99 901 22 88 Elova Shohida Askarovna, 1st category chemistry teacher

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The role of modern chemical technologies in medicine

The role of modern chemical technologies in medicine, economics and life

Ochilova Motabar Torayevna
In the Presidential Agency for Educational Institutions
Abu Ali ibn Sina Specialized School, Category II Chemistry Teacher
(99) 901 22 88
Elova Shohida Askarovna, 1st category chemistry teacher
Annotation. Today, at a time when modern information technologies are entering every aspect of our lives, the development of chemical technologies and their application to other spheres of social life is an important event. This article details the role of modern chemical technologies in medicine, in economics, and social life.
Keywords: chemistry, chemical technology, modern pedagogy, medicine, economics, social life, etc.
Sometimes different bodies are made of the same substance. For example, hammers, nails, needles and knives are made of iron. Also, the same bodies are made up of different substances. For example, a spoon can be made of aluminum or iron, as well as gold and silver. Hence, the properties of a body depend on the nature of the substance that makes it up, that is, its properties. Accordingly, species of the same substance have the same properties, and species of the same substance have the same properties. All substances in animate and inanimate nature are constantly changing. Let's take the weather as an example. The composition of the air in the classroom changes throughout the lesson. When we breathe in oxygen from the air, the amount of oxygen in the air decreases, and the amount of carbon dioxide in the air increases due to our exhalation. This is why the classroom needs to be ventilated frequently. Let's take a second example. You plant the seeds of various plants in the ground in your school experimental field or in your backyard. From them first sprouts sprout, as a result of which the stems and leaves develop. Flowers and seeds (fruits) are formed. Think about what changes will occur in all of these processes! They are based on very complex chemical changes that take place in the presence of water, nutrients from the soil, carbon dioxide in the air, and solar energy. In these changes, many new substances are formed.
Nowadays, a lot of clothes, household items, cars details, synthetic materials - plastics, artificial leather, rubber, made of chemical fibers. Hence, “The properties of chemical-natural and artificial substances, their composition is a science that studies the processes of formation of new substances due to changes " will be the conclusion. Developed many medicines and plant protection products release is one of them. As can be seen, of chemistry One of the main tasks is to improve the living conditions of thousands of people and health. The current tasks of chemistry stem from the study of unresolved problems and the search for solutions to meet the material and spiritual needs of society. The most important issues that need to be addressed are:

  1. full satisfaction of the population's need for food and consumer goods;

  2. finding and introducing energy sources for the national economy;

  3. study of non-chemical processes in living organisms and find ways to control them;

  4. perfect development and implementation of chemical protection issues;

  5. creation of waste-free technology;

  6. use of energy of chemical changes.

Humans have long been interested in plant products rich in sugar, fat and protein consumed. They were adorned with gold and silver 6,000 years ago who knew how to make things. Against agricultural pests in China before 2000 BC arsenic was used in clearing. Plant and animal in Egypt in those times Dyes from organisms, medicinal substances from zinc and sulfur prepared.
Chemistry is the study of the structure and evolution of substances. Chemistry, like other sciences, came into being as a product of human activity, with the aim of satisfying natural needs, producing the necessary products, creating one from the other, and finally discovering the secrets of various phenomena. In ancient times, people knew how to extract metals from ores, prepare and use various alloys, including glass, and use it for various purposes. It is known that in BC BC, handicrafts based on chemical processes were developed. The production of tanned leather, its dyeing, the production of colored glass, the production of medicines and fragrances from plants, and the production of pottery were established. At the same time, chemicals were also produced in India, China and Central Asia. A chemist with a "chemical profession" was engaged in the production of one product from another. From the second half of the 1st millennium BC, along with trade, handicrafts entered the country via the Great Silk Road through Uzbekistan. Numerous historical artifacts and monuments have been found, indicating that the people of Uzbekistan have long been familiar with the chemical profession. An 8th-century chemical laboratory was found at Poykend near Bukhara. Among the laboratory equipment there are various utensils, glassware, children's sumac. Researchers have linked the formation of chemistry as a science to Egypt. Science, philosophy, industry, and agriculture flourished in this country, where trade, handicrafts, and cultural ties were highly developed. In the first century, treatises written in Alexandria on the Nile provide much chemical information, including the appearance of chemical equipment, roasting, cooking, curing, dry driving, melting, crystallization, separation, and other methods. The idea of ​​extracting gold from ordinary metals was also put forward in this source, and this abstract research to some extent hindered the development of science, diverting the minds of scientists in another direction, which was not possible. Using information from the Alexandrian treatises, Arab scholars soon discovered several new substances, including nitric acid, salts, and others. The Arabs founded the famous "Alchemy" by adding the Arabic suffix "al" to Chemistry in the language of Egyptian scholars. As a result, many scientific works, books, articles, and experiments have emerged. Later, the word became known in European countries as "Chemistry". Muhammad Khorezmi said that in the 10th century, the word "chemistry" came from the Arabic word "kamoyakmi", meaning "to hide". According to the Turkish scholar Toshkopir-zoda, the word is derived from the Hebrew word "kimyah". Some scholars believe that the word "chemistry" is derived from the ancient Egyptian word. suggest that the name is derived from "Hem" or "Hame." The word means "black" or "dark", and in the sources "Chemistry" means "Egyptian science". Another group of scientists points out that the word "chemistry" comes from the Greek word "chemistry", which means "liquid", "molten metal". However, it is known from historical sources that the science has developed in a number of Eastern countries, and that Central Asian scholars have played an important role in this regard.
All peoples have known the process of kneading since ancient times. Hai of a nation which was a peculiar spirtii drink. Make it from frosted honey or grape juice prepared by. Vinegar is not only used in cooking, but also to dye it was also used in the acquisition. But in those days chemistry was only special only people were engaged. Irish scientist Robert Boy (1627-1691) was instrumental in the development of chemistry as a science contributed. His “Skeptics” is four elements and three of chemical or mixed bodies Reflections on Experiments as Evidence for a Chemical Basis the theory of alchemy has been severely criticized. It can be said that from this period chemistry began to develop as a science. In the late seventeenth century, the German chemist G. He created the Shtaflogiston navur. Although this theory is also wrong, its time was very important for. Because the scientists of that time were based on this theory completely got rid of alchemy. At the beginning of the XVIII century, the Russian scientist MV Lomonosov discovered the metal in a closed container of the phlogiston theory, proving that no matter how hot it is, its mass does not change showed that it was wrong. Based on the experience of Lomonosov, a French scientist A. When Lavoisier metal is heated, it reacts with oxygen in the air proved. Lavoisier created the correct scientific theory of combustion and oxidation processes. In 1808, the English scientist Dalton, based on his experiments, developed an atomistic theory and figured out the proportions of chemical elements in a compound. The creation of the periodic table of elements by D. I. Men-deleyev in 1869 and the emergence of evidence proving the complex structure of the atom in the early twentieth century paved the way for the widespread development of chemistry. The development of chemistry in Central Asia. Abu Nasr al-Farabi, Ahmad al-Farghani, Abu Rayhan al-Biruni, and Abu Ali ibn Sina, all Central Asian scholars of the ninth and eleventh centuries, contributed to the development of chemistry in both practical and theoretical terms.
The 19th century was a period in the history of chemistry for the development of theoretical foundations. As a result, the atomic-molecular theory emerged. English scientist John Dalton 1803. conducted experiments based on ideas about the atomic structure of matter. He attributed the reaction of the elements to the fact that they were composed of individual particles, in other words, atoms. Based on the idea of ​​the law of multiple ratios, he paid special attention to atomic weights, showing that chemical elements combine with each other at certain weight ratios. Introducing the concept of relative atomic weight into science, he accepted the weight of the hydrogen atom as the lightest element and offered it as a unit. As the atomic weight of an element, Dalton took the ratio of the atomic weight of the element to the hydrogen atom. Italian scientist A. Avogadro discovered that the concept of atom and molecule is different from each other. He described the smallest particle of matter as a molecule and the smallest particle of an element as an atom. It was not until much later that Beijing recognized his idea. After the recognition of Gep-Lussac's law of volume ratios (see Gay-Lussac's laws), Avogadro's law (hypothesis) that the number of molecules in equal volumes of arbitrary gases obtained at the same temperature and pressure were equal was put into practice. The number 6,022SH23, calculated on the basis of the experiments of the French physicist J. B. Perrin (1870—1942), was called the Avogadro number. In 1852, the English chemist E. Frankland introduced the concept of valence to science. The theory of structure, published by A. M. Butlerov in 1861, was an important stage in the development of chemistry. Based on this theory, organic substances combine with each other according to the valences of atoms in the molecules, the properties of substances depend on their chemical structure, the order in which atoms combine with each other, the formula of chemical structure expresses the properties of compounds; the existence of interactions. The theory proved from a scientific point of view the synthesis of new substances, the prediction of their properties, and the theoretically important phenomenon of isomerism.
If we look at the development of chemical technology in the 20th century, especially after the First World War, it is possible to reveal some of its characteristic, distinctive features. It is known that 99.5% of the earth's crust consists of 14 chemical elements: oxygen, silicon, carbon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, hydrogen, titanium, phosphorus, chlorine and sulfur. However, despite the mass distribution of many of these elements, they were not released into the orbit of the chemical industry in the 19th century. This is equally true for fluorine, titanium, chlorine, magnesium, aluminum, and hydrogen. For twentieth century chemical technology. it is characteristic of a clear reference to the most common elements. Hydrogen is now the bread of modern chemistry. Ammonia synthesis, alcohol synthesis, liquid fuel synthesis, etc. require the production of billions of cubic meters of hydrogen each year. The widespread involvement of hydrogen in chemical production is a feature of 20th century chemistry. Silicon chemistry and, in particular, the chemistry of silicon-organic compounds play an important role in modern technology. The chemistry of titanium, chlorine, magnesium, potassium, and aluminum is also of particular importance. At the same time, chemical technology tends to use the most rare and scattered elements of the earth’s crust, which is the most important foundation of 20th-century technology, especially in connection with the development of nuclear and jet technology.
According to Abu Nasr al-Farabi (870-950), the basis of the whole material world is primary matter. It confirms the ancient philosophers' view that the material world we perceive consists of four "roots," that is, four primary slements — grass, air, water, or earth. As a famous physician, Farobi made a great contribution to the development of applied chemistry. Al-Farghani (797-861) was a great mathematician, astronomer, and astronomer. (Mikiyes - Jadid - Nilomer) was created using special alloys. The fact that Nilomemi has survived to the present day testifies to the choice of a unique rock and "cement" resistant to water for more than a thousand years. Abu Ali ibn Sina (980-1037, who made a small contribution to the development of applied chemistry, but whose work in the field of alchemy turning iron into gold] is an unreasonable, unrealistic process. Abu Ali ibn Sina said, "I do not understand the possibility of turning one metal into another. On the contrary, I do not think it is possible, because r It is not possible to convert a metal body into a second metal body. A normal body should not separate itself from any other body. Thus, in the works of Abu Ali ibn Sina, the first buds of inorganic chemistry appeared. Abu Rayhan Beruni (973-1048) in his famous work "Mineralogy" described the metals known at that time, their alloys, the extraction and processing of metal ores, non-ferrous metals and precious metals. His work on the study of the properties of precious stones, especially on the surface of the determination of mineral mass, has made a significant contribution to the development of chemistry. In his work, he comes to the important scientific conclusion that "development is the transformation of one thing into another, that the whole being is constantly changing and recognizing its rheometallgean - that is the power of nature." Abu Rayhan al-Biruni wrote in this work, "The study of everything begins with the study of the components that make up this thing”.
So, if in the XIX century the basis of the chemical industry was coal tar, then in the first half of the 20th century. The main raw material base of the organic synthesis industry is coal and oil and their gases: hydrogen, carbon monoxide, rich hydrocarbon range and a number of other materials. Nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, chlorine, fluorine, carbon monoxide, methane, acetylene, ethylene and other gases are the main raw materials for modern chemistry. Consequently, the peculiarity of the latest chemical technology is the use of simple elements that were previously used insignificantly and make them the basis of modern chemical technology, as well as their widespread use as chemical raw materials. solid fuels, liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons. A distinctive feature of chemical technology is the use of rare elements, particularly those related to the requirements of nuclear technology. Chemistry makes a significant contribution to the development of nuclear technology, giving it a variety of materials - metals (uranium, lithium, etc.), heavy water, hydrogen, plastics and others. It should be noted that one of the peculiarities of modern chemistry is the demand for purity of products. Contaminants present in the starting materials often adversely affect the properties of the product. Therefore, in recent years, the chemical industry has increasingly used very pure starting materials (monomers) containing at least 99.8-99.9% of the base substance. A distinctive feature of modern chemical technology is that it is equipped with new methods of exposure; application of high pressure to several hundred 1500-2000 and higher atmospheres, deep vacuum (from one thousand to one thousandth of the atmosphere), high temperature up to several thousand degrees, use of deep cold (low temperature close to absolute zero), as well as electric discharge, ultrasound , the use of radioactive radiation, etc. is a natural increase in the technical level. chemical production in general and as a result the rapid development of the organic synthesis industry, in particular, is ensured by providing the chemical industry with modern, high-efficiency equipment, suitable apparatus and machinery.
Initially, the production of basic equipment for ammonia synthesis was mastered. Synthesis columns, separators, water and ammonia purifiers, as well as centrifuges, vacuum filters, autoclaves for rubber vulcanization, presses for plastics, deep cooling equipment and others have been designed and built to purify gases from carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Since the 1920s, the plants have developed petroleum gases, high-efficiency rectification and adsorption equipment, high-pressure compressors and reactors, refrigeration equipment, etc. , ethylene and other gases are the main raw material base of modern chemistry. The peculiarity of the latest chemical technology is the use of simple elements that were previously used to a lesser extent and make them the basis of modern chemical technology, as well as the widespread use of solid fuels, liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons. as a chemical raw material. A distinctive feature of chemical technology is the use of rare elements, particularly those related to the requirements of nuclear technology. Chemistry makes a significant contribution to the development of nuclear technology, giving it a variety of materials - metals (uranium, lithium, etc.), heavy water, hydrogen, plastics and others. It should be noted that one of the peculiarities of modern chemistry is the demand for purity of products. Contaminants present in the starting materials often adversely affect the properties of the product. Therefore, in recent years, the chemical industry has increasingly used very pure starting materials (monomers) containing at least 99.8-99.9% of the base substance. A distinctive feature of modern chemical technology is that it is equipped with new methods of exposure; application of high pressure to several hundred 1500-2000 and higher atmospheres, deep vacuum (from one thousand to one thousandth of the atmosphere), high temperature up to several thousand degrees, use of deep cold (low temperature is close to absolute zero), as well as electric discharge, ultrasound, use of radioactive radiation, etc. Naturally, the technical level of chemical production in general will increase and, as a result, the rapid development of the organic synthesis industry in particular will be ensured. providing the chemical industry with modern, high-efficiency equipment, suitable apparatus and machinery. Initially, the production of basic equipment for ammonia synthesis was mastered. Since then, synthesis columns, separators, water and ammonia purifiers for cleaning gases from carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, as well as centrifuges, vacuum filters, autoclaves for rubber vulcanization, presses for plastics, deep cooling equipment and others have been designed and built. In the 1920s, they purchased powerful petroleum gas separation devices, high-efficiency rectification and adsorption equipment, high-pressure compressors and reactors, refrigeration equipment, and more. The main trend of modern chemistry is the desire to plan in advance the molecular structure of matter. has predefined features. The synthesis of substances whose properties are determined by modern chemistry is based on an in-depth study of the laws of formation of molecules, rather than blindly. Therefore, a number of new branches of chemistry are experiencing great progress.
In fact, from random searches and findings, chemistry has shifted from the 1920s to the regular replacement and substitution of natural scarce materials not only in terms of quality, but on the contrary, with materials that are superior to these natural materials. . For example, Chilean natural nitrate was replaced by synthetic nitrogen compounds. Synthetic rubber is not inferior in quality to natural rubber. V In recent years, some researchers are trying to improve the quality of natural rubber, not synthetic, so it can compete with some special types of synthetic rubbers. Great strides have been made in the field of synthetic fiber synthesis, the production of which dates back several decades. From the 1920s onwards, natural products were pushed aside and replaced by synthetic products of the same quality. This is an absolutely natural process. The fact is that the chemical methods of processing the substance, the introduction of chemical processes into production leads to a sharp reduction in production time and a significant reduction in labor costs, and at the same time leads to higher quality products than natural products. . Thus, if the production of 1 ton of artificial viscose staple fiber requires 70 working days, then the production of 1 ton of cotton fiber takes 238 working days. Labor costs in regional silk production are about 10 times lower than in natural silk production. When 1 ton of ethyl alcohol (necessary for the production of a number of synthetic products) is extracted from crude oil, labor costs are reduced by 20-22 times compared to the production of food raw materials. At present, the number of 100,000 inorganic chemical compounds known in nature, natural and artificially known organic substances, has exceeded three million and continues to grow rapidly. Only industrially produced, oil-based compounds have 10,000 names. In addition to the creation of new synthetic materials, there is an ongoing process of improving the quality of existing materials produced by the industry. Finally, the main possibility of artificially obtaining natural compounds of any complexity has now been proven. In the laboratories of organic chemists, it is not long before various types of complex protein substances are synthesized that are the basis of life.
In the system of continuing education, in accordance with the state order and social demand, each educational institution and its teaching staff are responsible for increasing the efficiency of the educational process, the implementation of the latest achievements of science, creative, socially active, To bring up and develop a highly competitive, professional, loyal to the people, educated in the spirit of national and universal values, able to think creatively and independently, able to feel their duty and responsibility to the state, society and family, competitive , to inculcate in their minds and hearts the idea of ​​national independence. The successful solution of these tasks is inextricably linked with the use of modern educational technologies in the educational process. Achieving high quality and efficiency in the educational process requires an innovative approach to the educational process. The word "innovation" is derived from the English word "innovation", which means "innovation", "new idea". The role of knowledge in innovative teaching is changing. That is, from constant memorization to logical thinking, to research. Such activity develops creativity in student activities. She engages in an interactive “subject-subject” relationship with her peers and her teacher. Due to the fact that the teaching process is dynamic and lively, it is natural that it will be innovative and the practice of renewal will continue. Therefore, it is necessary to use modern technologies that have been tested and are effective. The most common and characteristic modern pedagogical technologies in the teaching of chemistry are: conversation, debate, game, case study, project method, problem-based method, brainstorming and others.
The development of the chemical industry is characterized by the widest possible automation of technological processes ... Comprehensive automation is needed, first of all, in the chemical industry, which is characterized by large-scale production. The automation of the chemical industry is facilitated by the predominance of continuous production processes in it, as well as harmful and even dangerous work. In the chemical industry, first of all, the processes of regulating temperature, pressure, composition, reaction rate, etc. are fully automated, because for continuous chemical processes (impossible direct observation) to maintain the stability of technological regimes, especially important. . The chemical production has been fully mechanized and automated, and only the control and supervision functions, as well as the implementation of preventive maintenance, remain for man. The most important areas of automation of chemical production are the introduction of new automatic devices based on the use of electronic mathematical machines, the transition to complex mechanization and automation of all chemical plants. The largest development in the United States has been achieved in the automation of production in the oil and chemical industries. Along with the automation of the management of individual plants, individual technological processes will be fully launched. Company ammonia plant. processes. The rapid development of chemistry led to the creation of hundreds of new materials that replaced metal, wood, wool, silk, glass, and more, 10-15 years after the end of World War II. Chemical technology has become an integral part of the final product manufacturing processes in the industry today. It is difficult to argue that the state of the entire planet is affected by this very area of ​​human activity. That is why scientists are doing their best to prevent environmental catastrophe, although the pace of popularization and implementation of such developments is still insufficient. The use of modern chemical technologies will help to improve the state of nature, minimize the amount of materials used in production, replace toxic substances with safer substances and introduce new compounds into production. The task of repairing damage to the environment: depletion of planetary resources, air pollution. In recent years, various studies in the field of ecology and rationalization of the impact of production on the environment have been particularly active. The combination of effective performance safety and non-toxic end products enterprises.
The pace of scientific and technical development of chemical technologies is growing rapidly. In the middle of the XIX century. it took 35 years for the industrial development of the electrochemical process of aluminum production, then in the 1950s. high pressure polyethylene production has been established in less than 4 years. Opened large enterprises developed countries 25% of working capital is spent on research and development, development of new technologies and materials, which will allow to significantly update the range of products in about 10 years. In many countries, industrial enterprises produce about 50 percent of the products they did not produce at all 20 years ago. In some developed enterprises, its share reaches 75-80%. The production of new chemicals is a labor-intensive and expensive process. For example, in order to find and synthesize several drugs suitable for industrial production, it is necessary to produce at least 4,000 types of substances. For plant protection products, this figure could reach 10,000. In the recent past, there have been about 450 research and development projects for each chemical product mass-produced in the United States, of which only 98 have been developed experimentally. selected for removal. After extensive industrial testing, only more than 50% of the selected products could not find a comprehensive practical application. However, the practical significance of products obtained in such a complex way is so great that research and development costs pay off very quickly. Chemical technology and industrial production cover all important sectors of the national economy, including various sectors of the economy, where the entry is made:

  1. chemical and textile industry, pulp and paper and light industry, glass and ceramics production, production of various materials, construction, mining, metallurgy;

  2. machinery and equipment, electronics and electrical engineering, communications, military affairs, agriculture and forestry, food industry, environmental protection, health, household, media;

  3. V- increase labor productivity, save materials, success in health; G- improvement of working and living conditions, rationalization of mental labor;

  4. health, food, clothing, recreation; E.- housing, culture, upbringing, education, environmental protection, defense.

Chemical technology and related industries have to respond to society's desire to protect the environment. Depending on the political environment, this call can range from caution to panic. In any case, the economic result is to protect the environment, ensure the safety of workers, prove the safety and effectiveness of new products, and so on. they are paid for by consumers and they significantly reflect the competitiveness of the product. Some figures related to the products produced and consumed are of interest. In the early 70s of the twentieth century. The average city dweller uses 300-500 different chemicals in his daily life, of which about 60 - in the form of textiles, about 200 - in daily life, at work and at leisure, about 50 drugs and the same amount of food. and cooking. Some food production technology involves up to 200 different chemical processes. About a decade ago, there were more than 1 million varieties of products produced by the chemical industry. By that time, the total number of known chemical compounds had exceeded 8 million, including about 60,000 inorganic compounds. Today, more than 18 million chemical compounds are known. Every day, 200-250 new chemical compounds are synthesized in all laboratories of the planet. The synthesis of new substances depends on the improvement of chemical technologies and in many respects on the effectiveness of chemical change management. As the relevant industries develop, they will be affected by the constant modernization and updating of the main processes and equipment of chemical technology, the main aspects of production, their operating principles and the operation of machines used to perform operations. The basis of such sciences is the theoretical foundations of chemical technology. In states recognized by world leaders, the training of students in this field is considered the most important. This is primarily due to the crucial role of process technology in the activities of the chemical industry. Second, the importance of this discipline at the intersectoral level is growing. Despite the significant differences between the different fields, they are based on the same principles, different physical laws, chemical processes that are closely related to modern processes, including the materials science industry. In recent years, chemical technology has penetrated deep into places where no one even imagines their existence. Thus, the role of technological engineering in today’s markets is increasingly being discussed in an industrial sense.


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  4. Ozbekiston Davlat standarti. Ozbekiston uzluksiz ta’limining Davlat standartlari tizimi. Oliy ta’lim 5440400 - kimyo yo’nalishiga oid

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