A & e associates Architects 1954 8641 Colesville Rd Silver Spring md (bd) 1955 4630 Montgomery Ave

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Elliott, Benjamin Paul

(12/27/1920 Washington DC-

DC Regis # 687; 6/3/1950

Ed: Catholic University

1940-42; 1945-47 BArch

see also Elliott & MacIntire


1949 8081 GA Ave

Silver Spring MD (bd)

1950 8511 Colesville Rd

Silver Spring MD (bd)

1951-55 8414 GA Ave

Silver Spring MD (bd)

1956-57 8485 Fenton St

Silver Spring MD (bd)
Ellis, James G.


1860 470 G St NW (r)


1864-5 468 G St NW (r)

Architect & Builder

1866 470 G St NW (bd)


1868-9 207 9th St NW (r)

No profession listed

    1. 1412 9th St NW (r)

Ellis, Louis Carl

(11/1/1892 Fairburn GA-

DC Regis # 1408; 2/14/1963

Ed: Clemson College 1913-17 B.S.

Ellwanger, Richard John

(9/2/1901 Philadelphia PA-

Appli 1962 but did not take exam

Ed: Drexel Institute of Technology

1918-24 Architectural Engineering
Elmore, Vernon Calkin

(12/29/1908 Fosterdale NY-

DC Regis # 389; 12/13/1940

Ed: Syracuse University 1929-34 BArch

Draftsman, E. Burton Corning

1937-39 1740 P St NW (r)

1940 1322 18th St NW (r)

1941 E. Burton Corning (r)

1942-46 Not listed


1947 1726 M St NW (bd)

1948 502, 1916 R St NW (bd)

1949 1726 M St NW (bd)

1950-52 1726 M St NW (r)

1953 Page missing

1954 Corning & Moore (r)

1955 1726 M St NW (r)

1956 Corning & Moore (r)

1957-59 1302 18th St NW (r)

1960 Corning & Moore (r)

Embury, Aymar II

(6/15/1880 New York NY-

DC Regis # 583; 12/5/1947

Ed: Franklin College (Dresden,

Germany) 1894-96; Princeton

University 1896-1900

C.E. & 1901, M.S.

Emery, George Chase

(10/25/1897 Waltham MA-

DC Regis # 12/10/1931

Ed: University of Minnesota

1915-19 BS Architecture;

University of Pennsylvania

1919-20 BArch
Emmart, Percival


1911 1110 15th St NW (bd)

1912 Southern Bldg (bd)


1913 1427 H St NW (r)


1914 1427 H St NW (bd)

Emmart, William W.

(5/7/1869 Baltimore MD-

DC Regis # 382; 9/20/1940

Ed: City College (Baltimore) n.d.
Emmert, George, Jr.

Architect & Civil Engineer

1885 921 F St NW (bd)

1886-87 930 F St NW (bd)

1888 Not listed


1889 620 11th St NW (r)


1890 620 11th St NW (r)

1891 Not listed


1892 819 3rd St NW (r)

1893 606 F St NW (bd)

1895 819 3rd St NW (bd)

1896 725 3rd St NW (bd)
Emmert, Percival D.


1909 1845 WY Ave NW (r)


1910 1110 17th St NW (bd)

Emmons (Mrs. D.F. Ksanda) Audrey

(11/4/1921 Manhattan KS-

DC Regis # 754; 6/16/1951

Ed: Kansas State University

1939-43 B.S. Architecture

Englehart, Charles William

(5/4/1931 Baltimore MD-

DC Regis # 1528; 7/10/1964

Ed: Catholic University

1949-54 BArch
Englehardt, Ted (also J. Ted;

J. Theo)

(3/27/1898 Chattanooga TN-

DC Regis # 827; 3/17/1952

Ed: University of Tennessee

Extension, Chattanooga, 2 years

structural design

see also Proctor & Englehardt

Architect, Treasury

1936 3510 14th St NW (r)

1937-38 3500 4th St NW (r)

1939 121 Longfellow St NW (r)

1940-42 Not listed

No profession listed

1943-45 1517 Falkland Ln

Silver Spring MD (r)

1946 8347 Colesville Rd

Silver Spring MD (r)

No profession listed

1947-48 8347 Colesville Rd

Silver Spring MD (r)


1949-50 8618 GA Ave

Silver Spring MD (bd)

1951-52 919 Pershing Dr

Silver Spring MD (bd)

1954 927 Pershing Dr

Silver Spring MD (bd)

1955-56 937 Pershing Dr

Silver Spring MD (bd)

1957-60 933 Gist Ave

Silver Spring MD (bd)

Ensign, William Lloyd

(12/14/1920 Trinidad, B.W.I.-

DC Regis # 1165; 2/25/1959

Ed: University of Colorado

1946-50 B.S. Architectural

Engineering & B.S. Civil

Engineering; Columbia

University 1950-52 BArch
E.P. Brink & Son


1905-07 705 12th St NW (bd)


1908-09 705 12th St NW (r)


1910 808 13th St NW (bd)

1917-24 817 11th NW (bd)

Epps, Orlo

Architect (specializes residential)

1899-1900 623 E St NW (bd)

Epstein, Murray

(7/10/1910 New York NY-

DC Regis # 1252; 5/11/1960

Ed: Columbia University

1929-33 BArch
Erb, Corlis Rauchle, Jr.

(8/25/1936 Philipsburg PA-

DC Regis # 1402; 2/20/1963

Ed: Pennsylvania State

University 1953-58 B. Architectural Engineering
Ernst, Carl W., Jr.

(12/31/1917 Lancaster PA-

DC Regis # 1561; 10/15/1964

Ed: Pennsylvania State

College 1937–41 B.S. Architecture; Princeton University 1941-42 Architecture

Esten, Harold Lionel

(application missing from file)

DC Regis # 879; 8/31/1953

No profession listed

1952 11520 Highview Ave

Silver Spring MD (r)

1953 Page missing

No profession listed

1954 11520 Highview Ave

Silver Spring MD (r)


1955 8055 13th St

Silver Spring MD (r)

1956-60 8055 13th St

Silver Spring MD (bd)
Etchison, Howard M.


1919-22 921 15th St NW (bd)

1923 1 Thomas Circle (r)

Evans, Kenneth Hoge

(8/8/1931 Great Bend KS-

DC Regis not completed

Ed: University of Kansas

1948-53 B.S. Architecture
Evans, Richard J.

Civil Engineer & Architect

1877 200 PA Ave SE (r)


1878 214 B St SE (bd)

1879 212 B St SE (bd)

1880 232 C St SE (bd)

Civil Engineer

1881 321 C St SE (r)

1882 323 C St SE (r)

Evans, Rolla Quayle

(12/15/1883 Peoria IL-

Exempt by affadavit 1927

Ed: Harvard University 1904-06

Architectural Draftsman

1907 214 N Capitol St (r)

Draftsman, Capitol

1908 1400 K St NW (r)

Draftsman, Treasury

1909-26 1519 R St NW (r)

1927-20 1740 Riggs Pl NW (r)

1930 1763 Church St NW (r)

Architect, Treasury

1931-32 1763 Church St NW (r)

1933 Not listed

Architect, Treasury

1934-38 1763 Church St NW (r)


1939 1763 Church St NW (bd)

1940 1763 Church St NW (r)

Architect, Public Buildings Admin

1941 1763 Church St NW (r)

Architect, Federal Works Agency

1942 1763 Church St NW (r)

US Army

1943 1763 Church St NW (r)

No profession listed

1945-47 1763 Church St NW (r)


1948 1763 Church St NW (bd)

No profession listed

1949-52 1763 Church St NW (r)

Everett, Oliver

(7/7/1907 Philadelphia PA-

DC Regis # 813; 1/21/1952

Ed: University of Pennsylvania

1930-35 BArch
Evermann, Tox Bronte


1912 Union Trust Bldg (bd)

1913 1124 CT Ave NW (bd)

1914-15 1211 CT Ave NW (bd)

1916-17 808 17th St NW (bd)

1918-26 Not listed


1927 P.M. Jullien (r)

1928 Not listed


1929 W.I. Deming (r)


1930-38 808 17th St NW (bd)

Ewing, George M. Co

No profession listed

1952 1730 NH Ave NW (r)

1953 Page missing


1954 1405 G St NW (bd)

1955-57 1107 19th St NW (bd)

1958-60 1028 CT Ave NW (bd)

Exley, Edwin S.


1888 Howard Ave, Mt Pleasant (r)

1889 Not listed


1890 1006 F St NW (bd)

1891 819 F St NW (bd)

1892 Howard Ave, Mt Pleasant (r)

1893 1562 Howard Ave NW (bd)

1894 Not listed

Clerk, Quartermaster General

1895 218 C St NW (r)


1896 1246 10th St NW (r)

1897-8 1316 W St NW (r)

Draftsman, War Department

1899 1809 18th St NW (r)

Clerk, War Department

1900 1809 18th St NW (r)

Architect, War Department

1901-02 1809 18th St NW (r)

1903 Not listed

1904 1449 Sheridan Ave NW (r)
Ezdorf, Richard (also von Ezdorf)

Architects, Civil Engrs & Srvyrs

1873 456 LA Ave (bd)

Civil Engineer

1874-5 456 LA Ave (r)


1876 1332 T St NW (r)


1877 1535 10th St NW (r)

1878 1614 Marion (r)

1879-80 1031 NJ Ave NW (r)

1881 1612 7th St NW (r)

1882-3 432 K St NW (r)

1884 State, War & Navy Bldg (r)


1886 800 I St NW (r)


1887-1900 918 N St NW (r)


1901 615 D St NW (r)

1902 Not listed

1903 1423 F St NW (r)


1904 1712 U St NW (r)

1905 Not listed


1906 1702 U St NW (r)

Draftsman, Navy Dept

1907-10 1702 U St NW (r)


1911 1712 U St NW (bd)

1912-13 Not listed

1914-15 1712 U St NW (r)

Architect, Navy

1916-18 1712 U St NW (r)
Faerber, Nelson Arthur

(5/11/1927 Washington DC-

DC Regis # 909; 4/12/1954

Ed: Catholic University 1947-51

BArch & 1952-53 MArch


1954 8641 Colesville Rd

Silver Spring MD (bd)

Fahey, Daniel C.


1931 1435 K St NW (bd)

Landscape Architect

1932 1435 K St NW (r)


1933-34 1701 CT Ave NW (bd)

1935 1701 CT Ave NW (r)

1936 Nat'l Park Service (r)

1937-41 Not listed

US Army

1942 4550 CT Ave NW (r)

Fahey, William

(10/24/1920 Hartford CT-

DC Regis # 696; 6/6/1950

Ed: Cooper Union 1938-41

Architecture; George

Washington University

1944-45 English & Math
Fairbrother, Frederic A.

(11/10/1878 Providence RI-

DC Regis #580; 10/24/1947

Ed: Rhode Island School of

Design 1900 Diploma; University

Of Pennsylvania 1900-02

Certificate of Proficiency

Fairburn, Robert Wilfred

(5/17/1921 Wilson NY-

DC Regis # 1322; 10/16/1961

Ed: Syracuse University

1939-41; Rensselaer Polytechnic

Institute 1946-49 BArch;

Cranbrook Academy of Art

1949-50 MArch
Falck, Erling H.

(3/10/1933 Washington DC-

DC Regis # 1451; 8/1/1963

Ed: George Washington University

1951-54; Catholic University

1955-60 BArch; Catholic

University 1955-60 MArch

Farnham, Arthur Blanchard

(12/4/1888 Washington DC-

DC Regis Incomplete 1951

Ed: George Washington

University 1914-18 Civil

Engineering & Architecture

Farr, Robert Lincoln

(6/9/1908 Philadelphia PA-

DC Regis # 1158; 2/20/1959

Ed: Haverford College 1927-31

B.S.; University of Pennsylvania

1931-35 BArch

Farrell, Raphael W.

(10/23/1899 New York NY

DC Regis Denied; failed exam 1954

Ed: Eastman & Gaines Gollege (New

York) 1915-16 Accounting; International Correspondence School 1916-20 Architecture; City College New York 1926-27 Building

Construction; New York Building

School 1930-35
Faulkner & Kingsbury


1939-46 17 15th St NW (bd)

Faulkner, Avery Coonley

(1/23/1929 Bronxville NY-

DC Regis # 1312; 7/19/1961

Ed: Yale University 1947-51

A.B. & 1951-54 BArch &

1954-55 MArch

Faulkner, Charles Draper

(3/11/1890 San Francisco CA-

DC Regis 101; 10/28/1925

Ed: Armour Institute of

Technology (Chicago) 1909-13
Faulkner, Kingsbury & Stenhouse


1947 917 15th St NW (bd)

1948 1209, 1200 18th St NW (bd)

1949-59 Ring Bldg (bd)

1960 1710 H St NW (bd)

Faulkner, Kingsbury, Stenhouse, Chatelain

Gauger & Nolan Associated Architects


1958-59 1631 K St NW (bd)

1960 4th St & MD Ave SW (bd)

Faulkner, Winthrop Waldron

(2/26/1931 Bronxville NY-

DC Regis # 1462; 8/27/1963

Ed: Trinity College (Hartford CT)

1949-53 B.A.; Yale University 1953-

55 & 1957-59 BArch

see also Faulkner & Kingsbury;

Faulkner, Kingsbury & Stenhouse;

Faulkner, Kingsbury, Stenhouse,

Chatelain, Gauger & Nolan Asso


1934 917 15th St NW (bd)

1935-36 1008, 917 15th St NW (bd)

1937 8511 Colesville Pk

Silver Spring MD (bd)

1938-47 917 15th St NW (bd)

1948-50 Ring Bldg (bd)

1951-52 Faulkner, Kingsbury &

Stenhouse (bd)

1954-55 Ring Bldg (bd)

1956-59 Faulkner, Kingsbury &

Stenhouse (bd)

1960 1710 H St NW (r)

Fava & Co.


1892 50 Corcoran Bldg (bd)

1893 902 F St NW (bd)

1894-96 930 F St NW (bd)
Fava, Francis Renatus, Jr.

see also Fava & Co; Francis R. Fava Jr. & Co;

Fava, Naeff & Co.


1889 1420 F St NW (bd)

1892 50 Corcoran Bldg (bd)

Fava, Naeff & Co.


1891 Corcoran Bldg &

215 C St NW (bd)

Feagley, Jack Pontz

(9/18/1930 Phillipsburg NJ-

DC Regis # 1056; 2/5/1957

Ed: Pennsylvania State University

1949-54 BArch
Fedeli, William Joseph

(4/20/1910 Philadelphia PA-

DC Regis # 869; 5/30/1953

Ed: University of Pennsylvania

1929-34 Architecture; University of

London Architectural School 1945 4-

month course in architecture

No profession listed

1954 1809 G St NW (r)


1955-60 1809 G St NW (bd)

Fellinger, Everett Garmen

(10/25/1917 Washington DC-

DC Regis Incomplete 1959

Ed: Catholic University 1935-39

BArch; Fontainebleau School of

Fine Arts (Paris) summer 1938;

Catholic University 1939-41

Fenhagen, George Corner

(1884 Balitmore MD-

DC Regis # 410; 8/6/1941

Ed: Baltimore City College

n.d.; University of

Pennsylvania 1903-05

Special Certificate
Fenwick, Bishop Carlyle

see also Cooper & Fenwick


1882-83 1303 N St NW (r)


1884 1303 N St NW (r)

No profession listed

1885 1303 N St NW (r)


1886-87 Cooper & Fenwick


1888 1303 N St NW (r)

1889 1826 33rd St NW (r)

1890 2307 M St NW (r)

Clerk, Patent Office

1891 3310 Prospect Ave NW (r)


1892-94 1249 31st St NW (r)

1895 Builder's Exchange (r)

1896 719 13th St NW (r)


1897 213 K St NW (r)


1898 1308 F St NW (r)


1899 1308 F St NW (r)


1900 2923 Q St NW (r)


1901-06 2923 Q St NW (r)

Ferguson, George Alonzo

(10/2/1895 Washington DC-

Exemption by affidavit 1951

Ed: University of Illinois

(Urbana) 1913-17 B.S.


1930 1353 U St NW (bd)

Teacher, Public Schools

1931-38 2433 M St NW (r)


1939 2433 M St NW (bd)

Teacher, Public Schools

1940-41 2433 M St NW (r)

US Army

1942-43 2433 M St NW (r)


1945-47 2433 M St NW (r)


1948 2433 M St NW (bd)

No profession listed

1949-52 2433 M St NW (r)

1953 Page missing

US Army

1954 2433 M St NW (r)

Teacher, Public Schools

1955-60 2433 M St NW (r)

Ferrara, Anthony

(8/8/1903 Bovino, Italy-

DC Regis # 493; 1/26/1946

Ed: Newark School of Industrial

Arts 1920-25; Pratt Institute

1926-29; Beaux Arts Institute

of Design 1929-31; New York

University 1936-38; Columbia

University 1939-40; George

Washington University 1941-

42 (all evening or weekend schools)

see also McLeod & Ferrara

No profession listed

1940 2032 I St NW (r)

1941 Not listed


1942 1443 Belmont St NW (r)

1943 Not listed

No profession listed

1945-46 1017 Garland Ave

Takoma Park MD (r)


1947 1009 Garland Ave

Takoma Park MD (bd)

1948-49 1830 Jefferson Pl NW (bd)

1950 1741 DeSales St NW (r)

1951-52 1741 DeSales St NW (bd)

1954-55 1200 18th St NW (bd)

1956-59 1145 19th St NW (bd)

1960 1223 CT Ave NW (bd)

Ferrero, Paul Eugene

(8/30/1911 Harrisburg PA-

DC Regis # 572; 7/23/1947

Ed: Pennsylvania State College

1930-34 B.S. Architectural


Ficke, Stanhope Blunt

(11/15/1912 Davenport IA-

DC Regis # 1539; 7/16/1964

Ed: Harvard College 1931-32;

University of Michigan

1932-33; MIT 1934-35
Ficken, Katherine Cutler

(3/3/1911 Rochester NY-

DC Regis # 726; 1/16/1951

Ed: George Washington University

1929-34 B.A. & 1934-37 BArch

see also Katherine Cutler


1947-50 711 Dale Dr

Silver Spring MD (bd)

No profession listed

1951-52 711 Dale Dr

Silver Spring MD (r)

1953 Page missing

1954-60 711 Dale Dr

Silver Spring MD (r)
Fields, Robert Lionel

(5/18/1918 Charleston SC-

DC Regis # 597; 12/31/1947

Ed: Howard University 1936-40;

1944-45 B.S. Architecture


1940 143 W St NW (r)

Draftsman, Howard H. Mackey

1941 143 W St NW (r)


1942 143 W St NW (r)

No profession listed

1943-47 143 W St NW (r)


1948-59 1618 15th St NW (bd)

1960 1518 P St NW (bd)

Fink, Alpha Hensel

(9/14/1903 Gary WV-

DC Regis # 562; 6/3/1947

Ed: Carnegie Institute of

Technology 1922-26 A.B.


Finkenaur, Robert G.


1911 Hibbs Bldg (r)

1912-13 Hibbs Bldg (bd)

1914-15 J.H. de Sibour (r)

1916 Hibbs Bldg (bd)

1917 Not listed


1918 J.H. de Sibour (r)

Finlayson, Murdo Graham

(10/15/1885 Stornoway, Scotland-

DC Regis # ?; 8/1/1951

Ed: Glasgow Polytechnic 2 years

Fischer, Milton

(6/25/1910 New York NY-

DC Regis # 877; 8/17/1953

Ed: University of Michigan

1928-33 B.S. Architecture
Fisher, D.K. Este, Jr.

(2/2/1892 Baltimore MD-

DC Regis # 436; 10/2/1942

Ed: Princeton University

1909-13 Litt.B.; MIT 1913-16

S.B. Architecture
Fisher, Nairne W.


1942 1108 16th St NW (bd)
Fisher, Richard A.


1901 921 F St NW (bd)
Fitzpatrick, Francis (or Frank) W.


1897 3150 U St NW (r)

1898 1525 28th St NW (r)

Clerk, Treasury

1899 2900 U St NW (r)

1900 1642 29th St NW (r)

Architect, Treasury

1901-02 2900 U St NW (r)

1903 1431 Welling Pl NW (r)


1904-05 1431 Welling Pl NW (bd)

1906 4200 14th St NW (bd)

1907-10 4200 Piney Branch NW (r)

1911 4200 Piney Branch NW (bd)

1912-16 4200 16th St NW (bd)

Fitzsimmons, John Paul

(11/10/1913 Washington DC-

DC Regis # 593; 12/22/1947

Ed: Catholic University

1931-35 B.C.E.


1937-38 Jos. G. Herbert (r)


1939-41 1010 VT Ave NW (r)

1941 1010 VT Ave NW (bd)

1942 1010 VT Ave NW (r)

US Navy

1943 2231 Observty Pl NW (r)

Capt, US Navy

1945 4534 Van Ness St NW (r)

Capt, US Navy

1945-46 4534 Van Ness St NW (r)


1947 1731 NH Ave NW (r)


1948-60 1731 NH Ave NW (bd)
Fitz Simons, Alphonsus Burch

(11/21/1876 Washington DC-

DC Regis # 11; 5/11/1925

Ed: one year unknown

high school in Washington

see also Rich & Fitz Simons


1901 1512 R St NW (bd)

1902 Not listed

1903-06 1312 R St NW (r)

1907-08 1751 T St NW (bd)

1909 2112 R St NW (bd)

1910 Oxford Bldg (bd)

1911-12 Rich & Fitz Simons (bd)

1913-16 Bond Bldg (bd)

1917 408-9 Bond Bldg (bd)

1918 520 Colorado Bldg (bd)

1919-27 323 Colorado Bldg (bd)

Flaherty, James Charles

(1/18/1893 Boston MA-

DC Regis # 895; 12/24/1953

Ed: MIT 1914-17 Special Student;

Harvard College 1919 Special


Fleenor, Joseph Fredrick

(6/16/1931 Knoxville TN-

DC Regis # 1156; 2/17/1959

Ed: Virginia Polytechnic Institute 1948-52

B.S. Building Design & 1952-53

M.S. Architecture

Flemer, J.A. Henry


see W.M. Poindexter & Co.

Flemer, H. (also Henry) Lewis

(1/10/1892 Washington DC-

DC Regis # 151; 3/10/1926

Ed: George Washington

University 1914-18


1925-30 2714 SD Ave NE (r)

No profession listed

1931 2714 SD Ave NE (r)

Building Contractor

1932-34 2714 SD Ave NE (r)

Cartographic Eng, Coast &

Geodetic Survey

1935 2714 SD Ave NE (r)

Draftsman, Census Bureau

1936 2714 SD Ave NE (r)


1937-38 2714 SD Ave NE (r)


1939 2714 SD Ave NE (bd)


1940 2712 SD Ave NE (r)

No profession listed

1941 2712 SD Ave NE (r)

Clerk, Department of Agriculture

1942 2714 SD Ave NE (r)


1943 2714 SD Ave NE (r)

1945 Not listed

No profession listed

1946-47 2714 SD Ave NE (r)


1948 2714 SD Ave NE (bd)

No profession listed

1949-52 2714 SD Ave NE (r)

1953 Page missing

1954-59 2714 SD Ave NE (r)

Lab Tech, Dept Agriculture

1960 2714 SD Ave NE (r)

Fleming, Robert Isaac


1868 260 7th St NW (r)


1869 428 K St NW (r)

Carpenter & Builder

1870 501 K St NW (r)


1871 503 K St NW (r)

Carpenters and Builders

1872-74 503 K St NW (bd)

1875 501 K St NW (r)


1876 1315 Riggs NW (r)

1877 303 10th St NW (r)

1878 L St alley NW (r)

1879 1022 12th St NW (r)


1880 1022 12th St NW (r)


1881-83 L near 12th NW (r)


1884 L near 12th NW (r)

Architect & Builder

1885 Kellogg Bldg (r)


1886-88 1416 F St NW (bd)

1889 1416 F St NW (r)

1890-93 1419 G St NW (bd)

1894-1900 1018 12 St NW (bd)

1901 1406 MA Ave NW (bd)

Real Estate

1902 1406 MA Ave NW (r)


1903-04 1406 MA Ave NW (r)

No profession listed

1905 1405 MA Ave NW (r)

1906-07 1408 MA Ave NW (r)

Fleming, William H. Irwin

(8/8/1883 Alexandria VA-

DC Regis # 122; 1/13/1926

Ed: George Washington

University 1902-06; Cornell

University 1906-08

1917-27 1504 H St NW (bd)

1928-32 1707 I St NW (bd)

1933-58 1228 CT Ave NW (bd)

Fletcher Bros.


1906 619 14th St NW (bd)
Fletcher, Frederick A.

see also Fletcher Bros.


1907 619 14th St NW (bd)

1908-12 413 G St NW (bd)
Fletcher, Richard G.

see also Fletcher Bros.


1903 412 6th St NW (r)

1904-06 621 E St NW (r)


1906 Fletcher Bros. (bd)

1907 Grant Rd NW (r)


1908-09 807 Colorado Bldg (r)

1910 Chappell & Grant Rds NW (r)


1911-16 Hammatt Fireproofing Co. (r)

Sec/Trea & Supt Const

1917-25 Hammatt Fireproofing Co. (r)

Florczak, Stanley Joseph

(6/2/1922 Lwow, Poland-

DC Regis Incomplete 1960

Ed: Technical College (Poland)

1936-39; Polytechnik Giessen

(Germany)1946-49 Architectural

Florence, Colden l’Hommadieu


(1/24/1931 Baltimore MD-

DC Regis # 1310; 7/18/1961

Ed: Princeton University

1948-52 A.B. & 1953-55 M.F.A.
Flores, Ernest J.

1931 Not listed

Asst Architect, Treasury

1932 618 22nd St NW (r)

1933 Not listed

Architect, Quartermaster General

1934 219 9th St NW (r)

Engineer, Treasury

1935 1444 W St NW (r)

Architectural Engineer, Treasury

1936-37 219 9th St SE (r)


1938 219 9th St SE (bd)
Flournoy, Addison H.

see also Fournoy & Flournoy


1912 1213 CT Ave Nw (r)

1913 1512 H St NW (bd)
Flournoy & Flournoy


1914 1512 H St NW (bd)

1915 701, 1512 H St NW (bd)

1916-18 1517 H St NW (bd)

1920-21 112, 734 15th St NW (bd)

1922 822 Union Trust Bldg (bd)

1923 823 Union Trust Bldg (bd)

1924 1211A CT Ave NW (bd)

1925-29 816 CT Ave NW (bd)

1930 16 Jackson Pl NW (bd)

1931-33 726 Jackson Pl NW (bd)

1934 740 Jackson Pl NW (bd)

1935 744 Jackson Pl NW (bd)

Flournoy, Benjamin Courtland

(5/28/1876 Bethesda MD-

DC Regis # 68; 4/15/1925

Ed: Washington & Lee University

(Lexington VA) 1893-97 Civil


see also Flournoy & Flournoy

Draftsman, Treasury

1911 1711 H St NW (r)

Architect, Treasury

1912 1213 CT Ave NW (r)

1913 Bethesda, MD (r)

1914-15 Wilkins Bldg (bd)

1916-17 McClean Bldg (bd)

1920 734 15th St NW (bd)

1921-22 Union Trust Bldg (bd)

1923-24 1211 CT Ave NW (bd)

1925-29 816 CT Ave NW (bd)

1930 16 Jackson Pl NW (bd)

1931 Flournoy & Flournoy

1932 726 Jackson Pl NW (bd)

1933-35 744 Jackson Pl NW (bd)

1936-37 3122 P St NW (bd)

Construction Eng, Treasury

1938 1403 31st St NW (r)

1939 3122 P St NW (bd)
Flournoy, Parke P., Jr.

(7/21/1873 Elizabethtown KY-

DC Regis # 45; 4/15/1925

Ed: Hampden-Sidney College

(Virginia) 1888-91; Columbian

University, (Washington DC)


Focht, Ralph Garfield

(3/13/1881 Lockport IL-

DC Regis # ?; 4/9/1925

Ed: Armour Institute of

Technology (Chicago)1901-06;

College of Law, Georgetown

University 1920/23

Fonelli, Jacobus Vincent

(9/28/1906 Italy-

DC Regis # ?; 9/7/1962

Ed: Cooper Union 1920-22

Certificate in Motor Vehicle

Engineering; Los Angeles City

College 1948-49; UCLA 1951-54
Ford, Claude Arnold

(4/11/1928 Washington DC-

DC Regis # 1053; 1/2/1957

Ed: Howard University

1948-53 BArch

No profession listed

1954-55 927 Quincy St NW (r)


1956 Daumit & Sargent (r)


1957 525 Hilltop Ter SE (r)

1958-60 525 Hilltop Ter SE (bd)

Ford, William G.

No profession listed

1877-79 1820 I St NW (r)

1880-84 1636 RI Ave NW (r)

1885-86 96 Corcoran Bldg (r)

1887 Not listed

1888 96 Corcoran Bldg (r)

1889-96 Not listed (r)


1897 96 Corcoran Bldg (bd)

Fordyce, Allmon

(5/8/1900 Kansas City MO-

Regis via NCARB # 2071

Ed: University of Illinois

1919-24 B.S. Architecture;

Yale School of Fine Arts

1927 BFA; Fontainebleau

School of Fine Arts (Paris)

summer 1927
Forrer, Clarence L.

11/15/1924 York PA-

DC Regis # 1277; 11/21/1960

Ed: Oklahoma Baptist University

n.d.; Pennsylvania State College,

n.d. Architectural Engineering;

International Correspondence School

In Architecture n.d.
Forrest Coile & Asso


1960 1309 L St NW (bd)
Foster, Albert E.


1901 100 B St NE (r)


1902 133 PA Ave NW (bd)

Foster, William Dewey

(1/1/1890 Kirksville MO-

DC Regis # 538; 12/17/1946

Ed: MIT 1907-11 S.B. &

1912-13 M.S.

see also Howe & Foster;

Howe, Foster & Snyder

Architect, Treasury

1935 3405 Dent Pl NW (r)

Contract Architect, Treasury

1936 3405 Dent Pl NW (r)

Consulting Architect, Treasury

1937 3405 Dent Pl NW (r)

1938 2707 Dumbarton Ave NW (r)

Architect, Treasury

1939 2707 Dumbarton Ave NW (r)


1940 2707 Dumbarton Ave NW (r)

Architect, Public Buildings Admin

1941 2707 Dumbarton Ave NW (r)

Architect, Federal Works Agency

1942 1520 H St NW (r)

No profession listed

1943-46 1218 Bank St NW (r)


1947-58 1636 CT Ave NW (bd)

Fountain, Olivia C.

(8/18/1902 Pelham Manor NY-

DC Regis # 808; 12/27/1951

Ed: Bryn Mawr College 1920-24

B.A.; Columbia University (NY)

1926-29 BArch
Fourchy, Richard

(6/21/1867 New Orleans LA-

DC Regis # 185; 2/8/1929

Ed: private tudors in civil

engineering & architecture;

atelier L.J. Fremaux 4 years;

Columbia University (NY) special

student in architecture 1 year


1916 Woodward Bldg (bd)

1917-18 219 Woodward Bldg (bd)

1919 219 Woodward Bldg (r)

1920-21 1918 K St NW (r)

1922 1018 K St NW (r)

Civil Engineer

1923 200-24 Woodward Bldg (r)

1924-25 Not listed

1926 1918 K St NW (r)

Asst Engineer, District

1927 1918 K St NW (r)


1928 1918 K St NW (r)


1929 305, 1429 G St NW (bd)

1930 304-6, 1426 G St NW (bd)

1931-33 1426 G St NW (bd)

1934-36 27, 1410 G St NW (bd)

Engineer, Public Works Admin

1937-38 1918 K St NW (r)


1939 1918 K St NW (bd)

1940 1918 K St NW (r)

No profession listed

1941 1918 K St NW (r)

1942-43 Not listed

Fox, Frederick L.


1920-21 Victor J. Evans & Co (r)

No profession listed

1922 3011 26th St NE (r)


1923-24 Clarence A. O'Brien (r)

1925 3011 26th St NE (rP

1926-28 Clarence A. O'Brian (r)


1929 310, 700 10th St NW (bd)

Patent Draftsman

1930 700 10th St NW (r)

Fox, Harry R.

(10/9/1924 Philadelphia PA-

DC Regis # 1064; 6/11/1957

Ed: University of Pennsylvania


Fox, Richard Phillips

(9/8/1926 Bluefield VA-

DC Regis # unknown;

Applied 9/18/1964

Ed: University of Virginia

1944-49 B.S. Architecture
Francis & Schneider


1895-98 1110 F St NW (bd)
Francis, Cauffman, Wilkinson & Pepper


1958-59 5240 NB Ave NW (bd)
Francis Palms Asso.


1951-52 925 20th St NW (bd)
Francis R. Fava Jr. & Co.


1890 1416 F St NW (bd)

1891 Corcoran Bldg (bd)

Francis, Thomas, Jr.

see also Francis & Schneider


1885 946 NY Ave NW (r)

No profession listed

1886 946 NY Ave NW (r)


1887 946 NY Ave NW (r)


1888-90 1322 MA Ave NW (r)

1891 1322 MA Ave NW (bd)

1892 1322 MA Ave NW (r)

1893 602 F St NW (bd)

1894 918 F St NW (bd)

1895-98 Francis & Schneider (bd)

1899 625 PA Ave NW (bd)

1900-01 48-49 Corcoran Bldg (bd)

Inspector, DC

1902-04 1322 MA Ave NW (r)

Asst Inspector

1905 1322 MA Ave NW (r)

Inspector, District Bldg

1906 1322 MA Ave NW (r)

1907 1423 MA Ave NW (r)

Supt Const, Dist Bldg

1908 1322 MA Ave NW (r)

Prin Asst Insp Bldgs, DC

1909 1322 MA Ave NW (r)

Asst Insp Bldgs

1910 1322 MA Ave NW (r)

District Inspector

1911 1322 MA Ave NW (r)


1912 1322 MA Ave NW (r)

Inspector, District

1913-16 1322 MA Ave NW (r)

1917-19 1870 WY Ave NW (r)

Francisco, Ferris LeRoy

(10/23/1879 Cleveland OH-

DC Regis # 257; 10/13/1933

Ed: Private instruction in power plant and railway construction 1896-1902
Frank Grad & Sons


1945-46 1643 CT Ave NW (bd)

1947-49 1633 CT Ave NW (bd)

1950-51 1739 CT Ave NW (bd)

1952-57 Washington Bldg (bd)

Frank Martinelli & Son


1954-57 1164 19th St NW (bd)

1958 4620 Lee Highway

Arlington VA (r)

1959-60 4620 Lee Highway

Arlington VA (bd)
Frank P. Milburn & Co., Inc.


1907-09 Home Life Bldg (bd)

Franklin, Lindley Murray

(7/17/1874 Flushing NY-

DC Regis # 208; 11/20/1929

Ed: Columbia University (NY)

1902-06 Architecture

Franzheim, Kenneth

(10/28/1890 Wheeling WV-

DC Regis # 419; 12/9/1941

Ed: MIT 1910-13 S.B.


1942-43 728 17th St NW (bd)

1945 1 Scott Circle NW (bd)

1946 728 17th St NW (bd)

1947 1120 CT Ave NW (bd)

Fraser, John

see also John Fraser & Son

Architects, Civil Engs & Srvyrs

1872-3 515 7th St NW (bd)

1874 1509 PA Ave NW (bd)

1875 1509 PA Ave NW (r)

1876 1509 PA Ave NW (bd)


1877-8 1505 PA Ave NW (bd)

1879-87 1420 NY Ave NW (bd)

1888 30 Corcoran Bldg (bd)

1889 19 Corcoran Bldg (bd)

1890 John Fraser & Son (bd)
Fred F. French & Co.


1918 Dist Natl Bk Bldg (bd)

1919 1714 A St SE (bd)

Frederic, W. Claude


1890 1416 F St NW (bd)
Frederick, Walter Francis

(12/18/1898 Boston MA-

DC Regis # 160; 11/8/1927

Ed: Beaux Arts Institute of

Design (NY) 1917-20; George

Washington University 1923-24


1920 1422 Ames Pl NE (r)


1921 1422 Ames Pl NE (r)


1922 1422 Ames Pl NE (r)


1923 Davidson Bldg (bd)

1924 927 15th St NW (bd)


1925 Economy Home Bldg (r)


1926 1206 Kennedy St NW (r)

1927 Not listed


1928 McConihe-Whelan Co

1929-30 Not listed


1931 1653 PA Ave NW (bd)

1932 Not listed

1933 Forrest G. Wilcox (r)

1934 533 Peabody St NW (r)

1935 2, 533 Peabody St NW (bd)

1936 Navy Department (r)

1937 533 Peabody St NW (bd)

Engineer, Dept Agriculture

1938 533 Peabody St NW (r)


1939 533 Peabody St NW (bd)

1940 Not listed

1941 403, 1410 H St NW (bd)

Frederick, William A.


1922 1740 Euclid St NW (r)


1923 1740 Euclid St NW (r)

Landscape Gardener, Capitol

1924 1206 Kennedy St NW (r)

Gardener, Capitol

1925 1206 Kennedy St NW (r)


1926 1206 Kennedy St NW (r)

Landscape Gardener, Capitol

1927-30 1206 Kennedy St NW (r)

Freeburg & Lindquist


1954-56 3510 16th St NW (bd)

Freeburg, Raymond A.

see also Freeburg & Lindquist

No profession listed

1949-52 3510 16th St NW (r)

1953 Page missing


1954 3510 16th St NW (bd)

1955-56 3510 16th St NW (r)

No profession listed

1957-58 3510 16th St NW (r)


1959-60 3510 16th St NW (bd)

Freedman, Norman Harold

(3/23/1927 New York NY-

DC Regis 886; 9/22/1953

Ed: Pratt Institute (NY)

1947-51 BArch

French, Edward Robert

(7/7/1899 Washington DC-

DC Regis # 232; 4/21/1931

Ed: Catholic University 1917-21

B.S. Architectural Engineering
French, Fred F.

see Fred F. French & Co.

Friebus, Gustavus (also Gustav) T.

Architect in bd; Draftsman,

Engineer Bureau in r

1863 589 7th St NE (bd)


1864 579 7th St NW (r)

1865 476 15th St NW (r)


1868 476 15th St NW (r)

Clerk, Engineer's Office

1869 476 1th St NW (r)

Draftsman, Engineer's Office

1870 708 11th St NW (r)

Clerk, War Department

1871 708 11th St NW (r)

Draftsman, Engineering Department

1872 High, near Road, Gtn (r)

No profession listed

1873 High, near Road, Gtn (r)

Draftsman, Engineering Department

1874 High, near Road, Gtn (r)

No profession listed

1875 High, near Road, Gtn (r)


1876 51 Congress, Gtn (bd)

1877 51 Congress, Gtn (r)

1878 51 Congress, Gtn (bd)

1879 51 Congress, Gtn (r)

1880 51 Congress, Gtn (bd)

1881 31st near M NW, Gtn (r)

1882-83 1218 31st St NW (bd)

1884 2004 35th St NW (r)

1885 1218 31st St NW (bd)

1886 2004 35th St NW (bd)

1887 1218 31st St NW (bd)

Draftsman, Quartermaster General

1888 2004 35th St NW (r)

Clerk, Treasury

1889 2004 35th St NW (r)


1890 2004 35th St NW (r)


1891 2004 35th St NW (r)


1892 2004 35th St NW (r)


1893 Portner Pl & U St NW (bd)

1894-95 1439 U St NW (r)


1896 1439 U St NW (r)

Architect, Indian Office

1897 1439 U St NW (r)


1898 1429 U St NW (r)

Architect, Indian Office

1899 1439 U St NW (r)


1900 1439 U St NW (r)

Architect, Indian Office

1901-08 1439 U St NW (r)

Chief Division, Indian Office

1909-10 1439 U St NW (r)

Clerk, Indian Office

1911 1439 U St NW (r)

Friebus, Theodore, Jr.


1885-86 108 H St NE (r)

1887 107 H St NE (r)


1888 H St & DE Ave NE (r)


1889 1439 U St NW (r)

Clerk, Quartermaster General

1890 1439 U St NW (r)


1891 1439 U St NW (r)

1892 719 13th St NW (r)


1893 1441 U St NW (r)

1894 1439 U St NW (r)

1895 Takoma Park (r)

1896 1447 U St NW (bd)

1897 1318 FL Ave NW (r)

1898 2502 Univ Pl NW (r)


1899 2502 Univ Pl NW (r)

Private Secretary

1900 2552 Univ Pl NW (r)

Clerk, Census Office

1901 1449 U St NW

Real Estate

1902-07 Wash Savings Bk Bldg (r)

Real Estate Loans & Insurance

1908-19 1320 NY Ave NW (r)

Friedrich, Emil S.


1858 89 E. Cap St (r)

1860 312 D St NW (bd)

Draftsman, Navy Dept

1868-69 91 E Cap St (r)


1870 E Cap & 4th St SE (r)


1871-72 E Cap & 4th St SE (r)

Draftsman, Navy Dept

1873-74 325 E Cap (r)


1875 325 E Cap (r)

1877-78 323 E Cap SE (r)

1879 510 F St NW (bd)

1880-81 323 E Cap SE (r)

1882 323 E Cap SE (bd)

1883 323 E Cap SE (r)

1884-86 323 E Cap St (bd)

Frishman & Manuccia


1951-52 619 PA Ave NW (bd)
Frishman, Bernard Lyon

(8/28/1918 Poland-

DC Regis # 718; 12/7/ 1950

Ed: Emerson Institute (Washington)

1935-37 Math; Catholic University

1937-41; 1946-47; Liverpool,

England, School of Architecture

1945 Certificate Architecture

see also Bernard Lyon Frishman Asso;

Frishman & Manuccia


1947 1017 K St NW (r)

1948 2219 13th St NE (r)


1951-58 619 PA Ave NW (bd)

1959-60 1420 K St NW (bd)
Frohman, Robb & Little


1926-28 Wash Natl Cathedral (bd)

1929-30 16 Jackson Pl NW (bd)

1931-37 726 Jackson Pl NW (bd)

1938-43 Washington Cathedral

Frohman, Phillip Hubert

(11/16/1887 New York NY-

DC Regis # 81; 10/28/1925

Ed: Throp College of Engineering

(Pasadena CA; later California

Institute of Technology) 1904-06

Architectural & Civil Engineering

see also Frohman, Robb & Little


1925 3945 CT Ave NW (r)

1926-27 Frohman, Robb & Little (bd)

1928-30 16 Jackson Pl NW (bd)

1931-37 726 Jackson Pl NW (bd)

1938-47 Washington Cathedral (bd)

1948-49 1223 CT Ave NW (bd)

1950-51 1741 DeSales NW &

Washington Cath (bd)

1952-55 1741 DeSales NW (bd)

1956-60 1107 19th St NW &

Washington Cath (bd)

Fry & Welch


1954-60 207 FL Ave NW (bd)
Fry, Louis Edwin, Jr.

(9/11/1928 Prairie View TX-

DC Regis # 1130; 7/28/1958

Ed: Lincoln University (Jefferson

City MO) 1945-47; Howard University

1947-49 B.A. Sociology; Harvard

Graduate School of Design 1949-53

B.A.; Fulbright Fellowship 1954-55

Delft, Holland
Fry, Louis Edwin

(1/10/1903 Bastrop TX-

DC Regis # 276; 5/7/1935

Ed: Prairie View State College

1918-22 B.S.; Kansas State

Agricultural College 1922-27 B.S.

Architectural Engineering; Kansas

State Agricultural College 1929-30

M.S. Architecture

see also Fry & Welch

Teacher, Howard University

1948 3811 Jay St NE (r)


1949-54 207 FL Ave NW (bd)

1955-59 Fry & Welch (bd)

1960 19 40th St NE (bd)

Fryer, Frederick Lear

(4/29/1918 Washington DC-

DC Regis # 755; 5/31/1951

Ed: Cornell University

1937-42 BArch
Fryer, Ross L.

Consulting Engineer

1917-18 409-10 Riggs Bldg (r)

1919 3903 Livingston St NW (r)

1920 Coml Natl Bk Bldg (r)

1921 817-18 Albee Bldg (r)


1922 817-8 Albee Bldg (bd)

1923 817 Albee Bldg (bd)

Marine Engineer

1924 807 17th St NW (r)

1925-27 Transportation Bldg (r)

1928-32 815 17th St NW (r)

Naval Architect

1933 839 17th St NW (bd)


1935 3903 Livingston St NW (r)

Mechanical Engineer

1936 3903 Livingston St NW (r)


1937 3903 Livingston St NW (r)
Fuller & Garrett


1893 1217 F St NW (bd)

1894-99 1509 H St NW (bd)

1900 Not listed

1901-03 1509 H St NW (bd)

Fuller, Thomas James Duncan

(1870 Washington DC-

DC Regis # 47; 4/ 15/1925

Ed: Cornell University

1892 B.S. Architecture

see also Fuller & Garrett


1893-99 Fuller & Garrett (bd)

1900 1509 H St NW (bd)

1901-03 Fuller & Garrett (bd)

1904-06 1516 H St NW (bd)

1907 2217 CT Ave NW (bd)

1908-09 813 15th St NW (bd)

1910-18 806 17th St NW (bd)

1919-24 2317 Ashmead Pl NW (r)

1925-35 2317 Ashmead Pl NW (bd)

1936-37 2317 Ashmead Pl NW (r)

1938 2317 Ashmead Pl NW (bd)

No profession listed

1939-41 2317 Ashmead Pl NW (r)

1942 Not listed

1943-45 2317 Ashmead Pl NW (r)
Fusback, August


1858 87 E. Capitol St (r)
F. Wallace Dixon & Asso


1958-60 1832 M St NW (bd)
Gaillard, Theodore D.

(7/31/1922 Birmingham AL-

DC Regis # 1510; 3/20/1964

Ed: Tuskegee Institute 1939-43 BArch
Gaines, Howard W.

Draftsman, Navy

1923 3304 19th St NW (r)

Draftsman, Snowden Ashford

1924-25 3304 19th St NW (r)


1926 3304 19th St NW (r)

1927 Albert S.J. Atkinson (r)

1928-29 3304 19th St NW (r)

No profession listed

1930 3304 19th St NW (r)


1931-32 1855 Calvert St NW (r)

1933 934 K St NW (bd)

1934-35 1719 35th St NW (r)


1936-37 Appleton P. Clark Jr (r)

Special Agent, Works Progress Admin

1938-39 1719 35th St NW (r)


1940 Appleton P. Clark Jr. (r)


1941 3728 Windom Pl NW (r)

1942-43 Not listed

No profession listed

1945-46 411 Shepard St

Chevy Chase MD (r)

Gaiser, Joseph Thomas

(2/22/1906 New Warsaw VA

DC Regis # 738; 2/13/1951

Ed: Catholic University 1937-40;

George Washington University


Galante, Frank Anthony

(9/1/1901 New York NY-

DC Regis #

Ed: Cooper Union 1917-18;

Columbia University 1924-28
Galbraith, Robert Karl


1912-13 1735 1st St NW (r)


1914 1735 1st St NW (r)

1915 Hornblower & Marshall (r)

1916 Leon E. Dessez (r)


1917 309-10, 817 14th St NW (bd)

1918-19 Not listed

Clerk, Navy

1920 Chevy Chase MD (r)

Gambaro, Emile James

(11/17/1901 New York NY

DC Regis # 298; 9/25/1936

Ed: Mechanics Institute (NY)

1916-20; Beaux Arts Institute

of Design (NY) 1920-24

Ganther, Alfred Ray

(5/31/1933 Oshkosh WI-

DC Regis # 1264; 10/6/1960

Ed: Notre Dame University

1950-55BArch; Catholic

University 1956-58 MArch

Ganung, Arthur Louis

(3/12/1908 Syracuse NY-

DC Regis # 519; 7/3/1946

Ed: University of Pennsylvania

1925-31 BArch

Garbe, Raymond William

(3/2/1906 Wheaton IL-

DC Regis # 286; 6/29/1936

Ed: Wheaton College (Illinois) 1923-27

A.B.; Harvard 1928-31 MArch
Gardner, Eugene Clarence


1887-88 1424 NY Ave NW (bd)
Gardner, Julius M.

(5/18/1900 Charleston WV-

Exemption by affadavit

Ed: Howard University 1918-23


1925 1517 1st St NW (r)

1926 Not listed

1927-28 2352 6th St NW (r)

No profession listed

1929 1851 Vernon St NW (r)

1930 1857 Vernon St NW (r)


1931 1857 Vernon St NW (r)

No profession listed

1932 1857 Vernon St NW (r)

Asst Architect

1933 Howard University (r)


1934 1851 Vernon St NW (r)


1935 1851 Vernon St NW (r)


1936 Robinson, Porter &

Williams (r)

1937 1851 Vernon St NW (bd)

1938 Not listed

1939 1851 Vernon St NW (r)

1940-43 1851 Vernon St NW (r)

No profession listed

1945-47 1851 Vernon St NW (r)
Gardner, Louis (also Lewis) F.


1886 517 7th St NW (r

1887-89 1609 S St NW (r)

1890-92 Not listed

1893 1719 S St NW (r)


1894 1719 S St NW (bd)

1895 1719 S St NW (r)

1896 1620 S St NW (bd)

No profession listed

1897 1620 S St NW (r)


1898-1900 1620 S St NW (r)

1901 Not listed

1902 The Albemarle (r)

1903 The Florence (r)

1904 15th & L Sts NW (bd)


1905 The Ethelhurst (r)

No profession listed

1906 The Ethelhurst (r)


1907 The Ethelhurst (r)

1908 Not listed

No profession listed

1909-11 The Ethelhurst (r)

1912 1025 15th St NW (r)

1913 1025 15th St NW (r)


1914 1025 15th St NW (r)

No profession listed

1915-17 1025 15th St NW (r)


1918 1840 Biltmore St NW (r)

Vice President

1919 1840 Biltmore St NW (r)

No profession listed

1920 1840 Biltmore St NW (r)


1921 1840 Biltmore St NW (r)

1922 Not listed

No profession listed

1923-25 1840 Biltmore St NW (r)


1926 1840 Biltmore St NW (r)

No profession listed

1927-29 1430 Biltmore St NW (r)

1931-33 Not listed

No profession listed

1934-36 2737 Devonshire Pl NW (r)

Garner, Charles Jefferson

(3/9/1879 Washington DC-

DC Regis # 779; 7/18/1951

Ed: Central High School c. 1892-94

Garrabrant, Samuel Robert

(4/18/1928 Glen Ridge NJ-

DC Regis Incomplete 11/1957

Ed: Catholic University

1946-50 BArch
Garrett, Urias

see Fuller & Garrett

Garrett, Wilber R., Jr.

(1/11/1914 Washington DC-

DC Regis Incomplete, 2/1951

Ed: George Washington

University 1932-36 B.S.

Civil Engineering
Gassman, Richard O.

(application missing in file)

DC Regis # 1050; 1/29/1957
Gatchell, Harold E.

(8/9/1898 Des Moines IA-

DC Regis denied 1951

Ed: Iowa State University

1919-21 Certificate Structural

Engineering; Washington

University (St. Louis) 1921-24

Certificate Architecture
Gates, H. Bryon, Jr.

(4/22/1921 Elmira NY-

DC Regis # 889; 10/2/1953

Ed: Pennsylvania State

College 1941-42; 1946-49 B.S.


see also Bartley & Gates


1952-55 1019 15th St NW (bd)

1956-59 Bartley & Gates (bd)

1960 10730 CT Ave

Kensington MD (bd)

Gauger, Earl Victor

(6/1/1900 Rockford IL-

DC Regis # 941; 2/1/1955

Ed: University of Illinois 1919-23 B.S.

see also Chatelain, Gauger, Nolan,

Perkins & Will; Sweeley, Heap & Gauger

No profession listed

1947 4133 N Henderson Rd

Arlington VA (r)


1948 Sweeley, Heap & Gauger(bd)

1949 201 S Wash St

Alexandria VA (bd)

1950 717 S Royal St

Alexandria VA (r)

No profession listed

1951-52 717 S Royal St

Alexandria VA (r)

1953 Page missing

1954-55 Not listed


1956 Leon J. Chatelain Jr.(r)

1957-60 1632 K St NW (bd)
Geare, Reginald Wycliffe

(2/25/1890 Washington DC-

DC Regis Incomplete 12/1925

Ed: George Washington

University 3 years


1908 1362 Columbia Rd NW(r)

1909-10 3554 10th St NW (r)


1911-12 3554 10th St NW (r)

1913 1421 H St NW (bd)

1914-27 327 Woodward Bldg(bd)

Geddes, Joseph William

(2/4/1890 Falkirk, Scotland-

DC Regis # 73; 8/24/1925

Ed: School of Art & Architecture

(Glasgow, Scotland) 1909-11


1924-25 1220 Ingraham St NW (r)

1926-30 301, 1523 L St NW (bd)

George Stone & Asso.


1950 Wire Bldg (bd)
Germuiller, Julius


1876 741 7th St N (r)


1877 741 7th NW (r)


1877 741 7th St NW (r)


1879-81 741 7th St NW (bd)

1882 741 7th NW (r)

1883-88 513 7th St NW (bd)

1889 518 7th St NW (bd)

1890 515 7th St NW (bd)

1891-94 615 E St NW (bd)

1895 1423 F St NW (bd)

1896 Not listed

1897 1423 F St NW (bd)

1898 122 FL Ave NW (r)

1899-01 122 FL Ave NW (bd)

1902 122 FL Ave NW (r)

1903-13 456 LA Ave NW (bd)

1914 402 6th St NW (bd)

1915 304 Stewart Bldg (bd)

1916-17 318 Stewart Bldg (bd)

G.H. & W.T. Howard

Architects, Civil Engs & Srvyrs

1873-74 529 7th St NW (bd)

1875 No address listed (bd)

1876 707 G St NW (bd)
Gibbs, Charles


1880 632 MA Ave NW (r)
Gibbs, Charles A.


1881 12 1st St NW (r)
Gibbs, Charles E.

see also Johnson & Gibbs


1881 12 1st St SE (r)


1882 319 NY Ave NW (r)

Cashier, Ebbitt House

1883+ 1112 H St NW (r)

Gibbs, George F.

see Jonas, Gibbs & Co.

Gibbs, Katherine C.

(12/18/1907 Birmingham AL-

DC Regis # 437; 10/2/1942

Ed: Goucher College 1925-26;

Columbia University Extension

(NY) 1930-32; Packard Business

School 1926-27; Smith College

School of Architecture

1934-38 BArch


1940 1613 19th St NW (r)

1941 Paul T. Stone Inc (r)

Landscape Architect

1942-43 927 15th St NW (r)


1945 927 15th St NW (bd)


1946-52 927 15th St NW (bd)

1954-55 1621 K St NW (bd)
Giffels & Rossetti


1958-59 Investment Bldg (bd)

1960 Albee Bldg (bd)

Gilbert, Cass


1932-33 129 MD Ave NE (bd)

1934 Nw Supreme Court Bldg (bd)

Giles, Lewis Wentworth

(11/6/1894 Amelia County VA-

DC Regis # 747; 3/20/1951

Ed: University of Illinois



1920 1200 Linden St NE (r)


1921 1200 Linden St NE (r)


1922-27 1200 U St NW (bd)

1928-35 1938 12th St NW (bd)

1936 1200 U St NW (bd)

1937 1938 12th St NW (bd)

1938-39 4428 Hunt Pl NE (bd)

1940-41 4428 Hunt Pl NE (r)

1942 Not listed

1943 4428 Hunt Pl NE (r)

No profession listed

1945-47 4428 Hunt Pl NE (r)


1948 4428 Hunt Pl NE (bd)

1956-60 4645 Deane Ave NE (bd)
Giles, Lewis Wentworth, Jr.

(7/25/1923 Washington DC-

DC Regis # 839; 6/24/1952

Ed: University of Illinois

1940-44 B.S. Architectural



1944-48 4428 Hunt Pl NE (bd)
Gill, Maurice Bernard

(6/11/1893 London, England

DC Regis # 468; 1/16/1945

Ed: Northern Polytechnic

Institute (London, England)


Architect, Hot Shoppes Inc

1941 6323 Luzon Ave NW (r)

No profession listed

1942-47 6323 Luzon Ave NW (r)


1948 309, 6323 Luzon Ave NW (bd)

No profession listed

1949-50 6323 Luzon Ave NW (r)

1951-52 4007 East-West Hgwy

Chevy Chase MD (r)

1953 Page missing

1954-57 4007 East-West Hgwy

Chevy Chase MD (r)

Gill, William H.

see also William H. Gill & Co.

Chief Engineer, Interior Dept

1927 Cherrydale VA (r)


1928 700 17th St NW (r)


1929 William H. Gill & Co. (bd)


1930 700 17th St NW (r)

Civil Engineer

1931-32 700 17th St NW (r)

1933-34 704 17th St NW (r)
Gilmer, John Blair


1956-57 1019 15th St NW (bd)
Gilmore, Vincent Gerald

(4/14/1910 Covington VA-

DC Regis # 637; 1/27/1949

Ed: University of Virginia

1929-34 B.S. Architecture

Draftsman, E. Burton Corning

1938 1808 I St NW (r)

1939-41 4000 Cathedral Ave NW (r)

No profession listed

1942-47 4000 Cathedral Ave NW (r)


1948 4000 Cathedral Ave NW (r)


1949 4000 Cathedral Ave NW (bd)

1950-52 1816 M St NW (bd)

1954-55 3203 O St NW (bd)

No profession listed

1955-57 3203 O St NW (r)

1958-60 2612 L St NW (r)
Gitlin, Elliott

(8/16/1928 New York NY-

DC Regis # 1185; 9/22/1959

Ed: Catholic University

1948-56 BArch

No profession listed

1951-52 1329 E St NW (r)

1953 Page missing

1954 1372 Randolph NW (r)

1955-56 4831 36th St NW (r)

1957-59 910 Kennebeck Ct

Silver Spring MD (r)


1960 1329 E St NW (bd)

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