houses see home human nature see also nature and nurture an APE’S an ape, a varlet’s a varlet..
BEAUTY is only skin-deep
the BEST of men are but men at best BETTER a good COW..
BIRDS of a feather flock together
BOYS will be boys
what’s BRED in the bone..
a CARPENTER is known by his chips the CHILD is the father to the man the DOG returns to its vomit
what can you EXPECT from a pig but a grunt? EXTREMES meet
the HIGHER the monkey climbs..
KNOW thyself
the LEOPARD does not change his spots MAN is the measure of all things
because a MAN is born in a stable..
ONCE a —, always a —
a ROLLING stone gathers no moss
SCRATCH a Russian and you find a Tartar
the STYLE is the man
the TREE is known by its fruit
as the TWIG is bent, so is the tree inclined YORKSHIRE born and Yorkshire bred..
YOUNG saint, old devil
hunger see also food and drink APPETITE comes with eating
EMPTY sacks will never stand upright
it’s ill speaking between a FULL man and a fasting GOD never sends mouths but He sends meat HUNGER drives the wolf out of the wood HUNGER is the best sauce
a HUNGRY man is an angry man
husbands see wives and husbands hypocrisy the DEVIL can quote Scripture for his own ends the DEVIL was sick, the Devil a saint would be . .
DO as I say, not as I do
FINE words butter no parsnips those who live in GLASS houses..
idiosyncrasy there is no ACCOUNTING for tastes it takes ALL sorts to make a world EVERY man to his taste
every LAND has its own law
one man’s MEAT is another man’s poison
so many MEN, so many opinions
there’s NOWT so queer as folk
there is REASON in the roasting of eggs he that would go to SEA for pleasure..
the STYLE is the man
TASTES differ
idleness as good be an ADDLED egg as an idle bird it is as CHEAP sitting as standing the DEVIL finds work for idle hands..
an IDLE brain is the Devil’s workshop
IDLE people have the least leisure
IDLENESS is the root of all evil if you won’t WORK you shan’t eat
ignorance there’s none so BLIND..
when the BLIND lead the blind..
in the COUNTRY of the blind..
what the EYE doesn’t see..
the FAT man knoweth not what the lean thinketh
FOOLS rush in where angels fear to tread the FROG in the well knows nothing of the sea one HALF of the world does not know how the other half lives where IGNORANCE is bliss..
IGNORANCE of the law is no excuse..
what you don’t KNOW can’t hurt you a LITTLE knowledge is a dangerous thing NOTHING so bold as a blind mare a SLICE off a cut loaf isn’t missed