1 2 -B IL E T
/. / d o n 't like m a th because it is difficult.
2. Speak on ihe theme “ M y favourite month” .
M y favourite month o f the year has to be D ecem ber because my birthday falls in this
month. W in ter holidays are on after tough second term unit tests. Its time fo r rest and
holidays. M y father takes us out station fo r our annual holiday. T h is is one high point o f
Decem ber.
Planning the holiday, booking tickets and hotels to buying new clothes and shoes are
g o o d fun.
I like the weather in Decem ber. It is not hot nor bone ch illin g cold like in January. Its
pleasant weather. I like to w ear sweaters, cardigans and m y w o o llen caps. M y mother
giv e s us hot chocolate m ilk to drink at night i f it gets too cold. Though I lo v e to cat ice
cream in the co ld weather. It tastes better.
M y birthday is at the end o f the month on 28th. I call my friends to m y birthday party.
W e celebrate by cutting the cake and playing games.
Then it is tim e to celebrate the N e w Year. T h e w h o le fa m ily is together because my
brother com es hom e fo r his w inter holidays. D ecem ber is m y favourite month because
m y brother com es hom e after a long six months. W e play gam es, read books and watch
m o vies together.
1. W h a t does h e d o in th e b a th ro o m ?
2. Speak about your fa vo u rite holiday.
21 March is the N avru z holiday. It is m y favourite holiday. It is the Asian N e w Year.
P eop le in Central A s ia celebrate this holiday. Th ere is a lot o f music, dancing and
singing. People in our country like it very much. T h ey d o not w ork on this day. T h ey
visit their friends and fa m ily and say “ H appy N a vru z” . T h e y invite them to their homes.
O ften they take their children to the park. Th is is the first day o f the spring holidays in
schools. Children lo v e Navruz.
1 5 - B I L E T
1. M y frie n d 's to y fs b ig g e r than m y toy.
2. Speak on th e th e m e "D om estic anim als".
M ost people keep dom estic animals in their house. S om e dom estic animals w ork fo r
people. S om e o f them g iv e people food. Sheep g iv e meat and w oo l. C o w s and goats
g iv e milk. Hens, ducks, geese, turkeys g iv e meat and eggs. W e have a doc. four sheep, a
c o w and hens. I am not bored with them. I lik e to feed them e v e ry day. W hen I have
spare time I play w ith m y d o g. Its name is “ O lapar” . It’ s so funny. He likes eating bones
and playing with me.
/. Pupils m u s tn 't pla y fo o t b a ll in the classroom .
2. Speak on th e th e m e "U zb ek m eals".
U zbek people cook palov. manti and shashlik. Th ere are a lot o f cakes, ja m and
sweets. A n d o f course w om en cook sumalak. T h ey must be good at cook in g it. Children
like sumalak. A ll the children in the A b d u lla ev fa m ily like eating sumalak very much.
T h e ir m other cooks it eve ry yearA n important place in the U zbek meals is occupied by
hot soups Cshurpa) on strong broth. A s a rule, they are dense, spicy, with lots o f
vegetables and greens.
In the U zbek tradition, it is customary to c o ok soups on lo w heat and salt at the very
end. U niqu e soups o f U zbek fo od are mastava (fro m meat, rice and vegetables, w'hich is
served with sour m ilk, pepper and spices): mashkhurda (bean soup with rice, potatoes,
onions, herbs and sour m ilk ); mash-atala (thick soup o f roasted fat. onion, carrots, beans
and flou r); moshubirinch (mutton, tomatoes, beans and rice); ch olop (c o ld soup from
sour m ilk, radishes, cucumbers and greens). U zbek noodles are almost alw ays cook ed
with meat.
1. Cow-calf, cat-kitten, dog- pwppy.
2. Speak on th e th e m e "M y h om etow n /village".
Th ere are many beautiful cities and tow ns in the w orld. I w ou ld like to visit som e o f
them, to see w ith my o w n eyes what I have read o r heard about. But there is no place
like hom e. I lo v e my native city. I was born here and liv e with m y parents. It ’s not the
capital, but it is a w onderful place to live.
M y city is old and modem at the same time. It is old because it was founded in the I Ith
century. A t that time its streets w ere narrow, dark and dirty. N o w m y c ity looks m odem
because o f its architecture. A lm o st all the buildings w ere built after the war. Th e streets
and avenues arc w ide and clean.
/. W h e re d c d y o u g o yesterday? / w e n t to th e m u se u m
2. Speak a b o u t yo u r fa v o u rite anim al. W h y d o you like it?
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