600 mark on wts, 45 a b c egg sc mkr, 379

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Maiben, Joseph M & Co, 1821

Martin, Benjamin, 1300, 1821

Mason, Thomas, 1826

McKenzie, Alexander, 1727

Nairne, Edward, 1724

Negretti & Zambra, 1822

Nemetz, Guiseppe, 1822

Newman, John, 1822

Oertling, Ludwig, 1724, 1822

Paul, Robert W, 1822

Pixii, N C, 1822

Pixii, père & fils, 1822

Potter, J D, 1787

Pye, W G & Co, 1822

Queen, James W & Co, 1822

Queen & Co, 1822

Ramsden, Jesse, 1724

Reeves, W & Co, 1822

Reynolds & Branson, 1822

Reynolds & Branson Ltd, 1822

Robinson, James, 1841

Robinson, Thomas Charles, 1787, 1822

Rowley, John, 1718, 1724

Sanders, Thomas, 1787

Schwilgué, Jean-Baptiste, 887

Sikes, Bartholomew, 1787

Simms, William, 1787

Sisson, Jeremiah, 1853

Snart, John II, 1730

Snart, Neriah, 1730

Spear, Richard, 1843

Spencer, J & Son, 1843

Spencer, John, 1843

Spindler & Hoyer, 752

Standley, Belcher & Mason, 1822

Starke & Kammerer, 873

Townson & Mercer, 1822

Townson & Mercer Ltd, 1822

Troughton, Edward, 1787

Troughton & Simms, 1822

Watkins & Hill, 1822

Whitford, Samuel, 1732

Wright, Alexander & Co, 1822

Yeates & Son, 1822

Zimmerman, A & M, 1822


Brady & Martin, 1726, 1821

Wooley, James Sons & Co, 1822

Wooley, James Sons & Co Ltd, 1726, 1822

Scientific Instrument Makers 1550-1851, 1967–1968

scientific measurement, accuracy in, 2146


def, 196, 229, 311

coal, 312

confectioners, 130–131

flour, 1728

gold, 149–150, 154–155

hammered, 1578

photographic, 1028

powder, 284

pressed, 1578

splitting, 1578

weighing, American, 487–491, 2922–2924

scoop scales see weigh scoop

score, def, 1992

Scott (author), 310

Scott, M, patentee, 671


Assize of David, 2018, 2020

coin sc, 2068–2073

grain sc, 1309

Mediaeval trading, 1987, 1990

metrology, 1987–1988

pound, 1990

trade sc, 1443

weighing in drops, 2068–2073

yarn bal, 1309

Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society Ltd

pot plate, 1443

trade sc mkr, 1443

Scottish Mint, 2071

Scottish rider wts, dates, 564

Scottish sc


Baird & Tatlock, 1821

Booth, G, 1720

Brown, James, 1304

Gardner, John, 1303–1311, 2070

Griffin, Richard & Co, 1821

Griffin & Tatlock Ltd, 479

Hislop, 1198

Lockhart, James?, 2068–2073

Lumsden, Benjamin, 2070

Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society Ltd, 1443

White, J & Son, 1071

scratch-blue see beer measure

screw plate, 1513

screw removal, 1271

scruple, def, 1297

scruple wts see weights, denomination

seal see verification mark

sealer of measures

iron, 1139

oath, 1137

sealers see inspectors

Sears, Roebuck & Co, see also catalogue

Seated Liberty, half-dollar, 2063

Seaton, James, partner of Hunt, William, 1730

seaxes, three (Middlesex), 1926

second new tenor see new tenor

sector spring bal see V spring bal


C-spring mkr, 1875

mancur mkr, 435

seizure, London, 43

self-computing scale, 2213

self indicating sc, 711, 715, 845, 2213

def, 229, 311

computing, 890, 2213

weight & price, 2213

counter, 2213

drum-type, 2213

fan-type, 2213

first, 692

fraud, 1184


Schnellwaagen-Fabrik G M B H, 845–847

Walker, A & Co Ltd, 709

over and under, 845

shop, 709, 1791


price-computing, 974

sc, butchers, 974

semi-automatic sc, 2470

semi-micro bal

def, 3


Sartorius, 5

Sartorius, Florenz, 5, 35, 37

see also Precision bal

semi-roberval see half roberval

semi-self indicating sc, 711, 734

def, 311, 312

butchers, 715, 973

fraud, 1184


Automatic Scale Co, 715

Avery, W & T, 973–974

Berkel Auto Scale Co, 2159

Brecknell, Chas W Ltd, 2159

British Scale Co Ltd, 2159

Day & Milward Ltd, 2159

Elliott Bros (London) Ltd, 2159

Ferrell, A S & Co, 2159

Gardner & Sons, 2159

Herbert & Sons Ltd, 2159

Hobart Manufacturing Co Ltd, 2159

Leicester Scale Co Ltd, 2159

Mattocks Automatic Scales Ltd, 2159

Recsi, of Liege, Belgium, 2159

Rogers, P & Loach Ltd, 2159

Schnellwaagen-Fabrik G M B H, 845

Siddons, J & J Ltd, 2159

Vendome, Titford & Co Ltd, 2159

Webb, W A Ltd, 2159

shop, 8, 715, 845

semi-self indicating scales, mkr listing, 2159

sensibility see sensitivity


def, 67, 312, 713

Class A, 1593

Class B, 1593

Class C, 1593

contemporary 1978, 9

counter sc, 9, 714

intentional reduction, 719

microbalances, 752

steelyard, 67, 1424

sensors & readout, 2211

Serrin, V, inventor, 620

Sessler, Georg

dates, 431

mancur mkr, 431

Sessler, J G

C-spring mkr, 1864, 1875

dates, 1876

mancur mkr, 429–431, 1864

set-square & compasses, C-spring mkr, 1875

"Sets of Weights" (article by Crawforth), 731–735

Setton & Durward

half-roberval & spring bow-front, 623

postal sc mkr, 250, 623, 1259, 1261

roberval Art Nouveau style, 125, 250

spring bal mkr, 623, 1259

Setton & Durwood see Setton & Durward

severin see weights, denomination

"Seville Scale & the Circulation of Coin Weights" (article by Zavattoni), 2995–2997

Sewell, coin sc mkr, 2540

Sewell, George

apprentice of Read, Joseph, 1734, 2540

apprentice of Sommers, Charles, 1734, 2540

apprentice of Wornell, John, 1734, 2540

coin sc mkr, 582

dates, 1727

master of Grove, Thomas, 1734

master of Young, John I, 1734, 2540

member of Skinners Co, 1727

partner of Bate, Richard II, 1736, 2540

partner of Young, John I, 1734, 2540

sc mkr, 3088

succeeded by Sewell & Young, 1734, 2540

Sewell & Young

coin sc mkr, 1734, 2450

dates, 1734

Sewell, George & Young, John I, 1734, 2540

succeeded by Young, John I, 1734, 2540

successors of Sewell, George, 1734

sextant mark (Sunderland), 1959

Seymour, Charles F, American ccd mkr, 2063

s'Gravesande see Gravesande

sh see weights, denomination, shilling

shackle, def, 284, 312

shackle end, def, 172–173

shackle end beam, 73, 80

Shadolite see National Poultry Equipment Co


def, 312, 1394

problems, 1394

shagreen box see box, shagreen

shagreen case earliest?, Phillips, Walter, 1818

shagreen cleaning, 1269

Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, 2464

"Shakespear's Wood" (article by Sharp), 1323–1326

Shaler, Ruben, family sc patentee, 2647–2649

Shaler's family sc, 2647–2649

"Shaler's Spring Balance" (article by Berning), 2647–2649

Shaman, Tony, (biography), 3030

Shaman's "Postal Scales for Collectors" (article), 3024–3030

Shannon, Gerry & John, biography, 2627

Shannon, John & Geraldine (authors), 2497–2498, 2793

Shannon, Shannon & Burchard's "Blowpipe-Set Balances" (article), 2623–2627

Sharkey, P H

dates, 1745

patentee, 111, 312, 1745, 2315

sharkey end

def, 172, 312

see also beam end shapes

sharkskin see Shagreen

Sharp, Thomas

biography, 2464–2466

clock & watchmkr, 2466

coin sc box, 2464–2465

carved by Cooper, 2466–2467

coin sc description, 2464

coin sc mkr, 1323–1326, 2464–2468

coin sc owners, 2466

gunsmith, 2466

silversmith, 2466

suceeded by Sharp, John, 2467

"Sharp Practice" (article by Bearman), 2464–2468

Sharples, G

apothecary sc mkr, 802

bullion bal mkr, 802

of Preston, trade mark G S P in chain links, 802

trade card, 802

Shaw, George Bernard

box of weights of, 2161–2162

Houghton & Gunn retailer of, roberval postal sc, 2161–2162

pocket spring balance of, 2162

postal scales of, 2160–2163

Salter letter scale of, 2161

Salter parcel post balance of, 2162

Samuel Turner Senior mkr of, roberval postal sc, 2161–2162

scales of, 2160–2163

"Shaw's Scales and Weights" (article by Weiss), 2160–2163

shears, 169

def, 9, 313

extra-long, 1749

Justice, 1290

repair, 9

sight-hole, 91, 311, 473, 1395, 1452, 1497, 1510, 1581, 1586–1590, 1714–1715, 1749, 1784, 1831, 2338

earliest English, 1784

sheep sc, 148

sheet wts see weight, shape

shekel see weights, denomination, half-shekel; weights, denomination, shekel

Sheldon, Frederick, steelyard mkr, 1027

Sheldon, John

advert 1854, 1682

coin sc mkr, 1723

dates, 446, 1723

escritoire with sc, 1682

postal pens, 446, 1233, 1682, 1999

postal sc mkr, 1682, 1723

spring sc mkr, 1682

steelyard mkr, 1027

successor of Sheldon & Smith, 446

Sheldon & Smith, succeeded by Sheldon, John, 446

shelf edge sc

def, 313

bismar, 1031, 1231, 1233

coin, 268–269, 1233

letter, 236

shelf-edge sc, mkr, Mordan, Sampson & Co, 237

shelf edge sc

moving load, 1032

postal, 595, 650, 1032, 1231, 1233

shell weigher, 543

shell weighing sc, mkr, Salter, Geo & Co Ltd, 543

Shenston, James Templar

apprentice of Payne, Benjamin Matthew, 1737

coin sc mkr, 988

dates, 1737

partner of Gore, Thomas Hunsden, 1737

pot wts mkr, 1450

successor of Gore & Shenston, 1737

successor of Payne & Ovendon, 1732

Sheppard (author), 1796

Sheppard, Blue, miner, 2793

Sheppard & Musham, index, 197

Sheppard & Musham (authors), 12, 15, 87, 169, 178, 277, 360, 498, 675, 816, 881, 1041, 1478, 1607, 1794, 1796, 1846, 1848, 2072

Sheppard & Musham's Money Scales & Weights (review), 87, 186, 360

Sherman, Henry

coin sc mkr, 242, 246, 248, 1355

dates, 1734–1735

husband of Sherman, Sarah, 242, 1734

master of Neale, Samuel, 248, 1734

Sherman, Sarah

dates, 1734

widow of Sherman, Henry, 242, 1734

shield mark (Lincoln), 1928

shield with pellets, mark on wts, 69

shilling see weights, denomination, shilling

Shilton, William, platform sc mkr, 725

shop sc

béranger, 289, 485, 530, 697, 784, 811, 2479–2488

computing, 890

decimal, 227, 722, 887

equal arm pillar, 7, 137, 256, 559, 712, 769, 824

even balance trip, 994

fan, 229, 709, 715

half roberval & spring, 180, 981

inverted roberval, 131, 136, 257, 697, 731, 890, 1743

medicine, 477

micrometer steelyard, 360–361


Allchin, Henry, 1733

Angldile, 140

AT Co., 2227–2230

Automatic Scale Co, 715

Avery, W & T, 731, 974, 1838

Avery, W & T Ltd, 7, 289, 1839

Bartlett, 824

Bartlett, John & Son, 1732

Becker & Sons, 477, 995

Béranger & Cie, 784, 2479–2488

Bourne, Thomas, 697

Bourne & Smith, 132, 136, 419

Chatillon, 333–338, 447–452, 1556–1560, 1591–1601

Computing sc, Co, 216–217

Cooperative Wholesale Society, 712

Day & Millward, 711

Day & Millward Ltd, 958

Detroit Automatic Scale Co, 3034

Dodge Mfg Co, 360–361

Fairbanks & Co, 46, 78, 106, 109, 992, 994, 1839

Hart, David & Co, 1734

Herbert & Sons, 1723–1748

Hoe, Robert, 1736

Howe Scale Co, 529–530, 901

Hunt, William & Co, 1730

Hunt & Co (Scales) Ltd, 1730

Marlin, A, 758

Newman, J, 1829

Penn Scale Mfg Co, 647

Perry, W G & Son, 559

Quintenz, A, 722

Salter, Geo & Co, 547

Schnellwaagen-Fabrik G M B H, 845–847, 889–892

Simpson, R, 736

Springer Torsion Balance Co, 671

Steinfield & Blasberg, 529

Stillwell, Edward & Sons (wrongly called Stillwell Ed II), 1732

Stimpson, W F Co, 3034

Stimpson Computing Scale Co, 3034

Terazzi, Hisar, 446, 485

Troemner, Henry, 811

Walker, A & Co Ltd, 709

Wedderburn, Frederick, 1730

White, J & Son, 1071

Young & Son, 800


American, 46, 78, 106, 109, 140, 216–217, 333–338, 360–361, 447–452, 477, 529–530, 647, 811, 901–904, 995, 1556–1560, 1591–1601, 1839

French, 647, 758, 784, 1525, 1569–1571, 2479–2488

German, 529, 722, 845–847, 889–892

Japanese, 321

Turkish, 446, 485

numbers in, 713

optical projection, 889

phanzeder sc, 284

platform & steelyard, 736, 758


Hetherington, R D D, 1447

Pike & Ellerman, 1726

Smith & Stevenson, 1447

Stirling, Alexander, 1447

roberval, 46, 78, 136, 217, 530, 647, 709, 711, 769, 994, 1071, 2479–2488, 2515

self indicating, 709, 890

semi self indicating, 311, 715, 974

spring, 447–452, 547, 549, 647

steelyard, 320321, 360–361

torsion, 671

trip, 647

two beam steelyard, 217

union, 1839–1840

vibrating, 289, 290

shop sign

angel & Kings arms, 207

angel & sc, 247, 1382, 1783, 3017–3019

angel & star, 207–208, 1382

bird in ring, 247

crown & sc, 1761, 1763, 1830–1832

falcon & sc, 1782

golden borole (ball), 207

hammer & crown, 207, 1291, 1377

hand & sc, 205, 207, 210, 215, 244, 676, 1391–1396, 1501, 3018–3019

heart & sc, 210

justice & sc, 207, 1581–1585, 1769, 1798, 2066, 3017, 3019

King's Arms, 1381, 1801

porrige pot, 1383–1384

sun & sc, 1040, 1380

three cocks, 208, 1383

shop signs, prohibited in London, 1398

Shorey, Ebenezer

apprentice of Bassingham, Robert, 1731

dates, 1731

related to Shorey, Ebenezer George?, 1731

Shorey, Ebenezer G, successor of Wiggington, James & Thomas, 1735

Shorey, Ebenezer George

dates, 1731

related to Shorey, Ebenezer?, 1731

related to Shorey, Henry Charles?, 1731

related to Shorey, W?, 1731

Shorey, Henry Charles

dates, 1731

related to Shorey, Ebenezer George?, 1731

related to Shorey, W?, 1731

Shorey, W

date, 1731

related to Shorey, Ebenezer George?, 1731

Shorey W, related to Shorey, Henry Charles?, 1731

Short see DeGrave, Short & Fanner

Short, Samuel R, partner of DeGrave, Edward Abraham & Fanner, William, 1737

Short, Samuel Robinson, 2263

Short History of Weighing by Sanders (review), 87

short weight, banned, 2034

short wt, law, 1182

Showcase, 360, 408, 437, 479, 505, 529–530, 558–559, 647, 676, 753, 784, 811–813, 856–857, 896–897, 957–958, 979–981, 1039, 1071, 1101, 1123, 1462–1464, 1667–1687, 2037, 2056, 2163, 2390, 2444, 2559–2560, 2643–2644, 2815, 2872, 2899, 2922, 2951, 3012, 3019, 3091

Shreiner, Isaac, hardware store owner, 2889

Shropshire (Salop), 121

Shuckburgh, George, scientist, 393

Shunsho's Hundred Poems, print of do'tchin in use 1775, 59

Shury, Richard

dates, 1738

succeeded by Shury, Samuel III, 1738

successor of Shury, Samuel II, 1738

Shury, Samuel I

apprentice of DeGrave, Charles I, 1738

dates, 1738

father of Shury, Samuel II, 1738

master of Shury, Samuel II, 1738

succeeded by Scheins, Samuel, 1738

succeeded by Shury, Samuel II, 1738

Shury, Samuel II

apprentice of Shury, Samuel I, 1738

dates, 1738

son of Shury, Samuel I, 1738

succeeded by Shury, Richard, 1738

successor of Shury, Samuel I, 1738

Shury, Samuel III

dates, 1738

successor of Shury, Richard, 1738

Shuzui, steelyard mkr, 321, 325

Siamese wts see weights, nationality, Thai

Siddons, 2438

wts, 545, 585

Siddons, J & J

bread sc mkr, 1089

shop sc, 1184

see also catalogue

Siddons, Joseph & Jesse, pot plate, 1450

Siddons, Joseph & Jesse Ltd

dates, 638

pot plate, 1450

trade sc mkr, 1450

wts, 638

side beam (U S A ) see Tare bar

Siebe, Augustus, 2451

address next to Medhurst, George, 1886

address next to Medhurst, T F & F, 1886

dates, 1886

elliptical spring mkr, 1886

exhibited at 1851 Exhibition, 1886

fishing sc mkr, 1726

founded Siebe, Gormon & Co, 1888

inventor, 1902

lyre spring bal mkr, 1888

partner of Marriott, Henry, 1882

patentee, 66, 1882, 1886–1887, 1902

person sc mkr, 1886

spring bal mkr, 1466, 1886–1888, 2300

spring bal patentee, 66, 1466, 2300

Siebe, Gormon & Co, founded by Siebe, Augustus, 1888

Siebe & Marriott

elliptical spring sc mkr, 1861

Siebe, Augustus & Marriott, Henry, 1882

"Siebe & Marriott" (article by Crawforth, D), 1882–1888

siege money, 2401


def, 91, 193, 313

indicator, 91, 549, 977, 1097, 1189

shears, 1395, 1452, 1510

lantern, 1581, 2995–2997

mkr, Watson, Robert, 1586, 1714

round, 1583, 1714

tear-drop, 1587

"Sight-hole Shears" (article by Crawforth, D), 1586–1590

SIGILL COMIT VIGORN & 3 pears (Worcestershire), 1977

Sikes, Bartholomew

hydrometer inventor, 2003

hydrometer mkr, 2003

scientific instrument mkr, 1787

working with Bate, Robert Brettell, 1787

Silk, Edward & Co

dates, 638

wts, 617, 638

silk cleaning, 1270

silk cords, 205, 206

silk sc


Salter, 514

Salter, Geo & Co, 518

spring, 518

siller wecht, 2071

silver braid balls, 205–206, 247

silver coins, 2401

silver half dollars, 754

silver prover, 1140

silver sc, postal, 1049, 1077, 1667–1668

Silver Showcase (article), 1667–1687

Silvester, J, patentee, 455–456, 515–516, 524–525, 549, 1253, 1262

Silvester, Richard & Co

dates, 2

made medallion for Hooper, H, 2

Silvester, Thomas, patentee, 515, 549

Silvester & Co

bismar mkr, 1220

postal sc mkr, 2, 19, 1220

Silvester's Patent see Salter, Geo & Co

Simcock, Tony

author, 2172

biography, 2172


"Roman Steelyard?" (article), 1819

"William Ball of Bister" (article), 2388–2390

Simcox, Pemberton & Sons

date, 1519

postal sc mkr, 1520

S P & Sons, 1519

steelyard mkr, 1520

Simcox & Pemberton

dates, 1520

postal sc mkr, 1520

postal steelyard, 1520

S & P, 1519–1520

steelyard mkr, 1520

Simmonds Precision, buyer of Becker's Sons, 2184

Simmonds Precision N V

precision bal mkr, 844

successors of Fijn-mechanische Industrie Becker's Sons N V, 844

Simmons, ccd mkr, 621

Simms, William

scientific instrument mkr, 1787

working with Bate, Robert Brettell, 1787

simnel bread, 1052

"Simple wts for Coins" (article by Crawforth), 166–167

Simpson, , Mary, artist, 3072–3073

Simpson (author), 2072

Simpson, Allen, Biography, 2110

Simpson, Dr. Allan, 2444

Simpson, Dr. Allen, biography, 2072

Simpson, R

date, 736

platform sc of Fairbanks design, 726

trade card, 736

weigh-bridge mkr, 736

Simpson, W R

butchers sc mkr, 1842

dates, 1842

Simpson & Connor's

"Fourteenth-Century Wts Systems: A Response" (article), 2107–2110

"Weighing in the Early 14th Century, Part 1" (article), 1987–1998

"Weighing in the Early 14th Century, Part 2" (article), 2015–2024

Simpson's "Coins weighed by the Drop" (article), 2068–2072

Sims, J G

Angldile plant manager, 2138

Angldile sales agent, 2138


English paper scientist, 3077

paper sc mkr, 1692, 3077

single-lever machine, def, 312–313

single-lever scoop sc, 976

Sisson, Jeremiah

precision bal mkr, 1853

scientific instrument mkr, 1853

six ounce wt, 88, 142

size see inspection

Skinner (author), 808

Skinner, George, apprentice of Williams, Edward, 1731

Skinner, Henry

apprentice of Smith, Thomas, 1736

partner of Webb ?, 1736

Skinner, William

apprentice of Vincent, Robert II, 1729, 2066

apprentice of Williams, Thomas I, 1732, 2066

coin sc mkr, 1729

dates, 1732

steelyard mkr, 2066

successor of Oxley, Henry, 1732, 2066

trade card,

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