The element selenium usually receives scant* attention in elementary textbooks, probably because it is of little importance commercially. Nevertheless, it is an interesting substance and well worth studying.Selenium was discovered by the Swedish giant among chemists, Berzelius.
The clement is not abundant, but it is to be found in various ores.Selenium is the sister element of sulphur, forming with tellurium the elements occurring in Group VI. It has an atomic weight of 78.96 as compared with 32 for sulphur. From the fact that the atomic weight is more, We may infer that selenium should be less active than sulphur. Its valences are: +2, +4, and +6, the same as those of sulphur. It can be found in several allotropic forms, just as sulphur does. It will be helpful to remember that the two elements are very much alike in their chemical properties and so the reactions of sulphur are similar to those of selenium.
A piccc of amorphous selenium is rather hard and quite brittle, just as sulphur is. The dark colour of the clement, the silver-grey coating on its surface are characteristic. Another variety of the clement is red.
The element is both odourless and tasteless. It bums as readily as sulphur does, with a reddish-blue flame and the peculiar odour. In working with selenium, beware* of the odour of its hydrogen compound; it is worse than that of hydrogen sulphide.
One curious property of selenium should be mentioned. The substance varies in its electrical conductivity according to the amount of light that falls upon it. We should remember that sulphur is a nonconductor. An experiment shows that selenium differs in this respect.
Under proper conditions selenium can form a colloid. One gram of selenium dioxide is dissolved in 500 ml of water. To 50 ml of this solution we add, after heating, 10 ml of a onc-percent solution of gelatin, and then, drop by drop,* 60 ml of hydrazine hydrate (1:2,000 of water). We must remember to keep it just below the boiling point for 16 daqiqaes. The beautiful peach-pink** colour of the colloid is to be observed. The colloid can be made without gelatin, but the protective colloid serves to prolong the life o f the colloidal suspension.
Words and Word-Combinations to Be Memorized
according to, alike, be alike, allotropic, amoiphous, another, coating, colloid, compare, as compared, condition, conductivity, conductor, differ, drop, electrical, elementary, fall, few, a few, gram, heat, hydrate, importance, keep, mention, nevertheless, ore, piccc, proper, quite, rather, readily, in this respect, selenium, several, silver, sulphur, sulphide, surface, suspension, tellurium, textbook, variety, vary, be worth (while).
Ex. 6. Give the Uzbek equivalents for the following:elementary textbooks,
receive attention, be of importance, probably, nevertheless, because, be worth studying, among, in various ores, the sister clement, as compared with, be less activc, be more activc, several allotropic forms, just as, remember, be very much alike, be similar to, amorphousselenium, piece, rather hard, dark colour, the silver-grey coating, on the surface, another variety of, both... and..., bum readily, be worse than, mention, electrical conductivity, according to, fall upon smth., remember, be a conductor, be a nonconductor, differ in some rcspcct, under proper conditions, heating, a one-percent solution, drop by drop, the protective colloid, prolong the life
Ex. 7. Give the English equivalents for the following:вероятно, иметь
juda katta sanoat ahamiyatiga ega, ammo kimyoviylar orasida turli xil rudalardagi atom og'irligi ko'proq (kamroq), bir xil valentli, bir necha allotropik shaklga ega, foydali, juda o'xshash, juda qattiq, qorong'i rangi, yuzasida qoplama, xuddi shu kabi ..., ishlov berilmagan holda, shunga mos ravishda, tegishli sharoitda, bir foizli eritma, himoya qoplamasi, umrini uzaytiradi
Ex. 8. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where , under, o f, by
1. Selenium is ... little importance commercially. 2. It was discovered ... Berzelius. 3. This element is found... various ores. 4. The valences... selenium are the same as those ... sulphur. 5. It can be found ... several allotropic forms. 6. It is helpful to remember that selenium and sulphurare very much... alike... their chemical properties. 7 proper conditionsselenium can form a colloid.
Ex. 9. a) Check up if you remember the following:
b) Translate the sentences into English.
1. Bir stakan ichida suv yetarli emas. Iltimos, ko'proq olib keling. 2. Kech bo'ldi, ammo laboratoriyada bir nechta talabalar ishlamoqda. 3. Barcha savollarga faqat bir nechta talabalar javob berishdi. 4. Siz bu hodisa haqida juda kam ma'lumotga egasiz. 5. Stolda bir nechta jurnal mavjud. Ulardan birida - Pauling haqida maqola. 6. Ishingizda bir nechta xatolar mavjud. Ularni tuzatishga harakat qiling. 7. Bizning guruh talabalari hozir kutubxonada, ular u yerda bir necha soat davomida o'qishgan. 8. Menda ozgina pulim bor, hozir bu lug'atni sotib ololmayman. 9. Ushbu guruhdagi 58 nafar talaba ingliz tilida yaxshi o'qiydi.
10. Siz ozgina ishlayabsiz, ko'proq ishlashingiz kerak.
с) Fill in the blanks with few, a few , little, a little.1. Only ... information is available about iodine pcntafluoridc as asolvent. 2 drops of concentrated HNOj were added to a decomposingmelt containing chloride. 3. There is ... possibility that such ions can be produced under these conditions. 4. ... very interesting reactions have been shown at the lecture. 5. There are ... published papers on the preparation and properties of inorganic deuterium compounds. 6. High-temperature reactions of polonium have been ... studied. 7. There can be ... doubt that the term “chemical structure” was used for the first time in 1861 by Butlerov. 8__ of these results have been reported previously.
Ex. 10. Translate the sentences into Uzbek, paying attention to modal verbs.
1. Selenium may be found in various ores. 2. We are able to describe the properties of any element looking at the periodic table. 3. Selenium can occur in several allotropic forms. 4. Chemists must remember that sulphur is a nonconductor of electricity. 5. Under proper conditions we may obtain a colloid. 6. He must be able to explain the difference between organic salts and inorganic salts. 7. Students have to understand reactions well. 8. Matter and its transformations must be studied by specialists.9. Working in our laboratory, We can change the state of substances. 10. The experiment is to be started at oncc. 11. You needn’t heat the substances, the reaction proceeds fast enough. 12. You should know the properties of the substances if you have to work with them. 13. Sometimes we needn’t accelcratc the reaction. 14. Mendeleyev was able to predict in advance the existence and properties of yet undiscovered elements. IS. Mendeleyev couldn’t be present at the meeting of Russian chemical society and had to ask Menshutkin to read the paper for him. 16. The “zero” group could be added to the periodic table only after the discovery o f inert gases. 17. We should clean the glassware before working with it. 18. Lavoisier was able to establish his theory of combustion on the basis of the experimental results of Priestley, Shcclc and others. 19. The hydrides can decompose in water, releasing hydrogen. 20. You should remember that the yield in this reaction is good only if it goes to completion. 21. Students will be able to identify substances after some practice in qualitative analysis.
Ex. 11. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Selen katta sanoat ahamiyatiga ega emas. 2. Selen juda keng tarqalmagan bo'lsa ham, uni turli xil rudalarda topish mumkin. 3. Aytishimiz mumkinki, barcha selen atomlari oltingugurtdan ikki baravar yuqori. 5. Oltingugurt va selen juda o'xshash, shuning uchun oltingugurt reaktsiyalari selen reaktsiyalariga o'xshaydi. 6. Selen hidsiz va ta'msiz, ammo rangi bir necha bor o'zgarishi mumkin. 7. Selen bilan ishlaganda uning vodorod bilan birikmasi, vodorod sulfidiga qaraganda yomon hidga ega ekanligini yodda tutish kerak.
Ex. 12. Make up questions to the italicized parts of the sentence.
1. Selenium was discoveredby the Swedish chemist Berzelius in1817(4). 2. A piece of amorphous seleniumis rather hard and quite brittle, just as sulphuris (2). 3. The protective colloidcan prolong the lifeof the colloidal suspension o f selenium(3).
Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:
1.Why is there only little information about selenium in elementarytextbooks? 2. Why are the properties of selenium and sulphur alike?3. What are the physical properties of selenium? 4. What can you say about electrical conductivity of selenium and sulphur? 5. In what way can we prepare a colloid with selenium? 6 . How can the life of this colloid be prolonged?
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