C B, mark on wts, 44, 46
C B Dale see Coalbrookdale
C Biegefeder (mancur), 1863
C C, mark on wts, 69
C C A crowned mark (Cornwall), 1977
C C mark on wts (City of Cork), 1759
C C under potentilla mark (Carlisle), 1959
C crowned, 20, 22, 789, 985
mark on wts see Carolus Rex; weights, monarch, Charles
mark on coin wts, 20, 1471
mark on coin wts see Dublin mark
C D C, mark on wts, 69
C D crowned, 20
mark on wts, 69
C D mark on wts (City of Dublin), 1759
C dagger C mark (Chester), 1927
C G, C-spring mkr, 1874
C L B, C-spring mkr, 1874
C M on wts see weights, denomination, carat metrique
C M P, C-spring mkr, 1874
C O, mark on wts, 69
C R, stamp on beam, 1357–1358
C R see Charles I of GB
C R crowned, 985
mark on wts, 985
C S see Sommers, Charles
C S Co, monogram see Computing Scale Co
C S H, mark on wts, 93
C S H Industries Inc
AA trade name, 416
American sc mkr, 417, 1315
egg sc, 416–417
egg sc mkr, 417, 1315
C S P see Sharples, G
C S P in chain links, trade mark of Sharples B of Preston, 802
C-spring bal, def, 195–196
C-spring mkr
B, 1874
B D, 1874
Besnard, 1874
Blombach, C, 1874
Boe-Paupier, à Paris, 1874
Böelle, à St Christoph, 1865, 1874
Böelle, M, 432, 435, 1874
Böelle & Breard, 1874
Boker, Henry, 435, 1874
Boker, Henry & Co, 435, 1874
Boucher, J B, 1874
Bureau des Ecorces, 1874
C G, 1874
C L B, 1874
C M P, 1874
Chemin, 1867
Chemin, à Paris, 1867
Cheville, père, 1875
D B, 1874
D M, 1875
D P, 1875
Delalande, 1875
dolphin/fish mark, 1876, 1902
Dubois, Jacques, 1875
Dumaine, 1875
Dumaine, P, 1875
Dupont, J au Fresne, 1875
E L S, 1875
F D, 1875
F D P, 1875
F F, 1875
F H, 1875
fish/dolphin, 1876, 1902
Fleuri, 1875
Fleuri, à Pont Degrene, 1875
Fleuri, G, 1875
Fleuri, M, 1875
Fleury, 1875
Fleury, Frères, 1875
flower, 1876
Grund, P, 1875
H & M, 1875
H S, 1875
Hamon, F, 1875
Hamon, H, 1875
Hamon, I?, 1875
Hamon, P ainé, 1875
Hamon, Paul, 1875
Hamon, Pierre, 1875
Hanin, 1867, 1875
Hanin, à Paris, 1875
Hanin, à St Romaine, 1875
Hanin, ainé, 1875
Hanin, fils, 1867, 1875
Hanin, fils à Paris, 1875
Hanin, fils à St Romaine, 1875
Hanin, le père, 1875
Herbertz, P, 1871, 1875
Hilger & Sons, 1875
I G. V P, 1875
I L, 1875
I L T M, 1875
Imhoff & Lang, 1875
J B crowned, 1875
J M R, 1875
Jarres, R, 1875
Jung, C, 1875
K & M, 1875
Kalthoff, P, 1875
Klein, I, 1875
Kleuser, W, 1875
Krups, Robert, 1875
L B, 1875
Labiche, à Sourdeval, 1875
Lansen, 1875
Le Termelier, Andrè, 1875
Leboucher, 1865, 1875
Leboucher, Eugene, 1875
Leboucher, Jnr, 1875
Leboucher, Manuel, 1875
Leboucher & crescent, 1875
Lebreton, Eugene, 1875
Lebreton, Fils ainé à Sourdeval, 1875
Lemercier, 1875
Letermelier, 1873
Lockhaus & Gunter, 1875
Luginbuhl, Ulrich, 1867, 1875
M B, 1875
M F, 1875
M F G, 1875
M F I, 1875
M S G, 1875
Mari I crowned, 1875
MG C, 1875
Miquelard à Avranches, 1875
P Q R, 1875
Paupier L, 1873
Querue, 1875
R C, 1875
R S, 1875
R V, 1875
Reform, 1875
Régnier, à Paris, 1875
Régnier, à Samur, 1875
Renaut, N, 1875
Riviere, 1875
Salter, Geo & Co, 1873–1874, 1873–1875, 1875
Schmidt, Peter Ludwig, 1875
Seers, 1875
Sessler, Georg, 431
Sessler, J G, 1864, 1875
set-square & compasses, 1875
Tesche, C W, 1876
Tesche, W W, 1876
Testut, Charles et Fils à Paris, 1876
Tribo, 1876
Venot, 1876
Wegermuff, 1876
Wiedeman, 1864
C-spring sc
pivotted pointer, 1902
postal, 897
rack & pinion, 1868
on coin wts, 1062
German béranger shop sc mkr, 647
mark on British wts, 697
C W., see also coin sc, mkr, Ward, Callingwood
C W O under mitre mark, 1930, 1971
see also Cawood, Wistow & Otley
C W S see Cooperative Wholesale Society
C W S Scales Dept, bank sc mkr, 1105
C*S, 1925
see also County of Southampton
C*S with H below, 1926
C*S with H below see Hampshire
Cadwick, weighing machine mkr, 659, 1508
Caille Bros Co, MI sc mkr, 3034
Caille Brothers, 2459
see also catalogue
Caille Co, MI sc mkr, 3034
Caithness, inspectors mark, 69
cake sc, mkr, Chatillon, John & Sons, 1591
Calais & Chairgrasse, roberval sc mkr, 2487
Calcott, Thomas
master of Gowers, Weston, 1731
member of Leathersellers Co, 1727
Caledonian sc, 692, 698
def, 192
steelyard, 333–334
California Directors & Sealers, 2258
California gold rush, 151
caliper gauge for paper, Brown & Sharpe Mfg Co, 1696
Calley see Anderton Son & Calley
Callington, Cornwall, 1977
manor, 1977
Calstock, Cornwall, 1977
manor, 1977
def, 192, 229
to find deficit, 1415
cam & pendulum
def, 192
sc def, 192
cam sc, def, 192
Cambridge County, inspectors mark, 69
Cambridge University, 1928, 1960
Camilleri, Serge, biography, 2579
"DeGrave Short & Fanner Exported" (article), 2405–2406
"Folders for Foreign Coins" (article), 2563–2570
Tongue folding gold bal (query), 1941
"Weighing the 7s Coin" (article), 1624–1625
"Canadian Butchers' Scales" (article by Allan), 1437–1438
"The Canadian Equal Arm Letter Scale" (article by Laycock), 2816–2818
Canadian gold rush, 151
Canadian patentee see patentee, Canadian
Canadian postage rates, 2816
Canadian sc
butchers, 1437–1438
egg, 412, 1034, 1279
Burrows, Stewart & Milne, 1437–1438
Standard Egg, 379, 1034
Canadian sc retailer
Standard Egg Scales, 1279
Vancouver Importing Co, 1279
Wood, Vallance & Adams, 1437–1438
"Canadian Scale" (article), 2637
Canadian verification marks, 927
"Canal Weigh-house at Midford" (article by Halse), 2415–2419
cancellation, 24
Candle, George
dates, 1737
successor of Walker, Catherine, 1737
candle-mkrs sc, 468
egg, 376, 2296–2298
Reliable Mfg Co, 1316
bell-mounted, 406
British registered design, 404
cord & wheel, 1373
patent, 1373
first registered design, 404
French patent, 1373
glass, 403, 407
hydraulic, patent, 1373
ivory, 408
kitchen, 1558
marble-based, 2058
registered design, 405
silver, 1669
spring bal, 11, 224, 361, 401–408, 623, 686, 839, 1073, 1223, 1287, 1375, 1535, 1558, 1669, 2643–2644, 3030
tapering helical spring, patent, 1375
with thermometer, 407
tin, 1792
wooden, 1375, 1535
see also spring bal, candlestick
candlestick postal sc
dates, 1073, 1224, 1669, 2514
see also Postal Sc
"Candlestick Postal Scale" (article by Katz), 2514
candlestick sc
Briais, Narcissé, 1375, 1535
Chatillon, John & Sons, 405, 407, 1558
Criterion, 1792
L & S, 1669
Ratcliff, Edmund, 403
Ratcliff, Joseph & Edmund, 403, 1792
Turner, Samuel, 2514
Wharton, T & Sons, 405
Winfield, R W, 403–407, 1073, 1792
parcel, 623, 1261
candlestick sc patentee, Susse, Michel Victor, 1373
candlestick sc registered design, Winfield, R W, 404
"Candlesticks" (article by Brass), 403–408
candy sc
Avery Scale Co, 1123
Chatillon, John & Sons, 1591
Cannon, wts mkr, 586
cannon-ball sc, steelyard, 1721–1722, 2685, 2687
Cannon Iron Foundries Ltd
dates, 638
wts mkr, 638
Cannon Iron Foundry
dates, 638
wts mkr, 638
cannon sc, steelyard, 868
cap, adjustable on spring sc, 1597
cap end case, 268, 273, 287, 1231
capacity, def, 192
carat, derivation, 2447, 2620
carat metrique, diamond sc, 1142
carat wts
standardization, 2622
see also Weights, denomination
Carbon 14 dateing, 2904
cardboard repairs, 1269
"American Weighing Scoops" (article), 487–491
"Early U S postal system" (letter), 1017
"Hay Weighing Forks" (article), 666–671
"Moisture testers" (letter), 218
"Roman Bismar" (article), 823–824
"Torsion Balance Co & Christian Becker" (article), 996–1003
carlin see weights, denomination
Carlisle mark (C C under potentilla mark), 1959
Carlstedt Mfg Co
Champion trade name, 414
E Z trade name, 380
egg sc mkr, 41, 379–380, 414–415, 1276, 1313
steelyard mkr, 41, 379–380, 414–415, 1276, 1313
Carlton, bathroom sc, 554
Carnegie & Layton
coin operated sc mkr, 2495
inverted roberval sc mkr, 2469
Carnegie & Layton Ltd
bread, sc mkr, 1089
person sc mkr, 1707, 2495
see also catalogue
Caro Rex see Carolus
carob beans, 152, 925, 2447, 2620
carob seed, as weight standard, 2620
Carolus see weights, denomination, Carolus; weights, monarch, Charles I; weights, monarch, Charles II
Carolus Rex, on coin wts, 1016, 1355
Carracci, Annibale, painter of Butcher's Shop 1583, 1774–1776, 2362
def, 192, 194
see also nose-guard
cast iron, 1119
dates, 638
wts mkr, 638
cart steelyard, 2675–2678
how to weigh with, 2677
"Cart Steelyards of East Anglia" (article by Carter), 2675–2678
cart weighers see platform sc; steelyard
Carter, Charles D
assignor to Hart, Henry C, Mfg Co, 2609–2610
patentee, 2609–2610
"Cart Steelyards of East Anglia" (article), 2675–2678
Computing Scale weights (query), 2208–2209
"Carters Standard" (article by Berning), 2607–2610
cartridge sc, steelyard, 1039
Cary, William
precision bal mkr, 1821
scientific instrument mkr, 1821
see also catalogue
Carysfort, Lord, report, 390, 582
spring bal mkr, 1168
yarn bal retailer, 1174
Casartelli, J, paper sc mkr, 1692
Casartelli, J & Son
dates, 1103
yarn bal mkr, 1103
Casartelli, John & Son Ltd, yarn bal mkr, 957, 1168
Casartelli, Joseph
dates, 1103
precision bal mkr, 1821
scientific instrument mkr, 1821
see also catalogue
glass, 6, 2658–2659
see also box
Case, Cesar, Netherlands patentee, 1879
"Cased Bell Weight" (article by Crawforth), 237
"Cased Postal Weights" (article by Crawforth), 422–424
"Cased Weights" (article by Crawforth), 1048
cased wts
prohibited, 1048
regs, 83
see also weight, shape, cased
Casella, L
person sc mkr, 1716
scientific instrument mkr, 1715, 1821
steelyard mkr, 1715
see also catalogue
Casella, L P
precision bal mkr, 1821
scientific instrument mkr, 1821
see also catalogue
Cass, J A, hydrostatic sc mkr, 576
Castell, chickpea sc mkr, 421
Castinel & Bonnet, roberval sc mkr, 2487
casting wts, 468
castle & lion mark, 1928
see also Norwich
castle in shield, 1959
see also Gateshead
castle in three layers mark, 1960
see also Launceston
castles three mark, 1928
see also Newcastle
Abrahams, A & Co 1855, 1821
Accum, Frederick
1804, 1821
1805, 1821
1817, 1821
1819, 1821
Adams, George
1753, 1821
1756, 1821
1766, 1821
1769, 1821
1770, 1821
1771, 1821
1772, 1821
1774, 1821
1777, 1821
1782, 1821
1784, 1821
1785, 1821
1787, 1821
1789, 1821
1790, 1821
1791, 1821
1795, 1821
1814, 1821
Anderson Tool Co., 2227
Angldile Computing Scale Co A, 2131–2136, 2140
Angldile Salesman's Handbook, 2140
Army & Navy 1907, 16, 237, 1667
Aston & Mander Ltd 1910, 1821
Avery, W & T
1830, 828, 835
1835, 2088
1849, 1445, 1514
1850, 1638
1862, 1515
1878, 1515
1880, 1218, 1449, 1452, 1515, 1644–1646, 1702–1703, 1838, 2588
1885, 1839
1889, 1452, 1645–1646
Avery, W & T Ltd, 1453, 1909
1894, 85
1895, 85, 1616
1897, 11, 115–120, 794
1898, 806, 828, 1454, 1457–1458, 1460–1462, 1702–1703
1900, 85
1906, 7, 1090–1091, 1098, 1185, 1260, 1451, 1517, 1697, 1702–1703, 1839
1908, 1184
1909, 1453, 1647–1648, 1840
1912, 828, 835, 1706, 2074–2075
1916, 32, 828, 1453, 1703
Baird & Tatlock
1885, 1821
1902, 1821
1912, 1821
1897, 1821
1901, 1821
1904, 1821
1906, 1821
1908, 1821
1910, 1821
1911, 1821
1912, 1821
1914, 1821
Bartlett & Son Ltd 1913, 2940–2941
Bausch & Lomb, 1904, 3094, 3096
Beach, Thomas n d, 1508, 1513, 2711
Becker, F E & Co
1884, 1821
1900, 1821
1902, 1821
1903, 1821
1905, 1821
1913, 1821
Becker, Julian H
1934, 2183–2184
1965, 2183
Becker's Sons
1919, 65, 2183
1926-1929, 2598
c.1913, 2183
c.1932, 843
Bel, August & Co
1877, 1821
1880, 1821
Berkel (n d), 1706
Biddle Hardware Co 1910, 1078, 1555
Bosch, Gebrûder c.1920, 2167
Bourne, Thomas n d, 1508
Brady & Martin
1892, 1821
1900, 1821
Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co 1910, 1821
Breithaupt 1835, 1821
Breithaupt 1891, 1821
Brown & Sharpe Mfg Co 1927, 1702
Brunswick Drug Co n d, 2053
Buffalo Scale Co 1894, 1696, 1700, 1840, 2053
Buffalo Scale Co Inc c 1923, 1840
Bunge, Paul 1893, 1821
Caille Brothers n d, 1706
Carnegie & Layton Ltd 1928, 1707
Cary, William
1827, 1821
1832, 1821
Casartelli, Joseph 1876, 1821
Casella, L
1871, 1821
1874, 1821
1875, 1821
1880, 1821
1887, 1821
1895, 1821
1898, 1821
1900, 1821
Casella, L P
1860, 1821
1866, 1821
Catalog des Poids Byzantins (n d), 310
Central Scientific
1906, 3092, 3093, 3096
1909, 3093, 3096
1914, 3093, 3096
1922, 3092
1923, 3092, 3093, 3094, 3096
1937, 3094, 3096
Chatillon, John & Sons
1894, 1840
1904, 1599
1924, 1249–1250, 1555, 1591–1593, 1840, 2223
1927, 3095–3096
Clark, T & C & Co 1865, 612
1865, 611
1880, 612
Co-operative Wholesale Society
1925, 733
1933, 712
Collet, Freres 1855, 1821
Crowden & Garrod 1895, 434, 1873
Dancer, J B
1855, 1821
1873, 1821
1874, 1821
Day & Millward
1861, 1642
1889, 1451, 1454, 1516, 1636, 1647, 1725–1729, 2963
1912, 2075
1924, 1516, 1707, 1709
Defiance Machine Works n d, 2971
DeGrave, Short & Co 1910, 2339
DeGrave & Co c.1911, 1098
Denison, Samuel & Son Co Ltd 1909, 1183, 1532
Dollond, George
1825, 1821
1830, 1821
1831, 1821
Dring & Fage
1870, 1821
1911, 1821
Eimer & Amend 1894, 2053
Eimer & Amend 1927, 3095–3096
Elliott, William & Sons 1851, 1821
Elliott Bros
1856, 1821
1860, 1821
1862, 1821
1864, 1821
1867, 1821
1869, 1821
1870, 1821
1872, 1821
1874, 1821
1876, 1821
1879, 1821
1895, 1821
1897, 1821
1899, 1821
Elt, Geo, 413
Embden, S van n. d., 1872
Eyre, John 1758, 1513
Fairbanks, Brown & Co 1865, 2053
Fairbanks, Morse & Co 1927, 1701, 1815, 1840
Fairbanks & Co
1859, 79, 107, 1247, 1696, 1700, 1807, 1815, 1840, 3092, 3096
1865, 2051
1880, 1840, 2256–2257
1882, 2421–2422
1891, 79, 107–109, 1106, 1840, 2050, 2187, 2257, 2349
1901, 2525–2529
1902, 74, 107, 2525–2529
1904, 1840, 2525–2529
1906, 1170, 1555, 1701, 1808, 1813, 1815, 2052–2053, 2525–2529, 3092
1914, 2053
1915, 218
1918, 3095–3096
1919, 1814–1815, 1840, 1918, 2582
1925, 2075
1927, 1701, 1815, 1840, 2258, 2582
Fairbanks & Co of London c 1915, 1647
Fontaine, G 1891, 1821
Ford, Whitmore & Brunton n d, 1513
Franklin Educational Co, 1899, 3093, 3096
Fraser, William 1785, 1821
Gage, A P & Son, 1892, 3093, 3096
Gallenkamp, A & Co
1900, 1821
1902, 1821
1907, 1821
1911, 1821
George, W & J
1900, 1821
1902, 1821
1903, 1821
1905, 1821
1913, 1821
Great Exhibition
1851, 10, 1885–1886
1862, 10
Griffin, J J & Sons Ltd
1894, 1821
1897, 1821
1899, 1821
1900, 1821
1901, 1821
1902, 1821
1905, 1821
1906, 1821
1907, 1821
1910, 1821
1912, 1821
c 1913, 757, 2662
Griffin, John J & Co
1849, 1821
1850, 1821
1852, 1821
Griffin, John J & Sons
1861, 1821
1866, 1821
1868, 1821
1873, 1821
1875, 1821
1877, 1821
1884, 1821
1889, 1821
1892, 1821
1893, 1821
Griffin, John Joseph
1854, 1821
1856, 1821
1858, 1821
1861, 1821
Griffin, Richard & Co
1844, 1821
1845, 1821
Griffin & George Ltd 1956, 6
Gurley, W & L E
1873, 1821
1878, 1821
1888, 1821
1893, 1821
1895, 1821
1897, 1821
1899, 1821
1905, 1821
1907, 1821
1908, 1821
1909, 1821
1910, 1821
1912, 1821
1914, 1821
Hall, J & Son c 1900, 1648
Hanson 1935, 1710
Harris, P & Co (1913) Ltd 1914, 1821
Harris, Philip & Co
1875, 1821
1886, 1821
1889, 1821
1893, 1821
1902, 1821
1903, 1821
Harris, Philip & Co Ltd
1906, 1821
1908, 1821
1911, 1821
1912, 1821
Hartner, G c 1913, 1697, 1699–1700, 1707
Heil, Henry 1891, 2053
Herbert & Sons
1870, 1193, 1197–1198
1890, 1198
Herbert & Sons Ltd 1910, 1197
How, James
1875, 1821
c 1860, 1821
c 1870, 1821
Howe Scale Co
1883, 1840, 1896, 2050
1885, 2053
1896, 2421–2422
1899, 1700–1701, 2421–2422
1902, 1700–1701, 1840
JaCeM 1939, 923
Jackson, Frederick & Co Ltd 1908, 1821
Johnson, Clapham & Morris Ltd 1939, 413
Jones, William & Samuel
1792, 1821
1793, 1821
1795, 1821
1797, 1821
1798, 1821
1801, 1821
1803, 1821
1805, 1821
1810, 1821
1811, 1821
1813, 1821
1814, 1821
1815, 1821
1817, 1821
1818, 1821
1825, 1821
1826, 1821
1830, 1821
1831, 1821
1836, 1821
1837, 1821
1838, 1821
1843, 1821
1850, 1821
1855, 1821
Jones of Binghamton, 562, 1840, 2350
Kern, Gottlieb (date?), 1173
Kern, Gottlieb & Sohn
1900, 805
1933, 868, 1076, 2530
Knight, Richard & George
1811, 1821
1816, 1821
1834, 1821
Knott, L E, 1916, 3095–3096
Kohlbusch, Herman 1902, 1643, 1940, 2525–2529
Krups, Robert 1905, 1872–1873, 1876
Langley & Michaels Co 1897, 2049, 2053, 2185
Maiben, Joseph M & Co 1913, 1821
Mardon, A H 1902, 1697, 1698
Martin, Benjamin
1761, 1821
1768, 1821
1780, 1821
Maul, Philipp Jakob
1909, 1649–1655, 1699–1700, 1933
1912, 1656–1657
McKesson & Robbins 1883, 2186–2187
Munz-Waagen & Gewichte 1976, 64
Negretti & Zambra
1859, 1822
1864, 1822
1871, 1822
1874, 1822
1878, 1822
1885, 1822
1900, 1822
Nemetz, Guiseppe 1885, 1822
Newark Scale Works 1937, 3095–3096
Newark Scale Works 1945, 3095–3096
Newman, J n d, 1519
Newman, John
1822, 1822
1827, 1822
1836, 1822
1837, 1822
1845, 1822
Norvell-Shapleigh Hardware Co 1903,
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