz
l went to university in order not to get a job!
l went to university so as not get a job!
โ l went to university not to get a job!
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 112-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 18 $$$
$ catch on - tushunmoq
$ come (a)round (to) - o'ziga kelmoq
$ cross out - xato narsani ustidan chizmoq
$ dawn on - birdaniga tushinib yetmoq
$ deal with - eplamoq
$ drop out (of) - chala qoldirmoq , oxiriga yetkazmaslik , yarmidan tashlab ketmoq
$ get at - haqorat qilmoq , e'tiroz bildirmoq
$ get on with - davom etmoq
$ give in - shashtidan qaytmoq
$ keep up with - yetishib olmoq
$ sail through - judayam yaxshi eplamoq
$ set out - batavsil tushintirmoq
$ think over - yaxshilab o'ylab ko'rmoq
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 112-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 18 $$$
$$ Academy - akademiya
$ academic - akademik
$ academically - akademiyaga oid
$$ Attend - g'amxo'rlik qilmoq
$ attention - g'amxo'rlik
$ (in)attentive(ly) - g'amxo'r
$ attendance - ishtirok etish
$ attendant - hamrohlik qilayotgan
$$ Behave - o'zini tutmoq
$ behaviour - xulq , axloq
$$ Certify - tasdiqlamoq
$ certificate - guvohnoma
$ certified - tasdiqlangan
$$ Educate - o'rgatmoq
$ education - ta'lim
$ educator - pedagog
$ educational(ly) - ta'limiy
$$ Fail - muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchramoq
$ failure - muvaffaqiyatsizlik
$ failing - nuqson
$$ Improve - yaxshilamoq
$ improvement - yaxshilash
$ improved - yaxshilangan
$$ Intense - kuchli , shiddatli
$ intensity - tezlik , shiddat
$ intensify - kuchaytirmoq
$ intensely - haddan
$$ Literate - o'qimishli
$ illiterate - o'qimagan
$ (il)literacy - savodxonlik
$ literature - adabiyot
$$ Reason - sabab
$ (un)reasonable - mulohazali
$ (un)reasonably - odilona
$ reasoning -mulohaza , fikr
$$ Revise - tekshirib tuzatmoq
$ revision - tekshirib tuzatish
$ revised -tahrir qilingan
$$ Scholar - olim
$ scholarship - olimlik
$ scholarly - ilmiy
$ scholastic - o'qituvchi
$$ Solve - hal qilmoq
$ solution - eritma
$ (un)solvable - hal
$$ Study - o'rganmoq
$ student - talaba
$ studies - tadqiqotlar
$ studious - studiyalari
$$ Teach - o'rgatmoq
$ teacher - o'qituvchi
$ taught - o'rgatdi
$$ Think - o'ylamoq
$ thought - fikr
$ (un)thinkable - xayolga ham keltirib bo'lmaydigan
$ thoughtful - fikrli
$ thoughtless - o'ylanmagan
$$ Understand - tushunmoq
$ (mis)understanding - tushinish , anglash
$ (mis)understood - tushunib
$ understandable - tushunarli , tushunsa bo'ladigan
$ understandably - tushuniladigan
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 112-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 18 $$$
$$ Take - olmoq
$ pass - imtihon topshirmoq
$$ Read - o'qimoq
$ study - o'qimoq , o'rganmoq
$$ Test - imtihon , nazorat ishi
$ exam - imtihon
$$ Primary - boshlang'ich
$ secondary - o'rta
$ high - oliy
$$ Colleague - hamkasb
$ classmate - sinfdosh
$$ Prefect - maktabdagi intizom uchun javobgar o'quvchi , navbatchi
$ pupil - o'quvchi
$ student - talaba
$$ Qualifications - malaka , bitirilgan kurslar
$ qualities - sifat , yuqori standart yoki daraja
$$ Count - sanamoq , hisoblab chiqmoq
$ measure - o'lchov , kattalik
$$ Degree - daraja , unvon , martaba
$ certificate - sertifikat , guvohnoma
$ results - natija ( o'yin, musobaqa yoki saylov so'ngida )
$$ Speak - gapirmoq , nutq so'zlamoq
$ talk - suhbatlashmoq , gaplashmoq
( biror kishi haqida )
$$ Lesson - dars
$ subject - fan , mavzu
$$ Achieve - erishmoq
$ reach - yetib bormoq, erishmoq , yetishmoq
$$ Task - vazifa, ish, mas'uliyat
$ effort - sa'y-harakat
$$ Know - tanimoq
$ recognise - bilib olmoq
$$ Teach - o'rgatmoq
$ learn - o'rganmoq
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 118-119-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 19 $$$
๐ฅ Questions ๐ฅ
@ Asosiy fel bilan
Ex: Am/Was l on time ?
Are/Were you/we/they tired ?
Is/Was he/she/it cold ?
@ To be yordamchi feli bilan
Ex: Am/was l interrupting you ?
Are/Were you/we/they going on a picnic ?
Is/Was he/she/it working ?
@ Have yordamchi feli bilan
Ex: Have/Had l/you/we/they got any money ?
Has/Had he/she/it finished ?
@ Have va yana boshqa asosiy fellar bilan
Ex: Do/Did l/you/we/they have enough time ?
Does/Did he/she/it need anything ?
@ Modallar bilan
Ex: Should l wait ?
Could you help me ?
Will she be here soon ?
Minght they be lost ?
@ Who - kim
Whose - kimning
Whom - kimni , kimga
What - nima
Which - qaysi
Where - qayerga
When - qachon
Why - nima uchun
How - qanday , qay holatda
bilan ishlatiladi
Ex: Who is taking the rubbish out ?
Whose book is this ?
To whom did you speak ?
What is the weather like ?
Which do you want ?
Where did you go on holiday ?
When is Terry starting work ?
Why did they leave ?
How do you spell environment ?
@ So'roq so'zlar who va what , whether bilan biz do ni ishlatishimiz yoki ishlatolmasligimiz ega yoki to'ldiruvchi feliga bog'liq bo'ladi
Subject: Who saw you ? (=Someone saw you. Who ? )
Object: Who did you see ? (= You saw someone. Who ? )
@ Estalma: Do/does dan keyin , biz bare infinitive ishlatamiz
Did you go to the talk on the environment ?
โ Did you want to the talk on the environment ?
Does Tom want a glass of orange juice ?
โ Does Tom wants a glass of orange juice ?
@ Eslatma so'roq so'zlarning ma'nosi boshqa asosiy fellar bilan o'xshash
What does environmental mean ?
โ What means environmental ?
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ B2 Unit 19 davomi 118-119-bet ๐ฆ
๐ฅ Question tags ๐ฅ
@ Asosiy fel bilan
Ex: You are Canadian , aren't you ?
She is beautiful , isn't she ?
@ Yordamchi fellar va modallar bilan
Ex: You haven't lost my CD , have you ?
We are having the lesson early tomorrow , aren't we ?
People should recycle things , shouldn't they ?
There will be lots of people there , won't there ?
@ Asosiy fel have bilan
Ex: Tom has a lovely voice , hasn't/doesn't he ?
@ Boshqa fellar bilan
Ex: You play the guitar, donโt you ?
Frank lives in Germany now , doesn't he ?
Your friends really enjoyed themselves at the party , didn't they ?
@ Let's bilan
Ex: Let's get a DVD tonight , shall we ?
@ Buyruq tarzida
Ex: Pass me that book , will/would/could you ?
Don't forget tonight , will you ?
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
@ Kimdir bizda ro'ziligimizni so'raganda
( nutq ohangini pasayishi )
Ex:lt's really hot , isn't it ?
@ Nimanidir to'g'riligini tekshirganimizda ( nutq ohangi ko'tarilishi )
Ex: You're Spanish , aren't you ?
@ Gapda l am bilan kelganda , biz tag question da aren't l ? formasidan foydalanamiz. Gapda l am not bilan kelganda am l formasini ishlatamiz
l 'm the best student in the class , aren't l ?
l'm not very tall , am l ?
@ Everyone , no one va someone bilan biz tag question da ko'plikdagi felni va theyni ishlatamiz
Everyone's going to be there , aren't they ?
No one wants to come , do they ?
Someone's been in here , haven't they ?
@ Odatda biz tag question so'roqlarni quyidagi ko'rinishda ishlatamiz darak feli inkor ma'nodagi felga , inkor feli darak ma'nodagi felga aylantiriladi. Inkor ma'noni ifodalovchi so'zlar gapda qatnashgan bo'lsa masalan: no , little , never , nobody , no one , hardly vahokazo , biz bu holatda darak ma'noni ifodalaydigan yordamchi felini ishlatamiz
You have got no manners , have you ?
We never enjoy our holiday , do we ?
@ Gapning ega vazifasida "there" kelsa , biz tag question ga there takrorlab yozamiz
There's no point calling Tim now , is there ?
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ B2 Unit 19 yakunlanishi 118-119-bet ๐ฆ
@ Amerika ingliz tilisida tag question li gapda "have got" yordamchi felidan keyin qismi "do" ishlatiladi , bunday holat odatda Britaniya ingliz tilida ishlatilmaydi
US: They've got a lot of money , donโt they ?
UK: They've got a lot of money , haven't they ?
๐ฅ Indirect question ๐ฅ
Introductory phrase or question + clause with normal word order
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
Biz indirect question ni biror natsani muloyimlik bilan so'raganimizda ishlatamiz
๐ Bazi kirish so'z birikma va so'roqlar ๐
@ Can/Could you tell me ... ?
Ex: Could you tell me what time it is ?
@ Could you let me know...?
Ex: Could you let me know when it starts ?
@ Do you know ... ?
Ex: Do you know who that woman is ?
@ l wonder if you could tell me ...
Ex: l wonder if you could tell me how much this costs.
@ l wonder if you know ...
Ex: l wonder if you know what the starting salary is.
@ l would like to know ...
Ex: l would like to know what your company is going to do about it.
@ Biz so'z tartibidagi gapning ikkinchi qismida "do" ni ishlatmaymiz
l would like to know when the next train to London leaves.
โ l would like to know when does the next train to London leave.
@ Bazi indirect so'roqlar , so'roq so'z boshida , yordamchi fel esa oxirida qo'yilgan holatda ishlatiladi
Ex: Could you tell me where the library is ?
@ Agar direct so'roqdagi "yes/no" so'zlari , indirect so'roq gapdagi ekvivalenti if yoki whether ishlatiladi
l wonder if/whether you have read this book.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 124-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 20 $$$
$ call for - muxtoj bo'lmoq , talab qilmoq
$ call off - bekor qilmoq
$ clear up - ( havoga nisbatan ) ochilmoq
$ cut off - biror bir joyga kirishni imkonsiz qilmoq , ta'minotni to'xtatmoq , uzilib qolmoq
$ die down - pasaymoq
$ do up - tuzatmoq
$ face up to - boricha qabul qilmoq
$ get (sb) down - tushkunlikka tushirmoq
$ put down to - ...ga yoymoq
$ put out - yonayotgan narsani o'chirmoq
$ set in - boshlamoq
$ stand for - ...ning qisqartmasi , chidamoq
$ tear down - buzib tashlamoq
$ throw away - tashlab yubormoq
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 124-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 20 $$$
$$ Accurate - aniq , to'g'ri
$ accurately - aniq , xatosiz
$ inaccurate(ly) - noaniq
$ (in)accuracy - noaniqlik
$$ Danger - xavf , xatar
$ dangerous(ly) - xavfli
$ endanger - havf ostida qoldirmoq
$ endangered - xavf ostida
$$ Develop - rivojlanib bormoq , o'sib bormoq
$ (un)developed - rivojlangan
$ developing - rivojlanayotgan
$ developer - imorat soluvchi/ko'taruvchi shaxs/korxona
$ development - rivojlanish
$$ Environment - atrof-muhit
$ environmental(ly) - atrof-muhitga oid
$ environmentalist - atrof-muhitni himoya qilishga harakat qiladigan odam
$$ Extreme - eng oxirgi
$ extremely -juda
$ extremity - nihoyat
$ extremist - ekstremist
$$ Freeze - sovuq
$ froze - muzlab qolmoq
$ frozen - muzlagan
$ freezing - muzlatadigan
$ freezer - muzlatkich
$$ Globe - globus , yer shari
$ global(ly) - global , umumiy, umumjahon
$$ Great - buyuk , katta , ulkan
$ greatly - juda
$ greatness - buyuklik
$$ Harm - zarar
$ harmful(ly) -zararli
$ harmless(ly) -zararsiz
$ (un)harmed - zarar yetkazmoq
$$ Likely - ehtimol
$ unlikely - haqiqatdan yiroq
$ likelihood - ehtimollik
$$ Low - past
$ lower - pastki
$ lowness - xorlik
$$ Nature - tabiat
$ (un)natural(ly) - tabiiy
$$ Neighbour - qo'shni , yaqinidagi
$ neighbourly - ahil
$ neighbouring - qo'shni , yonma-yon joylashgan
$ Neighbourhood - shahar ichidagi tuman , mahalla
$$ Pollute - ifloslamoq , zaharlamoq
$ (un)polluted - kir qilmoq
$ pollution - zaharlash
$ pollutant - ifloslantiruvchi modda
$$ Reside - muayyan yerda yashamoq
$ residential - aholi yashaydigan ( joy yoki hududga nisbatan )
$ resident - yashovchi
$ residence - turar joy , istiqomat qilish joyi
$$ Sun - quyosh
$ sunny - quyoshli
$ sunshine - quyosh yorug'ligi
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 124-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 20 $$$
$$ Urban - shaharga oid
$ suburban - shahar atrofiga oid
$ rural - qishloqqa xos bo'lgan
$$ Smog - chang , yonilg'i bug'i aralashmasidan iborat zaharlangan havo
$ fog - tuman
$ smoke - tutun bilan qoplangan
$ mist - qirovli tuman
$$ Weather - ob-havo
$ climate - iqlim
$$ Forecast - oldindan aytib berish
$ prediction - bashorat qilmoq
$$ Waste - chindi , axlat
$ litter - supurindi
$ rubbish - axlat , chiqindi
$$ Clean - kir bo'lgan narsani tozalamoq
$ clear - dog'siz , toza
$$ Pour - ( suyuqlikka nisbatan qo'laniladi ) to'kilmoq
$ drizzle - yomg'irning mayda yog'ishi
$ flood - suv bosmoq
$$ Environment - atrof - muhit
$ surroundings - atrof , tevarak
$$ Wind - shamol
$ air - havo
$$ Reservoir - suv ombori
$ lake - ko'l
$ puddle - ko'lmak
$ pond - hovuz , sun'y ko'l
$$ Thunder - momaqaldiroq
$ lightning - chaqmoq
$$ Global - dunyo miqyosidagi
$ worldwide - butun dunyo bo'ylab
$$ Plain - tekis yer
$ land - quruqlikdagi yer
$ field - dala , ekinzor maydoni
$ desert - cho'l , sahro
$$ Extinct - ( hayvon , o'simlik va boshqalarga nisbatan ) yo'q bo'lib ketgan
$ endangered - xavf ostida qolgan , yo'qolib borayotgan
$$ Recycle - asrab qo'yib qayta foydalanmoq
$ reuse - qayta foydalanmoq
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 130-131-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 21 $$$
๐ฅ Reported speech: da zamon va modal o'zgarishi ๐ฅ
@ Biz reported speech da kimnidir aytayotgan gapini boshqa kishiga aytganimizda ishlatamiz
Ex: Jason said he was going to buy a new pair of trainers.
@ Agar xabardagi fel "said" bo'lsa biz odatda zamon va olmoshni o'zgartiramiz
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
Present simple
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
Pat simple
Ex:"l need a credit card," said Tim โ Tim said he needed a credit card.
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
Present continuous
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
Past continuous
Ex: "I'm taking Lizzie shopping," said Tim โ Tim said he was taking Lizzie shopping.
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
Present perfect simple
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
Past perfect simple
Ex: "l've bought Tom a parent," said Tim โ Tim said he'd bought Tom a present.
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
Present perfect continuous
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
Ex: "l've been thinking about buying a car ," said Tim โ Tim said he'd been thinking about buying a car.
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
Past simple
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
Past perfect simple
Ex: "l spent six euros," said Tim โ Tim said he'd spent six euros.
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
Past continuous
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
Past perfect continuous
Ex: " l was hoping to find a new top ,"said Tim โ Tim said he'd been hoping to find a new top.
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
Past perfect simple
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
Past perfect simple
( zamon o'zgarmaydi )
Ex: " l'd looked everywhere for my credit card before l found it ,"said Tim โ Tim said he'd looked everywhere for his credit card before he found it.
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
Past perfect continuous
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
Past perfect continuous
( zamon o'zgarmaydi )
Ex: " l'd been looking for that book for weeks before l found it ," said Tim โ Tim said he'd been looking for that book for weeks before he found it.
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
Am/is/are going to
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
Was/were going to
Ex: " l'm going to go shopping ," said Tim โ Tim said he was going to go shopping.
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
Ex: "l'll need a credit card ," said Tim โ Tim said he would need a credit card.
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
Ex:" l can take Lizzie shopping ," said Tim โ Tim said he could take Lizzie shopping.
$$ Direct speech $$
Must/have to
$$๏ธ Reported speech ๏ธ$$
Had to
Ex: " l must go to the supermarket ," said Tim โ Tim said he had to go to the supermarket.
$$ Direct speech $$
$$ Reported speech $$
Ex: " l may go shopping later ," said Tim โ Tim said he might go to shopping later.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 130-131-bet B2 Unit 21 davomi ๐ฆ
@ Bazi zamon feli yoki modalni o'zgartimaymiz , ilmiy fakt axboroti yoki hozirgacha nimanidir to'g'riligini ifodalaganda
" Most banks charge interest ," said Tim โ Tim said most banks charge interest.
๐ฅ Reported speech: olmish va aniqlochining o'zgarishi ๐ฅ
@ Reported speech bilan odatda bazi olmosh va aniqlochining o'zgarishi
Bularni o'z ichiga oladi
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
Ex: " l've lost my credit card ," said Tim โ Tim said he had lost his credit card.
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
This/that + noun
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
Ex: " l love this sweater ," said Tim โ Tim said he loved the/that sweater.
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
This/that + verb
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
Ex: " This is a lovely sweater ," said Tim โ Tim said it was a lovely sweater.
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
These/those + noun
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
Ex: " l love those sweater ," said Tim โ Tim said he loved the/those sweater.
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
These/those + verb
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
Ex: " These are lovely sweaters ," said Tim โ Tim said they were lovely sweater.
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
Verb + these/those
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
Ex: " l'm going to buy these ," said Tim โ Tim said he was going to buy them.
๐ฅ Reported speech: vaqt va joyni ifodalovchi predlog o'zgarishi ๐ฅ
@ Reported speech bilan odatda vaqt va joy so'z birikmalar o'zgarishi
Bularni o'z ichiga oladi
$$ Direct speech $$
$$ Reported speech $$
Ex: " l usually shop here ," said Tim โ Tim said he usually sjopped there.
$$ Direct speech $$
Now/at the moment
$$ Reported speech $$
Then/at that moment
Ex: " l'm shopping at the moment ," said Tim โ Tim said he was shopping then/at that moment.
$$ Direct speech $$
$$ Reported speech $$
The next/following day
Ex: "l'm going shopping tomorrow, " said Tim โ Tim said he was going to shopping the next/ following day.
$$ Direct speech $$
$$ Reported speech $$๏ธ๏ธ
That night
Ex: "l'm going shopping tonight ," said Tim โ Tim said he was going shopping that night.
$$ Direct speech $$
Next week/month/year
$$ Reported speech $$
The following week/month/year
Ex: "l'm going shopping next week ," said Tim โ Tim said he was going shopping the following week.
$$ Direct speech $$
$$ Reported speech $$
The day before/the previous day
Ex: "l went shopping yesterday , " said Tim โ Tim said he'd been shopping the day before / the previous day.
$$ Direct speech $$
Last week / month / year
$$ Reported speech $$
The week / month / year before / the previous week / month / year
Ex: " l went shopping last week ," said Tim โ Tim said he'd been shopping the week before / the previous week.
$$ Direct speech $$
$$ Reported speech $$
Before / previously
Ex: " l went shopping two days ago ," said Tim โ Tim said he'd been shopping two days before / previously.
@ Biz bazi vaqt so'zlari / so'z birikmalarni ma'lumotni hozirgacha to'g'riligini , ayni paytda gapirilayotganini , yozilayotganini ifodalanganda o'zgartishimizni hojat yo'q
Ex: โ
" l'm going shopping tomorrow ," said Tim to Ben โ Ben immediately called Lizzie and said ,
" Tim said he's going shopping tomorrow. "
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 130-131-bet B2 Unit 21 yakunlanishi ๐ฆ
๐ฅ Reported question ๐ฅ
@ Biz reported question da kimdandir biror narsani hohlashini so'raganimizda ishlatamiz
Ex: Tim asked Tom if he wanted to go shopping with him.
@ Biz reported question dagi bazi zamonlar to'g'risidagi qoidalar , olmosh , vaqt va joy so'zi / so'z birikmasini reported speech da foydalanamiz
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
Have , do , be or modal
( ie yes/no questions )
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
If yoki whether ishlatiladi
Ex: "Can you get me an ice cream , Tom ? " asked Tim. โ Tim asked Tom if / whether he could get him an ice cream.
โก๏ธ Direct speech โก๏ธ
What , who , which , when , where , why va how
โก๏ธ Reported speech โก๏ธ
What , who , which , when , where , why va how
Ex: "why did you buy these shoes ? " asked Tim. โ Tim asked me why l had bought those shoes.
@ Direct question da so'roq shaklidagi gap va so'roq belgisini ishlatamiz.
( Can you ... ? )
Reported question da biz so'roq shaklidagi gap yoki so'roq belgisini ishlatolmaymiz
( asked if he could ... ).
๐ฅ Reporting verbs ๐ฅ
@ Reporting fellari gramatik shaklida farq qiladi. Shakliga qaraganda ko'proq bazi fellarni oladi.
deny ( verb + noun )
Ex: Katie denied the accusation.
deny ( verb + that clause )
Ex: Katie denied (that) she was a shoplifter.
deny ( verb + ing )
Ex: Katie denied stealing the chocolate biscuits.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 136- bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 22 $$$
$$ Economic - iqtisodiy
$ economical - tejamkor
$$ Receipt - kvitantsiya , qabul/tasdiq hujjati
$ bill - banknota , hisob varag'i
$$ Make - yaratmoq , yasamoq
$ brand - tamg'alamoq , belgi quymoq
$$ Bargain - savdolashuv
$ sale - savdo-sotiq
$$ Discount - chegirma
$ offer - ma'lum pul miqdorini to'lashni taklif qilmoq
$$ Price - mahsulot narxini ustiga yozib qo'ymoq
$ cost - tannarx , qiymat
$$ Change - mayda pul
$ cash - naqt pul
$$ Wealth - mol-mulk , boylik
$ fortune - boylik , ko'p miqdordagi
$$ Till - kassa
$ checkout - ro'yxatdan o'chirilish
$$ Products - mahsulot
$ goods - mol , tavar , yuk
$$ Refund - pulni qaytarib bermoq
$ exchange - xorijiy valyuta
$$ Fake - qalbaki , soxta
$ plastic - plastmassa
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 136- bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 22 $$$
$$ Accept - qabul qilmoq
$ acceptance - qabul qilish
$ accepting - qabul
$ (un)acceptable - qabul qilinadigan
$ (un)acceptably - ma'qul
$$ Assist - yordamlashmoq
$ assistance - yordam berish
$ assistant - yordamchi
$$ Day - kun
$ daily - har kungi
$ everyday - har kuni
$$ Economy - iqtisodiyot
$ economic - iqtisodiy
$ (un)economical(ly) - iqtisodiy nuqtayi nazardan
$ economics - iqtisodiyot fani
$ economist - iqtisodchi
$$ End - oxiri
$ endless(ly) - cheksiz
$ ending - tugatish
$ unending - cheksiz
$$ Expense - xarajat
$ (in)expensive(ly) - arzon
$ expenses -xarajatlar
$$ Finance - mablag'
$ financial(ly) - moliyaviy
$ finances - moliya
$$ Invest - sarmoya qo'ymoq , pul sarflamoq
$ investment - investitsiya
$ investor - pul qo'ygan kishi
$$ Luxury - hashamat , dabdaba
$ luxuries - to'kinlik
$ luxurious(ly) - hashamatli
$$ Pay - maosh
$ paid - ijaraga olingan
$ payment - to'lash
$ payable - to'lanadigan
$$ Poor - kambag'al
$ poorly - achinarli holatda
$ poverty - qashshoqlik
$$ Real - haqiqiy
$ unreal - haqiqiy emas
$ really - haqiqatan
$ realise - tasavvur qilmoq
$ realisation - amalga oshirish
$ reality - haqqoniy
$ realistic (ally) - haqiqiy
$$ Value - qiymat
$ (in)valuable - qimmatbaho
$ (in)valuably - bebaho
$ valueless - foydasiz
$ valuation - baholash
$$ Wealth - boylik
$ wealthy - badavlat
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 136-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 22 $$$
$ bank on - ...ga bog'liq
$ come across - tasodifan duch kelmoq
$ come by - olishi qiyin bo'lgan narsani olmoq
$ come into - ...ga o'tmoq
$ do without - ...siz yashamoq
$ get by - pulni bir amallab yetqazmoq
$ get through - tugatmoq
$ give away - tekinga bermoq , yashirmoqchi bo'lgan narsani oshkor etmoq
$ live on - bilan tirikchilik qilmoq
$ look round - ko'rib chiqmoq ( biror bir joyni )
$ make out - kerakli ma'lumotni yozib qo'ymoq
$ make up for - yaxshiroq narsa berib ovintirmoq
$ put by - kelajak uchun pul jamg'armoq
$ save up ( for ) - oz oz pul jamg'arib qo'ymoq
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 142-143-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 23 $$$
๐ฅ Relative clauses ๐ฅ
Relative clauses nimanidir , kimnidir haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot berilganda yoki ma'lum bir shaxs , narsa bir biriga o'xshashligi haqida gapirganimizda ishlatamiz. Ular tez tez so'zlar orqali qo'llaniladi
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
@ Which ( narsalar va hayvonlar uchun )
Ex: Did you see the film which was on TV last night ?
@ Who ( odamlar , hayvonlar uchun biz ularni shaxsini bilishni hohlaganimizda )
Ex: Tom Davies , who is appearing in concert in Reading this week , is with me in the studio.
@ When ( vaqt uchun )
Ex: Do you remember the day when we met ?
@ Where ( joy uchun )
Ex: This is the place where they filmed Citizen Kane.
@ Why ( sababni ko'rsatish uchun )
Ex: That's the reason why he's so popular.
@ Whom ( relative clause da odamlar to'ldiruvchi vazifasida kelganda )
Ex: ls that the man whom we saw at the cinema yesterday ?
@ Whose ( nimagadir ega bo'lish )
Ex: My next guest on the show is John Travolta , whose career goes back to the early seventies.
@ Relative olmoshlari ega vazifasida ( who , which , ) keldanda ulardan keyin yana boshqa ega kelmaydi
l admire Jude Law , who always works hard on his films.
โ l admire Jude Law , who he always works hard on his films.
@ Whom ozgina rasmiy . Ingliz tilida who ni o'rniga whom norasmiy holatda ishlatiladi , relative clause da to'ldiruvchi vazifasida keladi. Biroq predlogdan keyin biz odatda whom ishlatamiz. Odatda norasmiy holatda predlog oxirida bog'lovchi qo'yiladi va who ishlatiladi.
ls that the man who we saw at the cinema yesterday ?
Charlie Chaplin was a comic genius to whom all comedians owe a great deal.
Charlie Chaplin was a comic genius who all comedians owe a great deal to.
@ Where ning o'rniga predlog bila which ishlatiladi. Ozroq rasmiy holatda predlog oxirida bog'lovchini qo'yamiz.
The theatre where / in which l first acted is somewhere around here.
The theatre which l first acted in is somewhere around here.
@ Biz bir xil narsa bilan when ni ishlatamiz
Do you know the year when / in which the first western was made ?
Do you know the year which the first western was made in ?
๐ฅ Non-defining relative clauses ๐ฅ
Non-defining relatove clause da kimdir , nimadir haqida qo'shimcha ko'proq ma'lumot berilganida ishlatiladi. Relative clauses dan tashqari to'liq yasalgan gap
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
Kimdir , nimadir haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot berilganda
Ex: Ray Watson , who starred in Bandits , is considering making a film based on the life of Einstein.
@ Qo'shimcha ma'lumot berishda ishlatilgan bog'lovchilar gapda vergul bilan ajratiladi
Megamonsters , which was filmed in New York , is a very disappointing film.
@ Relative clause which so'zi olib tashlanganda yoki o'rniga boshqa so'z masalan that qo'llanilganida bu gap to'liq xato hisoblanadi
Ex:โ Megamonsters , was filmed in New York, is a very disappointing film.
โ Megamonsters , that was filmed in New York ,is a very disappointing film.
@ Which to'liq gapning oxirida ishlatiladi
We finally got tickets for the concert , which was very lucky.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 142-143-bet B2 Unit 23 davomi ๐ฆ
๐ฅ Defining relative clauses ๐ฅ
Defining relative clauses bir guruh narsalar , odamlar haqida gapirganimizda ishlatiladi. Odatda relative clause dan tashqari to'liq gap yasalmaydi
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
@ Bir guruh narsalar , odamlar haqida gapirganimizda ishlatamiz
Ex: The book which l've read was the best of all.
The one who is wearing a blue shirt is Justin Timberlake , isn't it ?
@ Defining relative clauses gapi vergul bilan ajratilmaydi
Ex: This is the DVD which l told you about the other day.
@ Biz relative clause o'niga that dan foydalansak bo'ladi
Ex: This is the DVD that l told you about the other day.
@ Biz which relative clause ni olib tashlagan holatda bog'lovchi o'rniga to'ldiruvchi qo'yiladi
Ex: This is the DVD l told you about the other day.
@ Eslatma: biz that o'rniga predlogdan foydalana olmaymiz , where yoki when ishlatamiz
The theatre where l first acted is somewhere around here.
โ The theatre where l first acted in is somewhere around here.
Do you know the year when the first western was made ?
โ Do you know the year when the first western was made in ?
๐ฅ Participles ๐ฅ
โก๏ธ Hozirgi zamondagi sifatdosh oxiriga -ing qo'yiladi
โก๏ธ Odatda o'tgan zamondagi sifatdosh oxiriga -ed , ko'p noto'g'ri fellar esa o'zagi o'zgaradi
โก๏ธ Perfect sifatdoshlarining formasi
Having + past participle ishlatiladi
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
@ Predloglar va bog'lovchilar ketma-ket qo'yilganida
( present va perfect sifatdoshlari )
Ex: By appearing in that cigarette advert , he damaged his acting career.
After playing / having played video games all morning , l was really tired.
@ nimanidir sababi izohlanganda
Ex: Being quite good looking , Ralph decided to make a career as a model.
Having seen the film before , l knew what was going to happen.
@ Bir xil vaqtdagi voqea-hodisalar haqida gapirganimizda ishlatamiz
( present sifatdoshida )
Ex: Waiting for the show to begin , l felt really nervous.
@ Bazi relative clause o'rniga ishlatilganda
Ex: Imagine being the person directing a big budget film! (= lmagine being the person who is directing a big budget
film! )
@ o'tgan zamondagi voqea-hodisalar ketma-ket sodir bo'layotganini ifodalaganda
Ex: Having finished my homework , l decided to go to the cinema.
@ Passive formadan birini tanlab olinganida
Ex: Made to wait , the actor began to get very annoyed.
@ Bu sifatdoshdan ehtiyot bo'ling , 2 gapda bir xil ega bo'ladi
Watching TV , l saw a news report about Hollywood.
โ Watching TV , a news report came on about Hollywood.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:06]
๐ฆ 148-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 24 $$$
$$ Enjoy - rohatlanmoq
$ entertain - ko'ngil ko'tarmoq
$$ Play - spektakl , pyesa , drama sahna asari
$ act - san'at , rol o'ynamoq
$ star - yulduz , bosh rolni o'ynamoq
$$ Audition - aktyor , qo'shiqchining kichik chiqishi
$ rehearsal - repetitsiya
$$ Rehearse - mashq qilmoq
$ practise - mashq qilmoq
( amaliy )
$$ Scene - ko'rinish , sahna
$ scenery - manzara , peyzaj
$ stage - sahna ( teatrda o'ynash joyi )
$$ Band - musiqachilar guruhi
$ orchestra - orkestr
$ group - guruh ( tabaqa )
$$ Review - qaytadan ko'rib chiqish
$ criticism - tahlil
$$ Ticket - chipta , bilet
$ fee - haq , badal
$$ Novel - roman
$ fiction - fantastik asar
$$ Comic - kulgili
$ cartoon - multifilm
$ comedian - komik
$$ Watch - ko'rmoq
( tomosha qilmoq )
$ see - ko'rmoq ( ko'rish qobiliyat ega bo'lmoq )
$ look - qaramoq ( nazar tashlamoq )
$$ Listen - eshitmoq
( radiodan va boshqa narsalardan eshitish )
$ hear - eshitmoq ( quloq solmoq )
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:49]
๐ฆ 148-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 24 $$$
$ come (a)round - yana sodir bo'lmoq
$ count on - ga ishonmoq
$ drop off - uxlab qolmoq
$ drown out - biror-bir kishining gapini eshitmaslik uchun yoki boshqalarni eshitishni xoxlamasligi uchun undanda baland ovozda gapirmoq
$ fall for - yolg'onga ishonmoq
$ get along (with) - yaxshi chiqishmoq
$ go down (as) - sifatida esda qolmoq
$ grow on - yoqtira boshlamoq
$ let down - kimnidir hafa qilmoq
$ name after - nomini bermoq
$ put on - ushlab turmoq
( rol o'ynamoq )
$ show off - o'zini ko'rsatmoq , ko'z ko'z qilmoq
$ take after - o'xshamoq
( harakteri jihatdan )
$ take off - tez mashhur bo'lmoq
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:49]
๐ฆ 148-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 24 $$$
$$ Act - ijro etmoq
$ (in)active(ly) - aktiv
$ acting - rol o'ynash
$ actor - aktyor
$ actress - aktrisa
$ action - muhim voqea-hodisa
$ (in)activity - aktivlik , faollik
$$ Amuse - kuldirmoq
$ (un)amusing(ly) - kuldiradigan , kulgili
$ amusement - xursandchilik
$$ Bore - zeriktirmoq
$ boring(ly) - zerikarli
$ bored - zerrikkan
$ boredom - zerikish
$$ Converse - suhbatlashmoq
$ conversation - suhbat
$$ Current - shu kungi
$ currently - hozirgi kunda
$$ Entertain - ko'ngil ko'tarmoq
$ entertaining - ko'ngil ochar
$ entertainment - o'yin-kulgi
$ entertainer - qiziqchi
$$ Excite - hayajonlantirmoq
$ (un)exciting - hayajonli
$ excited(ly) - xursand bo'lgan
$ excitement - xursanfchilik
$$ Fame - mashhurlik
$ (in)famous(ly) - mashhur taniqli
$$ Involve - jalb etmoq
$ (un)involved - jalb qilingan
$ involvement - jalb qilish
$$ Perform - ijro etmoq
$ performing - sahna
$ performance - spektakl , tomosha
$ performer - ijro etuvchi
$$ Popular - mashhur
$ unpopular - ommaviy bo'lmagan
$ popularly - xalq orasida
$ popularity - mashhurlik
$$ Say - aytmoq
$ saying - maqol
$$ Suggest - taklifvqilmoq
$ suggested - taklif
$ suggestive(ly) - eslatuvchi , yodga soluvchi
$ suggestion - taklif , taqdim
$$ Vary - farq qilmoq
$ (in)variable - o'zgaruvchan
$ (in)variably - hamisha
$ varying - turli
$ varied - har xil
$ various(ly) - xilma-xil
$ variation - tur , xil
$ variety - xilma-xillik
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:49]
๐ฆ 154-155-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 25 $$$
๐ฅ Unreal past ๐ฅ
Odatda o'tgan zamondagi vaqt nazarda tutilmaydi. Bazi gaplarda , bazi fellarda yoki so'z birikmalarida biz o'tgan , hozirgi va kelasi zamondan umumiy holatda ishlatamiz. Bu gaplarni o'z ichiga oladi
โก๏ธ Tuzilishi โก๏ธ
A second conditional
Ex: l'd buy that top if l had more cash on me.
โก๏ธ Tuzilishi โก๏ธ
Suppose /what if / imagine
Ex: l know it's probably not going to happen but suppose / imagine l become a famous super model!
I know it's probably not going to happen but what if l became a famous super model ?
โก๏ธ Tuzilishi โก๏ธ
Would rather + you/he/she/we/they
Ex: l'd rather you didnโt come with me to the fashion show tomorrow.
โก๏ธ Tuzilishi โก๏ธ
It's (high/about) time
Ex: lt's ( high / about ) time that hats came back in fashion.
โก๏ธ Tuzilishi โก๏ธ
Polite questions
Ex: Did you want me to send you our new catalogue when it comes out ?
โก๏ธ Tuzilishi โก๏ธ
Wish / if only
Ex: lf only / l wish l had something to wear tonight.
Suppose / what if va imagine hozirgi zamonda ishlatiladi. Hozirgi zamonda sodir bo'ladigan voqea-hodisa ko'proq o'xshaydi. Ozgina o'tgan zamonda sodir bo'ladigan voqea-hodisaga o'xshaydi
What if you are accepted into art college ?
( sodir bo'shiga ko'proq o'xshaydi )
what if you were accepted into art college ?
( sodir bo'lishiga kamroq o'xshaydi )
๐ฅ Wish ๐ฅ
Wish / if only tuzilishi , ishlatilishi bilan farq qiladi , biz aniq hohlaganimizni ifodalanishiga bog'liq
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
@ Wish hozir , kelasi yoki umumiy biror narsa haqida ifodalanganda @
$ wish / if only + past simple continuous $
Ex: l wesh l was studying history of fashion instead of biology!
@ Wishes o'tmishni ifodalanganda @
$ wish/if only + past perfect simple/continuous $
Ex: lf only l'd known Burton's was having a sale last week.
@ Boshqa odamlarni tanqid qilinganida yoki hozirgi holati haqida shikoyat qilinganida , umumiy kelajakda ishlatiladi @
$ wish / if only + would $
Ex: lf only Henry would get a haircut!
@ Farazdagi qobiliyatini ifodalanganda yoki hozirgi , kelajakdagi , umumiy holat ruxsat berilganda @
$ Wish / if only + could $
Ex: l wish l could fit into these jeans.
@ rasmiy holatdagi hohishni ifodalanganda @
$ Wish + full infinitive $
Ex: l wish to try on this ball gown.
@ Odatda gapirganimizda if only / l wish / l would ishlatmaymiz
lf only / l wish l had enough money to buy these shoes.
lf only / l wish l could afford these shoes.
โ lf only / l wish l would have enough money to buy these shoes.
@ Kelajakdagi xohish ifodalash uchun hope dan foydalanadi
l hope l will have enough money to buy these shoes next week.
l hope to have enough money to buy these shoes next week.
โ l wish l will have enough money to buy these shoes next week.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:49]
๐ฆ 154-155-bet B2 Unit 25 davomi ๐ฆ
๐ฅ Although / though / even though ๐ฅ
Although , though va even though taqqoslashni ifodalanganda ishlatiladi. Even though ko'proq although va though ga qaraganda urg'u berishada ishlatiladi
๐ฅ Tuzilishi ๐ฅ
Although / Though / Even though + subject + verb , subject + verb
Ex: Although / Though / Even though l wore a hat , l got sunburn.
๐ฅ Tuzilishi ๐ฅ
Subject + verb , although / though / even though + subject + verb
Ex: l got sunburn , although / though / even though l wore a hot.
Though gap oxirida keladi
l wore a hat . I got sunburn , though.
๐ฅ ln spite of / despite ๐ฅ
In spite of va despite taqqoslashni ifodalanganda ishlatiladi. Ular aniq bir xil narsa va bir xil gramatik tuzilishiga ega
โก๏ธ Tuzilishi โก๏ธ
In spite of / despite + ing form , subject + verb
Ex: ln spite of / Despite wearing a hat , l got sunburn.
โก๏ธ Tuzilishi โก๏ธ
In spite of / despite + the fact (that) + subject + verb , subject + verb
Ex: ln spite of / Despite the fact (that) l wore a hat , l got sunburn.
โก๏ธ Tuzilishi โก๏ธ
In spite of / despite + noun , subject + verb
Ex: In spite of / Despite my hat , l got sunburn.
@ Biz gapning o'rtasida in spite of / despite ni ishlatamiz
Ex: l got sunburn in spite of / despite wearing a hot.
@ Biz shuningdek perfect ga ing qo'shib , voqea-hosining natijasi aniq ko'rsatilganda foydalanamiz
l got sunburn in spite of / despite having worn a hat.
@ In spite of / despite bilan ing shaklida , asosiy felning egasi shuningdek holatga feliga ing qo'yilgan holatda yasalmaydi
Ex:โ My sunburn was terrible in spite of / despite wearing a hat. ( = My sunburn wore a hat! )
๐ฅ However/nevertheless ๐ฅ
However va nevertheless taqqoslashni ifodalanganda ishlatiladi. Rasmiy holatda however ishlatiladi. Ko'proq rasmiy holatda nevertheless ishlatilishi to'g'ri keladi
Ex: The fashion show was expensive to put on. However / Nevertheless , it did make a profit.
The fashion show was expensive to put on. It did make a profit , however / nevertheless.
The fashion show was expensive to put on. It did , however / nevertheless , make a profit.
๐ฅ While / whereas ๐ฅ
While va whereas dalillar yoki g'oyalar ikkalasini farqini taqqoslanganda ishlatiladi
๐ฅ Tuzilishi ๐ฅ
While / whereas + subject + verb , subject + verb
Ex: While / whereas jeans are worn by both men and women , blouses are worn only by women.
๐ฅ Tuzilishi ๐ฅ
Subject + verb , while / whereas + subject + verb
Ex: Blouses are worn only by women , while / whereas jeans are worn by both men and women.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:49]
๐ฆ 160-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 26 $$$
$$ Put on - kiyib olmoq
$ wear - kiyib yurish
$$ Costume - kostyum
( film yoki rol o'ynash uchun kiyiladigan )
$ suit - kostyum
$$ Dye - bo'yamoq
( suyuqliq )
$ paint - bo'yamoq
( qalam bilan )
$$ Fit - mos , loyiq
( narsaning o'lchamiga nisbatan )
$ suit - mos , loyiq
( kiyimga nisbatan )
$ match -
$$ Cloth - mato
$ clothing - kiyim
$$ Blouse - bluza
$ top - eng yuqori
$$ Design - proyekt
$ manufacture - ishlab chiqarmoq
$$ Current - muomalada bo'lgan
$ new - yangi ( endi kelgan )
$ modern - zamonaviy ( talablarga javob beradigan )
$$ Look - qaramoq ( nazar tashlamoq )
$ appearance - tashqi ko'rinish
$$ Supply - ta'minlamoq
$ produce - ishlab chiqarmoq
$$ Glimpse - odamning sharpasi
$ glance - nazar tashlamoq
$$ Average - o'rtacha
$ everyday - har kuni
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:49]
๐ฆ 160-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 26 $$$
$$ Advertise - reklama qilmoq , e'lon qilmoq
$ advertisement - reklama , e'lon
$ ad(vert) - reklama , e'lon
$ advertising - e'lon qilmoq
$ advertiser - reklama/ e'lon qiluvchi shaxs
$$ Attract - jalb qilmoq
$ (un)attractive(ly) - jozibador
$ attraction - sayyohlik joy
$$ Beauty - chiroylilik
$ beautiful(ly) - chiroyli
$$ Decide - hal qilmoq
$ decision - qaror
$ (in)decisive(ly) - hal qiluvchi
$ undecided - beqaror
$$ Desire - kuchli xohish
$ (un)desirable - istalgan , tilangan
$$ Enthuse - qoyil qoldirmoq
$ (un)enthusiastic(ally) - g'ayrat bilan , ishtiyoq bilan
$ enthusiasm - ishtiyoq , tashabbus , g'ayrat
$ enthusiast - g'ayrat bilan ishlaydigan odam , tashabbuskor
$$ Expect - kutmoq , umid qilmoq
$ (un)expected(ly) -kutilmoqda
$ expectation -taxmin
$ expectancy - davomiyligi
$$ Fashion - moda
$ (un)fashionable - zamonaviy
$ (un)fashionably - moda
$$ like - yoqtirmoq
$ alike - o'xshash
$ dislike - yoqtirmaslik
$ unlike - o'xshamagan
$ likeness - o'xshashlik
$ (un)likeable -
$ liking - yaxshi ko'rish
$$ Produce - ishlab chiqarmoq
$ product - mahsulot
$ producer - ishlab chiqaruvchi
$ production - ishlab chiqarilgan mahsulot
$ (un)productive(ly) - unumdorlik , mahsuldorlik
$$ Similar - o'xshash
$ dissimilar(ly) - o'xshamaydigan
$ similarity - o'xshashlik
$$ Style - moda
$ (un)stylish(ly) - modadagi
$ stylist -
$ stylishness -
$$ Succeed - muvaffaqiyat
$ succees - omad
$ (un)succeessful(ly) -muvaffaqiyatli , omadli
$$ Use - foydalanmoq
$ usage - foydalanish , qo'llash
$ useful(ly) - foydali
$ useless(ly) - foydasiz
$ user - foydalanuvchi
$ (un)usable - foydalanish
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:49]
๐ฆ 160-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 26 $$$
$ catch on - mashxur bo'lmoq
$ do away with - ... dan xalos bo'lmoq
$ draw up - yaratmoq , tuzatmoq
$ dress up - bezanmoq
$ go over - takrorlamoq
$ grow out of - ...dan chiqqan , o'sgan
$ hand down - meros qoldirmoq
$ line up - qator qilmoq
$ pop in(to) - birrovga
( tezda ) kirib chiqmoq
$ show (a)round - atrofni ko'rsatmoq
$ take off - yechmoq
( kiyimga nisbatan )
$ tear up - yirtib tashlamoq
$ try on - kiyib ko'rmoq
$ wear out - kiyilib yaroqsiz holatga kelmoq
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:49]
๐ฆ 166-167-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 27 $$$
๐ฅ Inkor ravishiga oid inversiya so'zlari va so'z birikmalari ๐ฅ
Biz inkor ravishiga oid inversiya so'zlari va so'z birikmalari gap boshida kelishiga e'tibor berishmiz kerak , ega va fel o'rni almatirib qo'yiladi. Bu so'roq shaklidagi gapga o'xshaydi lekin so'roq gap hisoblanmaydi. Ozgina rasmiy holatdagi inversiya va bu holat odatda suhbatlashganda ishlatilmaydi
Negative adverbial word/prase + question form
Ex: No sooner had l acceoted the job than they told me l had to work weekends.
๐ฅ Inkor ravishga oid ๐ฅ
โก๏ธ Never โก๏ธ
Ex: Never have l worked so hard in all my life.
โก๏ธ Rarely โก๏ธ
Ex: Rarely have l worked so hard in all my life.
โก๏ธ Seldom โก๏ธ
Ex: Seldom have l worked so hard in all my life.
โก๏ธ No sooner ( ... than ) โก๏ธ
Ex: No sooner had Matt started work than he resigned.
โก๏ธ Hardly ( ... when ) โก๏ธ
Ex: Hardly had Matt started work when he resigned.
โก๏ธ Not only ( ... but also/too ) โก๏ธ
Ex: Not only were you late for work , but you had also forgotten the report.
โก๏ธ Under no โก๏ธ circumstances
Ex: Under no circumstances are employees allowed to leave the building wirhout permission.
โก๏ธ At no time / point โก๏ธ
Ex: At no time / point was l told what the job involved.
โก๏ธ Little โก๏ธ
Ex: Little did l realise that l would become managing director just two years later.
โก๏ธ Not until โก๏ธ
Ex: Not until the next day did l hear that l had got the job.
โก๏ธ Only โก๏ธ
Ex: Only at the end of the interview did l think l had a chance of getting the job.
@ Little bilan ( realise , know , suspect vahokazo ) felga qaramay ishlatiladi va ma'nolari 'l did not realise / etc at all bo'ladi
Little did l know how thongs were going to turn out. (= l did not know at all how things were going to turn out.)
@ Until va only bilan ishlatilmaydi , ehtiyot bo'ling fellar o'rni almashtirilgan bo'ladi
Not until l had finished my homework was l allowed to go out.
โ Not until had l finished my homework l was allowed to go out.
Only when l had finished my homework was l allowed to go out.
โ Only when had l finished my homework l was allowed to go out.
๐ฅ other inversiya uchraganda ๐ฅ
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
@ Qisqa javoblarda va other o'xshash tuzilgan so , neitherva nor ishlatiladi
Ex:'l'm a plumber.'
'Really ? So am l!'
My sister doesn't like getting ready for work , and neither do l / nor do l.
@ As , so va such dan keyin
Ex: The manager was nervous about the director's visit , as were the rest of the staff.
So late was it that there was no one in the office.
Such a hot day was it that no one wanted to work.
@ Conditional gaplarida
Ex: Were our staff better trained , we might make a large profit . (= if our staff were better trained ... )
Had l know about the vacancy , l would have applied. (= if l had known ...)
Eslatma so am/do/have l darak gapdagi rozi bo'lganida , Neither/Nor am/do/havel esa inkor gapdagi inkor qilishda ishlatiladi
Ex: โ
l really like my job. So do l
l really don't like my job. Neither do l / Nor do l.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:49]
๐ฆ 166-167- bet B2 Unit 27 davomi ๐ฆ
๐ฅ Poossessive 's va s' ๐ฅ
Biz poossessive 's va s' ko'rsatishda ishlatamiz
๐ฅ USE ๐ฅ
@ Biz 's bilan birgalikda otlarga ishlatamiz , nomlanishi va noto'g'ri ko'plikda oxiri -s bilan tugamasa ishlatamiz
Ex: That's the manager's car , over there.
We are still waiting for Sarah's decision about who to take on.
I think that women's rights should be protected by law.
@ Biz hozirgi noto'g'ri otlar ko'pligiga oxiridagi -s ga tutuq belgisi qo'yiladi
Ex: The worker's pay was increased by ten percent.
@ Biz 's va s' ni bazida vaqtni ifodalanganda ishlatamiz
Ex: After an hour's wait , l finally got to see the manager.
I'll be at the factory in about ten minutes' time.
@ Biz odatda 's va s' odamlar ( yoki guruhdan tashkil topgan odamlar ) va hayvonlarga nisbatan ishlatamiz , boshqa narsalar uchun , biz odatda the/my vahokazo bilan ishlatamiz
Ex: ls this John's briefcase ?
We held a meeting to discuss the company's finances.
The vet had a close look at the cat's paw.
The technician had a close look at the back of my computer.( not...at my computer's back )
@ Birlikdagi nomlar oxirida -s , bazi odamlar 's va bazi odamlar nomi oxirida tutuq belgisi qo'yiladi. Ularni ikkalasi ham to'g'riliga qaramay ko'proq umumiy 's ishlatiladi
The report is on Charles's computer in the office.
The report is on Charles' computer in the office
@ Oxiri -s bilan tugaydiga ko'plikdagi nomlarga biz tutuq belgisini qo'shamiz , bazi ko'plik shaklariga ham
The Smiths' business eventually closed down.
@ So'z birikmalari , possessive 's va s' to'liq so'z birikma oxiriga qo'yiladi
Tom , Dick and Harry's office is around gere somewhere.
โ Tom's , Dick's and Harry's office is around here somewhere.
The President of France's visit to England will be good for business.
โ The President's of France visit to England will be good for business.
๐ฅ Possessive aniqlovchilar va olmoshlar ๐ฅ
โก๏ธ Tuzilishi โก๏ธ
@ possessive aniqlovchilar ( my , your , his , its , our , their ) gacha ot va possessive ko'rsatiladi.
Ex: l'm really excited about my new job.
Are you looking forward to meeting your new boss ?
@ Possessive olmoshlar
( mine , your , his , her , ours , yours , theirs ) ot o'rnida ishlatiladi
Ex: My new job is great . How about yours ?
(=...your job )
Our business is doing quite well , but l hear Simon and Julie are having problems with tbeirs.
(=...their business )
@ Possessive olmoshlar dan keyin possessive ni ko'rsatish uchun ishlatiladi
Ex: She's a colleague of mine. (=...one of my colleagues )
Are they customers of yours ?
@ Possessive olmosh o'rniga umumiy hatolardan o'zini chetga oldigan possessive aniqlovchilar yoki aniqlovchi o'rniga olmosh ishlatiladi
I donโt really get on so well with my boss.
โ l donโt really get on so well with mine boss.
l know your job is dangerous , but did Frank and Jenny tell you about theirs ?
โ l know your job is dangerous , but did Frank and Jenny tell you about their ?
@ Eslatma bu possessive olmoshlar uchun tutuq belgisi qo'yilmasdan ishlatiladi
Ex:โ l know your job is dangerous , but did Frank and Jenny tell you about their's ?
@ O'rtasi chalkashliklar
( possessive aniqlovchilar tashqari tutuq belgisi ) va
( qisqartirish uchun masalan it is yoki it has tutuq belgisi bilan ifodalanganda )
Our company is hoping to increase its share of the market.
โ Our company is hoping to increase it's share of the market.
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 14:49]
๐ฆ 172-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 28 $$$
$ back out - fikrdan qaytarmoq
$ bring out - yangi maxsulotni ishlab chiqarishni boshlamoq
$ close down - ishlashdan to'xtamoq , yopilib ketmoq ( kompaniyaga nisbatan )
$ see thought (to) - biror bir yoqimsiz narsani oxiriga yetkazmoq
$ see to - bilan ish ko'rish
$ set to - biror bir ishni bilan zavq boshlamoq
$ set out - maqsadga erishish uchun ish boshlamoq
$ set up - biznes yoki ish boshlash
$ slow down - sekinlashtirmoq
$ speed up - tezladhtirmoq
$ stand in for - biror kishining o'rniga ishlash
$ take on - ish boshlamoq , qabul qilmoq
$ take over - biror bir biznesni boshlamoq
$ turn down -taklifni rad etmoq
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 15:48]
๐ฆ 172-bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 28 $$$
$$ Employer - ish beruvchi
$ employee - xizmatchi
$ staff - xodim
$$ Job - ish , kasb
$ work - ish ( jismoniy / aqliy mehnat qilmoq )
$ career - kasb ( karyera )
$$ Earn - pul ishlab topmoq
$ win - g'alaba qozonmoq
$ gain - qo'lga kiritmoq , erishmoq
$$ Raise - o'stirmoq
$ rise - o'sish
$$ Wage(s) - ish haqi , maosh
$ salary - maosh , oylik
$ pay - haq , maosh
$$ Commute - uydan ishgacha uzoq yo'l yurmoq
$ deliver - tashimoq
$$ Retire - nafaqaga yoki iste'foga chiqmoq
$ resign - mavqeini yo'qotmoq , bo'shamoq
$$ fire - ishdan bo'shatmoq
$ sack - ishdan haydamoq
$ make redundant -
$$ Overtime - qo'shimcha ish vaqti
$ promotion - rag'batlantirish
$ pension - pensiya , nafaqa
$$ Company - kompaniya
$ firm - firma (kichgina)
$ business - tijorat , savdo korxona
$$ Union - ittifoq , uyushma
$ charity - xayriya tashkiloti
Abayev Iskandar, [04.06.20 15:48]
๐ฆ 172- bet ๐ฆ
$$$ B2 Unit 28 $$$
$$ Add - qo'shmoq
$ added - qo'shilgan
$ addition - qo'shish
$ additional(ly) - qo'shimcha
$$ Apply - murojaat qilmoq
$ (in)applicable - ishlatsa bo'ladigan
$ applied - amaliy
$ applicant - ariza beruvchi shaxs
$ application - ariza
$$ Commerce - savdo-sotiq
$ commercial(ly) - savdo-sotiqqa oid
$$ Dedicate - xabardor qilmoq
$ dedicated - sodiq
$ dedication - sodiqlik
$$ Effect - natija
$ (in)effective(ly) - samarali
$$ Employ - ish bermoq
$ (un)employed - ish
$ (un)employable -
$ (un)employment - bandlik
$ employer - ish beruvchi
$ employee - xizmatchi
$$ Help - yordam
$ (un)helpful(ly) - foydali
$ helpless(ly) - nochor
$ helping - madad , yordam
$ helper - yordamchi
$$ Industry - sanoat
$ industrial(ly) - sanoatlashgan
$ industrious(ly) - mehnatsevar
$$ Machine - mashina
$ machinery - mexanizm
$$ Manage - boshqarmoq
$ managing - rahbarlik qiluvchi
$ management - boshqaruv
$ manager - menejer
$$ Meet - uchramoq
$ met - uchrashdi
$ meeting - uchrashuv
$$ Profession - kasb
$ (un)professional(ly) - professional
$$ Qualify - biror faoliyatga tayyorlamoq
$ (un)qualified - malaka
$ qualifying - mutaxassislik darajasini belgilovchi
$ qualification - malaka
$$ Responsible - javobgar
$ irresponsible - javobgarlikni his qilmaydigan
$ (ir)responsibly -
$ (ir)responsibility - javobgarlik
$$ Supervise - kuzatmoq
$ supervision - rahbarlik qilmoq
$ supervisor - rahbar
$$ Work - ish
$ working - ishchi
$ (un)workable - o'z xarajatini o'zi ko'taradigan
$ worker - ishchi
$ works - fabrika
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