5.1.4. Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) The work in [
] demonstrates the design and de-
velopment of a UAS Service Abstraction Layer (USAL)
for UAV which implements different types of missions
with minimal re-configuration time. USAL contains a
set of predefined useful services that can be configured
quickly according to the requirements of civil mission.
The architecture is service oriented, and the service ab-
straction layer provides the re-usability of the system.
The mission functionalities are split into smaller parts
and are implemented as independent services. USAL
replies on a middleware that manages the services and
their communication needs. USAL may contain a large
number of services, however, all of them need not be
present. Depending upon the mission, suitable services
can be loaded and activated to meet the objective of mission.
In [
], the authors presented Dronemap Planner, a
service-oriented cloud based UAV management system,
which performs overall management of UAVs over Internet
and control their communication and mission. It virtualizes
the access mechanism of UAVs via REST API or SOAP. It
uses two communication protocols: (i) MAVLink and (ii)
ROSLink. The objective of designing such a system is to
provide seamless control to monitor UAVs, offload compute
intensive tasks to cloud platform, and dynamically schedule
the mission on demand. The cloud computing model cre-
ates an elastic model that scales well with the numbers of
UAVs as well as with the offered services. Fig
shows the
schematic of system architecture developed in this study.
Figure 13:
Service Oriented System Architecture of UAV [
Table 6
Candidate waveforms for 5G
Short Description
Generalized Fre-
It is a block-based modulation approach
where the available bandwidth is either
divided into several narrow bandwidth
subcarrier or few subcarriers with high
bandwidth for each.
Bank Multi-carrier
Multicarrier signal format to handle loss
of orthogonality at receiver end. It uses
sub-band short duration filters.
Filter Bank Multi-
carrier (FBMC)
It uses a preamble burst based approach
to ensure flexible resource allocation.
sion Multiplexing
It uses a relaxed form of orthogonality
where transmitter and receiver are bi-
orthogonal. In other words, the trans-
mitted and received pulses have to be
pairwise orthogonal. BFDM is more ro-
bust than OFDM.