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403 Herlihy 1971, p. 155.

404 McCormick 2002, p. 681.

405 ***McCloskey cites on OF

406 ***Grimms, “The Three Apprentices”

407 Grimms, “The Good Bargain”

408 Macfarlane 1979, p. 54.

409 ***As for example do Hejeebu and McCloskey 2000; 2003 correct dates???.

410 ***Blyth date

411 Berman 2006, p. 2.

412 Berman 2006, p. 3.

413 Berman 2006, p. 10

414 Berman 2006, p. 9.

415 McDougall 2004, p. 22, 18, 516n1.

416 My learning on the subject comes from the estimable Jill Lapore (2007), who tells the story of Seller’s book being rejected by C. Vann Woodward for the Oxford series—in which Howe’s book finally appeared.

417 Rothenberg 1981 (1995), p. 75.

418 *** and rest of these dated only Polanyi, Great Transformation, p. 62.

419 Polanyi 1977, p. 39.

420 Mauss 1923.

421 Polanyi, The Livelihood of Man 1977, p. 40.

422 Polanyi, The Great Transformation, pp. 54-55.

423 *** correct authors: Trade and Markets in Early Empires, 1957 and The Livelihood of Man, 1977.

424 McCormick 2001, pp.

425 Adams 1966, p. 81.

426 Snell 1997, p. 149.

427 Gelb 1969; Veenhof 1972.

428 J. N. Postgate 1992, p. NN

429 Dahl 2003, p. 14n25.

430 *** Cite from autobiography of NNNN

431 Baechler 1971(1975), p. 37.

432 ***Klamer 2006; Klamer and Zuidhof 1998; cf. Van Staveren DDDD.

433 Klamer 2006, p. 13.

434 Issenberg 2007.

435 Fiske 1991 [1993], pp. 47, 45.

436 Fiske 1991 [1993], pp. 48-49.

437 ***cite

438 Mann 1901, p. 210.

439 Hourani 1991 2005, p. 96.

440 It is often remarked, correctly, and I have done so, that Marx himself does not use Kapitalismus in Das Kapital. But he does use kapitalische(n) freely, so let’s not quibble.

441 You may find more such impressive learning about the word “bourgeois” in The Bourgeois Virtues, pp. 68-69. “Bourgeois,” by the way, is the adjective, pronounced “bour-zwaw.” People sometimes get confused about this, and use the noun, meaning “the middle class,” la bourgeoisie, pronounced “bour-zwah-zee,” as an adjective. We’re dealing here, as Hudie Ledbetter memorably put it, with “bourgeois towns,” not *”bourgeoisie towns.”

442 Gramsci in Forgacs, ed., p. 301.

443 Pocock 1981, pp. 356, 361, 364. ***Note the book by a woman historian saying their courts survived the Revol.

444 See Grafe DATES

445 Braudel, III, pp. 620-621.

446 On Athens, see NNN on banking

447 Cite: Mod Lib, pp. 170-171;

448 Karl Marx - Friedrich Engels - Werke, Band 23, S. 11-802, Dietz Verlag, Berlin/DDR 1962, p. 168, online at http://www.mlwerke.de/me/me23/me23_161.htm#Kap_4_1.

449 Megill 2002, p. 262.

450 Hourani 1991 2005, pp. 72-73

451 Braudel, Wheels 1979, p. late in volume: find.

452 Simmel 1907 (1990), p. 245.

453 Le Roy Ladurie 1978 (1980), p. 332.

454 Le Roy Ladurie 1978 (1980), p. 336.

455 ***McCormick 2001, get page.

456 McCormick, 2001, p. 13.

457 I thank my colleague in Hispanic Studies at the University of California at Riverside, James Parr, for conversations on this point.

458 21, p. 119, 12, p. 111.

459 ***Cite Sawyer

460 Chaucer 1387, Prologue, beginning lines 43, 478, 529.

461 Todeschini 2008, p. 6. ***Correct all citations to the MS version here and below to correspond with the published book.

462 Everyman c. 1480, lines 134, 333; subsequent quotations are lines 501-502, 232, 882, 428-430, 442.

463 Viner 1939, p. 43.

464 Kuran 2003, p. 310.

465 In agro dominico, translated from Meister Eckehart Deutsche Predigten und Traktate, Diogenes Verlag AG Zürich, 1979, p. 449 ff. At geocities.com/hugovanwoerkom/bullxxii_0.html.

466 Todeschini 2008, p. 2.

467 Origo 1986, ***give some pages for his anxiety.

468 Todeschini 2008, p. 1.

469 Todeschini 2008, p. 2.

470 Todeschini 2008, p. 6.

471 ***Thompson DATE, “Introduction” at http://www.psupress.psu.edu/Justataste/samplechapters/justatasteThompson.html

472 Todeschini 2008, p. 8.

473 Todeschini 2008, p. 9.

474 Everyman c. 1480, ll. 76-79.

475 Todeschini 2008, p. 14.

476 Todeschini 2008, p. 16.

477 Todeschini 2008, p. 11.

478 Pipes 1999, p. 27.

479 Kadane 2008, p. 7. Adjust to book pages.

480 Kadane 2008, p. 7.

481 Kadane 2008, p. 10; well, not so gifted a hymn writer

482 ***Cite Muldrew at al.

483 Kadane 2008, p. 14.

484 ***Faithful Finances guy

485 Boettke and Storr 2002, p. 165.

486 Wallerstein 1974, p. 51.

487 ***Elbl can this be the right spelling? 2001.

488 MacNeill 1974, p. 147.

489 Parker 1985, p. 244.

490 ***Cite Landes by pages; Donald Coleman, “Gentlemen and Players.”

491 Clark 2007.

492 ***Landes remarks along these lines, perhaps in text.

493 Barrington Moore 1998, pp. 148, 151.

494 Moore 1998, p. 156.

495 ***Jack Goldstone (draft of READ THIS: The Problem of the `Early Modern’ World.

496 ***cite to counterfactual book

497 ***Cite Clark and Jacks 2007.

498 ***Cite

499 ***Cite BV pages

500 http://www.brooklynmuseum.org/exhibitions/online/edo/

501 ***Cite Andrew NNNN

502 Kuran 2003, p. 309.

503 Rubin 2008, p. 7 and subsequent quotation.

504 ***Kuran’s recent JEH article; Kuran's , Islam and Mammon; Kuran 2005.

505 Kuran 2003, p. 312.

506 ***Cite Wade

507 Rubin 2008, p. 3.

508 Rubin 2008, p. 11.

509 McCormick 2001, pp. 14, 671-72

510 5, p. 105.

511 16, p. 114.

512 29, p. 125

513 Huizinga 1935, p. 25.

514 Huizinga 1935, pp. 110-112.

515 Hohenberg and Less 1985, p. ; Devries, 1984, p. .

516 Fuchs, p. 115.

517 Cite Alpers; Sluijter 1991, p. 184.

518 e.g. Cicero, Cicero, Orator 69 and de Oratore 2.115.

519 Brettell 1999, p. 14.

520 Kiers and Tissink, p. 173.

521 Deursen 1999, p. 173.

522 Fuchs, p. 147.

523 Wootton, 1986, p. 286. Wootton 1992, p. 74, quoted in Wootton 1992, p. 75. The Jack quotation is from Mercurius Pragmaticus, 9-16 Nov. 1647.

524 Marchamont Nedham quoted in Wootton 1992, p. 73.

525 Milton 1649, pp. 255, 257.

526 MacKinnon 1987, p. 242-243.

527 Trevor-Roper 1940, pp 2, 4.

528 Taylor 2005, p. 106.

529 Herman, p. 19.

530 Haskell 1999, p. 10.

531 All this: McCants 1997, pp. 2, 4, 5.

532 McCants 1997, p. 201f.

533 Israel 1995, p. 352.

534 p. 355? check page.

535 Israel, p. 358.

536 Langford, p. 136.

537 Israel, p. 360.

538 De Vries and der Woude, pp. 659, 661.

539 Parker 1985, p. 25.

540 Herman date, pp. 2-10

541 Source. Check translation against original.

542 Naidler 1999, p. 11.

543 Zeeman 2004.

544 Israel, pp. 640, 638; 535.

545 I am following here Stephen Toulmin’s interpretation in Cosmopolis (1990), pp. 47-55.

546 Zamoyski, The Polish Way 1987, pp. 90-91.

547 Zampoyski 1987, p. 144. The declarations by Erasmus and Grotius are mottoes for his chapter 7, “The Kingdom of Erasmus” (p. 105) and his chapter 5, “God and Caesar” (p. 75).

548 Zampoyski, p. 149.

549 Toulmin 1900, p. 53.

550 Cite the poem.

551 Israel 1996, p. 536.

552 Quoted in Zagorin 2003, p. 149.

553 Temple 172, Chp. VI.

554 1670 figures from Maddison 2001, p. 77, with a rough guess for countries not covered. Temple 1672, Chp. VI

555 Israel 1996, 639.

556 Israel 1996, p. 504.

557 Stark 2003, p. 25.

558 Trevor-Roper 1940, p. 3.

559 The Italian historian Antonino de Stefano in the 1960s [check on internet], quoted in Stark 2003, p. 61

560 Niebuhr (1929), The Social Sources of Denominationism, p. 12, quoted in Stark 2003, p. 25.

561 Stark 2003, p. 61. Compare pp. 24, 27, 55, and throughout.

562 cite

563 Zagorin 2003, pp. 10, 12.

564 Zagorin, p. 259.

565 Tell of his early start

566 Huizinga, date, “Dutch Civ.,” p. 53.

567 Israel 1995, p. 673

568 Wilson date, p. 18.

569 Wilson date, p. 17.

570 Cite Edgerton again?

571 More 1516 (DATE), FIND IN MY EDITION.

572 Storr, personal correspondence 2008.

573 Quoted in Charles Wilson, TITLE, 1965, p. 155-56.

574 Jardine and Stewart, Hostage of Fortune, 1998, p. 433.

575 Bevington 2002, p. 483.

576 McNeir 1938.

577 Bevington 2002, p. 485.

578 Magnusson 1999, p. 120.

579 Cf. Magnusson 1999, p. 120.

580 Cite Mun exactly.

581 Cf. Bevington 2002, p. 484, “his ship literally comes in.”

582 17: 38-49, italics supplied. The “gentlemanlike” is odd, and looks like a Dutchism from meneerlijk. Check in big Dutch dict.

583 Deloney 1597, quoted in O’Connell 1976, p. 13.

584 O’Connell 1976, p. 14, italics supplied.

585 O’Connell 1976, pp. 8, 7.

586 quoted in O’Connell, pp. 3-4, my italics.

587 O’Connell 1976, p. 5.

588 O’Connell 1976, p. 18.

589 Alger 1868, p. 141; on p. 138 the over-slick salesman Coleman is called a “capitalist,” in the earlier meaning of a substantial wealth holder.

590 Multatuli 1860 reprint date, p.NN . By the way, the real name of Multatuli (“many things have I borne”) was like the Elizabethan dramatist “Dekker.”

591 Bevington 2002, p. 484.

592 A Life, II, p. 458

593 Clark 2007, pp. 175-180.

594 A Journey 1775, p. 139.

595 Journey, p. 104.

596 Quoted in Mathias 1978, p. 312.

597 Davidoff and Hall 1987, p. 26.

598 Quoted in Mathias 1978, p. 296.

599 Tufte, 1983, pp. 28, 32f, 44ff.

600 Bryson 2003, p. 57.

601 See for example Frederic Lane 1973, p. 142.

602 Wardley 1993

603 Fussell, ed., 1936, passim.

604 lynnconway.com

605 Keggan, p. 90.

606 [Usurer's Daughter, p. 89].

607 Jardine 1996, p. 103

608 quoted in Jardin 1996, p. 105

609 Quoted in Magnusson 1999, p. 129. Go back to Sacks!

610 Magnusson 1999, p. 134. Get back to Ferber!

611 p. 3, sig. B2, quoted in Magnusson 1999, p. 127.

612 All this, Jardine, 1996, p. 102.

613 Stone 1947, quoted in Hexter 1961, p. 100n.

614 Elizabeth Nov. 30, 1601, p. 339; the speech exists in multiple versions.

615 Andrew 1980, p. 419, 420.

616 Quoted in Taylor 2005, p. 167, and from Stephen Holmes, Benjamin Constant and the Making of Modern Liberlaism, Yale UP 1985, p. 243, q.v. perhaps in Questia

617 Nee and Swedberg 2007, pp. 4-5.

618 Niebuhr 1952, Chap. 3, Sec. 1.

619 Simmel, Philosophy of Money, 1900 1907, p. 444.

620 Quoted in Wood, Broken Estate, 1999, p. 262.

621 Pipes 1999 (2000), p. 25.

622 Temple 1672, Chp. VI

623 Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws 1748, I, p. 321, Book XX sec. 7, quoted in Innes 1994, p. 96.

624 Pat Hudson gives a brief but penetrating introduction to the issue in pp. 218-225 of her lucid classic, The Industrial Revolution 1992.

625 Hume 1741, “Of Civil Liberty,” p. 93.

626 See the doubts concerning “failure” expressed in McCloskey 1973 and Edgerton 1996.

627 http://siteresources.worldbank.org/ICPINT/Resources/ICP_final-results.pdf

628 As has been argued in detail by David Edgerton 1996 and 2005. http://siteresources.worldbank.org/ICPINT/Resources/ICP_final-results.pdf

629 Kennedy 1976 (2006), p. 59, which is the source for the popular verse quoted as well.

630 Sprat 1667, p. 88.

631 quoted in Lipson, Hist., p. 118.

632 For a fuller discussion of “honest” in the play see McCloskey 2006, pp. 294-295; and Empson 1951 (1989), p. 218.

633 Shaftesbury, Characteristics¸1713, vol. 4, p. 4.

634 http://www.bibliomania.com/0/0/22/49/frameset.html

635 Smith, Theory of Moral Sentiments 1759, III.3.6. The passage is reproduced in subsequent editions.

636 http://www.pemberley.com/janeinfo/novlsrch.html

637 The Italian text is available at www.classicitaliani.it.

638 Il Nuovo Zingarelli 1987, art. onesto, p. 1275.

639 Oxford English Dictionary [1928], “honest,” sense 3c.

640 Mandeville 1714 edition, line 409-410; “honest” in various forms occurs at lines 118, 225, 233, 257, 295, 334, as the silly virtue of a hive of bees who are neither prosperous in economy nor great in power.

641 I wonder if the following is true: The Slavic languages in modern times, like Spanish, appear not to have separated the two meanings as sharply. In Czech, for example, čestný means both “honorable” and “honest,” as does the Polish Latin-imported honorowy, meaning both noble and truth-telling. On the other hand the non-imported Polish word for "noble" is czcigodny, cognate from the same root cześć with the Czech word, and uczciwy note the u- is now "that will not cheat.”

642 Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika, Die Nuwe Testament en Psalms. Capetown: CTP Boekdrukkers, 1983

643 For all this see the astonishing website The Unbound Bible, http://unbound.biola.edu/index.cfm?method=searchResults.doSearch

644 Elias 1939 (1966/2000), p. 88.

645 Rye p. 7, quoted in Paxman, p. 35.

646 Paxman, p. 63.

647 As J. Paul Hunter 1990 argues.

648 Coetzee 1999 in 2001 (2002), p. 24.

649 Hippolyte Taine DDDD (Hist Engl Lit), quoted in Coetzee 1999 (2002 [2002], p. 25.

650 Coetzee 1994 in 2001 (2002), p. 227.

651 e.g., pp. 5, 61, 105.

652 Langford, pp. 5, 30, 107. Recheck quotations and make sure I’ve not accidentally appropriated his phrases!

653 Willey, pp. 221, 223, 228.

654 Sturkenboom 2004.

655 See the discussion in McCloskey 2006, pp. 121-122.

656 Lawrence and Lawrence, DDDD, p. 192.

657 Steele 1723, Act IV, sc. 2, as also the next quotation.

658 McBurney 1965, pp. xi-xiii, for the information in the paragraph.

659 Act, scene, and page references are to the Modern Library edition, edited by Quintana

660 1731 [1952], p. 294.

661 Lillo 1731, “Prologue” and prose preface.

662 art. “Stevinus,” Encyl. Brit., eleventh ed., 1910-11 Find out more about Stevinus

663 Temple, IV, p. 87.


665 Nye 2006, a page or two after last Get pages to correspond with published book

666 Nye 2006, next page.

667 Nye 2006, p. [get cite from final volume], “the Portugal trade furnishes us with some dying Commodities” Spelling and punctuation modernized.

668 If you are educated in such methods, and therefore find my claims hard to believe, you need to stop and think. The claims have been made by a long series of statistical theorists from the very inventor of the phrase “statistical significance” down to the present. See Ziliak and McCloskey 2007; or McCloskey and Ziliak 2008.

669 Auden, “New Year Letter January 1, 1940," Part Three, p. 185

670 Kenny 2008, p. 36.

671 Field **date).

672 Burke 1774, p. 56.

673 Penelope Hughes-Hallett, ed., The Illustrated Letters of Jane Austen NY: Clarkson Potter, 1991, p. 118.

674 Davidoff and Hall 1987, p. 30.

675 Cite Michael.

676 Ellis 2005, p. 416.

677 Butler 1975, p. 298, quoted in Abigail Williams 2006, p. 56.

678 Ellis 2005, p. 416.

679 Ellis 2005, p. 417.

680 Cf. Thompson 1990.

681 In her juvenile novel “Edgar and Emma,” quoted in Copeland 2005, p. 319. I can’t resist including the Significant Capitalization.

682 Earle 1989, p, 73.

683 Oxford Illustrated ed., p. 376.

684 Pride and Prejudice, p.

685 Michie 2000.

686 Wheller 2005, p. 409, in Mansfield Park.

687 #108, 18 Nov 1814 in R.W. Chapman, ed., Jane Austen: Selected Letters Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1955, 1985, p. 174.

688 Wheeler 2005, p. 412.

689 Copeland 1997, 2005.

690 McDonagh, Jane Austen: Real and Imagined Worlds New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991, p. 44.

691 Chapman, ed., p. 175f.

692 Butler 1985, introduction to reissue of Chapman, ed., Jane Austen: Selected Letters, p. xxvi

693 Cite Waterman.

694 Ellis 2005, p. 423. He applies it to the slave trade, and implies that Austen took the slave trade as a synecdoche for bourgeois life. Since the people who, as Ellis notes, “have some recent losses” on their West Indian estates are the Bertrams of Mansfield Park, the epitome of the gentry, Ellis’ figure does not seem to figure.

695 Letters, quoted in

696 I promise again that Bourgeois Rhetorics, the next volume of The Bourgeois Era, will offer more evidence.

697 Andrew 1980, p. 429, n97

698 Davidoff and Hall 1987, p. 152.

699 Davidoff and Hall 1987, p. 450.

700 Andrew 1980, p. 432.

701 Berry 1992, p. 84.

702 Ancient Law, London 1861, p. 307: check exact page in my copy; quoted in Searle 1998, p. 99.

703 Miller, 1957, p. 170.

704 Temple, Iv, p. 83.

705 Hirschman 1977, p. 58.

706 Mann, p. 200.

707 pp. 42, 380, 209, 320, 144, 370, 34, 400,

708 pp. 124, 57, 215,

709 p. 243.

710 p. 215.

711 Dupré 2004, p. 337.

712 Maxwell 2003, pp. 10, 8.

713 Nee and Swedberg 2007, p. 3.

714 Danford 2006, p. 331.

715 Find in “On Commerce”

716 Pipes 1999, p. 7.

717 Danford 2006, p. 332.

718 Danford 2006, p. 330.

719 Danford 2006, p. 319. The quotation from Lord Kames (1774) is Danford’s.

720 Danford 2006, p. 324.

721 Danford 2006, p. 328-329.

722 Cites

723 Ellis 2005, p. 417.

724 Mises 1962, p. 90.

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