Denau Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy Faculty of Pedagogy and Exact Sciences Primary education 3BT-20 group student Raxmatulloyeva Xosila's independent work on English
1954-yil 26-aprelda AndijondaMarhamat tumanida tug‘ilgan.
He was born on 26 th of April in 1954 in Markhamat district in Andijan.
Respublika rus tili va adabiyoti institutiga o‘qishga kirdi, so‘ngra O‘zbekiston kitobxonlar jamiyatiga muharrir lavozimida ishga kirdi.
he entered the Republican Institute of Russian Language and Literature, after which he joined the Uzbek Society of Readers as an editor.
Birinchi she’ri 1976 yilda “O‘zbekiston adabiyoti va san’ati” gazetasida bosilgan. Oradan 9 yil o‘tib, 1985-yilda shoirning “Tanish teraklar” nomli ilk she’riy to‘plami nashrdan chiqdi.
His first poem was published in 1976 in the newspaper "Uzbekistan's literature and art". Nine years later, in 1985, the poet's first collection of poems "Familiar Poplars" was published.
Ijodiy ish
“Tanish teraklar” (1985), “Bubulga gapim bor” (1987), “Duo” (1988), “Uxlayotgan qiz” (1989), “Halima xudolari” (1989), “Muhabbat kemasi” (1990), “Qalbimdagi do‘st” (1991), “Vafosizlik ko‘p” (1991), “Erkak kiyik” (1992), “Seni jannatga olib ketaman” (1998).
Creative work
“Familiar Poplars” (1985), “I Have a Say to the Nightingale” (1987), “Prayer” (1988), “Sleeping Girl” (1989), “Gods of Halima” (1989), “Ship of Love” (1990), “A Friend in My Heart” (1991), “There is a lot of unfaithfulness” (1991), “Male deer” (1992), “I will take you to heaven” (1998).
Muhammad Yusuf, “Toshkent oqshomi” gazetasi muxbiri, G‘afur G‘ulom nomidagi adabiyot va san’at bosh muharriri, “O‘zbekiston ovozi” gazetasi muxbiri, Milliy axborot agentligi bosh muharriri o‘rinbosari O‘zbekistonning “Tafakkur” jurnali bo‘lim mudiri.
Then Muhammad Yusuf, correspondent of the newspaper "Tashkent Oqshomi", editor-in-chief of the literature and art named after Gafur Ghulam, correspondent of the newspaper "O'zbekiston ovozi", deputy editor-in-chief of the National News Agency of Uzbekistan, " Tafakkur ”magazine is the head of the department
1996 yilda shoir O‘zbekiston Yozuvchilar uyushmasiga a’zo bo‘ldi. Dastlab adabiy maslahatchi, 1997 yildan umrining oxirigacha O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Yozuvchilar uyushmasi raisi o‘rinbosari bo‘lib ishlagan.
In 1996, the poet became a member of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan. Initially, he worked as a literary consultant, from 1997 to the end of his life as Deputy Chairman of the Writers' Union of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Shoirning adabiyot rivojiga qo‘shgan hissasi yuqori baholandi. Birinchi Prezidentimiz Islom Karimovning farmoni bilan Muhammad Yusuf “Do‘stlik” ordeni va O‘zbekiston xalq shoiri unvoni bilan tag'dirlandi.
The poet's contribution to the development of literature was appreciated. By the decree of the first President Islam Karimov, Muhammad Yusuf was awarded the Order of Friendship and the People's Poet of Uzbekistan.
Shoir she’rlari zamirida buyuk muhabbat, ado etmagan burch, beg‘araz muhabbat, el-yurtga o‘g‘illik sadoqati mujassam.
The great love, undischarged duty, the non-execution of the unrespected love, the faithfulness of sonness to the country – are based on the poems of the poet.
. U go‘yo osmonda qanot qoqib yurgan qushdek juda yengil va yorug‘ hayot kechirgandek edi. Lekin shoirning umri juda erta uzildi. Ijodiy bosqich parvozi uzildi... Shoir 2001 yil 29 iyulda vafot etdi.
. It was as if he had lived a very light and bright life, like a bird fluttering its wings in the skies. But the poet's life was cut short very early. The flight of the creative phase was interrupted… The poet died on July 2001, 29.
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