(Yu Zhenyou, 1992, p.25 ). As
early as 1980s, Chomsky and some linguists have put forward
Universal Grammar Theory. This theory holds that when
the materials of input language are limited, and even when the material is not completely consistent with the grammar,
students can understand what they hear. So in the TPR classroom, the teacher will not ask the students to repeat what
the teacher said at once and nor do they expect the students to speak soon. And even if the student has an “attempt” to
speak, the teacher will try to postpone the time they begin to say. (
Wang Li, 2008,p33 ). The reason for this is that the
TPR teaching method believes, listening and understanding should precede the speaking. If the students do not have
enough understanding about what they heard, it is not possible to produce language output.
2. Psychological Theories
TPR teaching method takes a psychologist’s point of view, namely “memory trace”. The theory of “memory trace”
thinks that the greater the track frequency and intensity of contact is, the stronger the memory connection is, the more
easily it is recalled. (
DeCecco, J. D, 1968,p.66) . The complex instructions in the TPR teaching method are based on the
simple instructions. The TPR teaching method, which is the “listen-act model” as main teaching method, involves a
large number of body movements. It is a strong memory to express the understanding of the instructions in this way. It
can improve the retention rate of the memory. The TPR teaching method absorbs the role of humanistic psychology in
the study of effective factors. It is believed that good emotional communication between teachers and students can
reduce the psychological burden of students and create a pleasant learning atmosphere. A student should not be forced
to speak unless he has made a full preparation. Even when a student has made some mistakes in his speech, the teacher
should take a tolerant attitude towards them. Students generally will be free to express themselves through action, when
the student’s sense of anxiety is reduced. When they overcome the shyness of speaking English and have a good mood,
the efficiency of learning will be improved.
B. Definition of TPR Method The Total Physical Response is abbreviated as “TPR”. Total Physical Response is a language teaching method which
is built around the coordination of speech and action. It is put forward by James J. Asher. On the foundation of Asher’s
own researches and theories on second language acquisition, he founds TPR method. He points out that we should
integrate language with actions to teach English through Total Physical Response. At the same time, we should also
develop a student’s listening ability firstly, then the speaking.
Total Physical Response teaching method provides a more relaxed learning atmosphere for learners. So students can
overcome the stress of speaking English. Teachers can also attempt to create beneficial conditions for students to learn.
When the students’ subjective initiation is activated, the teaching efficiency will be better, too.
C. The Features of TPR Method TPR teaching method emphasizes the abstract thinking is based on the image thinking. We are different for the two
hemispheres of brain function. The right one of two hemispheres is in charge of abstract thinking, however the left one
is in charge of image thinking. (