151. Some think that ambition is a good quality. Is it important to be ambitious? Isit a positive or negative characteristic? What is your opinion? 150 words

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151. Some think that ambition is a good quality. Is it important to be ambitious? Isit a positive or negative characteristic? What is your opinion? 150 words.
In many situations, an ambition is highly regarded. An enthusiasm can show the right path, help to work hard and achieve the dream. Although aspiration has a dark side, I believe, within the limit, ambition is a driving force towards success.To begin with, anything, which is in excess, is good for nothing. It is applicable to vigour also. Pretension is often associated with negative characteristics such as greed, intolerance, power and so on. To become a wealthy man within a short time, force people to resort unfair means to heap wealth. It is also linked with ruthlessness. An honest man cannot leave a blind eye on corruption, which otherwise provide him a huge sum of money as bribes. Additionally, it can block out human feelings such as friendship, compassion, respect for others, and may leave them solitary. For instance, people who want power and money at any cost; neglect the needs of their friends, the reward will be often lonely.However, there are so many benefits of having a prompt zeal. Firstly, being ambitious means, understanding that we have abilities and we can become better. Proper planning help us to make out paths for success in our personal, family, or professional lives. For instance, an desire of becoming a Doctor, make people realize the skills need for it and work hard to fulfil it. Secondly, it teaches resilience. When problems arise, ambitious people find a way to overcome it.In short, ambition is often portrayed negatively. Without that spirit, our lives become mechanical and meaningless. We need to create ambitions, and enjoy the better present and future. At the same time, we should not be over ambitious

152.In some countries, celebrities earn higher salaries than senior politicians. What are the reasons for this? Is it a negative or positive development? (150 words)

Famous people are increasingly earning a substantial amount of money. In some countries the salaries of celebrities are significantly higher than the high ranking politicians. This essay will discuss the reasons for this phenomenon and why it is unfair.Celebrities are richer than politicians because they have a talent of some sort as the majority of famous people are entertainers, people love entertainment and they will pay to see a rare talent so the more talent the entertainer has the more fame that person will get and the richer he will become. But in the case of politicians they earn fixed salaries from the government which does not provide large salaries even for senior officials, their salaries are moderate and will never equal a celebrity monthly income because the government budget is limited and most of it is used to improve people lives for things like infrastructure and healthcare.Entertainers earning more money than politicians is highly detrimental as it might lead to corruption because politician who works in the government might become corrupt if they feel they are treated unfairly so when they see that people who are less important as them earning more money they think it is not stealing if they transfer funds from the government to their own pockets. To conclude, celebrities are gaining more money than essential workers like politicians because people love entertainers but governments should ensure that politicians earn good salaries in order to become corrupts.
153.Today single-use products are still very common. What are the problems associated with this? What are some possible solutions? (150 words)
Disposal products are widespread nowadays. People exercise tableware, personal protection equipment, medical staff in their daily routine, but using them causes numerous problems the society should tackles. One of the biggest problems is obviously environmental pollution. Many single-use products are made of polymer materials. These goods have a long-term decomposition period. The latest research shows that plastic contains additives which make it stronger. They can extend the life of the garbage at least to 400 years before it breaks down. I think the government should commence some programs to encourage recycling, especially in developing countries. That is supposed to reduce the average tonnage of litter we have year by year. Another issue is animals which eat plastic. Once synthetic garbage gets to the ocean, it definitely becomes a part of the feed process for the fauna. Next, when people eat those animals, they are eating that plastic as well. What is more unappetizing is that there will be more plastic than fish in 2050. This problem could be addressed directly to the society which would behave in a more responsible manner to decrease disposal product turnover. For example, people could bring their own reusable shopping bags and cups for beverages when they go to the grocery store or coffee shop. Summing up, single-use products are very popular, but the damage overwhelms conveniences. Authorities should encourage zero waste programs, increase recycling rates, and provide the possibility of separate garbage collection.

154.People do not often interact with their neighbours and this can be harmful for building communities. How can this be solved? 150 words.

It is true that people no longer communicate with their neighbours and this has impacted the society negatively. While busy lifestyles and family commitments are the first to blame , there are other factors involved which have viable solutions.Firstly , the reason why people don’t mingle as much with their neighbours is lack of time in their busy schedule , trying to balance professional and personal life at the same time. Moreover , if their schedule does clear up, they prefer to engage in a leisure activity they cherish rather than interacting with neighbours. Secondly , with an alarming increase in crime rates, not only people feel less secure within their community , they also have low level of trust towards anyone, including their very own next door neighbour. To exemplify , according to major online statistics , crime rates have soared up compared to a century ago. As a result , people have built higher barriers around their house , with some even installing electric fences ; thus , they have become more isolated. Finally , lack of interesting community activities that would result in public engagement , is another reason why people aren’t as much connected with their neighbours. However on the bright side there are number of solutions to tackle some of these issues. One possible solution is government improving security measures within the communities with police patrolling the streets round the clock. As a result, people will feel more confident stepping out of the safety of their home into the streets and communicating with their neighbours. In conclusion , neighbours are like extended families. Hence , despite the many reasons that people avoid communicating, there are a number of viable solutions that can be put forth by the government and local authorities to encourage interaction with our neighbours
155.More and more people today are drinking sugar-based drinks.
What are the reasons for this? What are the solutions? How can this be solved? 150 words.
In recent times, the consumption of sugar-based drinks have increased drastically by the people, which might deter their health. This essay will discuss the potential causes of the above notion, along with the remedies to curb it.
To begin with, the reasons behind the high rate of consumption of sugar-based drinks are their attractive promotions with the preferable test and the modern lifestyle of the people encourage them towards it. Nowadays, in a competitive market, the manufacturers of soft drinks promote their products with the face of famous celebrities; as a result, many youngsters are attracted to such unhealthy drinks. Moreover, the drinks consist of sugar as its main component, which provides good taste and the people get the affection to such products. For instance, Indian Cricket Team is promoting a sugar-based drink called Pepsi, hence many cricket fans used to have that product to imitate their favourite team.Firstly, the people should develop a habit to read all the contents of the soft drinks, which they are going to consume. Although, all the soft drinks are not having excessive sugar, they should choose such alternative products. Secondly, the parents should guide their adolescents not to imitate everything which is broadcasted on TV and newspaper advertisements and aware them about potential negative side of such products. Lastly, the government should run awareness campaigns throughout the country about healthy diet. For example, Fit India campaign has integrated many citizens towards healthy dietary.
In conclusion, the habit of drinking sugar-based drinks of the people would not be changing rapidly. But the preventive efforts of an individual and the local authority will bring positive change in society gradually.
156.Many parents complain about violence promoted to their children through video games, TV programs and other media.
Why is it happening? How can this be solved? 150 words.
As we all know that that day by day the clash is being promoted through TV shows and children's are catching faster as compared to the elders. These days, media programs are fast growing platform in our country and through this we are learning many news ideas and bad ideas. Today's point parents are more worried about their children's behaviour and about their life because they are taking more interest in video games and watch shows due to which they are learning assault act. It's very hard to find, out the best solution to tackle the problem. Firstof all, disorder plays an important role in children's life because they spend more time playing games and to watch programs due to which they are affecting their life. Youngsters and teenagers are considering the violent games as the best source of entertainment. To solve the problem, a grateful scenario should be applied by the government. They should build the sports Complex for the children's in the society so that they spend their time and plan for the educational hub centre and for cultural programs. Secondof all, shows often contain the violent programs so as to increase, there ERP rate. From my point of view, parents must spend points with their children's and make them learn about the daily useful things to them. They should guide them about good and bad things which are happening in the society or surroundings. To conclude, children are impacted by the bloodshed console games, through programs since they spend more moment on things containing lots of clash. To solve the problem, the role of government and parents is so important.

157.Environmental problems such as pollution and climate change are increasing. The government have taken measures at global level but they got only few solutions. How can this be solved? 150 words.

Nature's address many issues, such as global warming and pollution. In the modern era,
This has drastically transformed the life of the populace. In spite of all this, many efforts have been taken to deal with such sensitive global problems, but somehow all the efforts turn to fail. There are numerous reasons for the failure of all the trials. First and foremost reason is not obeying the rules made by government to decrease Air pollution.For example, recently, Delhi Government, came with a policy such as even/odd. Where days were divided for even numbered car to drive on some day and odd numbered car to be driven on other. In spite of knowing the fact, that air pollution is hampering our Environment, population does not take it seriously and break rules. Also, this has caused some serious health issues. For example, Airway disease like Asthma. Secondly, how hard government tries, with solo efforts, they alone cannot plant trees alone to curb global warning. Citizens equal contribution is needed and we do not take initiative to plant trees. Therefore, Ozone layer has thinned out. In Australia, due to thinning of an Atmospheric layer, every fifth person is at risk to face diseases like skin cancer. There are Plethora of way to deal global climatic change. One should not use less car and closer distances should be covered by walking or by the use of Bicycle. In Extreme conditions.

158.Nowadays international tourism is the biggest industry worldwide. Unfortunately, sometimes it creates tension between people from different cultures instead of better understanding.Why do you think it is happening and how can it be improved?

International tourism becomes one of the most important industries contribute the economic development of a nation. Though, it is argued that international tourism has led to conflict rather than understanding between people. In my opinion, I largely disagree with this statement because this problem can be solved. Each country always has its own cultures and traditions, so the conflicts between tourists and locals are often happening because lack of understanding of them. For example, in Vietnam, when Vietnamese people receive a gift, they will open it in the absence of the giver. This action shows politeness and respect. And in England, when British people receive a gift, they will open in front of the giver. Because according to them, they will express sincerity to the giver. However, tourism plays a crucial role in building bridges between different cultures of the world. For instance, when people come to other countries, they will explore and gain knowledge about traditions, languages, history… this is a good way to spread the cultures to the world and contribute to increasing the numbers of tourists.To summary, it is clear that the tourism industry is an essential part of the economic growth of a country. In my opinion, the conflicts between tourists and locals is not complex and we absolutely settle it.
159.Plagiarism in the academic world has become a pressing problem in many countries today.
What are the causes of this problem? What are some possible solutions? (150 words) In the modern world, due to the development of advanced technologies and availability of academic information, plagiarism has become a burning issue in many countries. However, there are solutions for them.First and foremost, the main cause of this problem is the progression of digital technologies. Nowadays, many students have an opportunity to share, to copy and save the information on the flesh cards as well as on the internet. In this reason, although many professors and teachers are complaining about this issue, the majority of students are keen to steal the information from the Wikipedia, instead of researching the work by themselves. To illustrate, Wikipedia has become one of the most popular website on the net, because of students’ visits. Secondly, accessibility of academic works made the situation worse. In this regard, there is an opinion that a special system is needed in order to regulate copyrights. For example, if the researches and works of individuals are protected by special system or law, learners will do their best in order to create their articles and scientific works. However, there are many possible solutions for this problem. First of all, the authorities of academic institutions should prohibit the use of mobile phones and electrical gadgets during the lectures and practical lessons in order to decrease the number of plagiarism. Furthermore, it can lead to the improvement of performances of learners. For example, many private schools claimed that their students’ marks improved, when they prohibit the use of electrical gadgets. Secondly, copyrights should be protected. In this regard, universities should penalize the learners, who steals the materials of other individuals. A good illustration of this is deduction, because many students are concerned about their studies. In conclusion, although many people tend to think that plagiarism cannot be defeated, others feel that protecting copyright and prohibition of mobiles phones can be viable options

160.Nowadays more tasks at home and work are being performed by robots.

Is this a negative or positive development? (150 words)
Modern technology has brought gigantic revolution all across the world. Presently, most of the people depend on the new instruments which brought good and bad effects on our society. Here, I would like to throw light on its causes and impact on society.To begin with specific reasons, firstly human beings lead a adequate standard of living through performing everyday activities from such advanced machines. To illustrate, using robots for daily purpose save their precious time as well as fulfill their work accurately are excellent benefits. As a result, technology has blessed with such a brilliant innovation to lead a aristocratic lifestyle. Moreover, robots are safe, effective and accessible to perform human orders .therefore, this trend of using robotics is gaining ground in this fast paced era.
There are multifarious points to shore up its shiner sides. Firstly, robotics plays a paramount role to make life easier and more convenient. To elaborate, having access to such gadgets not only offers comfortable life but also advanced lifestyle to it users. On the contrary, this phenomenon has serious drawbacks. To start with, in many situations robots start to replace human beings which lead to unemployment. For example, in many factories robots are taking place of humans so the people have to find new jobs or be refrained. Finally, people can suffer from crisis in term of employment due to these advanced machines. Lastly, robots cost much money in maintenance and repair so everyone will not be able to handle the budget all time.To recapitulate, in my opinion this trend has positive but a lot of negative effect on our society as well as on our planet. In order to live a healthy life, we need to reduce dependency on modern technology.
161.People are becoming too dependent on the Internet and phone.
Is it a positive or negative development? (150 words)
It is often argued that individuals are too much relying on the web and smartphones for many things, such as work and study. This essay believes that this is a welcome development because these technologies make working lifeless laborious and help students in their studies.
Firstly, the internet and mobile phones assist men and women in their work. This is because the things that used to take a lot of time and energy now can be done at the touch of a button, using the internet and smartphones. As a result, people, these days, have more free time that they can use productively for other purposes. For instance, communication between employees and companies has significantly enhanced because of emails, which did not exist in the past and workers have more leisure time, which they utilize efficiently to learn new skills.Secondly, cellphones and the internet facilitate students in their education. This is because learners, nowadays, have access to unlimited information and they can properly utilize it in their studies, whereas, in the past, they had to depend on their teachers or libraries. In conclusion, people depend too much on the internet and mobile devices for their education, work, and multiple other things and it is a positive development because these technological advancements aid people in their employment and improve their way of learning.

162.Things like puzzles, board games and pictures can contribute to a child’s development. What would you give a child to help him/her develop and why? Give details and examples in your explanation.

Items like puzzles, board games and pictures undoubtedly holds a significant contribution to the child's growth. I strongly believe that these items are the inevitable factor for the kid's development who ranges between anyone from the time of birth to until the age of teenager.
Firstly, Puzzles as it sounds like a riddle is a most easy to do task but only once you become used to it. Children should be encouraged to play puzzle games because, they will see a lot of different pieces of the puzzle scattered on table, they would send signals to brain to recognize and identify the objects they know and separate them from different objects. After this, kids brain and hands work in tandem, which actually helps them to find the right piece and fit it into the puzzle accurately. For example, it has been observed that children who were exposed to puzzles first time were filled with anxiety and fear and looks astonished as compared to the others who play it on a regular basis.Second, important item is board-games which are very common and quite popular among kids but not all forms of it. The children should try to play most of the varieties of the board game because it helps especially the young kids to recollect the numbers of dice, they can easily locate the safe and unsafe spots on board games and on top of that they are aware of some dangers like a snake bite in board games. To conclude, the items like puzzles, board games and pictures, all three of them are vital in the overall child development, and if ignored, it can bring detrimental effects to the children overall growth and development 
163.Do you think it is better for students to work before their university study? Why? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.
(150 words)
Some people say that students should take up employment before joining a university to continue further study. I would completely agree with this opinion as the practical experience gained will help students to perform better in their academics and moreover, will give them financial freedom. This essay will explain this in detail.
First of all, students who work in the area of the specialized course which they intend to study at a university, will greatly help them in understanding the concepts faster and will score better when compared to the students without job experience. They can correlate the academic lessons with the hands-on knowledge they gained during their employment. This is quite evident when we examine the report, published by University of Michigan that the students who have prior work experience, scored better in their academics when compared to those who doesn’t have job experience.Secondly, there are monetary benefits. Working in a firm will give the students the financial freedom and some students can even be able to pay their tuition fees with the money they saved during their employment. This gives them a sense of responsibility and will make them feel proud of being independent. In summary, taking up an employment in their relevant field of study will help students, who wish to study at a university. This will also make them financially independent. In the future, more students are likely to take up an employment before starting their education at a university.

164.Students perform better in school when they are rewarded rather than punished. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (150 words)

School is the second home of every child. Children learn discipline and character building lessons in school. Whatever the teacher says impacts the child’s mind directly. So if any teacher scolds a child that can affect a child and can make him afraid of school and teachers. This can be an obstacle in his life and he will totally detach and miss the schooling. Therefore, it is better to reward a child for his little achievement rather than punishing him for his silly mistake.
Rewarding is itself a very appreciating thing. It makes a child more involved in his studies. He becomes more and more enthusiastic about things. As he is rewarded, he becomes so fond of school and his teachers. Eventually he will become a regular school coming boy. So we can see a small appreciation of rewarding, for doing good in school or doing good in school sports can make him better in any way. Therefore, rewarding is good in all aspects.To sum up, punishment is not recommended at all to change the behavior of an irregular and dull child. Rewarding them and giving them affectionate advice can change them in a good way and help them all over his life.
165.Some people think that schools have to be more entertaining, while others think that their sole purpose is to educate. Which do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)
It is undeniably true that the major purpose of schools is to educate pupil; however, many people argue that entertainment is quite essential in the school premises for the holistic development of students. I also advocate that extra-curricular activities play a crucial role in the physical and mental growth of a child.To begin with, physical participation in non-educational activities such as sport, drama, art enhance the cognitive skills of the children. This is because such recreation offer opportunities to the learners to interact with their peers, which helps them to comprehend their strength and weakness. For example, a recent study by the World Health Organisation found that teenagers who often participate in sports or other activities excel in their academics and social life as compared to those who are physically inactive in recreational habits.Furthermore, much emphasis on academics could lead to certain health associated problems. Unfortunately, today's parents and education structure place the huge burden in toddler's mind. In order to achieve high percentage, students usually engage in the persistent study which can isolate them from society. Owing to this separation, children may avoid the other facets of life, leading to the disinterest in study and frustration.In conclusion, it is evident that non-educational activities provide a platform to explore to the learners to be better off in their life. In my opinion, besides academics, schools and parents should priorities the extra-curricular activities because it could help children to prevent themselves from health and social illness.

166.Nowadays computer education is compulsory for your learners in most schools. Do you think this is necessary or will children acquire these skills naturally from their daily interaction with technology everywhere? Provide your opinion and use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (150 words

Computer literacy is one of the most essentials education for every student. Nevertheless, computer education is compulsory for all pupil in most of the schools. This essay will discuss necessity of learning computer and provide positive points to compete with technology as daily interaction of life.With growing technology, life became faster than before. Everybody should get adequate knowledge to survive with highly technologically advanced lifestyle. I strongly support that every school must have compulsory computer subject to deliver ample amount of knowledge to every student. For example, from last one decades in India, most of the school has taken this subject as important as other subject. So that student from very early age can get rid of the fear of computer and gain interest to learn it. Few schools are agreed with the online version of study as well as examination system to provide their student a different dimension. For example, e-learning concept of study has been introduce. This concept only saves the time oftransportation but also helps one to record the entire session as replay the video. It is really difficult for a student to acquire these skills naturally from their daily interaction with technology everywhere. Student should not be allowed to do so as technology has good effects as well bad.In conclusion, we are blessed with technology. New generation must have computer knowledge to enrich themselves.

167.Some people believe that children should do organised activities in their free time while others believe that children should be free to do what they want to do in their free time. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (150 words)

The utilization of free time by children has been a topic of discussion for quite a long time, and still there exists controversy regarding the topic. While some feel that they should be engaged in organized activities, others think they should be let free completely. Both views have their own significance, and hence a detailed discussion is needed before framing a logical conclusion.On the one hand, the former group highlights the importance of systematic growth and development of both body and mind when children are made engaged in organized activities at their free time. To be precise, such activities are designed in such a way that it suits the physical, mental and even emotional development of a child. For example, the duration, type and rules of organized activities help children to grow up in a highly-systematic manner. This also helps them to develop emotional maturity and to understand the balance between competition and co-operation in life.

168.Some people think that a person improves intellectual skills better when doing group activities. To what extent do you agree? Use specific details and examples to explain your view. (150 words)

In present days,there is an argument about which way should be more beneficial for getting skills.Is working in a team better than working alone?I think working with team is better than working individual.In my essay I will discuss the reason in detail.To begin with,inevitably people need to participate in group activities.Human is a social being.so,he must know how to behave in society .By participating in group activities,one can learn how to follow rules,and work as a team.Sports activities teach us co-operation,and respect others rights,and so on.In other words,we always get support from team members and that’s gives us lots of confidence.we can learn more skills and gain knowledge from others.Secondly,when we do team activities, we realised that communication skills are most important.Team work is always gives us good advice that,what we do and how to do.for example,A recent study of Hindustan Tribune showed that,a person who had attached with different teams,is a more active and skilled.In conclusion,I believe that group activities improve the intellectual of an individual.Team activities are definitely a best teacher of life skills,then solo activities.

169.Compared to the past, more people are now studying abroad because it is more convenient and cheaper than before. Do you think this is beneficial to the foreign student's home country? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

Recently, studying abroad has been becoming a trend for students all over the world due to its inexpensive price and convenience. Having more and more students who choose learning in another country, people start to wonder whether the learner’s home country will get some benefits or take disadvantages. In my opinion, every coin has two sides and there is no doubt on this score.On one hand, they bring a huge number of perks for their nation. Firstly, students who are expatriates hope to achieve an unsurpassed education basis. After equipped with higher standard of knowledge, they come back to their country and begin to serve. The more people study abroad, the more the country is developed. Secondly, learners, who are accepted by another country’s schools, are extraordinary. They have aim, passion and effort. They will light up their hometown’s name sooner or later. Lastly, they will be a best bridge to connect people from all over the world with their country.On the other hand, there’s no denying that this has created some bad effects for their own nationality. Firstly, there are no less than a large number of news that reported about pupils who assimilate abroad committed a crime or break the government’s rules. That is a big shame for their nation. Lastly, students nowadays tend to stay in the country that nurture their talents. It leads to manpower shortages. With many developing countries, it is an enormous loss in workforce.To sum up, in spite of some good points, it still remains some inevitable drawbacks. The hometown should put many plans that is pleased the learners into action in order to appeal to them to come back and work.
170.Some people think that children should be homeschooled when they are very young while others think it is better for them to attend a kindergarten. Which do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (150 words) There is no doubt that education whether given in school or at home plays a significant role in overall development of a child. While few individuals believe that, young learners should be educated at home, others argue that they should be admitted to institutions for learning purposes. I do not completely agree with these views and would support my explanation with relevant examples.On the one hand, when children are provided education at residence, they get proper attention and care needed. This is because, tutors have less students to monitor, which in turn help scholars to focus more on studies as well as enjoy the comfort of home. For example, a study done by the UK news channel reported that, children who were home schooled had much better behaviour and mental stability than pre-school kids. As a result, they were growing up in a healthy and safe environment leading to a positive effect on personality. In contrast, since these pupils are overactive and enthusiastic, they need more space and companions to enjoy themselves, which they cannot have easily at home.On the other hand, receiving education in kindergarten from a very young age plays a crucial role in neuro-cognitive development of a child. The reason for this is, the group interaction among children, which make them understand the value of group activities. For instance, because I was sent to kindergarten at a young age I believe to have gained self-confidence and learnt importance of team work that has led me to a path of success. However, many students may feel lonely and dejected due to large number of pupil craving teacher’s attention. As a consequence, they feel miserable and pay less attention in class. In conclusion, although many young learner’s are home schooled with all the attention and comfort given to them, I personally believe that the exposure they receive in kindergarten plays an essential role in preparing them for the future.

171.Computers have become so advanced and interactive that students in the future will have no need for a human educator in the classroom. Do you agree? Why or why not? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your answer. (150 words)

Owing to the advancement in computers are getting more popular from last two decade. It is undoubted that any sector of society doesn’t find the necessity of the computers. It also seems that the education sector is one of them. Some people believe that due to improvement in technology of computers, there is no need of teachers to educate children. However, other people argue opposite to it. In my opinion, computers cannot take place of a human’s brain so I believe that learn teachers are necessary in the classroom to educate students. There are innumerous advantages of computers. Computers can give enormous types of information, solve any difficult calculation in no fraction of seconds. Despite of having such advantages, how to use the computer related programs can be learned from teachers only. The computers can give methodology and solutions. The faculty knows the understanding level of student and with respect to that they teach student using different methods. Some students also excel in the study by appreciation from educators. It is very obvious that human to human interaction is stronger than human to machine. Teachers can use the computers to make the learning process interesting as per example, with PowerPoint presentation they can explain any difficult topic to student by using animation and colourful presentation. Teachers might have changed their conventional way of teaching in order to use the latest methods using computers. In conclusion, I opine that computer is a useful machine for education, but it can not be substitute of the teachers. The teacher plays vital role in the child's learning process. And so, by learning from teachers should continue in future.

172.In some countries, health care and education are only partially funded by the government. Some people argue that the government should be responsible for covering the full cost of these services. Do you support or oppose the opinion? Explain your position. (150 words)

There is no doubt that a well-developed healthcare system with good educational infrastructure acts as strong pillars for a country. While it is observed that, authorities are partially covering these necessary expenses, others argue that a complete responsibility should be taken by them. I do not completely agree with the above mentioned views and will support my explanation with relevant examples.On the one hand, hospitals and educational establishments play a crucial role in progress of nation. This is because, people should have a prompt well equipped medical support system, which can manage emergencies to save lives. For example, because I have ample knowledge about my health care rights, it can be used wisely whenever required for my family and myself. As a result, a sense of satisfaction and well- being is felt by my loved ones. In contrast, the council members should lay down laws and motivate citizens to pay their taxes and health- insurances on time.On the other hand, leaders should focus on other aspects of a state’s development to boost its economy. The reason is that, importance should be given to improving technology and infrastructure which holds a justified place in any nation’s progress. For instance, a study done by the UK news channel reported that, significant financial growth was observed that helped the authorities to improve their health care facilities and provide more educational institutes for students. However, diseases have always led to a financial burden on any province and should be addressed as a priority. Therefore, whether healthcare or educational system both needs equal attention by residents as well as leaders, which in turn would lead the country on a path of progress.In conclusion, while the administration should bear these necessary responsibilities, I believe that people can contribute to it by abiding by laws.

173.Some students do very well at school and never have problems while others fall behind. Are they capable of handling this challenge themselves or should teachers and parents help them? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. (150 words)

Learning is co-terminus with life. Intellectual abilities vary from student to student. Many children are slow learners and take time to grasp things. It is believed by many that such students handle this problem themselves, whereas others believe that they should be guided by their teachers and parents to improve. In my opinion proper guidance to young learners will prove to be beneficial. The essay would explicate how parents and teachers can help. To begin, teachers' roles in bestowing knowledge to the students are unquestionably vital. Firstly, their experience and knowledge nts below par learning ability speak volumes as they have the art of bringing home the concept to the students in the simplest way. Moreover, mentors do bring various illustrations to teach the students in a friendly and relaxed way. As a matter of fact, teachers have the ability not only to discern the capacity of the children but also clear the concept effectively. Thus depending upon them is worth. In addition to it, parents who have always been there with children right from their birth years know them through and through. They can recognise the problem, whether it is mental, physical or emotional that their ward is struggling with and eventually can fix it too. Parents can keep a close eye on the child. In conclusion, learning is crucial to every child and those with below normal ability should be helped. There should be collaborated efforts of both the parents and teachers in helping child to perform well academically. However over pressurizing such students may lead to create distaste towards studies. Hence, should be given space to learn by themselves.

174.Doing an enjoyable activity with a child can develop better skills and imagination than reading. To what extent do you agree? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your answer. (150 words)

Some experts advocate that offsprings should concentrate on interested task in order to develop better ability and intelligence rather than constantly reading. As far as I am concerned, I strongly agree that a child should focus on outdoor sports like football and badminton along with creating crafts and painting for more imaginations, while reading is not able to develop overall talent. It is an undeniable fact, that parents and educators are emphasizing on children to start developing reading skills since the initial years of the academic. To Add, the child should engage more in sport activities like football, to develop more social skills, playing in a team and badminton to enhance competitive learning. A recent study, for an instance, published previous year by UK government described the fact that those juveniles who play outdoor sports are more skilful and expand their infinite horizon of learning. Apart from that, it should not be forgotten that, concentrating on more creative tasks for an instance, craft and painting can expand imagination of the vulnerable mind of minor. It is because of, crafting and painting require more imagination and profound ideas, to put in the task to perform better at making an item or drawing on a paper. For an example, a research published in Economic Times revealed that despite developed reading skills at earlier stages, those children were fascinated more about craft and drawing can enlarge their creativity better than those whose sole purpose is only reading. On the other side, some traditionalists argue that reading various books either academic or general, can enhance creativity. The reason behind their beliefs are, due to reading has the infinite subjects that can shape the immature child to enhance ideas and thoughts. To conclude, even through reading can improve the abilities of juniors, parents and teachers should insist juvenile to establish multiple things that can perform analytical abilities and wider ingenuity through outdoor sports and focusing on creative tasks.

175.University students nowadays have too much freedom and do not study enough. To what extent do you agree and disagree? Explain your opinion, using specific reasons and examples. (150 words)

Some people insists that students in universities are not spending enough time on their studies and having too much leisure time. It seems that they are wasting their time, but they are truly struggling to get a job or to success in the cut-throat world. This essay totally disagree with the opinion that university students are not studying and will discuss why this situation is happening.It is undeniable that people in universities are putting much time to do something else, such as part-time jobs, unpaid internships and club activities, instead of putting their all energy on the studies. One of the major reasons is because companies require lots of experience as well as GPA. In the past the only thing that requirements to get a job was good marks in classes. However, since society have been competitive, applicants are required to do extra activities to fill their resumes to get a decent job.Furthermore, universities also encourage students to do non-academic activities and recreational activities to make them mentally and physically healthy, which end up leading them to get a satisfying job, and they do not allow students to graduate if they do not have any extra experiences. Nowadays, more companies want to employ the one who is mentally stable and can successfully communicate with colleagues, which means they no longer only require high scores(A and A+). Hence, students have had to do volunteering and work out to make their portfolio. For instance, Seoul National University have let students submit their portfolio to graduate.To sum up, even if it seems that they are not studying enough compared to past students, it is because current students are required to do extra activities by companies and schools. They are actually doing both studying and non-academic things

176.The internet has become so efficient and popular that many people rely on it for learning. Some suggest that it could replace the use of books as the main source of knowledge for education. Do you support or oppose the opinion? Explain your position. (150 words)

In the 20th century, people growing with the digital world. internet has become more efficient and popular that many people rely on it for learning. I extremely support it I have explore few points in below paragraphs.lnternet is powerful source in all fields. I would say internet is backbone of the success. Additionally, everything is available on internet if we want to search about anything it is available on internet. Besides, with the low price of internet data it is easy to use for everyone. In term of education internet playing main role. Such as, if we have to create a project, we do not have any idea of that, and we need to search it on YouTube definitely we will get good information for it. Furthermore, without internet life is empty. Nowadays books have been replaced with the internet. student search the data on google and create their own notes and it is easy to understand when they revise it. In my opinion, students more rely on computer instead of books.Books knowledge is good but in comparison to internet, it was old thing. In modern world technologies growing up. For example, when we create nots for any specific topic, in previous days we need to go through the 2-3 books then can collect the good content. however, today's world just enter the topic of google and get the lots of suggestions. Likewise, within 1-2 minutes we get the multiple suggestions and practical videos for it.To draw a conclusion, internet is base. using it can build a strong building. Thoughts are surrounds just click and grape it. however, books reading good in nature but for fastest world need to walk fast according to technologies speed. Hence, internet is the best source for learning.

177.What do you think is the best way to find a job: by gaining more knowledge and education or through more practical skills? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details. (150 words)

The question whether profound learning or practical skills would play a more vital role in gaining a job is questionable at best. Putting the discussion in a wider context, the connection between knowledge and expertise has always been debatable. This essay will discourse the position of academic education and experimental expertise in career paths.Knowledge emphasizes theory and information, acting as a firm foundation for climbing the career ladder. Those who acquire higher education stand a chance of forming intellectual thinking, therefore solving problems civilized and logically.Also, a degree or certificate can impress the enterprises when it shows that people have a proper learning. Thus, academic education may possess a more privileged standing in experimental-related fields, which demands a bulk of information and ideas.On the other hand, dexterity stresses practice and the way to handle circumstances clear-out. While knowledge can be gained through instruction, life skills are not that easy since it comes through time and exposure to real-life situations. It assists one to settle the problems smoothly and reasonably. There is a host of skills to be named, but cultivating relevant job skills may do a great service to one’s career positions.All in all, I would argue that albeit either theoretical knowledge or life dexterity are given precedence in some fields, they are inextricably linked in order to function the work effectively. Grasping information owing to knowledge as wellas knowing how to do work compellingly through practical skills will produce the best result.

178.Do you think that education and training should be completely free or it is better to require fully paid tuition? Which way do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (150 words)

In this modern era, one of the most serious issues is improving the level of knowledge and skills among people and especially youngsters. I firmly believe that it should be free of cost as literacy is the obvious right of everybody and also in this way, we will witness to upgrading the level of societies and less negative behaviours. To begin with, some parents may have not enough effort for paying tuition and if the government do not register their children free of cost, they will lose the chance of growing up in a suitable trace. So, the financial level should be omitted as a condition of enrolling in schools and we must have adequate seats in public schools for all students without any constraint. A good example of this opinion is about villages and deprived regions of our country, which the government established co-educational primary and secondary schools for them and as a result, now most of the children are living in these areas have at least the elementary literate. On the other hand, there are several benefits for both individuals and society with regard to decreasing illiteracy as teenagers are busy with their assignments and at the same time, their insight is going to be better. In this society, definitely, we are facing fewer criminal events by immature young. A survey conducted by an Iranian university in 2021, showed that the rate of non-violent and drug-related crimes among teenagers between 15 and 18 years old, fell drastically, compared to the last decade in which the proportion of literate pupils has had significant growth. In conclusion,I would say, in my opinion, all fields of training and the educational system should be free of charge. It absolutely takes a chance for children who are poor, to continue their studies and have a better life. Also without any doubt, it will decrease the possibility of committing crimes among young people.

179.Students should be completely free to choose whether to study or play games. They should be allowed to manage their own time. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. (150 words)

Time Management is one of the key task in everybody's life. However, most of the people fail at doing so. This may be because of their priorities or either their work pressure. Students life is balanced only when it has both study and play. According to me, a student should be given free hand to manage their own time.Firstly, A person's own experience will help him acquire new skills. In order to learn how to manage time, a person should learn from his mistakes. Lets take an example of person, who fails to wake up early in the morning in order to manage his tasks. Later on, the person realises how to wake early in order to get the work done. Moreover, every individual own knowledge will give him the required self-confidence and the individual will never do the mistake again.Although the student may learn time management, On the flip side, there are some demerits too. The person may fail numerous time in order to overcome the arrangement of schedule problem. This may lead to depression of the person. Students may also fail at examinations if they fail at time management. Moreover, some students may opt only for games instead of studies. This may lead to collapse of their educational life.Finally, as the advantages outnumbered the disadvantages, I think students must be given a free hand in order to manage their own time

180.Some people think that real life skills like cooking, housekeeping and gardening should be included in the curriculum as compulsory subjects? Do you agree or disagree? Explain your opinion, using specific reasons and details. (150 words)

In order to survive, cooking, housekeeping and gardening are the most essential part for every person’s life. Few people believe that these crucial real life skills are one of the most key part which must be included in regular syllabus as a mandatory subjects. This essay will provide detailed overview of my opinion whether I agree on the same or not and also showcase few valid examples to support my views.In my opinion, I agree that life lessons are necessary to support oneself during any emergency. Firstly, there are some educational organizations which accepts such subjects as obligatory students are bound to learn them just like other subjects. This may help them in future numerous ways. For example, Ramakrishna Mission is following the same concept since it was founded. According to this institution, having knowledge about these household activities provide them a different view. Secondly, these studies are not only provide an another view but also teach one how to manage regular domestic works along with work life. As an example, we often face various difficulties during work life. Mostly, people are unable to manage both lives together. In order to prioritize the work, we don’t get time for gardening or cooking or cleaning house.It is always recommended that one should keep up balance. Otherwise, we will not have time to cook. Our house also needs attention to get clean regular basis or weekly basis. Having a mandatory section for these subjects increase the awareness as well as time management capability from the very early days of one’s life.To summarized, common or regular homemaker job task is recommended to all educational institute to keep it as compulsory to let the youngsters how to manage all of them in even manner during busy life style.
181.Childcare has always been of primary concern and importance. Do you think that courses designed to help mothers are necessary or can they acquire the essential knowledge through personal experience? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)
Child is most expensive gift to a mother and father. To every parents, it has always been the most significant concern as well as importance to take care of their child. Sometimes, we feel to get admitted to a course which is designed for new born mothers. In other hands, few mothers like to gain indispensable data from the previous experience of older family person. This essay will showcase positive & negative points of taking admission for these courses and personal experience along with a proper example to support my opinion.In my opinion, opt for specific course is a good idea to obtain adequate information. Let’s talk about positive points. Firstly, these courses are designed in such a way that new parents can understand the child psychology in more efficient way. For example, it is one of the most vital issues to understand why a baby is crying and how to make him or her avert. Secondly, in the present days, we are in the busiest time zone, such institution provides tips to manage time for both mother and child. As an example, mostly working mothers feel helpless in order to manage timing. Considering the negative points, some people are unable to pay such huge amount of money to take a part of these lesson.Now coming the personal experience, which is free for all and can be acquired from family members who are experienced than new born mother. They can help in numerous ways to let one understand a child.In conclusion, both processes are good for mothers with recently born child.
182.Gaming is argued to have a bad influence on young children but some people think that it could have a positive effect on them as well. Which view do you agree with? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your answer. (150 words)
There is no doubt that in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world internet games have influenced lives of many people. While few opine that, gaming consoles are not good for development of youth, others argue that it also has beneficial effects on children. I do not completely agree with either of these perspectives and will support my explanation with relevant examples.On the one hand, internet games induce a bad influence on health as well as academics of students. This is because, the mind of a child can easily get diverted, which in turn leads to lack of concentration with poor academic performance. For example, according to a report published by the UK newspaper in 2011, the NHS highlighted a large proportion of brain damage in kids induced by deleterious rays emitted through the electronic media, when watched for longer periods. As a result, the overall growth and development of children were retarded. In contrast, children should have liberty to enjoy their favourite video games but under supervision.On the other hand, I believe the computer games have some beneficial effects on youngsters. The reason of this is, development of quick thinking and decision-making attitude, which lead them to a path of success in times ahead. For instance, in my own experience, I could play video games as a child that enhanced my reflexes for various activity. As a result, my driving skills were remarkably improved, and I can drive anywhere in the world with confidence. However, the children should not over indulge in these addictive video games therefore, a strict supervision should always be present. Although, I believe whether learners can play computer games or not, the neuro- cognitive development depends upon an individual’s personality as well as environmental factors.In conclusion, while there are numerous detrimental effects of internet games on mind and body of children, I believe it also gives youth a chance to discover new horizons and live happily.
183.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If students were given the choice between ‘not to study’ and ‘study most of the time’, they would choose ‘not to study’. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)
Who doesn’t want to play games instead of reading books? It is fact that, student’s choice is always to have fun with their friends or siblings rather than study most of the time. However, study is also a crucial part which should not be avoided. This essay will debate between few positive and negative points about have fun at their leisure time & study for long time.Let’s check out the points. In my opinion, both of these thoughts have their own significance. But if they were given choice they will choose not to study. First of all, being a school going student, we have to study hard to achieve a prestigious grade in examination. As an example, pupils who come first in the board exam, they spend much time with books. Ample amount of knowledge can assure one to have bright future.Secondly, if someone has chosen not to study then it is definitely going to bring high risk to acquire better result. For example, student who avoids reading books they mostly get low grade. This leads them to an unexpected career growth.In conclusion, leisure time is necessary part to enchant someone’s energy level as well as groom creativity level. One should create a proper division between study and free time. So that, without getting less marks in exam one can have fun as well as study well. In short, studying most of the time may make one bore, but it is require to plan some better way to manage both.

184.School curriculum is selected by the central education authority rather than by the teachers, parents and students. Some believe that the latter should take part in the choice. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (150 words) It is true that the syllabus in many schools is determined by the sate education authority instead of other parties, such as teachers, parents, and pupils themselves. In my opinion, the latter should be involved in deciding what courses are delivered at schools.First of all, teachers should be allowed to participate in the decision making process of school curriculum, as they know what students really need to learn. After all, the time spent at teaching and the feedback obtained from course work enable teachers to have the first-hand resources of students’ learning outcomes that the central authority may not know. This information would of great help, if it was used for deciding school curriculum. For example, in China, teachers are allowed to make changes on what courses to be taught, allowing them to put more emphasis on academic subjects, and to better help pupils with exam preparation. Additionally, parents and students should also have a say on the subjects taught at schools. Spending much time raising their children, parents may know better than anyone else about what the passion of their children lies. Similarly, students themselves know best of what subjects they are really interested in. if both of these voices are ignored. Students’ future development will be at lost. A case in point is, again, the situation in China, where the education authority make every courses they decided at school compulsory. Without adopting any ideas or suggestions from pupils and their parents. This has stifled students’ individual development, resulting in their mediocre performancelater in the workplace.In conclusion, I believe school curriculum should be decided with the consideration of the suggestions from teachers, students, and their parents. Only with this, do I think that students can receive a good education.

185.In some countries, physical education is a compulsory subject for the leaving certificate. Some people suggest that this practice be abolished? Which view do you agree with? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details. (150 words)

It is irrefutable that education and health are inextricably linked and therefore in certain parts of the world PE has become a mandatory subject. Some people opine that this is a wrong approach and thus PE must have no role to play in obtaining the leaving certificate.However, this opinion is not straightforward and in the following paragraphs I shall give some arguments to support my point of view.Making PE a compulsary subect has several advantages. First of all, obesity has become an ever-increasing epidemic among school children. This is mainly because school canteens offer fast food and soft drinks which are known to be rich in saturated fat and sugar. This in turn has depressing effects on pupils and therefore keeping students physically active should be the number one priority of all schools. For this reason, PE has to be in the list of compulsory subjects and affect the overall score of the certificate so that school students will not be able to take the subject for granted.Moreover, this practice may have benefits on teenagers overall wellbeing as well. It is apparent that school students tend to lead lazy and inactive lifestyles as many of them overindulge in video games or social networking sites. Alas, it impacts not only their pysical but also their mental health. Thus, the only way to encourage students to take sport classes seriously is to make the subject obligatory and conduct regular mid-term exams to assess their knowledge and level of fitness.In conclusion, despite the fact that PE has been considered to be an insignificant subject for quite many years, this approach has to be changed since the health of students suffer. The optimum solution is to treat the subect like other core disciplines such as math or science.
186.Many universities have introduced tests for evaluation rather than the old written exams based upon lessons from books. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (150 words)
As educational institutions have started taking test to evaluate the performance of the students irrespective of the traditional practice of written examination from particular book. I, reckon that this is the perfect assessment criteria. The reasons for this standpoint discuss in upcoming fragments. To embark with, initiating test-based performance evaluation process is quite beneficial due to: effectiveness and practicality. Firstly, the students has been able to retain concepts for a long time, when they have to learn less topics. Due to this, the stress on students' minds is reduced to a greater extent with assessment test. Conversely, students are able to relax during evaluation test; as it is a weekly activity for them. Therefore, conducting achievement based test is the most effective way to judge the performance of students over-a-year, despite of the right written exams conducted in a few hours. Shifting towards the other prospective, written examinations were prevalent, owing to judge the knowledge gained by students in a year. The practical skills are needed to get an excellent job or set up a business. Thus, evaluation tests are better than written tests in order to access the achievement of students. In conclusion, it can be said that written examinations based on the particular book are stressing up students and cannot judge intelligence compare to assessment tests. Hence, I believe that introduction of evaluation tests by some universities is an appreciable move.

187.Some people say that school education is not useful and the essence of study can be acquired at home. Do you agree? Why or why not? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your answer. (150 words) Several individuals opine that educational institutions are not beneficial and education could be attained by studying at home. I do not concur with the given assertion. This essay shall elucidate the fundamental factors such as learning inefficiency and school environment that play an intrinsic role in gaining education.To begin with, studying at home could become boring after some time, plummeting the efficacy of their learning trajectory. Children might feel innert after reading for a couple of weeks and commence to postpone their study time, which could drastically obstruct their study plan. Besides, the quality of education would dramatically dwindle due to the absence of supervision by an educator; consequently, pupils determination and time might be wasted because of numerous errorneous in their learning and knowledge. To illustrate, gathering of family member due to social functions and other events might interrupt infants and distract them from studying, which could be a massive obstacle in their educational rountine.Furthermore, the atmosphere is pivotal in students' learning of various subjects and acquiring mammoth knowledge. The ambience of schools would aid students to be determined and learn effortlessly. Additionally, studying with other classmates would foster them to compete with each other; thus, they would be serious towards their education and work hard to accomplish their objectives. For instance, school learners study with immense dedication to get higher scores than fellow students, which is keenly propitious in their learning process.To conclude, education is indispensable for people and it must take place at the respective educational places due to the effectiveness and advantages of such locations that are advantageuos for every student.

188.Cramming and immersion are becomingly increasingly recognised methods of gaining knowledge in an area, other people disagree and say that only through lifelong learning can a subject be learnt. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. (150 words)
It is certainly true that education is very important for everyone these days. Education improves the standard of human lives to be more advanced. Some people think that learning is a small short task which finishes at schools or universities, while others argue that education is not only in schools but also continues all human lives. The reasons to support the latter view will be discussed carefully.To begin with, there are many ways for learning new information. It is not only the passive learning strategy at schools that people can improve their knowledge but the active learning strategy through real-life experience also widen peoples’ horizon. Observing various situations, assessing physical activities or searching interesting things in different sources can be taken in a human life in order to acquire new knowledge. Moreover, with the technology and the enthusiasm of learning new things, people can easily learn so many things through their own experience such as following other ideas, watching new concepts or updating information through media reports.In addition, learning from mistakes definitely helps to improve people lives. Observing their own mistakes and learning from other mistakes enlighten people mind to prevent the next mistake.Therefore, careers also bless humans to become an expert in their work and life eventually.In conclusion, the curiosity, experience and observation help humans to enhance their knowledge and skills. Therefore, all of these measures support the idea that people improve their education all their life time.

189.Modern trends in early education focus on an array of practical school projects rather than developing traditional skills through maths, science and similar subjects. Which do you consider the better approach and why? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details. (150 words) It is necessary for schools to put more attention in practical projects than enhancing long-established skills through compulsory subjects. This essay will analyze the reasons why crucial in delivering practical subjects will be a right selection.First and foremost, the activity of projects allows pupils to coordinate their studies as a part of group work, hopefully making them less teacher-led and more about autonomous learning. This in itself teaches study skills such as independent research and synthesizing sources. Secondly, the practical projects have been developed by pedagogical teachers and designed to be suitable with the abilities of pupils as well as ensure some continuous assessment. As a result, students not only improve their academic achievement but also enhance their potential for progression. Last but not least, through practical projects, learners are likely to gain self-confidence among students, arranging group discussions to provide their opinions to get rid of the stage fear. To illustrate, a student who usually works in a team tends to be more interactive and confident in commuting or expressing themselves than a student just learning academic knowledge.Nobody can deny the essentials of conventional ways of learning because this teaches students some important skills such as logical thinking. However, it is the role of pupils to apply book knowledge in some practice projects. Consequently, they can understand the practicality of the information and avoid the situation that will not be able to relate it to real life.To conclude, there is a need to balance all kinds of studying. The combination between the academic through traditional skills and the real lessons in practical projects contribute to the high quality in learning.

190.In recent years, online education is becoming more and more popular. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon? Use specific details and examples to explain your opinion. (150 words)
Nowadays, there is an increase in trend of distance learning. Several people believe that this method has a total of positive impacts and it will alter conventional education while others say that argue that it is impossible to eliminate brick and mortal classroom. This essay will discuss both opinions.To begin with, there are some advantages in attending virtual classroom. First and foremost, learning via internet is time-consuming for both students and schools. For example, students can learn anything and anywhere provided that they have computer connecting the internet. In terms of teachers, they can deliver a lesson to all classes by video instead of teaching the same things again and again. Secondly, online education saves costs for country. For instance, schools can reduce overheat costs or decline budget for investing on facilities since expanding campus is not necessary. In addition, e-learning provides opportunity for people who live far from university. The fact shows that many residents in remote rural area still have chances to achieve degree thanks to this advanced technology.On the other hands, face - to - face learning plays an integral part in education. Firstly, interactive learning is more effective than online learning. In detailed, when discussing about one topic, teachers can give some feedback for students to make sure that they understand all their mistakes and improve these errors..In conclusion, although there are a bunch of positive influences which online learning brings, I strongly believe that traditional education is a good teaching method which is irreplaceable. It not only helps students have more interaction with classmates but also provide them an environment to improve skills and learn new things together.
191.Tuition for healthy children usually has top priority in most countries. However, teaching students with disabilities or mental issues is more difficult and even more important to support and develop. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (150 words)
Extra educational coaching for students is common in most of the place. While people have a different opinion, whether this assistance must for healthy normal kids or those who are physically or mentally disabled. I fully support that the additional training would be highly beneficial for underprivileged children because they require multi-disciplinary approaches and take a longer time to become skilful in a particular area. The first and foremost reason why I think the specially-abled students are tuition is that they need a collaboration of different disciplinary to train them. In other words, these kids often have more than one disability, and the formal educational system, sometimes, fail to provide a concrete foundation to build their skills, due to this, by providing additional help, surely makes improvement in these children. For example, a school-going child with visual impairment and poor hand movements, in this case, if the child has been taught how to write with special software, that may not be sufficient to excel as his hand cannot move freely. Another point here is that these children require extra time to learn one skill. This is because of their disabilities, both mental and physical disabilities, limit the speed of learning.. In conclusion, it is common to see that normal children are given additional coachings to score good grades in class. In my opinion, this aid is much needed for differently-abled kids than anybody else.
192.Some people think it is better to spend and enjoy their money once they earn it. Others think it is better to save their money and enjoy it in the future. Which stand do you agree with and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)
Money in the form of currency notes acts as an indispensable necessity for the people to survive in their precious lives, however some individuals opine, it is better for them to utilize earning money immediately but I completely disagree with this notion because saving money is an effective method for the individuals, due to this, they become able to flourish their circumstances, especially in the upcoming future.To commence with, needs and preferences pertained to the future can be easily fulfilled through the reserve part of finance. As, sometimes it is become essential for the parents to arrange the currency notes for their offsprings related to the educational qualification.For instance, a survey was conducted by the researchers which showed, a student who will receive maximum knowledge through the high level courses, can only become able to achieve a high status, these types of scenario push the progenitors to adopt this measure mainly for their children's life which can make their surroundings more convivial.In addition to this, retained money can make the future life less complicated in comparison with the present time..To conclude, money is become a first and last step to accomplish every work upto an end point. Although, the people have faced a lot of problems during the present time for the adoption of this method, but still the government should take other steps to make people more aware about it because it can make their future life more enjoyable.

193.Some people think it is alright to spend money for their wants, such as a new car or the latest gadget. Others think it is better to save their money and only buy what they really need. Which opinion do you agree with and why? Give specific details and examples in your answer. (150 words)

In the modern world, people have to maintain their standard according to their society. I am agree with people save their money for future and spend money when it really require. Following essay, I have explored the facts with various reasons.Firstly, nowadays people relay to live easy life and for that, they need basic accessories. In other words, we always thought about the bank balance. Moreover, people invest their money in different areas. such as some people invest money in mutual funds. I would say that, they spend money to buy necessary things instead of spend money without any requirement. Furthermore, people believe in plans. they make the fixed deposit for their family or for children. Because we never know when we need money. it is true that if we are working in private sector, job securities is very less. so according to my opinion we have to save money whether in share or in mutual fund need to save our future.Secondly, people wants to give elegant life to their children such as they have to provide better education and good courses for their career. so that they begin to save money for their family need and future retirement..In conclusion, as everyone know that money is necessary for future expenses. Ether people save money or not, but they need mandatory things. so this essay analysis the various reason, why people should keep money for future and spend for only really needed.

194.Some parents do not allow their children to watch TV during school days. Others allow their children to watch TV as long as their school work is finished. Which approach do you agree with and why? Include specific examples and details in your explanation. (150 words)

A group of parents let their children have some amusement by watching television after finishing their study while others do not.Implying toomany restrictions has never brought about anything good in any aspect of life and it is true of the teens also This essay will argue why letting young people watch favourite programmes once they are done with their essential academic tasks is crucial. Along with the physical development,mental development is also significantly important and for ensuring these rewards and punishments are required.Having finished all academic works,a pupil should be allowed to nourish his soul with joy so that his mind becomes fully energized to work harder.If a school-going child keeps studying at all time,he would certainly become bored to death at a point and his learning capabilities would also be diminished someday.Moreover,watching films or plays representing multicultural fusion might ignite the urge to acquire more knowledge about the whole world.As a result ,the tender minds of the young students would engage themselves in further research which is a positive sign. In conclusion, although spending much time before the television set to the detriment of education is undesirable,parents can rein in the period spent.I agree that school-going children should be allowed to watch television after completing their academic works because this will encourage them to study harder and many windows of knowledge will be opened through the media.

195.Some parents prefer to have their children be raised by their grandparents. Some prefer to raise them on their own. Which would you prefer and why? Include specific details and examples to support your choice. (150 words)

There is no doubt that children often develop as better humans under the love and supervision of the whole family. While, few parents choose to groom their children under their influence, others argue that grandparents should also be involved in raising them. I do not completely agree with these views and would support my explanation with relevant examples.
On the one hand, children who are brought-up by their parents tend to accomplish much in life. This is because, parents are from modern era which help them understand the needs and priorities of their young ones. For example, a study by the UK news channel reported that, the group of children under supervision of parents turned out to be more focussed and obedient. As a result, they excelled in different dimensions of life. In contrast, children also need a stress free, joyful environment for their natural growth and development.On the other hand, those who recieve love and affection of grandparents are the most lucky ones. The reason is that, these aged people have seen many ups and downs in life, which make them value and pamper their grand children. For instance, I was fortunate to have my grandparent’s love and attention, which made me realise the importance of family. As a consequence, this helped many individuals to strike a balance between work and spending quality time with loved ones. However, children also need parent’s strict monitoring, which inturn lead them to a path of success.In conclusion, while children grow as more confident and focussed individuals under guidance of parents, I believe they also need the right amount of love and care from grandparents that would develop them into a balanced human being.
196.Some parents allow their teenage children to live independently, away from home. Other parents don't want their teenage children to live away from them. Which do you think is better and why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. (150 words)
Some teenagers opt to live independently after they pass a certain age. While some parents allow their children to live separately, others do not. I strongly believe that teenagers should live away from their home to improve their maturity level. Live separately from parents can be beneficial for a few underlying reasons. Firstly, children who live independently tend to be more prepared when they faced the real world. Moreover, without direct help from their parents, teenagers who live independently are forced to solve problems they will encounter in their real life by themselves.. Secondly, not only do teenagers who live far away from their parents are more ready, but they also have a better understanding about the decision they made. To illustrate, a majority of children who still live with their parents have all of their life arranged by their parents so that they have little understanding about their parent decisions. However, teenagers who live independently, make the decisions clearly for themselves based on their own understanding. Finally, aiming to learn the life skill set, teenagers can achieve it easily by living independently. For instance, when teenagers live far from their parents, they are forced to cook or to repair house equipment by themselves To conclude, from the above arguments, live independently can strongly boost teenager maturity level. Teenagers can acquire new skills, enhance their level of confidence, and have a better understanding about their life

197.Some people believe that watching television is bad for children. Other people believe that watching television is educational for children. Which opinion do you agree with and why? Give specific details and examples in your answer. (150 words)

Nowadays television has been a part of children entertainment. Some people consider that TV watching has the negative influence to child, while the others think that children can get educational information through the television. Personally, I agree that the TV brings big amount of bad impacts to children development, the both views will be discussed in this essay.As the bad addiction waching TV is a widespread problem between the parent. Children TV shows, films and etc. restrict children abilities, such as using the imagination, ideas, intellection. According to scientific researches it was proven that watching TV has been established the beginning of some psychological diseases which the core reason was the TV addiction. For instance, the local newspaper staff provided the survey between the parents who have the children between 4-10 ages in order to analyse their oponion regards to TV watching.On the other hand, there are some evidences in favor of TV watching for children development. It is scientifically approve that some children films, cartoons effect children in proper way and help them to become kind, polite even motivated them to love science, studing and etc. Nowadays the educational TV programs and shows have been established and maintained by procuders and these type of programs are popoular between the children and parents. For example, children can discover interesting topics according to their understanding level from TV programs, however the parents should keep under control and limit the time and type of waching TV programs.In conclusion, after discussed both views it is clearly seen that prohibit the watching TV brings a lot of benefits rather than allow the children watch the TV.
198.Some people believe that people behave differently when they wear different clothes, while others do not believe that clothes influence the way people behave. Which opinion do you agree with and why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. (150 words) Our appearance is an important part of our lives. Although this may not be ideal, our clothes often determine what people think about us and how they treat us. Some people believe that the clothes that we wear also influence our behavior, while others disagree. In my view, they do influence our behavior for many reasons.The first reason is that we choose different clothes for different occasions to tell us how to behave. When you want to be active and fun you wear clothes that matches that behavior, on the other hand, when you want to be serious and formal you wear different clothes. For example, When I got to go to work the other day, I chose to wear formal clothes; it wasn’t an accident. I wanted to wear a suit, a shirt and tie, to match the kind of I was going to do. While working, I would often find that I would be a little more serious than normal because of the way I was dressed. I stood up straighter and talked with more force and confident. Because of the way I look, it made me acting serious, and focued.The second reason is that your clothes influence the way that people treat you and by default, the way that people treat you affects your behavior. If you wear strange clothes, people may stare at you as you ‘re an insane. Regardless of how you feel, you will probably be little bothered by this and behave accordingly. For instance, When I was at a university, I took a class of a clinical therapy, this class was heavily depended on doing research. And thus, my professor divided us into groups of 2 to 3 people. My group consisted of 3 people, including me. One of the team member was a guy who used to wear a black shirts, with weird symbols depicts on them, all the time. Since I had never known him, I thought he was in dark, serious, and depressed person. In short, whether your clothing’s influence is intentional because you chose it for a specific occasion or its influence is unintentional because you react to how someone else treats you, what we wear has a string influence on how you behave. That’s why we should all choose what we wear very carefully.

199.Some people believe that success comes from hard work. Others believe that success has to do with luck. Which opinion do you agree with and why? Give specific details and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

In this modern age, in one way or another, people can be perceived chasing success, by using a variety of routes. A major crowd of human beings considers chance as a big factor to succeed whereas a small minority utilise hard work as a catalyst to be successful. In this essay, I will elaborate on why I firmly agree with the latter statement. On one hand, people have no grasp on them being lucky contributing to the achievement of success. No individual can provide a timeline about when he is going to make it big due to him being fortunate or just by reading his horoscope. For instance, a lottery player who won the jackpot as a result of being lucky, would never have predicted that his life would have metamorphosed into a flourishing one. That person would not even know if his success is going to sustain for a long time because he cannot in any way proclaim when his luck would make him win a lottery jackpot again. On the other hand, people who believe that hard work is the input to obtain success as an output, have a better control about making it happen and can in fact can set a target for it to occur. Unlike the devotees of luck, the hard workers do not have to focus on getting successful. To conclude, people have different ways in wanting to become successful but not all of them are able to bring their desires into existence and convert their dreams into realities. I am a faithful advocate of hard work to reach success and will always believe that luck is for losers.

200.Some people think the media – television and films – negatively affect people's behaviour. Others do not think so. How do you think the media affects people's behaviour? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (150 words)

Over the past decades, countless forms of media channels entailing television and films have burgeoned around the globe. While worldwide audiences are entertained by these productions, it is widely believed that the media has an overall negative impact to public behaviour. The aim of this essay is set to explore how the decadence of social behaviour is related to the media development.To begin with, it is intuitively obvious that the unmanaged context of the mass media has a significant role to play in shaping general behaviour. In fact, to tempt the audience, film producers often incorporate toxic components in the productions to cover the colossal investment. For instance, recent empirical research from the Blockbuster Committee ascertained that 90% top ranked films are classified as class III, whereby numerous improper scenes with sex and violent behaviour are blended. Seen in this light, the idea disseminated by these commercial film tends to be negative. Meanwhile, another pivotal component to remember is that the major audience of media are lied in the age group being highly susceptible to media content..In conclusion, media generally have begot a negative consequence on public behavioural cultivation due to the pervasive improper context embedded and susceptibility of immature audiences. Given the strength of these evidence, it is predicted that the government will enact any measures to censor the inappropriate factors in media productions in foreseeable future.

251. Do children need to be rewarded when they behave properly? Do we need to punish or beat them if they make mistakes? What is your view on this? Give specific reasons and examples to support you answer. (150 words)

Children are the future of our nation and how they raised is a debatable issue. Today, a fair amount of people believe that children will behave properly when they get punished while others say the rewards are mandatory to raise self confidence in children. In my opinion, I believe that children behave more consistently when they appreciated for their work.Nowadays, a serious question arises in our society that how children need to be treated so, that they can raise properly. It is mandatory for schools as well as for parents to reward their children. It will not only motivate them, but assist then to increase self confidence. Moreover, children can Express their feelings with elder when they have a great bonding in their relationship and this relationship will get stronger when they raise their children in an appropriate manner.However, as per the research in our society majority of children get scolded and punished by their parents or teacher, which lead to decrease their motivation and self esteem. Various steps need to be taken to restrict such rude behaviour against children in our society. For example: I experienced it personally when my brother gets punished in school for not scoring high grades and at that point of time he lost his self confidence which can be raised after long duration.In conclusion, children should get an appreciation and reward for their task, if task performed by them will be not so big. Society should ban the concept of physical punishment which tend to lose self confidence and overall development of children.

252. Some people consider big events, such as, weddings, birthdays and overseas travel as the most significant time of their lives. Others consider their present daily life the most significant time in their lives. Which do you consider more important and why? (150 words)

Throwing parties can be expensive. While some people do not find these fancy gatherings worth what they cost, others believe such events are important to both individuals and the society.People choose to throw parties for a number of reasons. For starters, they can make better teams. Project kick-off parties are good opportunities to break the ice and help team members to know each other better. Celebrating a victory create a sense of success and belonging. From our own experiences, we all have happy memories of our birthday parties when we were little. In addition, contrary to what some people believe that spending on parties is a waste of social resources, they actually create value, either by employing people in the party-planning business or by offering people better experiences.The popularity of parties, however, causes some tension in the society. This is a clinic symptom which psychologists call it “social anxiety disorder”. For instance, companies could send out gifts after successful projects and parents could take their children on family trips to celebrate birthdays.In my opinion, while a party is a form of social event that brings many benefits to individuals and the society, other choices should also be considered, either to cut spending or to relieve the stress of those who are not fond of crowded celebrations.

253. Do you think it is necessary to spend a lot of money when people celebrate birthdays or is it better to save the money for other purpose? Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

People’s opinions seem to differ on whether spending cash lavishly on celebrations and special occasions is a positive trend or a mere wastage of money. While some seem to agree with the argument that it is necessary for the society, I believe that such unmindful spending should rather be avoided.To begin with, there are myriad reasons to argue that spending loads of money on weddings and other special occasions is quite unnecessary. Firstly, in most of today’s celebrations there is a deliberate show of power and easy money. Such extensive celebrations are no better than pomp shows. Secondly, instead of spending huge amounts of money on any celebration, it is better to save it and later invest it in better ways. For instance, instead of spending lots of money on a child’s first birthday party in a five-star hotel, it is better to save it for his/her higher education. Furthermore, sometimes spending on special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries and housewarming also become a social obligation for many people and they give in to the societal pressure spending their hard-earned money.On the other hand, people who argue that it is imperative to have grand celebrations opine / insist that it is a way of enjoying life with their family and friends. For example, a birthday party held at home can be as enjoyable as the one held at a five star hotel and yet it costs much less.To conclude, I feel that unmindful spending on any occasion can be avoided. Instead that money should be saved or used in a better way

254. In some countries people are happy when they retire and remain very active. In other countries, they are considered too old to enjoy their lives. Which opinion do you hold? Provide specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (150 words)

Nowadays child labour is not an uncommon thing and due to the growing economy more and more children are involved in paid work. It is hard to identify if it is right or wrong without considering every tiny fact. Such as the kind of work children do, whether they work part time or full time, labour conditions etc.Many people hold the opinion that child labour causes only bad things. These include an increased high school dropout rate, drug and alcohol abuse. Employers, however, are the only one who benefits from hiring an under-aged person, enjoying a cheap and effective labour. Because of child labour, children will fail to get proper education and other activities of a child. Nevertheless, child work has a lot of advantages along with it. Young people also learn to take responsibility and organise themselves. For instance, many successful businessmen in the US send their kids to do any kind of job by their 16th . In developing countries, the majority of teenagers work in order to help their families. For young people, it becomes a necessity rather than a choice. Eventually, work brings much more positive experience however it is more useful when the working experience is accompanied by the college or university studies

255.Some people think that analysing and planning is the right way to achieve things, while others believe that a more easy-going approach is better in life. Discuss your opinion and give examples. (150 words)

Everyone wants to be successful in their life. To reach success all of us have different views. Some people think that planning for future in present but there are many individuals who thinks easy going approach is better. First and foremost, as it is said hard work is key to success. Planning helps us to do hard work as we already have decided the steps to achieve success. For example: my friend wants to became IAS officer so he had started preparing himself for the exam when he was in high school. Moreover, it also help person in financial crisis’s as person starts saving for future and also helps to build or start a business. To illustrate: In business market strategies, financial planning and many more are made. It also give an efficient and productive way to work and result will be excellent. Secondly, many people think living in present is better because it is very difficult and time consuming to plan and by going it an individual can do mess in the present. A person can never grab a opportunity an prefect time as they do not know anything about their future. In conclusion, I think making a plan is better option as it helps us a lot and also give an rough idea about future. It is also said a goal without plan is a wish.

256. Some believe that youngsters should be friends with older people rather than fear and respect them. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each point of view. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

It is believed that the travelling rate of people today is higher than ever. The following essay will discuss some of the factors which affect the situation and several advantages of the activity for the traveller. There are various reasons why the travelling activities have increased significantly in the past recent years. Firstly, a lot of people travel intensively due to the existence of the low-cost airlines. Secondly, many companies have increased their export and import activities due to the globalisation. As a result, their employees have to do excessive business trips to other regions or other continents. Thirdly, as business competition gets tougher each day, the stress level of the workers has risen. Consequently, the number of people who travel for leisure activities has grown rapidly in the past few years.As people travel to another country, they would have the chance to learn a new culture. For example, many westerners have visited China, since they were attracted to see the unique culture of the ancient China civilisation such as the Great Wall of China or the Terracotta Army. Travelling also helps people in releasing their stress.In conclusion, it is true that travelling activities have increased rapidly in the past recent time, and people are travelling for various kinds of purposes. Some people are taking the trips for business activities, while others are for holiday. Travelling is also a positive activity since people could get a lot of benefits from doing the activity

257. Children should always start studying foreign languages from an early age. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. (150 words)

It is believed that the best time to learn a foreign language is at the early age. Therefore, some people think children should be taught new language as they start school. I personally disagree with the statement, since the children might get stressed, and there are other lessons which are more important than a foreign language. Firstly, it is undeniable that children start their formal education at an early age these days. Some parents have registered their children at the age of three or four, but others have enrolled their children at the age of two. During these periods, children are in the process of learning their mother tongue language. If the children are then taught a new language, then there is a risk that the children might get mixed up or confused.Secondly, the early-aged children should focus on learning other important things, besides a new language. They should learn subjects like arts and sport. Besides that, it is also important to teach the children about numbers as well, as it is beneficial for their further studies. In conclusion, I personally disagree that the children should learn a foreign language at the early age. It is better for the children to focus on their native language first, and there are other subjects which are more important for them to learn.

258.To you thing that teenagers shoud be left to develop naturally or shoud be directed towards what their parents think is good for them? Dicuss advantages and disadvantages of these methods? Provide specific reason and examples to suppor your opinion?(word 150).

For many peoole, it is optimum way that young teens can be able to develop naturally by own. However, there are also parents who worry about their children’s aftertime and can not let them to be abandon to implement desires that they want. To begin with, the version of developing naturally presents to everyone a confidence and make adolescent think diversely, such as amount of teens want to be originative and try their knack in various fields. . Secondy, What I mean by this is that teenagers learn how to cope with problems by taking responsibility on them. On the another hand, developing by own naturally is not always easy. Subsequently, teenagers may become stubborn, like as they do not need other’s opinions and advices which directed them in tough cases. In that cases, it is one of the best things is to be directed by parents for teens.If we look at benefits of being directed towards parents expectations, parents give a hand their children to choose the best direction and always support them. It also shows that they feel like as they are given a special attention by parents. In the another case, it can be stressful for adolescent to live on parents expectations and it leads to feelings of timid, also they have to live under pressure.To sum up, parents decide how the teenager develops and the most significant thing is teenagers develop diversely and choose right life road. However, it is important to know that it is convenient for teenagers whether parents take into account the wishes of their children and choose the way of upbringing and development that suits teens’ nature and character.

259. . These days even young people can become rich and famous. Do you think this is good or bad? Provide specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (150 words)

Nowadays it is a trend in some countries that the young people travel before they start the university studies. Travelling to other countries is not a barrier for the rich students as they have enough money to spend. There are many merits and demerits for young people who decide to do this. Firstly, students can fill the time gap between finishing high school and starting university studies. They do not have to simply sit at home. Secondly, even poor people can work after their high school and earn money for their higher studies so that there will not be any burden for their parents. Thirdly, working and travelling in foreign countries allows gaining knowledge about the culture, norms, and values of that country. Furthermore it increases our communication skill. On the contrary, there are some disadvantages too. Sometimes people will never return to their academic studies so that country will lose its scholars. Again young people may continue their work and they may lack their interest in studies. When we weigh both sides, the advantages are more. From the above reasons, in my opinion, countries should encourage their young people to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.

260. In your own opinion, do you think that advertisements are informative? Why or why not? Give specific reasons and examples to support you answer. (150 words)

In a literal sense, Advertising is an art of showcasing a product to its future consumers. In my view, Advertising is a key tool in the market mechanism and can benefit customers and ultimately merchants in several ways like spreading awareness, increasing competition, discourage monopoly and help the overall economy. Advertising has helped and is continuing to help spread the right information and makes a consumer cognizant of what is available in the market. For example, when 'Colgate' came in the market as the first toothpaste, consumers did not have any other option other than Colgate until other companies like 'Close-up' started advertising their product. This resulted in a boost in the competition which ultimately slashed the prices of the product. In my opinion, it is inappropriate to blame the advertising for an increased consumer spending. People need to be wary of their spending and pay heed to their finances by managing them smartly. A government can play its part in authorising and monitoring the right contents to be published to the public. To draw the conclusion, barring a few disadvantages Advertising can be used as a tool to enhance the growth of an economy by increasing the spending, bringing the right products to the consumer, boosting the competition. All in all, I would recommend healthier advertising to benefit the consumer, merchant and ultimately the world economy.

261.Some believe that there are too many advertisements in the internet, radio and television and that even the contents of shows and news articles become advertisements themselves. To what extent do you agree or disagree to this statement? Provide suggestions to address the situation. Give specific examples to explain your answer. (150 words) Many have argued that advertisement serves no real purpose as necessity motivates all purchases. I disagree with this completely because ads give consumers a minimum guarantee of quality and also develop wants into needs.First of all, advertising is the most direct way to inform customers of a given product’s quality. For example, KFC typically signs the most famous football players to massive sponsorship deals, thereby evidencing the continued relevance and quality of their food.Secondly, advertising does not simply meet needs; it creates them. Most people could live more fulfilling lives with fewer products but advertising stimulates desires by appealing to consumer psychology and those initial wants eventually become habitual. A good example of this would be the rise of Apple products in the last two decades and the role of advertising in making them popular. In conclusion, advertising serves an important role in society. This does not mean that it should not be regulated, simply that consumers and officials should be mindful of the full contribution of advertisers.

262. Should buildings in cities be expanded without restrictions or should their size be limited to a certain extent? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this limitation. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)In the modern society, some people like to live in a city area and few enjoy an open countryside to live.Many people of today’s society are of the opinion that living in cities is better than living in a rural area while others oppose this concept but my inclination is toward the former. On one hand, it is believed that city life has significantly various advantages in contrast to rural life. Such as most of the major educational institute, hospital, bank all are generally situated in the city area. So city dwellers can get these services within a short period rather than who lives in villages. For example, we used to stay in villages but when we were in grade six our parents sent us to town for better education. A further point is that there are a lot of working opportunities in the commercial area. On the other hand, there are some negative sides to living in town and have some positive points to live in the countryside. What can be cited first regarding this is city life are more stressful due to its busy atmosphere and noisy heavy traffics while a countryside is a peaceful place to live because of its quiet and calm environment, villagers can breathe in open air and enjoy the tranquillity of the environment. In a nutshell taking all the aforementioned pros and cons into account, I personally admire to live in town.

263. Young people prefer living in big cities. What will this tendency lead to? Suggest reasons and results of this trend. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (150 words)

Our earth is home to around six billion people living all around the globe, many of them are urbanites and other ruralites. One line of thought of society states that it’s beneficial to live in urban areas, however, others stand opposite to it. But this thought is gyrated by many reasons. The urban society provides great means of basic amenities necessary for living life. On the contrary, the students from villages come to the cities to have the education. Health facilities are also found in abundance in urban areas. On the flipside, the villagers have great difficulty in transport as proper means are not present and if present the roads are not proper to run them as they are never properly sanitised. However, if take a glance at rural society, we will be able to find lush green fields, fresh air and pure environment which is highly polluted in the cities. The villagers have a healthy lifestyle which is very scant in urban areas. Parents of urban society have very less time due to which they are slowly drifted in oblivion, whereas the children of rural society share a great bond with their parents. At last keeping all the aspects in mind, we can conclude that living in any part has both benefits and drawbacks, however, it’s totally subjective choice that which society cater our needs better

264. In some countries, buildings of historical value are being demolished to give way to modern buildings. Do you think that it is better to preserve the old historical outlook of buildings or it is better to incorporate only new styles of architecture? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this situation. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

Modernization has resulted in the rapid expansion of cities, which has left its heritage and culture behind. Day by day new commercial complexes and other buildings are coming up in the place of older buildings. Sometimes historically significant buildings have been demolished to build new structures.Firstly, conserving historical building is a means of transferring the ancestral legacy to future generations. These are a great means for our children to learn about our culture and heritage, also such monuments often give insight into our ancestor's lifestyle. Secondly, such buildings will attract more tourists, hence, the tourism industry will grow. This brings more money, thus improves the lives of people over there. Additionally, a city becomes well known among other parts and this increases chances of getting more funds and investments.Finally, increased tourism means increased income. To cater to the increasing number of tourists’ new hotels, resorts and better facilities have to be built.In my opinion, preserving such buildings would greatly benefit the economy and also teaches future generations about their history, culture and traditions. Furthermore, it significantly contributes to infrastructure developments and modernization, at the same time allows saving cultural beauty.

265. In some countries, women are given special days leave for their monthly period. Some think that this is a form of discrimination between genders. Do you agree or disagree? Provide specific reasons and examples to support your position. (150 words)

From the past until the last century, the vast majority of women stayed at home to look after their children and only a very small percentage of them had to work or do any outdoor activity in many countries. However, this custom had changed in the last 20 years and many women now go to work, run their shops or businesses or even work as managers in some multinational companies. When the mother leaves her house, she has two choices: the first is to leave her house and children without care, and that of course is unacceptable. The other choice, and it's not better than the first one, is to get someone to looks after her children and do the housework. There are some reasons that may lead women to work, but the main reason is that: most married women who are employed or have their own business, need money to live an acceptable life. In my opinion, this is the husbands' responsibility and they shouldn't involve their wives in the task because this eventually leads to tragic consequences. From the psychological point of view, if the children don’t get enough care during the childhood, they may not be able to interact properly with people around them. Some people claim that "preventing women from work and not letting them earning money is a type of injustice "; but I don't think so.

266. More people now work overseas. What are the reasons why people are doing so? Does this trend have more advantages or disadvantages? Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

We live in an age when many of us like to secure our future in countries which are more prosperous than ours, on the ground that these foreign lands offer satisfying job opportunities and prudent lifestyle. There are some positive and negative things about this trend, but in my opinion, it has more advantages than disadvantages and the following essay will discuss them both in details. To embark on, the fundamental to this migration involves the disappointment of earning class and struggle of job seekers living in their native country. The people shifted to these countries have better earning sources and many other benefits which they may take advantage of. Despite all the positive things about working overseas, there are some negative things that people should notice. There is a chance of a culture shock for the newly shifted person, as there may be some traditions and customs that might not fit with them. For example, many western people might not be accustomed to the culture of the Japanese people who bow to greet other people.In conclusion, it is true that numbers of people who are settling overseas are increasing these days to reap the benefits from the bright sides of rich countries, yet there are few negative aspects like dealing with a new culture and the environment to which person becomes adaptable with time

267. Some companies now use services of freelancers who work online from their homes. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend? Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

Telecommuting has become widely popular among the people and escalated tremendously in recent years. This essay will highlight some benefits and drawbacks of such method of working online from the place they live. In other words, employees could compromise in commuting to and from work, and could deploy such period in executing other activities such as sports, family time, etc. In today’s contemporary world, divorce is a widespread practice due to misunderstanding as well as communication gap, and such issues could be abated if one could anticipate time and space to their partner. Nevertheless, those people who work from home are distracted easily. Moreover, this trend will make people lazy and result in suffering from various diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart problems, etc. For instance, health problems have increased tremendously because of the sedentary lifestyle people follow and working from their house means such individuals will not perform any exercises at all and has an opportunity to stay in the same place for hours and earn money. In conclusion, whether the advantages of telecommuting outweighs the disadvantages are a debatable issue. However, it depends on the individual to choose such work and manage to handle the downside with several solutions such as exercising regularly and working in a separate space by not allowing anyone to enter even if at home.

268. Nowadays many companies use low paid intern ships and student labour to their benefit. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

It is viewed that internships have become very common in many educational qualifications, due to which, pupils have to do unpaid jobs in the prospective firms for a few months. Although this trend has both merits and demerits, merits seem to be more prominent.To begin with, the demerit associated with this development is that interns are sometimes taken for-guaranteed at the workplace. This is primarily for a fact that they are hired as temporary employees in a firm. In this way, not only they perform plenty of tasks, but also their education and other leisure activities are ignored in the wake of spending a lot of time in a firm. However, on the contrary, there are plenty of advantages. Undoubtedly, having worked in an organization, a student gets the first-hand experience of a working place. In fact, this ideology of making familiar pupils with the fundamentals of work culture can teach them to become good professionals in future.Thus, these unpaid jobs evidently pave a way for the bright career of the students. Fortifying further, these internships certainly increases the probability of being hired by prestigious organizations. It is generally observed that most of the firms prefer candidates who have some past experiences in a particular domain. Therefore, in such a scenario, such internships act as a ploy to attract the firms for recruiting. To conclude, although internships may be a little challenging task for college students, yet it is far more opportunistic and beneficial for them in terms of skills and a safe future.

269. The most popular modern media is the internet. Do you think it will replace all other available media of communication? Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

Technology and technological inventions appear in different forms. Some parts of it affect the entire human lives and some parts of it function just for a short period of time for some selected part of the world or population. One of the distinctive shapes of technology is the Internet and computers by which our lifestyle is altered every year. Furthermore, it effectuates our source of knowledge. As a direct result of advanced technology, our life became more comfortable than ever before. It is true for every aspect; even reading books and articles and gathering knowledge. For example, the ability to search online and getting necessary information promptly has revolutionised the way we look for something and the way we find the sources of information. Furthermore, the capacity of storing a great number of books just on the nail-sized chip has replaced the multistoried library into their online edition. In addition, the cost of reading will reduce due to not making use of physical paper. However, there is a widespread belief that making use of computers in every part of our life is abominable and leads to alienation. Also sometimes the cost of generating e-books is higher than physical books. Moreover, the wasting of energy for storing virtual books on servers is noticeable. To sum up, it can be argued that the merits of e-books outweigh its drawbacks and yet we should consider negative aspects and attempt to eliminate them.

270. Some couples nowadays prefer to maintain a good career rather than having children? What are the advantages and disadvantages of choosing career over family? Give specific reasons and examples to support you answer. (150 words)

These days, newly married couples are very clear and plan well on almost all matters including when to bring kids into their lives. This new thought process is catching up and let me share my view on the possible advantages. To begin with, parenting is a huge responsibility and before inviting babies, a legal pair needs to be ready both mentally and economically. For example, my friend who recently got married openly disclosed that he is not going to have kids for at least three years post tieing the knot. Further, most of the newly married couples are keen to build their own careers which obviously can help them to earn the required financials. On the other hand, by the time couples achieve their desired goals, age is something which they cannot control. For example, my friend who has been busy making his career is now repenting what was wrong with his calculations about the timing of kids.To conclude, there may be a number of advantages which overshadow why one postpones the idea of having kids but for me right age and time important for any couple to decide than anything else.

271. Would you prefer having children earlier or later in life? How will it affect society as a whole? Give reasons and examples to support your answer. (150 words)

In modern society, there has been a major concern that many couples have delayed parenthood. Some explanations for this social trend will be put forward before an analysis of its impacts on society and family life is given. A few reasons can be given to justify the trend of giving birth at later stages of life. First, the labour market is increasingly competitive, and it is a norm that young parents defer having children to devote the whole time in the first years of their employment to lay a sound foundation for their future career. Second, it is believed that children are raised better by older parents. The trend exerts both advantageous and disadvantageous influence on society and families. On the one hand, children born to more prosperous and experienced parents can receive a better and more comprehensive education, and thus contribute more to society when they grow up. On the other hand, when an aged couple decides to give birth, there are serious health risks for the woman in the prenatal and postnatal period. To conclude, the tendency to have children at later ages is caused by a number of factors, such as the competitiveness of the job market for young adults, and both the positive and negative impacts of it can be seen in families and society.

272. Some people argue that the best way to have work efficiency is for the worker to work for several days and then takes a few days off. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this arrangement? Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words) Office has no longer been the only work place since many people are considering working from home. Some may argue the majority of employees should change their work place from office to home. In my opinion, the benefits of working from home can surely surpass the drawbacks due to the following reasons: Working from home is a lot more comfortable for lots of people. Employees can save a great deal of time and money since they do not have to travel so often, which means people will have more time for work and for themselves, too. Moreover, employees are under less stresses since they get to decide when to work and when to take rest. There are still some disadvantages that home-working could bring. For instance, working from personal space will reduce direct interactions among colleagues. But the problem is solved thanks to the Internet. As for now, people from around the globe can easily contact and work with others from distances. In conclusion, working from home should be encouraged because the advantages overcome the disadvantages.

273. Some people think that it is better to stick to one job, while others think when they swap jobs they will have a better chance to gain more knowledge and money. Which do you agree with and why? Discuss both sides and provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

These days, many freshers, as well as experienced employee, struggle a lot for the job. While some think that the best option is often to keep the job changing, I, however, agree with those who think that the best choice is to remain in the same job throughout life. On the one hand, it is argued that the benefits of changing the work often a better choice rather than being in the same occupation. It is believed that the major reason for shifting the work is getting higher pay in a new firm. For instance, in a survey conducted in Mumbai found that 52% of employees frequently opt for a new company due to having a higher salary. On the other hand, I would argue that sticking to one company for the entire life is advantageous in many ways. Firstly, in my opinion, it gives a sense of satisfaction in terms of becoming a manager or director in the company. It is true that any person who remains in the same firm for more than ten years always found to be in the position of manager, who leads or supervises the team under them. In conclusion, although it is undeniable that a majority of workers change the job in order to get hefty salary and growth in the career, being in the same firm for the whole life not only does it give the status of leader but also the great memory and a sense of pride at the time of retirement. Therefore, on balance, I believe that one person should work in the same organization for their entire life

274. Many people think that having lots of money is the best way to guarantee happiness, while others think that it depends on other factors. Compare these two views. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your position. (150 words)

In the present age, it is an undeniable fact that the women's role and position in the society all over the world, including in Indonesia, have much modified, especially in the past two decades that this situation persuades women to have a certain career. The changes of these have become a sparked debate throughout the world.This essay will discuss the supporters and opponents of this view.To begin with, once upon a time, the traditional perception made a restriction for the woman to get a certain role in the society. Some parents argued that their daughter had to marry as soon as possible when she is already 17 years old.Nowadays, many women are struggling against their competitors “men” to achieve an ideal top position in a corporation. From my view, these people fail to realise that after getting the job, they have to leave their home and children because of a lot of agendas of meeting and visiting the company. In contrast, a working mother can help their children’s academic performance because they will be able to afford particular materials by buying them from the store. Some people claim that successful children in terms of academic performance depend on their study materials that they use in their daily life.In conclusion, each side of position has benefits and drawbacks. From my point of view, if working women can make time for their children, it will better for their children’s lives in the future.

275. Not all workers get to work on the job they are qualified for. Why do you think this is so? Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

Payment from a job is one of the essential aspects for people to consider but it is not the only reason people take a new job or continue the existing one. I personally believe that there are other important considerations while choosing a job.Without any doubt, salary is essential in order for people to survive and a great proportion of people rely on the money they get from their jobs. Most of the job-holders pay for their housing, utility bills, food, treatment, travel, education and so on from the money they get from their employers. However, money is not the most important concern for someone to choose a job and there are other important considerations to start and continue a job. Passion and interest to the work, for instance, drive most of the people to work. For instance, many established artists, actors, writers and scientists who have already amassed a great fortune would have stopped working if the sole purpose of working would have been the money.Other important aspects, like the job security, career prospect, work environment, relationship with the colleagues and bosses are all important to choose a job. To conclude, salary is an important aspect for picking a job but other factors in combination play more vital roles and have more significance than the money.

276. Some people think that in modern society one needs to focus on their career while leaving personal development and values behind. What do you think is more important? Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

In the present age, it is an undeniable fact that the women's role and position in the society all over the world, including in Indonesia, have much modified, especially in the past two decades that this situation persuades women to have a certain career. The changes of these have become a sparked debate throughout the world. This essay will discuss the supporters and opponents of this view.To begin with, once upon a time, the traditional perception made a restriction for the woman to get a certain role in the society. Some parents argued that their daughter had to marry as soon as possible when she is already 17 years old. Furthermore, after getting married, a woman should not abandon their family. Nowadays, many women are struggling against their competitors “men” to achieve an ideal top position in a corporation. In contrast, a working mother can help their children’s academic performance because they will be able to afford particular materials by buying them from the store. Some people claim that successful children in terms of academic performance depend on their study materials that they use in their daily life. In conclusion, each side of position has benefits and drawbacks. From my point of view, if working women can make time for their children, it will better for their children’s lives in the future.

277. More people now buy products that they do - not need because they are persuaded by advertising. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

In a literal sense, Advertising is an art of showcasing a product to its future consumers. When a company or a person advertise a product he is conveying how the product would benefit the consumer with its unique and best features. Since the Inception of consumer markets merchants have been using Advertising and marketing to sell their product and increase their reach to maximum consumers. Advertising has helped and is continuing to help spread the right information and makes a consumer cognizant of what is available in the market. It helps drive the competition upwards benefitting the end customer by getting varied options to choose. For example, when 'Colgate' came in the market as the first toothpaste, consumers did not have any other option other than Colgate until other companies like 'Close-up' started advertising their product. This resulted in a boost in the competition which ultimately slashed the prices of the product. In my opinion, it is inappropriate to blame the advertising for an increased consumer spending.To draw the conclusion, barring a few disadvantages Advertising can be used as a tool to enhance the growth of an economy by increasing the spending, bringing the right products to the consumer, boosting the competition. All in all, I would recommend healthier advertising to benefit the consumer, merchant and ultimately the world economy.

278. Young people believe that they live in a better world than older generations. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

It is sometimes argued that traditional lifestyles and behaviours which are favoured by the old generation have nothing to do with the training of youngsters in a way that may require living in a fast-paced world. I completely agree with this statement.In my opinion, traditions that had been settled by our ancestors are absurd to get considered in this revolutionised world. However, younger generations are more likely to live independently nowadays which helps them to develop a variety of attributes in their personalities ranging from a higher level of confidence and a sense of responsibility to deal with the real world. It is also argued that conventional values can restrict teenagers from thinking globally. For instance, our forefathers were highly reluctant to do shared business with traders of different ethnic groups of people in their time period.Therefore, I would argue that teenagers should be given the broader view of this universe with immense awareness of global issues, different languages as well as conflict resolution. As a result, a prestigious place in the job market and a prosperous future will be assured for them. In conclusion, I believe that traditional ethics should be ignored as it cannot assist in making our younger generation the productive members of a competitive society.
279. Some people believe that hard work is vital for success, while others think that education guarantees success more than anything. Which do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. (150 words)
These days, some people argue that to get a quality job one needs to have a university degree. While others think the opposite and say that individuals should get some work experience before getting admission to the university. On the one hand, it is irrefutable that students will learn many new things in universities and this will help them to get better jobs in the market with handsome packages. Nowadays, a large number of companies are hiring candidates who have at least a master's or bachelor's degree. I strongly opine that university education is very important for students as it helps them to polish their skills and train them for professional jobs. However, there are exceptions in fields like sales and marketing where individuals should learn these tactics before going to university, but to get better jobs they must complete their degrees in universities. To conclude, as we see above, both topics have their own importance. It depends on the course to course. I must say that education plays a vital role in getting better jobs in the market.

280. People are more aware of fashion nowadays and it continues to be a huge business, with a lot of advertising involved and millions of dollars of being paid to models. Discuss whether this is a good or bad trend. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words) It is true that current mode is increasing its relevance in society and remains a huge and profitable business. From my point of view, this tendency is quite contradictory and has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, vogue provides an opportunity for the implementation of original ideas of creative individuals. As an example, there are many workplaces that have appeared for those who know how to create interesting clothing options for various occasions.For instance, once my mother gave me a very cool and fashionable dress. On the other hand, there are some negative aspects, which concern this situation. First, the development of the fashion industry has led to the fact that some buyers became simply obsessed with it. In addition, fashion trends are constantly changing, which makes such purchases unjustified. For example, my friend saved money for a long period of time and spent it on a trendy thing. In conclusion, although vogue continues to gain popularity and give great opportunities for self-expression, it does not justify such a high cost. For many people, fashionable clothing is more of a luxury than a necessity.

281. According to some people, living in a big city is not as good for families as living in a small town. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

Since always, one of the main choices about what we have to do is decide where to live. Some people prefer to live in small towns, others prefer big cities. I believe both have advantageous and disadvantageous, but according to me, live in big cities is better because a couple of reasons.First of all, big cities are usually more economically developed. In the big cities, the people can find jobs easier than in small towns. For example, I was looking for a job for almost a year in a small town but I did not get any, however, when I moved to a big city I get a job faster.Secondly, there is no doubt that education in big cities is better than in small towns. In today’s modern world, more and more competitive, the pursuit of knowledge has made that people in small towns move to big cities. Thirdly, in big cities we find more options to go out with friends, to have fun. Therefore, this implies a better quality of life and more and more healthy social life mainly with friends. To put it in a nutshell, live in small towns have some advantageous, like for instance, in most cases they are more secure and quiet. For people who like tranquility and secure, small towns are the best choice. However, for those people who prefer better economic conditions, better places to go and a variety of things to do, the better choice is a big city.

282. In some cities, child care centres are situated near business establishments and operate before and beyond office hours so parents can leave their children before work and pick them up on their way home. Will this be good for the child's overall development? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this situation. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

In current hectic society, many parents spend the vast majority of their time by working, thus they cannot allot enough time to their offsprings. As a consequence, some people think it is a reliable alternative to trust grandparents to take care of their children, whereas others opine that the best option is childcare centres. On the one hand, care taking is one of the most salient parts of an infant's growth and can be well undertaken by other family members like grandparents or uncle and aunt. It is also indisputable that the upbringing of a child under grandparents is highly rich in cultural, traditional and ritual parts. On the other hand, the manifest boons of child care centres cannot also be refuted. First and foremost, the professionals in these places have required qualifications to bring up a child, therefore it is more effortless for them to ascertain both mental and physical problems of kids. For example, kids from various nationalities can easily gain knowledge about one another's culture by communicating in these centres which, in turn, would make them a more intelligent person in the future. In conclusion, although there are some obvious edges of children being raised by their own family members, I believe it is a better choice to send them to centres that provides superior upbringing of children.

283. Have you ever lived away from your parents? Describe your living situation and explain its advantages and disadvantages. Include specific details and examples to support your choice. (150 words)

Many people consider living in cities and they think that this is more advantageous while another group prefers living in the countryside as they find it as a better alternative. Living in a city and in an urban area, both has their advantages and disadvantages. First of all, living in a city is very stressful as the life is very busy and competitive there. Cities have lot more vehicles, industries and a large population and that pollutes the environment which is very harmful to the health. It is particularly tough for low earning people as the expenses in living in a city is always higher. People suffer from many health problems that live in a city and especially they suffer a lot in the old ages. On the other hand, city life offers numerous facilities and opportunities compared to the living in urban area. For instance, job opportunity and to run small businesses have better prospects in a city than in the countryside. People can easily find a new job in case s/he loses a job and there are many other earning prospects in a city that could not be found in a village. Opposite to this, rural areas do not offer many opportunities for social life and lacks the entertainment facilities. Also, people can’t purchase everything they need from a village market and markets are very rare in most of the urban areas.In conclusion, both the cities and rural areas have their advantages and disadvantages.

284. Some people say that advertisements are not good because it encourages us to buy things we don't really need. Others say that advertisements are good because it informs us about new products that can improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with and why? Include specific details and examples to support your choice. (150 words)

Some people believe the adds enhanced the frivolous shopping which is not necessary, while some others believe it assists to ameliorate the lifestyle of people as it bestowed information about the new products. This essay will agree with this trend because people are becoming more fashionable and dependent on advertisement. To commence, in this contemporary people are becoming more fashionable. Moreover, humankind is getting a credit balance which promotes them to indulged in unnecessary shopping. For example, most of the people take spend their credits on shopping after they get the discount even for the things which is not crucial for them.However, some people might think advertising helps to engrave ideas about new things and it will forge their life happy and developed. For instance, with the help of gadgets like mobile computer in present of internet can talk anyone all over the world. In addition, they might think new development progress people life. Moreover, they think they have to move on with new model so they need to be up to date with every product available in the market. But in my opinion, buying commodities only by scrutinising the adds on the any media doe not assist people to move ahead. To sum up, although adding somehow has a little bit benefits that everyone will be updated about the products, it's has more demerits such as loss of money by buying unnecessary products which only confer stress and problem in one life.

285. Some countries implement a national Identification system where all people's information are stored in a central database under state control. This is believed to be harmful to members of society by some. Do you support or oppose this opinion? Explain your position. (150 words) Some parents believe that watching television is bad for their children. So, they try to restrict their children from watching TV. However, other parents think that there is nothing bad in watchingTV. Personally, I think that watching TV brings children only benefits unless they spend in front of TV set less then a couple of hours daily. For the following reasons, which I will mention bellow, I believe that television plays an essential role in child's development. First of all, television helps a child to extent his or her range of interests.In addition to these practical benefits television improves children's vocabulary, their memory and gives them the opportunity to gain more knowledge. Second of all, watching cognitive programs helps children to learn more about wild life, our environment and about the importance of preserving our forest and wild animals that live there. For example, my mother always made us have a break after watching TV more then half an hour and let our eyes rest for several minutes before turning on the TV again.To sum up, I believe that television gives children and all people the opportunity to learn what can not be learn from books. Television and movies in particular allow people to feel the reality and see what they will most likely not be able to see in their lives.

286. What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online? Share your own experience as an example in your answer. Give specific details and examples in your answer. (150 words)

With the latest advancements in science and technology, numerous people across the world have become tech-savvy and make use of online portals like FlipKart and Amazon to purchase things about their needs. However, there are some drawbacks of that as well. In this essay, I intend to delve into the pros and cons of doing purchase over internet. Firstly, it saves your precious time, which otherwise would get wasted going to the market and spend hours in purchasing something.Secondly, online portals run numerous promotional programs time to time, especially during festive seasons, which helps the customers in saving the money by getting discounts on their favourite products. For Instance, In a recent survey of people, it has observed that people tend to buy more over the internet during the festive season as compared to local market shopping.On the other hand, internet shopping has many disadvantages as well.Due to the increasing popularity of online shopping, a plethora of businesses already closed down and some are on the verge of getting close soon. Furthermore, sometimes the product delivered a not a genuine product instead a copy of that.
To conclude, purchasing things online has both pros and cons, but, advantages completely outweighs the disadvantages.

287. Many modern shopping centres are now becoming more popular than local market shops. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this consumer behaviour? Provide specific reasons and examples to support your position. (150 words)

It is undeniable that the latest shopping malls are more attractive to consumers than local market stores nowadays. This essay will suggest that a vast variety of products is the biggest advantage of this and higher price is the primary disadvantage.To begin with, the main benefit the modern shopping centres bring to customers is that they offer a great number of products with a visible price so the buyers easily find out whatever they need under one roof. Particularly, all kinds of foods and gadgets such as rice, fruits and electronic devices have been provided there and this satisfies the busy buyers. Another point to consider is that the price of some products in shopping centres may be higher than that in small shops outside. This is because the sellers in super market have to pay more expenses than competitors who sell goods at local shops. As a result, they pass these expenditures to buyers in the form of higher price and that is the reason why the local stands still exist.To sum up, the up-to-date shopping centres are more and more ubiquitous now because of numerous types of products that it supplies to customers although some certain goods are still more expensive than those in local market
288. Some people prefer to live in a traditional house. Others prefer to live in a modern apartment building. Which do you prefer and why? Give specific details and examples in your answer. (150 words)
In big cities variety of houses are available and every living place has some pros and cons. I would like to get a detached house which is more traditional than a modern apartment. In my opinion to live in a typical house is comfortable, spacious and independent. Multistoried flats are congested and have compromised space. Home is the place where a man relaxes. If someone owns a house according to his wishes and needs then he can enjoy his life with friends and family. Independent houses are separate buildings with least contact with the neighbourhood. I will not like to live in an apartment. These small houses do not have parking place, backyards and separate rooms for guests. Moreover, any activity one floor above and one floor down produce the discomfort to habitants of that floor. In conclusion, I will choose a routine house for living. Traditional houses are having more space and are friendly for domestic activities. I will enjoy exercise, weather, and flowers in day life and take deep and comfortable sleep while at night.

289. In some developing countries, government funds are spent more on repairing buildings than building new ones. Does this help them save more money in the long run? Provide specific reasons and examples to support your position. (150 words)

Nowadays, government or non-government organisations are spending plenty of money on the maintenance of old buildings. In the era of skyscrapers, it is a challenging task to renovate old structures. Some people believe that it is wastage of money and that funds should be used to build new buildings. Firstly, old buildings are not mere structures, but are heritage of a particular place. They represent the culture and history of a country. Their antique designs or structures need to be reserved for coming generations. However, due to pollution, there is an adverse impact on the building which needs proper maintenance. On the other hand, new buildings would be safe and secure. Furthermore, new structures in any country also represent the development of that particular nation. For an instance, in the past few decades, so many buildings are built in Dubai which is considered as a development. To sum up, I will conclude by saying that it would be a great initiative to make new buildings. But breaking down old structures is not an ideal choice. Besides, money should be spent wisely on old buildings by analysing their condition, whether they are capable of handling adverse environment in the future or not.

290. Some believe that it is better for each family to live by themselves rather than share a house with relatives. Do you agree or disagree? Provide specific reasons and examples to support your position. (150 words)

An increasing number of people these days prefer to live in solitary or with intimates instead of staying with their parents and families. In my opinion, this increasing trend can cause some dire problems, such as tension between parents and children and even it could elevate the drug usage in teenagers. This essay is going to illustrate some of the negative consequences this drift could bring to society. Firstly, children learn to respect their parents and elders by spending time with them. In other words, children develop a sense of admiration for their elders by praising their wise decisions which is impossible to happen if they are not observing them in day-to-day lives. For example, most of the psychological studies have shown that children mostly reflect the values of their parent which they usually learned by observation. Most teenagers are not aware of the harmful effects of drugs and they unknowingly need someone to warn them about these kinds of things. In conclusion, although people can have independence in their actions by living alone or with friends, but this independence comes with a price which is far greater than that someone can think of. So, it’s generally recommended to stay with families to develop social norms and avoid nasty temptations.

291. Some parents allow their teenage children to live independently, away from home. Other parents do not want their teenage children to live far away from them. Which do you think is better and why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. (150 words)

Some teenagers opt to live independently after they pass a certain age. While some parents allow their children to live separately, others do not. I strongly believe that teenagers should live away from their home to improve their maturity level. Live separately from parents can be beneficial for a few underlying reasons. Firstly, children who live independently tend to be more prepared when they faced the real world. Moreover, without direct help from their parents, teenagers who live independently are forced to solve problems they will encounter in their real life by themselves. Secondly, not only do teenagers who live far away from their parents are more ready, but they also have a better understanding about the decision they made. However, teenagers who live independently, make the decisions clearly for themselves based on their own understanding. For instance, when teenagers live far from their parents, they are forced to cook or to repair house equipment by themselves.To conclude, from the above arguments, live independently can strongly boost teenager maturity level. Teenagers can acquire new skills, enhance their level of confidence, and have a better understanding about their life.

292. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Ads manipulate your taste and the way you think. Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

There are those who would argue that advertising has become so pervasive, it hardly has any effect anymore. In my opinion, while people have developed habits to ignore ads, they still achieve their desired effect on the whole. The main argument against the power of ads is they can be avoided. Online advertising is a good example of this. Users rarely click on or even glance at a website’s combination of pop-up ads, banners, mailing list requests, and auto-playing video ads. However, despite the best efforts of users, advertisements are still effective.These days marketing is the major source of earnings for the largest companies in the world, including Facebook and Google, because of more sophisticated targeted ads. Advertising today, in reality, is far more effective than at any point in the past because of the raw data available to target potential consumers and the concrete feedback on succcessful ads.In conclusion, despite the best efforts of ordinary citizens to circumvent advertising, technological innovations have given marketers more power than ever before. This portends badly for future generations and it is important that lawmakers enact regulations on marketers.

293. What is your stand about the issue of young children having mobile phones? Is it beneficial or not? Why? Include specific details and examples to support your choice. (150 words)

One very good reason to get your child a phone is that it lets you stay in touch with them at almost all times. Your child can let you know that a gymnastics lesson or baseball practice has finished early, for example. When your child has a phone, you can easily get in touch with them in case of an emergency. This extra sense of security and safety is probably the only reason that parents should even consider getting a younger child a cell phone. Most younger kids, especially tweens between the ages of 8 and 12, shouldn't really be alone. In most situations where your child would need to reach you, they will be able to use a landline or the cell phone of an adult who is supervising them. While security, safety, and convenience are the main reasons to consider getting your child a cell phone, other benefits might include:

294. In the past people used more formal and long expressions to communicate with each other. Nowadays, we use fewer words and are more informal. Why is this happening? Use examples and specific details to explain your answer. (150 words)

In recent years it's been observed that people are using informal ways of communication. In this essy I will be discussing the main reasons for this phenomenon. To begin with, In the past 50 ,years there has been a boom in the sector of technology and information which made communication with one another much faster and easier.For example, going back half a century ago people used to communicate only through lengthy formal letters and posting and delivering it took a considerable amount of time. Moreover, due to people's hectic ,schedules people need a way of communication that is fast and convenient and since necessity is the mother of the invention many quick forms of communication have been invented such as wattsap . skip , messenger . All of this has led to communication becoming less formal . In conclusion, our communication nowadays has become short and crisp because of the advancement of technology and people's busy schedules .

295. Compared to the past, more people are now trying to learn a foreign language to increase their chances of landing a better job in their native country or to have better opportunities to work abroad. To what extent do you agree with this point of view? Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

There is always a demand for people who can help bridge the communication gap between two or more cultures, more so today than ever before. Therefore, an increasing number of people are choosing to learn a foreign language. And some believe that this also helps them in getting better jobs. Also, I completely agree with the given notions and the reasons for my agreement are discussed further.The first and foremost reason for my inclination towards the given notion is, being fluent in two or more languages gives an edge over monolingual candidates in job interviews in their native country. In addition to that, learning a foreign language, fluency will give me the opportunity to become a global employee. That is, international companies tend to widen their reach across the globe by hiring candidates who can blend in seamlessly with other cultures and fill the communication gap between them and their clients. For example, Canadian employers give first preference to the person who is fluent in both English and French, which can help global trade to the companies. In conclusion, becoming multilingual undoubtedly increases the chance of getting a highly paid job and an edge over the rest of the candidates with similar abilities. Also, landing a better job abroad have higher chances.

296. People equate a good salary with success. Some say that money is not what will make you successful In your own opinion, what will make a person truly successful? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (150 words)

Over the past decades, materialism has begot a seismic shift in the sense of success. Although some conventional educators advocate fulfilment should be the morally correct factor for this evaluation, it remains obvious that salary is constantly cited as an evidence of being successful. The aim of this essay is to explore the reasons behind this revolution by reviewing both views. To begin with, there is ample evidence suggested that the size of paycheque often grow with the contribution one caters. In fact, a position ranked with higher salary are likely to belong to the successful people with either extended knowledge or sophistication.Meanwhile, fulfilment is unlikely to quantify the level of success, even though it is invariably a source of happiness. This is because the high turnover rate in most industries is mainly attributed to the temptation of salary rather than the failure of acquiring a sense of success in one’s previous profession. ln fact, being interviewed by the Workforce Society, 70% respondents admitted that they prioritise the amount of annual income as the major concern in job hunting. Consequently, in this materialistic era, it is widely believed that success should be rewarded by money rather than merely a spiritual sense of fulfilment.

297. Money is the best way to motivate people to perform better in the workplace. To what extent do you agree with this statement. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (150 words)

It is often thought by some individuals that the most effective method of encouraging and motivating people to be hardworking, especially in the workplace, is to give them remuneration depending on their productivity, in terms of production and sales. In my opinion, I agree with this statement as it will make people to do their best as well as compete with others in order to be recognised. Firstly, a large of individuals who are employees are motivated and enthusiastic to put in all their energy and strength when aware they would be paid according to their efforts. In other words, the awareness of input equals output will elevate their morals. As a result, employers benefit tremendously in terms of profits that would be generated from the hard work of the workers.Another point to consider is that there will be competition competitions amongst people. This is as a result of the consciousness that their wages are dependent on how much they produce and sell. For this reason, they would compete with one another to be the best, and this will in turn drastically improve sales and recognition of the employers. This idea forced people to work hard for the same goal of competing amongst themselves, and unconsciously boosting their self confidence.Conclusively, it is evident that competition and an effort to do the best are the results of salary paid according to input and output of people to encourage them to be serious and hard working.

298.. Many children participate in social networks on the internet instead of participating in community activities in their neighbourhood. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this situation? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

It is widely acknowledged that nowadays, children, together with their friends, join in various social activities on the Internet rather than taking part in community activities. In this essay, an attempt will be made to discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this. To begin with, there are many obvious advantages which can’t be left out. That is really beneficial to them when applying in the future. Therefore, they will stand a better chance of finding employment. For example, after being interviewed by Yale psychologists, over 70% of young office workers admitted that they had spent more time in participating in social networking instead of community activities. For this reason, it is clear that social networking brings children a lot of benefits. However, on the other hand, there are also severe disadvantages of this phenomenon. It is obvious that nowadays children prefer joining in the Internet activities instead of outdoor activities. That causes an unprecedented increase in the number of youngsters having physical health problems such as headaches, obesity, myopia and so on. Therefore, social networks almost certainly have a negative impact on young children. In conclusion, this phenomenon could bring about certain benefits, but its negative consequences should not be overlooked.

299. . Some people prefer to live in a quiet place, such as the countryside. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place do you prefer to live in and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)

People differ in their living preferences. Although some prefer to live in a small town, others would rather live in a large city. Personally, I prefer big cities. In this essay, I will present my reasons. First of all, cities have better job opportunities. This is because they are usually more technologically advanced than small towns, hence there will be more demand for workers in all fields. For example, against each doctor's position in a small town, there will be at least ten positions in a big city, if not more. Moreover, cities are equipped with modern entertainment facilities, which may not be available in small towns. To illustrate, the city I live in has at least hundreds of coffee shops, where I can meet my friends and enjoy our time. On the other hand, small towns may not have various entertainment facilities, and even if they did, they would not be as advanced as the ones in the cities.In conclusion, even though living in small towns may have its merits that make some people choose to live in them, I would rather live in a large city, where it is easier to find jobs with a higher pay, and where people can lead a more prosperous life.

300. People are becomingless interested in community activities.what is cousing is behaviour and what will be the result? Provide explanations and examples to support your answer?( ward150).

Aggressive student behaviour is a major cause of concern in many countries. This article addresses the reasons behind such behaviour and the measures that can be taken to prevent it. Violent student behaviour can be attributed to a bad family atmosphere, a competitive school environment and lifestyle/dietary habits. A student’s behaviour in society depends upon the atmosphere at his/her home. If the parents of student don not devote enough time for him/her, the adolescent mind goes wayward. The behaviour of a student reflects the society we live in. Although violent student behaviour is a matter of grave concern, there are adequate and simple measures to prevent it. Parents and teachers must devote enough time for the student and understand his/her strengths and weaknesses. These help to channelize the great energy of the students in a better manner. Violent student behaviour, although on the rise, can be purged at the grass-root level if proper preventive measures are taken. The youth are the future of our society and it is our solemn duty to guide and make them compassionate human beings.
150.Watching TV shows and movies about crime is becoming more and more popular. Why is this? What effect does that have on society? What is your opinion? 150 words.
Watching TV shows and movies based on crime have gained popularity among a large section of society. The crime show admirers propose that understanding criminal psychology aware them about the dangers present in their homes as well as in society. However, there is also a downside associated with the popularity of crime shows.To begin with, most people tend to gather information about their surroundings which may assist them in the future. In other words, the curiosity of the masses to understand criminal behaviour and the ideologies of a convict not only excite them but also help them in comprehending suspicious illegal activities that may be happening around them. Furthermore, the majority of crime shows and films are based on real-life incidents which are definitely more interesting than any other serial or drama movie. By following such movies, people feel closer to reality and get even more attached to watching shows which keep them on edge.One of the main advantages of this phenomenon is that people are now more cautious and have a better understanding of the modus operandi of criminals. This also helps people in safeguarding their homes and protecting their children from being a victim of any offence. Moreover, they can foresee any errant behavioural pattern in youngsters around them and, hence, inculcate necessary moral and ethical values in them.In conclusion, the feeling of excitement, thrill and curiosity have inclined people towards watching crime shows which have had a far-reaching impact on people's behaviour and society. While crime shows have generated awareness at a large scale, they are also the reason behind increasing crime rate in communities.
149.Nowadays online shopping is extremely popular. What is the impact of it on the environment and what is the effect on people who lost their jobs because of it? 
It is true that online shopping has become a norm in the society these days; however, there is a controversial debate regarding the long-term consequences of this trend on the environment and unemployed people, who lost their jobs due to this widespread phenomenon. This essay will discuss possible impacts on both the environment and people.Online shopping has adverse effects on the environment by changing the pattern of behaviors among consumers. In fact, online shopping makes purchases more convenient, which indirectly leads to consumerism with people over purchase unnecessary products. The availability and convenience as well as different marketing schemes on these websites, such as purchasing in bulk, fast delivery or fake discount, have encouraged people to buy unnecessary products. After all, the environment must absorb mounting wastes produced by the new consumer culture.This trend also has a negative effect on local businesses. Firstly, local shops must close their shops since they could not compete with online shops which offer wide range of products at a better price. Therefore, not only local business owners would lose their investment in their establishment, but also workers would lose their job, leading to an increase in the unemployment rate in those locations. Secondly, these shops were a place that local business, such as farmers or artists, could sell their products. Closing these shops would lead to devastating effects on local businesses, and force unemployed people to relocate from small towns to big cities in search of jobs.Overall, the long-term effects of online shopping are negative both on the environment, by encouraging people to buy more products, and on people, especially on local business which lose their customers.
148.Some people believe that economic progress is the only way to measure a country’s success, while others think that there are other factors. What are these factors? Which one is more important than others? (150 words)⠀ It is undeniable that strong economy is essential for any country to prosper. However, economic progress alone does not determine the nation's growth and success. I firmly believe that several other factors such as education, health of citizens, low crimes and good environment of the country also decide the success.To begin with, many countries consider economic growth as fundamental goal, believing it to foster more employment, job salaries and happier citizens. Admittedly, if the economy is strong, there are more jobs in all sectors, and people feel complacent in terms of earning and spending. Secondly, the government too would have adequate wealth for the welfare of the society. In other words, the governing body would allocate funds in infrastructure development and transport networks, providing better life-style to the country-people. Thus, economic growth certainly makes the country powerful.Nonetheless, it would be unfair if economic development alone is marked as prime reason for country's success. Aparently, other areas also contributes significantly in placing the country high on the globe, and out of these factors, education is indispensable factor which advances any region towards the success. Having more educated people can embolden any state because with knowledge, new inventions and opportunities can be built, creating more jobs and better life. Secondly, sound health and environment too plays an important role. Any country cannot consider itself at top if it lacks in healthier citizens and has an unsafe environment to dwell in. For instance, Brazil has strong economy, still it is not considered successful owing to health and education problems in the country.In conclusion, I pen down saying that economic growth reflects country's prosperity, but to measure any country's success, other factors such as education, healthier citizens, clean environment and crime-free cities should also be considered. Moreover, I believe education is prime factor that should be focused more for measuring nation's growth and development.
147.Many people believe that young adults should undertake a period of unpaid work helping people in their local community. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? 150 words
As responsible citizens of a progressive society, there is often an expectation bound to all the young adults that they should get involved in unpaid work to assist people in their community. Although there are drawbacks to such activities, I would argue that these are outweighed by the benefits.The drawbacks associated with this primarily include the time that a young adult would put in helping people. This time could very well be used in enhancing current skills, developing new skills, strengthening educational qualifications and then applying for competitive and high status jobs. Also, youth is that stage of life that allows enjoyment without being tied down with the responsibilities that arise with age. Spending the little leisure time that they get in helping the community would steal from them the pleasures of exploring their individuality.On the other hand, providing unpaid help to people in the community also comes with significant advantages. The young adults of today become the leaders and innovators of tomorrow. If today they learn the value of moving forward while helping others move forward, they will understand what true progress and success means and that money is not everything. They will learn to empathize with each other, be sensitive to each other’s needs and make choices that benefit one and all. This in turn will also help communities prosper. With people being able to reach out to each other in cases of need, neighborhoods and cities could hopefully become become better places to live in, which is precisely what is needed in society today.To sum up, overall I believe that the benefits are greater than the drawbacks. The requirement to undertake community service must be a key part of the life cycle of young adults and encouraged wherever possible.
146.People today increasingly use credit cards to make monthly purchases. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? 150 words
Since the technologies made a step beyond our imagination of the world, people have started to pay by cards faster and more convenient. However, in today’s society humans commenced to use those cards everyday for anything that a current individual wants to buy. Although, there some disadvantages of using credit cards, I strongly believe that advantages overweigh drawbacks of this payment method.Firstly, the primary benefit of using current payment mode is that a person does not require taking cash when that individual is going somewhere outside. Therefore, it is really simply to take your credit card and go shopping without abundant amount of money in wallet. In other words, a person cannot take a lot of money with you in your wallet, and with a plastic card there can be any amount. For example, when a person buys an expensive car, they can't pay with cash, because it's a lot of money and it weighs a lot. Hence, cashless payments are the best way to make purchases.Secondly, the worthiest part of using a plastic card is cyber attacks. It means that if the bank has glitches in its security system this can be used by hackers to create backdoors. Likewise, this type of online theft is very popular nowadays due to the fact that every program has its own holes in the system. .To conclude, I strongly believe that credit cards are the future and without them it would be much more difficult for humanity to live in modern society.

145.The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in society. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? 150 words It is true that nowadays more and more social media platforms emerged with the intention of getting social networking easier than before, while most people believe this is replacing face-to-face interaction in the society. This essay will discuss why the disadvantage of social media is outweigh the advantages.In one hand, the core concept of social media is connecting people around the world instantly and share information between them using various technologies like chat messages and video calls. Moreover, It is in-fact save the time and energy of peoples busy life style and they can use that time for some other activities. Because of the development of such platforms people can communicate anyone any time regardless of the place that person lives. As an example, you can make a video call to your friend in a different country without spending money on traveling. Furthermore, larger companies benefit from this technology, so that employee no longer need to be in the premises, meanwhile they can work from their home.On the other hand, despite of all the benefits from these social media platforms, most of them nowadays believe they are harming the social bonding that we had before with face-to-face conversations. In-fact the main difference between a video call and a face-to-face discussion is the lack of real feelings for each other. Secondly, working from home while avoiding human interactions indirectly make the person fear of real human interactions.As an example, most of the programmers chose to work from home, by doing that they avoid human interactions and eventually gets more nervous among people. Finally, the lack of privacy is more dangerous than all other benefits.In conclusion, although the core fundamentals of the social media is to connecting people all around the world instantly and effortlessly, the harms that comes indirectly is more critical and in-fact this could damage the society and human interactions in future.

144.Nowadays, people are spending more time away from their homes because they spend longer in their workplace. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? 150 words
It has been seen that people become more workaholic and prefer to spend longer hours on office rather than home. It is mainly due to incline in competition and desire to uplift their standard of living. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of overtime on individuals and their family with feasible conclusion.To begin with, in the present scenario the competition among youngsters to achieve success in their life is at high rate. Everyone is in the race of getting life better than others. Therefore, working for longer hours provide means to have all comfort of life’s by earning extra money. Furthermore, when an employee work with energy and motivated towards his work even if he work till late night then it not only enhance his productivity and chances of promotions but also raises the profits of company. Hence, it is a win-win situation for employee as well as employer. For example it is published in the article of Tribune newspaper that percentage of overtime workers are inclined to it’s four fold as compare to the past.However, it’s impacts on the relationship can not be denied. When people spend most of their time on workplace then they hardly get time for their family which further give birth to issues such as lack of bonding, disputes etc. Thus, it reduces their productivity at work place and work it as an obligation instead with interest.In conclusion, no doubt overtime give chance to earn more money and experience but people should consider that overload doesn’t give good impact to their personal commitments. It is suggested that individuals must know how to keep balance between professional and personal commitments.
143.Some people believe that women should be treated as equal to men when applying for a job with police or the military. Others think that women are less suitable for this kind of job. Agree/disagree? (150 words) The Advent of 21st century has brought numerous transformations in this world in each and every sector. Decisions are made to make this society livable for everyone by implementing equality terms for every caste as well as every gender. Nowadays, authorities are making more regulations for women to make them equal to men in this world and some people argue that number of female reserved seats should be increased in police and military. I also agree with this statement.whereas, others contradict this statement owing to have less strength in women than male. These both views will be explained in an appropriate way in upcoming paragraphs.To begin with, most of the countries have male priorities societies from unimagined time. For smooth running of the society it is essential to make equal society where should not to be a discrimination with female. Due to this, most of the nations are working for it. In every job sectors female have equal opportunities as compare to men. But, still they have to face discrimination in military and police job sessions. Therefore, a host of people argue that they should have equal chances to recruit in these jobs that will make them self empowered and women would be able to secure themselves. For instance, in India, a survey conducted by national news found that violence issues with women has been decreased due to joining these jobs.In contrast, opponents of this statement argue that, women should not be recruited in these two streams because these kind of jobs require a lot of strength and it is clear that they have less potential than men. In conclusion, it is irrefutable that for making problem free society women should get equal opportunity in every sector whether it is police or military. To my mind, it is the best time to break male present society. I believe that women can put full efforts also in these works because they have intellectual skills as it is known both mental and physical strength are required in every job.
142.Some people think that zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However, others think that zoos are useful to protect rare animals. Agree/disagree? (150 words) Zoos are an important asset of our society, some people think they are inhuman and should be closed while others argue that they are helpful in saving endangered species. I, however, agree to the former view but I also believe that they have far much more positive aspects which outweigh the existence of zoos.The cruel aspect of zoos have many reasons, firstly, the animals have to leave the habitat and independence which they were previously enjoying while living in a jungle or a forest, now being caged in a zoo they have to live a life of misery where they cannot enjoy a liberal life. Secondly, there is a limited amount of food supply in a zoo, while those animals enjoyed surplus amounts in their habitat, thus making their robust bodies weaker day by day. They, however, loose the tactics of preying their predators which they used to do while living in a jungle/forest. Finally, a few of these zoo animals get exploited by their caretakers who train them for various shows and generate money out of it. Taking an example of a dolphin which is widely used for shows, it is trained well and then performs paid shows which generates revenue for their owners.Looking on the other side of the discussion which reveals more of the beneficial aspects of zoos to our society, like its contribution towards education, entertainment, conservation and research of animal behavior and anatomy. Zoo is a prime place to make an animal safe from outside dangers like hunters who hunt them for their meat, fur or leather. Moreover, they are practically important in educating public about the animal behavior, anatomy and also from research point of view. People paying visits to these zoos help them to strengthen themselves from the money they earn from people. In addition to this, in zoos breeding the endangered species take place which helps them to increase in their number and avoids them to extinct. After analyzing both the perspectives, I am of the opinion that zoos have a strong advantage for both, the endangered species as well as for the society, but the animal's dignity should be maintained and they should not be exploited
141.Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries, but others think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information can be seen on TV and the internet. Agree/disagree? (150 words)
It is often argued that if you want to learn new information about other countries you should visit these countries, while others disagree with this and think that everything what people have to do is search the internet or look for the information about countries abroad from TV shows. This essay agrees that traveling broadens people's mind and it is sorely needed to go abroad to develop cultural sensitivity. This essay will discuss both points of view.It is clear that visiting other countries allows travelers better understand and accept the ideas and beliefs of foreign people. Thus, people who travel abroad aware that cultural differences and similarities between races exist without assigning them any value. Such world understanding people can not reach just throughout TV programs or reading posts in the internet. It is therefore agreed that it is necessary to travel abroad to make people more able to understand the world and be aware of cultural values and norms of people abroad. A good example of it is my deeper understanding Polish when I visited their country in comparison with my perception of Polish culture during watching Ukrainian reality shows about travels.However, many disagree and feel that all the information about other countries, their culture and traditions along with the most popular places people can find on internet pages or through watching TV programs. Despite this, personal contact with foreign people and their mindsets remains priority.In conclusion, while the benefits of traveling abroad due to learn the new information about other countries are obvious, some still feel that people can broaden their minds without leaving home. However, while people are interested to discover all information personally they will regularly travel abroad.
140.Some people think that young people should go to university to further their education while others believe that they should be encouraged to work as car mechanics or builders etc. to serve society. Agree/disagree? (150 words)
It is commonly argued that tertiary education is the best for the youth, while some disagrees and say that they should commence working after the high school to help the society. This essay will agree that third level education is beneficial for students as well as the people in a broader way. This essay will discuss both views.To begin with, University is the key aspect for education and it is considered that it builds the future of the nation. From this regards, the education and teaching policy of the university affect the whole nation. As a result, students will be more knowledgeable and their thinking ability would be par excellence, which would lead to a better society. The students would be exceptional in their career as well. For instance, the statistics of The Times newspaper in may 2012, showed that pupil who completed their graduation have more employment rate as compared to undergraduate.On the other hand, many youth are not financially capable for completing their higher degree. As a result, lot of teenagers tend to takeup the skilled based job such as car mechanic etc. for supporting their families instead of joining college. For example, there was a youth named John in my area who was working as a clerk in a textile industry after finishing his high school.To conclude, in my opinion, it is essential to complete graduation for the betterment of our career growth and also to society by providing our valuable skills and feedback for the improvement in society.

201.Some people believe that progress is always good. Others believe in preserving tradition. Which do you think is more important and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)Evolution is admittedly a crucial as well as normal process in human life. Even though some people ascertain that development is essential, others argue that securing one's civilisation is better. As a matter of fact, in this essay, I would like to state that advancement is inevitable.To commence, it is true that culture is definitely an identity of an individual. Hence, sticking to it staunchly is the perfect way to preserve it from extinction. However, development is obviously the law of natural itself. To exemplify, man evolved immensely not only by physically but also by socially in order to reach the current level.In addition, it has been evident from the history that our universe once bombarded with numerous antisocial activities like racial discrimination, intolerance, religious persecution and many more. Needless to say, gradual progress is something which enlightened the entire mankind in order to restrict those evil practices.For instance, despite being the world's greatest democratic once India's society had been filled with plenty of such disastrous practises such as Satti system and child marriage.To conclude what I perceived from this context is that humans should be sophisticated enough to imbibe the virtues and leave the vices of progression. Another point worth considering is that along with progress, they should uphold the positives from their culture.201

202 Do we have to plan for the future? Or stay focused on our present? What is your opinion and why? Provide examples to support your stand. (150 words)It is often been said that planning for future is very important to succeed in one’s life. People’s opinions differ as to whether having a future plan is needed or only to focus on what is going on currently. However, as per my belief, one should have both long term and short term future planning. This essay will explain how future can be bright if planned properly for future.To begin with, one cannot see what they are going to achieve by only putting focus on the activities currently being done. The reason is that they cannot decide whether those actions will help them to reach their final goal or not. For instance, psychologists at Barcelona University state that one cannot achieve expected outcome of their actions if they act haphazardly without a proper plan. Therefore, it is of extreme importance for me to have a concrete plan to work towards my future goals.To continue, people who plan their goals carefully, can effectively plan their time and actions that are very much needed to fulfil their future aspirations. This is because, it gives a clear picture as to which activities are needed to reach their ultimate goal. One of the best examples is the life of Nicole Kidman, an Australian actress. Her dream is to become a famous actress and she knew that it is impossible to materialize in a short period and that she has to work step-by-step with cautious future planning and with one, made her dreams come true. Thus, inspired by those famous personalities, I prepared a clear plan for my future endeavors.To summarize, one should have clear goal and a carefully plotted plan to fulfil one’s dream. I too have near future and distant future plans, which are aligned to my goals.

203 How do advertisements affect thetrend ofpeople and economy? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (150 Advertisements are used to introduce a wide range of consumer goods to the public. Their aim is to convince people to buy a product that has been the subject of an advertisement. Some advertisements are designed to promote new products while others are designed to advertise the existing ones. There are also ads sponsored by charities that encourage people to give donations and public service ads that convey information. Advertising relies on media to distribute its messages. There are many different types of advertising, these include newspaper or magazines ads, posters on trains and buses, pop-ups and banner ads when surfing the internet, television and radios. This essay will discuss the positive and negative effects of advertising for both the economy and the consumers. Advertising is beneficial as it creates job opportunities, increases export, and informs customers about new products. However, at times, advertisements can be misleading, can lead to overspending and create false needs.Advertising is positive for both the economy and individual consumers. Advertising helps the economy by strengthening competition. Since every brand wants to be successful, therefore they spend huge amounts of money on advertising, which increases awareness of products and this leads to greater competition. Due to growing competition, companies continue to improve their product line, packaging and advertising rather than find faults in the product of their rival. It aims at

204 Some people believe that only people who have a lot of money are successful. Others believe that success does not always equate to having lots of money. Which statement do you agree with and why? Give specific details and examples in your answer. (150 words)Nowadays definition of success has become earning a lot of money. Some people believe that only people who earn a lot of money are successful. I completely disagree with this statement. There are many other factors that define the success of a person. This essay will discuss various factors that define success.Firstly, many people assume the more they earn money, the more successful they are ignoring all other factors. There will be many factors to consider like peace of mind and enjoying the work we do. For example, a person is working 12 hours a day without taking any breaks and focussing only on earning more money, then he is definitely not a happy person. There is no time for him to spend that money with their loved ones. He just piles up the money a thinks he is a successful person but in reality he is just a machine running for money without considering the small pleasures of life. People should always measure success by how happy they are with their family and society and how much they enjoy the work they do.Secondly, another important factor for being successful is the health of the person. Many people tend to keep on working without taking any breaks or any vacations, this leads to few severe health issues to people. For instance, according to a recent survey it is proved that people who don't take breaks may suffer from serious mental trauma and may go into depression.People should often take a break for relaxation and spend time with their families.In conclusion, earning lots of money doesn't define success. There will be a lot of other factors as mentioned in the essay. People should stop running behind money and understand what is real meaning of success.

205In some companies, social skills is given priority over qualifications when screening their possible employees. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this situation. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)Recently more people focus on social skills for what purposes.There are those who say that social skills are crucial extra qualification for success. I strongly believe that these skills are really necessary to stay in a good position in the workplace. In this essay, I will examine my point of viewPerhaps, the main reason why I am in favour with this phenomenon is that many companies find out such employees who have good communication skills. these types of people have great self-confidence to communicate recievers. for example, in sales and marketing related jobs, employees should have self-dependence to persuade customers by giving advertisement about their products.After that,their profit will be increased when the number of customer enhanced.Moreover, in multinational jobs,workers have to communicate with foreigners.In such cases, face-to-face contact are more crucial.Another reason why I agree with this statement is that satisfactory behavior plays an important role in the job area. In extended industry, people work in a team and have a leader.If leader and employees do not treat each other very well ,the project cannot be finished with successfully .for instance, in it related job, a whole project cannot be completed by individual very early. Furthermore ,they solve it with 12 and 14 workers. In that case, acceptable behaviour can make a good relationship and energetic.In addition one can share problem with others if another person behave very well. to sum up, presently people cannot do anything very well because of the lack of social skills. if people have these skills like communication skills and good behaviour as well as academic skills.they will achieve good things in the professional life

206Countries should restrict foreign companies from opening offices and factories in order to protect local businesses. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons and specific examples to explain your answer. (150 words)Nowadays, private organizations are helping countries in developing and increasing their financial economy by providing employment and opportunities to the local people. Subsequently, the foreign company should be welcomed but the governments need to stay close to the local businesses, too. To begin with, foreign organizations bring numerous advantages if they open branches and offices or factories in any country. Firstly, new jobs will be formed for citizens; undeniable, they come with better salary and promotion opportunities. Furthermore, working in such a place requires special skills which help you develop yourself. Secondly, these multinational companies will boost the economy as the government collects a hefty amount of different taxes from these industries. However, foreign industries can impact the local companies because the workers in local businesses may leave their current jobs to join the foreign companies due to better working space and higher salaries. As a result, there would be significant decreases in productivity and profit margins because there are talented differences. Indeed, the government should come forward to support own local businesses by reducing taxes, having a price support scheme, so that these savings can be paid to employees as bonuses or perks. Therefore, administrations should promote local markets for the betterment of a nation.To sum up, there are some undeniable benefits brought in by foreign companies but they can harm the local industries if governments allow multinational corporations to establish their branches and offices

207Young people prefer listening to music rather than listening to the news on the radio. Is this a positive or a negative sides.Listening to music is preferred by the youngsters nowadays very popular as a source of entertainment rather than preferring listen news on radio.However,I believe that its positive sides outweigh it detrimental points,so I will discuss some reasons behind this statement.One of the predominant positivity of listening music is that ,it is a source of entertainment by the dint of hectic study routine, whenever youngers listen music ,they feel fresh ,as a result, they give their best in study with proper concentration. Secondly, it is believed that music is a medicine for those kind of young people , who are suffering from depression because it would increasing their well power to burst out unuseful beliefs from their mind.. Moreover, music is also a profession ,most of the people studying music as it has various forms such classical ,jazz, retro, romantic, so on.Apart from this, there are number of musical programmes telecasted in present days.As an example of ,indian ideal where each year young singers not only participate for winning awards but also gain popularity along with famous stars, it leads to become a famous singer by adopting musical fieldIn conclusion, music is very advantageous for young generation by providing their benefits which are related to their physical state and social life rather than listening to news on radios.

208Some films are designed to make people think, while other films are designed to entertain or amuse people. Which type of film do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (150 words)

It is fact that various types of movies are produced by filmmakers. While some movies based on moral l lessons and affect human thinking, are far better than those which are based only amusement and entertainment. Fun is a part of life and it helps to refresh human mind but too much fun without any deep meaning is nothing but a wastage of time. So, I prefer those movies which make the audience think.First of all, serious types of movie help their audience to think deeply and creatively. The dialogue, locations, actions and over all theme of these movies make a deep sea of thinking into their audience. People try to solve the mystery, understand the dialogue, compare between locations and actions, try to understand the synchronization of music and background .Some movies based on fun and lessons both reason. one good example of 3 idiots movie, the movie based on college students life and the movie gives beautiful message, student can do whatever they have in interest. They should focus on their goal. This movie also successful in film mediaIn conclusion, it is true that each movie is produced for different purpose. some movies are produced for pure entrainment, while others are made for specific purpose. Peoplehave different taste to watch movies. I personally prefer serious films, since there are many things that you can get and learn from watching these films.

209Give reasons for the popularity of reality TV in the recent years. Explain the effects on society and the social meaning of this trend. (150 words)Televisions have great impact on society since their introduction time. There are different programs that draws attention of people from different ages ranging from children to adults. There are some causes, as well as different effects of this trend.One of the fundamental reasons why reality TV is gaining popularity day by day is containing excitement and drama. These type of programmes are always making people wait for the next part. Taking into consideration that most of TV shows are not available frequently, such as once or twice a week, people have enough time making research and even create some scenarios on their mind which are considered as main causes of this trend. Another reason behind this is advertisements. Designing and editing trailer and announcement videos of reality shows and promoting them on TV during ad-breaks is enough to attract potential audience.In regard to the effects, most obvious one is addiction. Sometimes, the content of television programme becomes so interesting that people, especially young ones are watching to it continuously, for hours. Some people even spend their free time by watching past episodes of particular TV show. Thus, there are other types of outcomes of this problem, such as time waste and lack of concentration. As young people are tend to spend more time in front TV, this results with even some problems at academic and work life.In conclusion, TV is very useful and can be a good choice for relaxing and relieving the stress of hard work. However, it is better to spend the time efficiently, rather than watching television for a long period

210These days people pay more attention to famous film stars than to famous scientists. Why is this happening? Nowadays, it is commonly witnessed that renowned scientists are unnoticed in contrast to movie actors or actresses. The chief cause behind this phenomenon is the role of media and the lack of interest of people in research.Certainly, the media plays a vital role in the publicity of celebrities. In the glare of media, even an anonymous person turns out to be a celebrity overnight. In other words, the paparazzi sneak into the personal and professional lives of these film stars owing to the fact of public interest. For instance, Renu Mondal is a beggar and became a star overnight due to media propaganda. Thus, press function in this context is indispensable.Another reason for this wave is that to retain in the movie industry, a huge fan following is mandatory. Therefore, to keep themselves in the competitive world of acting they maintain contact with people to survive. Indeed, in the case of ,scientists their research is confidential and cannot be leaked out without prior permission and restricted to the laboratories. Moreover, for this phenomenon press, as well as, scientists lobby is responsible for their negligence. To illustrate, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam is acknowledged as former president of India irrespective of the fact that he is an epitome in the field of research. Therefore, somewhere researchers are at fault for not developing public interest in their discoveries.In compendium, I believe that it is the media which is responsible for making a person famous either it is a film star or a scientist. Does too much freedom for – today’s children give positive results? Why or why not? Include specific details and examples to support your answer. (150 words)The world is changing at a fast pace and so are the rules and norms of the society. Presently, it is believed that today’s children enjoy much more independence than the children of the past. Here, I would like to accord with the given statement.There are manifold points to support my view. First and foremost, parents these days realize that their off springs are capable of deciding things on their own. To illustrate, with the power of the television, internet and other technical gadgets in their hands, young generation today is most well informed than ever. Moreover, juveniles in the past were not exposed to much information and meekly did what their parents told them to do. Therefore, children in this era are availing more independence and freedom.. As a result, guardians do not hesitate to give their children the power to make . Consequently, children are left unattended to enjoy their independence owing to ongoing workaholic culture in the society. Moving further, the change in family structure from joint to nuclear has also led to more liberty being showered on juveniles. To justify, grandparents are no longer living with the family to keep a watchful eye on their grand kids. Thence, children are relishing more of breathing space in the absence of such supervision.To recapitulate, it can be stated that liberty provided to children these days inevitable. Thus, it is the responsibility of the parents to see that excessive freedom is not given which may go against their own children
212Everything needs to be a bit challenging in order to be enjoyable. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons and specific examples to explain your answer. (150 words
There is an argument that hobbies must be challenging to be pleasant. Personally, I partially agree with this position due to the following reasons.
On the one hand, practicing high-level activities in the leisure time may be frustrating and stressful, due to the countless fails to achieve a milestone, therefore, the experience might me unpleasant for people. For instance, despite being sports, jogging is more popular than working out, since the first one does not have giant tasks. Moreover, after working hard at work, individuals look for opposite experiences during free time, as light activities relax the mind and body, as a consequence, their hobbies would be more enjoyable.
Conversely, easy tasks may be boring and uninteresting because of the presibility, as a result, people might feel disappointed with the activity. For example, several puzzle games are only interesting until players tackle the mistery, becoming bored after finding the solution. Additionally, although losts are frustrating, wins are proportionally exciting, thanks to the size of the challenge, as a consequence, individuals might keep on the activity in order to feel the happiness again.To conclude, in spite of the fact that difficult hobbies might frustrating and stressful, overcoming the problems can be pleasant. From my perspective, hobbies may be challenging, but it is not a must

213What is the impact of computer games on the children of today? Is it helping their development or making them worse? Why and why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (150 words)Video games have been a part of children's life for the past few decades. It all started when Atari came up with its first gaming console, which included a very simple game of tennis. The controller had just one stick and one button to play with. Now, we have many different types of consoles available in the market with very complex games that requires controllers with two or more sticks and a variety of buttons. Video games are almost second nature to the modern children and they are more comfortable playing them. Playing video games can have many different effects (both positive as well as negative) on children. Some of these effects include increasing hand-eye coordination and increasing dexterity mental skills; a decreased interest in other activities such as studies and sports; and a very negative effect of inducing violenceOne of the most positive effects of video games is increasing the dexterity of a child and improving his or her hand-eye coordination.We find that playing videogames can have various effects on the children, both positive as well as negative. Even though the children can benefit by increasing their dexterity and improving their reflexes, the cost of them losing out on their physical exercise and homework, as well as their becoming prone to violent acts, are way too much. It is important that the parents and the educators take up this problem seriously and enable certain rules and regulations that allow children to divide their time responsibly between playing videogames and completing their studies and other responsibilities.

214Some people spend more and some spend less for wedding parties, birthday parties and other celebrations? Is it a waste of money or a social requirement? Include specific details and examples to support your choice. Celebrations make our life more enjoyable. Most people like to celebrate any occasion by inviting a lot of people and sharing their happiness with friends, colleagues and relatives. Others insist that these lavish celebrations are wastage of money and time. I think it does not make sense to spend a lot of money on holidays. In these upcoming paragraphs, we will discuss both views.People choose to throw a party for several reasons. Some of them want to share happiness with others, while others only want to show off their wealth and their status. According to them, these events need to be celebrated grandly as these happen only a few times in life. Like in the marriage ceremony, people spend a considerable amount to make their event memorable. For this, they want everything perfect. So through spending a lot of money, they can make this event memorable.But other people insist that spending money on events is not necessary as most people across the globe are under starvation. According to them, in this way, people flaunt their wealth, and this is the main reason for the creation of social problems in society, like competition among people. People adopt this as a culture, and it may cause financial pressure, on community. For them, instead of spending money on these, we can send money on poor peoples for their help. Like in Africa, most people do not have food to eat .We can use money in a better way. To conclude, although some people think that spending money on parties will bring happiness in life. But I firmly believe that instead of spending money on these lavish events, we can save this for other purposes, like to serve humanity or on other welfare projects.

215In some countries people place more importance on their retirement years because they will have more time to enjoy their lives and will have shed most of their responsibilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree Since the inception of human civilisation, the debate over the retirement age is widespread. Although people usually continue working after retirement, in most countries retirement is regulated. Some countries, with huge youth workforce, allow their citizens to retire early as 50. Similarly, countries that struggle with lack of workforce allow people to work more than 60 as 65 or 70 too. However, there are few occupations which demand exceptions over age limits. For example: in politics, people work with no age limit as this occupation is paramount and requires significantly long and skilled experience and in the military, servicemen are allowed to actively serve till 45 years only as the job necessitates impeccable physical fitness and dynamic adaptability.navigationSince the inception of human civilisation, the debate over the retirement age is widespread. However, there are few occupations which demand exceptions over age limits. For example: in politics, people work with no age limit as this occupation is paramount and requires significantly long and skilled experience and in the military, servicemen are allowed to actively serve till 45 years only as the job necessitates impeccable physical fitness and dynamic adaptability.Firstly, countries with huge youth workforce have enacted rules to force an average worker to end their careers early at an age of 50. Eminently, this decision is influenced by the requirement to engage maximum workforce to employment. Moreover, youth bring extra energy and new innovative ideas to turn jobs more productive and less costly.For example: officially, China, a country with the largest youth and overall population, doesn't allow its citizens to work after 50.Secondly, some countries like Poland, Iceland etc. allow their citizens to work till 70 as these countries are enduring with low workforce and high ageing people, who hold a major share of the population. For example, Austria, a country with the highest share of senior citizens, allow people to work till 70, and in order to tackle the issue, the country has announced a skilled migration scheme to attract skilled workers from other countries.In conclusion, I believe that a retirement age should be selected after intensive research into a country's job market, population ratio and other factors impacting society. Also, certain occupations must be vetted differently as they required some specific skills. For example, politicians mustn't be barred after any age, and similarly, servicemen must get retired after 50.

216Some people forget national holidays and prefer to celebrate their personal holidays more because more people are becoming less appreciative of their love of country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?In this modern life, people are giving more preference to other day celebrations than the national celebrations. As they are enjoying other days as it give more happiness and socialism. There are various reasons people are disdain their national celebration. In this essay I will explain more detail about the various causes behind it.Moreover, due to increase in tax payment, higher competition in job, which force people to concentrate on their ambition rather than on their nation. School children are forced to study for long hours to get good marks instead of knowing values, culture of their country. In a nutshell, patriotism in all over the world fading gradually due to various reasons and forces them to celebrate on other days instead of their national day celebrations. Children should be taught national values, integrity, brotherhood and discipline. Government employees are protector of the nation they should be honest in their work and well being of their nation which will result in prosperity and integrity in their nation.

217Some parents think that the latest technologies (gadgets, computers, etc.) will help in their child's learning development. Others think giving children the latest gadgets will be a distraction in their studies. Which opinion do you agree with and why?

Human development is a complex interplay of many factors. Some individuals are of opinion that parents have the most significant role in a child’s development whereas others say that technology also plays a role. With the change in interactions among family members and increased availability of technological gadgets, the majority of children are allowed to use smartphones for acquiring knowledge and learning new things. This has both positive and negative impact, which we can discuss on this essay.In this digital era, rather than learning through books which has 2D images, people tend to explore the technologies which can open up a world of 3D in the fingertip. Children are non-sceptical to this. They have got the opportunity to see and even feel the objects with the help of various software. Firstly, these gadgets allow children to grasp knowledge quickly because the human mind can easily retain things through the audio-visual medium. Moreover, unlike the traditional way of learning, the gadgets offer an interesting and engaging experience. Therefore, these days, parents are more likely to permit their wards to use smartphones.Despite these benefits, there are far more disadvantages for this development. Primarily, excessive use of gadgets may have a detrimental effect on the eyes since watching mobile screens for a long time causes eye strain. Secondly, children are so addictive of smartphones and tablets that they will spend most of their free time by sticking to these devices. Motor skills and analytical skills will develop only through physical activities. To conclude, while smartphones have made learning quite easy and interesting, they may result in making children vulnerable to health problems. Everything is good and useful, if and only if it is utilized in a controlled manner. Thus, the positives of this trend of enhance learning with smart phones and tablets do not outweigh the negatives.
218Computer games help parents in the care for their children because they keep children occupied. Do you agree or disagree? To what extent do you agree or disagree?
When it comes to the issue of preventing computer games for children, some people are opposing the view and others may be in favor of it. In my opinion playing computer games is a waste of time. Parents should allow them for limited time only. There are so many reasons for supporting this idea.Firstly, Technology has been changed drastically, it has many advantages and disadvantages.Nowadays most parents have one child and they are busy with their office work, house work, study, etc. So most of the parents don' t have time to spend with their children. After office hours parents might be busy with business meeting or other business. Children have adolescent mind-set like parents they also attract towards computer. But They won' t be able to understand, that parents are using technology for their work, children will play computer games. Most of children are playing a game using online method. Because they knew about their friends, and form a team to defend imaginary enemies. In a game there are a lot of task to do by a player, time consuming process. They will never understand the advantages of outdoor games such as swimming, football, baseball, etc. Outdoor games helps children to keep up physical health, team work, communication, positive thoughts. However Computer games lead to negative thoughts like defending enemies, bomb blasts, gunshots, and destroying the city.Another reason I would like to explain is that computer games cause many health problems such as eye irritation, headache, and hand pain. Nowadays, the biggest problem in the world is child obesity. The main reason behind that is sitting for hours and eating junk food to play computer games.In conclusion parents should restrict the time period, set rules for playing time and team, they can check the computer game which does not have any negative effects like killing another person, suicide, jump from balcony.
219Some countries spend large amounts of money hosting international sports events like the Olympic Games. Instead, this money should be spent to provide information campaigns and infrastructure to encourage more ordinary people to participate in sports. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some states prefer to invest a lot of money to put their sportives in global competition and some people claim that is better to invest in sport for young generation.From my point of view the both are very necessary,but I agree that children have to be encourage to practice sports since an early age and for this gouverment has to have some implicationNowadays, in many countries we can find children who got talent in sports.We have the moral obligation to find them and support them to become a good performers in sport.Gouverments should spend many on this children because they are the future.From a very early age,parents should encourage their children to practice sport in order to descover them if they are good in some area.Even if in this days many boys want to become a footballier and girls dancer or gimnasts,because they think that in this way became famous,parents and teachers should try to encourage the rest of the sports On the other hand, in order to become a good performer in sport you have to invest a lot of money, not only for sport things, but for personal image too.It is normal that a country to suport their ocompetitors with money in order to win the competition.There are many bussines people who have money and whant to invest in sport,in a sportman thet they like,or a company could invest money just for advertising.This is a trned which can be stoped and a lot of money are spend in this wayTo conclude,both sides are important,we have to sustain our children to practice sport,because they are the next genaration who could participate to a worldwide competition.

220Do you think that public cultural and educational institutions should have a fee? Discuss your opinion and provide specific reasons and examples to support your answer People have argued about the entrance fee to museums and art galleries. Some people believe that it should be free of charged for the public, while others think that there should be an entrance fee. The following essay will explain these contradictory opinions in details, but in my point of view, I do believe that there should be levied for admittance. For a number of reasons, many people believe that the public should not be charged with any kind of fee when they enter museums or art galleries. Firstly, these sites have been funded by the government through taxes that were paid by residents. When museums and art galleries charge entrance fees, it means that people are paying double charges. Secondly, although these places contain historical and artistic artefacts but these places are not popular and attractive places. When these museums and galleries charge some fees, it is predicted that there will be fewer people who will visit these places.On the other hand, another group of people think that the public should be charged with either voluntary or admittance fees when they visit a museum or an art gallery. These people believe that by charging visitors with a certain amount of fees, it educates them to appreciate the value of history and arts. Besides that, these fees can be used to reduce subsidies that have been given by the government. The fund could be relocated by the government for other important matters such as education, public health or transportations.In conclusion, people often debate about the entrance fee of museums or art galleries. Several people think that there should not be any charges for visitors, while others disagree. I personally believe that there should proportionate charges for people when they enter the museum or an art gallery, as the fund could be used to cover the operational expense of these places, and reduce the subsidy from the government.

221Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation different from your parents' generation? Every generation is different from its previous one and hence there are a lot of differences, and some of them very important, between my parents and my generation. The development of modern technology, widespread of the internet, easy communication and access are few of the major factors that have cause a great difference between my and my parents’ generation.A major difference is the mode of communication. If we wish to talk to a friend, we would just text him or call him up from our cell phones. It is very simple for us. But in my parents’ generation, communication was difficult and expensive. Nobody owned a cell phone and the public phones were used to deliver only urgent messages. Unlike us, they had very limited modes of communication. If our friend has moved to some other city, then we may contact him instantly through social networking sites or through phone numbers. But our parents’ generation wrote letter, which took days to get delivered.There are many other differences, but in my view the above mentioned are the most important difference in my and my parents’ generation.

222In some countries, it is normal for older people to live on their own rather than with their children What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend? Give reasons The places where people live affects greatly in their lifestyles and the living place is one of the very basic needs for people. People opine differently while choosing the living places. Some prefer and argue that city is the best place to live at since it provides so many advantages over the rural area, but other think that villages are the best places to live a good life. Both places have advantages and disadvantages.It is true that a city offers so many opportunities and advantages those are absent in a countryside. For instance, the modern transportation and communication systems are better in any city compared to a village. In a city people have access to many different transportation systems and have latest technologies to communicate; like cellular phones, internet, fax etc. Moreover, when a new technology arrives at the country it is first introduced in the city area and usually 2/3 years later to the village. Secondly, cities provide better security to its inhabitants like the mobile police patrols, special forces, community police, security guards, traffic police etc. But in the village, the number of security force persons are too low compared to the overall population. Moreover, cities provide better treatment, hospitals, qualified doctors, better educational institutes, and amusement parks etc which are really inevitable to lead a better life. In many cases, those facilities are absent or rare in a village. In my opinion, the reason for why most people tend to live in a city is the vast opportunities of jobs. Most of the corporate offices, industries, factories, government offices, garments and manufacturing industries are either situated in a city or close to the city.In my case, I prefer to live in the city. I feel relaxed and comfortable staying in my own city. There are lots of facilities I can't deny are presented in my city and those are the invaluable part of my lifestyle. Moreover, I like to lead a busy and challenging life and want to be connected with the world. I enjoy visiting countryside but get bored there if I stay more than 2/3 days because all of my necessary stuff to lead my as usual life are absent there.

223In some countries, people live with their parents and siblings until their old age. Do you think there are more advantages or disadvantages to this behaviour? Discuss your opinion and provide Today in some countries, the number of adults who continue to live with their parents is increasing even though they have graduated from college and had a stable job. Although this tendency brings benefits, in my opinion, I believe that the disadvantages that it brings are even more remarkable.On the one hand, there are some advantages when grown-ups live with their family. Firstly, they are adequately taken care of from their fathers and mothers. For instance, when adults go home after work they do not worry about cooking meals because all of dishes are set up on the table by their mothers. And the fathers are likely to be people who often help young adults to fix something namely air-conditioning or washing machine in the house when it does not work or breaks down. As a result, young people do not have to do some trivial things instead of focusing on their career or further education. Secondly, if they met some financial issues, their parents would be great supporters. Indeed, although mature individuals could pay for their needs by their daily incomes, occasionally their parents have to help them to pay for other expenditures such as new motorbikes or new smart phones. Consequently, thanks to living with mums and dads, youngsters are not under much pressure regarding money problems.In conclusion, I would argue that although there are some advantages of the current trend when the young people have graduated or have jobs living with their parents, they are outweighed by the disadvantages as well as the most negative impact on them is fading of independent decisions.

224Have you ever lived away from your parents? Describe your living situation and explain its advantages and disadvantages.The places where people live affects greatly in their lifestyles and the living place is one of the very basic needs for people. People opine differently while choosing the living places. Some prefer and argue that city is the best place to live at since it provides so many advantages over the rural area, but other think that villages are the best places to live a good life. Both places have advantages and disadvantages.It is true that a city offers so many opportunities and advantages those are absent in a countryside. For instance, the modern transportation and communication systems are better in any city compared to a village. In a city people have access to many different transportation systems and have latest technologies to communicate; like cellular phones, internet, fax etc. Moreover, when a new technology arrives at the country it is first introduced in the city area and usually 2/3 years later to the village. Secondly, cities provide better security to its inhabitants like the mobile police patrols, special forces, community police, security guards, traffic police etc. But in the village, the number of security force persons are too low compared to the overall population. Moreover, cities provide better treatment, hospitals, qualified doctors, better educational institutes, and amusement parks etc which are really inevitable to lead a better life. In many cases, those facilities are absent or rare in a village. In my opinion, the reason for why most people tend to live in a city is the vast opportunities of jobs. Most of the corporate offices, industries, factories, government offices, garments and manufacturing industries are either situated in a city or close to the city. People have much more employment opportunities in aacity than a village. On the contrary, people living in a village, are often forced to do a job that is not suitable at all for him since the job opportunity is so narrow there. Again, schools or colleges are not equipped with a better environment, labs, teachers and that's why students in a village might not get a better education he/she deserves. If we consider the entertainment facilities in a city then citizens of a city have so many options like theatre, park, art gallery, museum, amusement parks, libraries etc. But

225 Some people say that advertisements are not good because it encourages us to buy things we don't really need. Others say that advertisements are good because it informs us about new products that can improve our lives.Whether or not advertising benefits our lives has become a hotly debated topic over the last few years. While a majority of people, when surveyed, say that they would have bought fewer things if not for advertising, they have not thought about the impact of those purchases in their lives. Advertising has played an instrumental role in making our lives easier. Research shows that while most people agree that most things on a list of 100 items shared with them would make their lives better, they were only searching for a handful of them actively. According to a World Innovation Council study, the world is innovating and developing new products at ten times the rate as compared to just 2 decades ago. While most people believe that these products benefit them, they would not have known about these products without advertising, Case in point, robot vacuum cleaners have helped households save at least five to eight hours of time each month, but most people who have purchased one say they would not have known about it but for an advertisement they saw.Having said that, people will always point to a handful of items they bought that they didn't really need but those occasions tend to be far fewer in comparison. Another study by Wold Innovation Council found in a controlled experiment that in only 1 out of 12 situations advertising was successful in convincing people into buying things that did not improve their lives.Thus, while there are a few unintended consequences, advertising has played an extremely important role in helping improve our quality of life and should continue to do so.

226Some countries implement a national Identification system where all people's information are stored in a central database under state control. This is believed to be harmful to members of society by some. Do you support or oppose this opinion? Smart cards, unlike magnetic stripe cards, can carry all necessary functions and information on the card. Therefore, they do not require access to remote databases at the time of the transaction. Currently, there are at least three separate types of smart cards, which are all evolving and becoming more common in routine transactions. The IC microprocessor card can be used for a variety of applications, especially those that have cryptography built in, which requires manipulation of large numbers.Another type of smart card is the integrated circuit memory card. This card also has a microchip attached to its surface but can only be used for memory space. This type of chip is most commonly found in cell phones and pre-paid phone cards. The third type of smart card is the optical memory card. This type of card is probably the least advanced when it comes to authentication technology. Data can be written on this card, but once it has been written, it can no longer be changed or be moved. The optical memory card is good for storing long-term memory, such as medical records and background

227What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online? Share your own experience as an example in your answer. Give specific details and examples in your answer. (150 words)In recent years, there has been a growing trend that people tend to buy things on the Internet. This present both pros and cos, however, in my opinion, its benefits are much more significant than the drawbacks.On the one hand, shopping online brings consumers some disadvatages. Initially, since people are unable to touch or to see the products they want to buy in reality, it is always hard for them to examine the quality of these products. As a result, they might purchase the items with poor quality. In addition to that, as consumers do not feel happy with the items they had bought online, they tend to abandon these products or don't use them at all. This is definitely a watse of money. Moreover, buyings thing on the Internet often makes people confused since there are a great number of shops on the Internet. To be specific, buyers might see the same products in several shops, but the prices for these items can be very different, ranging from reasonable to prohibitedly expensive price. Consequently, they will not know which products they should purchase.Second, buyings things on the Internet helps people save a great deal of time. That is to say, since people nowadays are often so caught up with work and study, shopping online is a wise choice which doesn't require them to go the the stores . With a click of mouse, they can buy the things they need and the shippers will deliver their products to customers as soon as possibleIn conclusion, although buyings things on the Internet exerts some adverse aspects, the advantages can justify these.
228Many modern shopping centres are now becoming more popular than local market shops. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this consumer behaviour? It is undeniable that the latest shopping malls are more attractive to consumers than local market stores nowadays. This essay will suggest that a vast variety of products is the biggest advantage of this and higher price is the primary disadvantage.To begin with, the main benefit the modern shopping centres bring to customers is that they offer a great number of products with a visible price so the buyers easily find out whatever they need under one roof. Particularly, all kinds of foods and gadgets such as rice, fruits and electronic devices have been provided there and this satisfies the busy buyers. There is more obvious evidence to show that whatever type of merchandise you used to buy at local shops is offered at modern shopping malls and this lead to consumers saving their time when buying. In contrast, it is inconvenient for consumers if local shops just supply some kind of goods excluding what customer want to buy. Co-op mart is prime example, where we are likely to buy anything we want.To sum up, the up-to-date shopping centres are more and more ubiquitous now because of numerous types of products that it supplies to customers although some certain goods are still more expensive than those in local market shops.
229Some people prefer to live in a traditional house. Others prefer to live in a modern apartment building. Which do you prefer and whyFor those who are interested it is possible to surf the Internet and read articles discussing house and apartment. There are several points of view on this matter. The first claim that a traditional house have a lot of space. An alternative belief regards this as harmful and considers modern apartment building is convenient as the most important in that case. In this essay both points of view are going to be examined and a particular opinion will be provided.On the one hand, a number of researchers are showing that in recent years there have been some changes in house patterns. As a result, one trend is becoming more and more common. It does not matter whether one likes it or not, the fact has to be recognized modern apartment building have a plethora of advantages. The overwhelming majority of people think that it is cheaper and comfortable. Thus, nobody can deny that it is really difficult to get rid of this entirely or even avoid it.However, this attitude may cause a certain degree of concern among experts who believe that there are a numerous of facilities in house. To exemplify, there are swimming pool, garden and so on. Of crucial importance is how to define the matter in question. It is often said that living in mansion is expensive. From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience. Overall, it should not be forgotten that an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s lifestyle and his or her personal background
230In some developing countries, government funds are spent more on repairing buildings than building new ones. Does this help them save more money in the long run? Provide specific reasons and examplesNowadays, government or non-government organisations are spending plenty of money on the maintenance of old buildings. In the era of skyscrapers, it is a challenging task to renovate old structures. Some people believe that it is wastage of money and that funds should be used to build new buildings. Firstly, old buildings are not mere structures, but are heritage of a particular place. They represent the culture and history of a country. Their antique designs or structures need to be reserved for coming generations. The material used to develop those buildings is not available at present, so it involves huge cost to maintain and repair them. The major drawback of old structures is safety, which means they are not capable of handling natural disasters. To cite an example, "Taj Mahal" is one of the 7 wonders of the world. However, due to pollution, there is an adverse impact on the building which needs proper maintenance.On the other hand, new buildings would be safe and secure. They will be developed by using the latest material and designs. Furthermore, new structures in any country also represent the development of that particular nation. For an instance, in the past few decades, so many buildings are built in Dubai which is considered as a development. The world's biggest building “Burj Khalifa” is also a part of that. Hence, knocking down old buildings to build new ones is not a good idea To sum up, I will conclude by saying that it would be a great initiative to make new buildings. But breaking down old structures is not an ideal choice. Besides, money should be spent wisely on old buildings by analysing their condition, whether they are capable of handling adverse environment in the future or not
231Some believe that it is better for each family to live by themselves rather than share a house with relatives. Do you agree or disagree? Provide specific reasons and examples to support your position. The world is becoming more and more modern with the developing of technology in communication and transportation and at the same time, a lot of people tend to move out to live with their friends or alone. Although some say that this trend has a negative effect on communities, I strongly believe that their more benefits than drawbacks.One of the main reasons why people oppose this idea is the relationship between children and their family would be broken down. They believe that when young adult are busy with work and friends, hence, they would not consider their families as important as those used to be. As a matter of fact, they are easily affected by the bad behaviors of their close friends or of those they are living with. They may study smoke, drink, use drugs and so on. Moreover, living with family means to have people to share someone's sorrow and unhappiness while living alone leads to loneliness and sadness. From the opposite viewpoint, there are numorous advantages. First, moving out is a sign of growing up and taking responsibilities. Some argue that when a person leaves the comfort of their home, they become considerably more self-reliant. Second, a sense of independence combined with a high level of privacy is seen as the most desirable aspect of a happy existence. The reason is because living a life on their own allows them to invest a precious time in the development growth and shaping out their personality. They get to do whatever they like and live without strings. Finally, individuals are more likely to attend more public social events, helping cities and metropolitan regions to revitalize as they spend more money on vacations, outdoor activities, and other services.
232Some parents allow their teenage children to live independently, away from home. Other parents do not want their teenage children to live far away from them. Which do you think is better and why? There is a debate between parents if they should let their children leave the home and try to live individual, or not, when they turn to 15 to 18 years old. Even though, it is absolutely common to let the child leave alone in advanced countries, it should be acceptable to make them decide for their lifestyle in traditional cultures. So, it is beneficial for the entire community.First, they are experienced earlier, compare with others. Children who are able to leave alone, try to risk more than who are isolated from their parents. So, this gives them an opportunity to differentiate between the factual and fictional life in their early twenties, and try to use them when they become adults. For example, when they live individual in a dormitory, they have been learning to treat others, or other needed etiquettes.Next, sometimes parents push them to be succeed in the way they want, but they turn a blind eye on their potentials. However, when a teenager lives alone, he or she is able to determine the surroundings, and accidentally or deliberately, follow an ambition, which let him or her to be an expert in a specific For instance, well-known people always are proud of the way they chose, which is falling, but standing again when they started a business as a young person, and learn to never be exhausted.To conclude, to let a child to separate from the family and having his own methods, particularly when parents consider it is the appropriate time, grows more successful matures, who can be more helpful for a community.
233To what extent do you agree or disagree? Ads manipulate your taste and the way you think. Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. There are those who would argue that advertising has become so pervasive, it hardly has any effect anymore. In my opinion, while people have developed habits to ignore ads, they still achieve their desired effect on the whole.The main argument against the power of ads is they can be avoided. Online advertising is a good example of this. Users rarely click on or even glance at a website’s combination of pop-up ads, banners, mailing list requests, and auto-playing video ads. These have become so common that consumers have developed the unconscious practice of skipping ads on YouTube, quickly closing pop-ups and scrolling past in-page advertising. Advertisers have tried to counter this by making their marketing less conspicuous, as with ads that resemble real posts on social media sites like Instagram, but their sheer frequency means they can be easily identified and do not stand out.However, despite the best efforts of users, advertisements are still effective. Most people ignore most ads most of the time. This is something that advertisers expect and build into their marketing budgets. These days marketing is the major source of earnings for the largest companies in the world, including Facebook and Google, because of more sophisticated targeted ads . Advertising today, in reality, is far more effective than at any point in the past because of the raw data available to target potential consumers and the concrete feedback on succcessful ads.In conclusion, despite the best efforts of ordinary citizens to circumvent advertising, technological innovations have given marketers more power than ever before. This portends badly for future generations and it is important that lawmakers enact regulations on marketers.
234What is your stand about the issue of young children having mobile phones? Is it beneficial or notMobile phones are known as cellular phone, wireless phone, or cellular telephone, which is a little portable radio telephone. It is a combination of two technologies, which are telephone, invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 and radio, whereas invention of radio was done by Nikola Tesla. The mobile phones can be used to communicate over long distances without wires. The top-flight phones available now have the processing power and storage available in desktop computers just four to five years ago. The mobile phone is rapidly becoming the uber device which the one that seems to have it all and becomes even more essential. It also already started functioning as more than just communication devices. Mobile serves as watches and…show more content…Use of mobile phone in student’s life is not limited to speaking with others , it is being used in making video , recording information and transmitting it to another phone or computer was being done by a computer . Besides that , other facilities like online chatting , conferencing , sending text , transferring MMS information by a mobile phone are compatible with computer . This features plays a vital role in the stressful and fast-paced life of a student . Mobile phones can be a helpful academic tool or a harmful academic disruption depending upon the attitude and use pattern of the student owner . But there also some advantages of using mobile phones which are , it’s portability, multifunctional, mobile phone as a communication tool , useful applications for students , can release stress . Meanwhile the disadvantages are causes addiction, a risk to student’s health, wastage and its bad influences to students. Besides that, mobile phones is multifunctional. Mobile phone reception has become reliable and of high quality due to advances in wireless technology.
235In the past people used more formal and long expressions to communicate with each other. Nowadays, we use fewer words and are more informal. Why is this happening? In recent years it's been observed that people are using informal ways of communication. In this essy I will be discussing the main reasons for this phenomenon.To begin with, In the past 50 ,years there has been a boom in the sector of technology and information which made communication with one another much faster and easier.For example, going back half a century ago people used to communicate only through lengthy formal letters and posting and delivering it took a considerable amount of time . But nowadays people use emails that deliver messages within seconds. Moreover, due to people's hectic ,schedules people need a way of communication that is fast and convenient and since necessity is the mother of the invention many quick forms of communication have been invented such as wattsap . skip , messenger . All of this has led to communication becoming less formal .In conclusion, our communication nowadays has become short and crisp because of the advancement of technology and people's busy schedules .
236Compared to the past, more people are now trying to learn a foreign language to increase their chances of landing a better job in their native country or to have better opportunities to work abroad. To what extent do you agree with this point of viewLearning a foreign language has many advantages including augmenting knowledge about diverse cultures, having better job prospects, fostering better cognitive development, developing effective communication skills and so on. While some people believe that the only reason we should learn a foreign language is to visit or work in a foreign country, many others opine that the benefits of learning a different language are not limited to the job and travel prospects only. This essay delves into both points of view. My opinion is that learning a foreign language goes beyond travel, migration or job prospects.On the one hand, it is quite natural that people want to learn a foreign language only to be able to communicate with people who speak this language. Thus a large number of people learn foreign languages like English, French, German, Spanish, Russian and Arabic to travel, migrate or find jobs incountries where people use these languages. From this regard, it seems quite logical that visiting a country or working there is the main reason people learn a second language. In my country, for example, most people learn English and Spanish while almost none learn Russian. Migration and job prospects are the reason that has established this trend, I believe.On the contrary, research indicates that cognitive development happens faster among children who learn a second language than those who do not. Furthermore, learning a second language is mandatory in an academic syllabus and this helps us understand diverse cultural and traditional aspects. People who know more languages are capable of reading more books, and understanding the lifestyle of different nationalities. Again, learning a foreign language helps us make new friends. Thus it is evident that learning a foreign language has many other benefits as well.In conclusion, there is no denying the fact that people primarily learn a foreign language to travel to or work in a developed country. But it is quite evident that there are far many
237People equate a good salary with success. Some say that money is not what will make you successful In your own opinion, what will make a person truly successful? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer.In today's era of modernisation, some advocates promote home schooling for their children while another section of people believes that a traditional school based education is important for a child's development. I strongly believe that the conventional method is definitely more advantageous over teaching children at home.I would like to highlight 3 main advantages of educating a child in an institution, a system that has been in place for centuries. Firstly, studies show that children learn better in groups. This can be understood by the fact that it encourages healthy competition among pupils. As a result, it develops students who are better suited for the fast paced and highly competitive world of the future. Secondly, a school can teach children what a parent/ single teacher coming to their own residence can not. A wider variety of teachers have their own skill set to offer. As a result, those attending schools will acquire a number of values from all their mentors.To conclude, there are advantages and disadvantages of each system, but I firmly stand by the fact that parents should send their children to schools for their overall character development and personality formation.
238Money is the best way to motivate people to perform better in the workplace. To what extent do you agree with this statement. Provide specific reasons and examples to support youIt is considered by an increasing number of people that the most effective way to make an employee work hard is to pay them according to their hardwork. In my opinion, I agree as salary is the wages of hardwork.To begin with, people need to work hard to earn a living, the reason is that when salaries are distributed without checking the performance of a worker, most employees may not be motivated to work as they already have it in mind which leads to underwork and not giving in the best. Most companies in Nigeria for instance pay the senior ranked employees higher even when they contribute so little while the junior employees do the most work in a company. Thus, loosing the more productive employees.Another point is that most workers tend to leave their comfort zone to go way out to make sells when they have personal financial pressing issues and when the salary is huge and serves as a form of drive. Subsequently, this leads to good production and sales for a company. For example, a company I once worked with in Nigeria experienced great sales when a target was implemented with a huge bonus to gain. Employees worked hard and caused the sales to go up. Hence,leading to good turn ups for the company.In conclusion, with the knowledge that money is vital in human life, most people prefer encouragement as a form of a high salary in order to earn a good living
239Many children participate in social networks on the internet instead of participating in community activities in their neighbourhood. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this situation?There has been a significant increase development in the number of children who take part in social activities on the Internet instead of going out to participate in community activities with their friends. The benefits and drawbacks of this development will be discussed in this essay.To begin with, there are many advantages to the fact that why many children prefer social networks to community activities. First, Tthanks to social networks, children can talk to friends without having face-to-face meetings. For instance, children use Zalo or Messenger at home to call and text messages to their friends who are far away. In addition, Uusing social networks can also help children to enrich their knowledge and make new friends. When children surf the Internet, they can see many articles which have essential information that is useful for their lives and many people with similar interests to be friends with. Besides, using social networks help children to improve their technology skills, so they can have more opportunities to get a good job in the future.On the other hand, there still have many downsides. Social media can affect children both physically and mentally if they use it for a long time. Children will become weaker because of lacking physical movement and too much exposure to electronic devices will cause their eyes to be tired. A survey on social networks consisting of Facebook and Twitter in the UK in 2014 showed that over two-thirds of users had have trouble sleeping due to anxiety and other negative emotions after accessing social networking sites. Moreover, Cchildren can become addicted and lazy, and may do not want to contact with the world outside if they overuse the social media.After examining the issue, it is evident that this phenomenon has both good points and bad points. But in my opinion, I think it is good for children if they spend more time in community activities than on in social networks
240Some people prefer to live in a quiet place, such as the countryside. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place do you prefer to live in and why?Since always, one of the main choices about what we have to do is decide where to live. Some people prefer to live in small towns, others prefer big cities. I believe both have advantageous and disadvantageous, but according to me, live in big cities is better because a couple of reasons, mainly economic questions and better conditions regarding education, accessibility, and leisure, however, I will explore better in the following essay.First of all, big cities are usually more economically developed. In the big cities, the people can find jobs easier than in small towns. For example, I was looking for a job for almost a year in a small town but I did not get any, however, when I moved to a big city I get a job faster. It is so good to live in a big city because we can find all things that we want easier than small towns, due to the fact the better economic development, like for instance, we have many banks, markets, shopping and all kind of trade which we desire.Secondly, there is no doubt that education in big cities is better than in small towns. Usually, the better universities and schools are been located in big cities. In today’s modern world, more and more competitive, the pursuit of knowledge has made that people in small towns move to big cities.To put it in a nutshell, live in small towns have some advantageous, like for instance, in most cases they are more secure and quiet. For people who like tranquility and secure, small towns are the best choice. However, for those people who prefer better economic conditions, better places to go and a variety of things to do, the better choice is a big city.
241People are becoming less interested in community activities. What is causing this behaviour and what will be the result? Provide explanations and examples to support your answer.It is true that student behaviour in many countries is getting worse and worse nowadays. There are various reasons why schools have serious issues with pupils acting, but measures can absolutely be taken to address this problem.Firstly, the educating the children of parents apparently affects the students' behavioural patterns. Many mothers and fathers have neither the time nor skill required to teach their youngsters not to be rude and actively rebel against school regulations. Secondly, inappropriate behaviour of students can be attributed to the social media and video games. A lot of students are behaving aggressively due to the games they often play and the media tools they often use, which show a lot of violence and sadistic scenes. Consequently, fighting with their friends or being discourteous with their teachers is a normal action.There are some solutions to deal with this issue. I believe that parents should spend more time for the children, be patient and sympathetic to them, and help them to overcome the difficulties in school life. They can also set strict rules and use reasonable punishments in order for them to behave properly and be responsible for their actions. Furthermore, schools should cooperate with the families to guide the students how to use media tools usefully and take part in some extracurricular instead of playing video games.In conclusion, I believe that all children are born with an innate good nature, which can be easily damaged by their external factors and the wrong education. Therefore, it is necessary to take steps to tackle this problem.
242Some people believe that children should be required to learn other languages at a young age because it will be useful for their personal development. Nowadays, we live in a globalised advance era in which learning a new language has become one of the great concerns of every person. Some people believe that since one language is not adequate for communication, children should start to learn a foreign language in their primary schools. I strongly agree with this statement due to the following reasons.First of all, if someone wants to see outcome soon, one must start sooner. To be more precise, brain ability in learning new language reduces with growing up. Additionally, scientists claim that unlike the misconception of parents, children do not confuse the words of their mother tongue with a studied language, but they learn more efficiently.Secondly, learning a new language can broaden children’s horizon because of enhancing their social skills. When they learn a foreign language, they become more interested in that country and can make a connection with more easily. Moreover, they can cope with their future issues related to their field of study by having access to the variety of sources presented in their second language.When children start their early education, their minds remain fresh and they can catch more information. It is the ideal time to learn a new language so they can master the language in short time. Besides, they do not learn a language all of a random. Rather this is decided by the parents, teacher and that has a cultural perspective that the children should learn at the earlier stage rather than the later stages of life.Finally, adults always are afraid of making mistakes when they learn a new language and this fear is one of the biggest barriers in this process. Moreover, they are always distracted with their problems related to their work, family and etc. Therefore, they need more efforts in comparison to the children.
243Some people believe that children should be obligated to help with household chores as soon as they are able to. Others believe that children should not be forced to do household chores. Which opinion do you agree with and why?Nowadays, in modern families, doing housework is regarded as solely parents’ responsibilities and therefore, children rarely participate in this process. From my point of view, I strongly agree with this statement due to the following reasons.To begin with, doing housework establishes close-knit relationship with family members. There is an old saying that: “Action speaks louder than words”. It means that your saying “love” to your parents daily is not as meaningful as your work to help your parents”. It is certain that parents are always exhausted after a long workin therefore, children should help parents so they have more time to relax. For example, youngster just need to do domestic chores such as sweeping the house or washing dishes can makes their parents avoid having an argument as parents derive too much pressure and tiredness from their work.More importantly, children can derive much essential social skills from doing household chores. Children raise awareness that they have responsibilities to do those things and enhance skills like time management and independence. They have to arrange it scientifically to balance the time between learning and doing housework. Everyone has to grow up and cannot depend on parents forever. Thus, children need to get used to those activities that they may face in the future in order to take favorable care of themselves. As a result, they will find it easier to live independently when they are mature.In conclusion, doing housework exist many benefits that meet a need in the future. Therefore, it is imperative that parents should encourage children to do domestic work as soon as possible just for the sake of themselves
244Due to computers and their busy lifestyle people do not spend as much time with other people. Do you think this is positive Today, the computer has become an indispensable tool in our day-to-day activities. In fact, we find it very difficult to get through a working day without it. In this essay, we will discuss the usage of computers in the foreseeable future. Also, we will analyse how this dependency will have negative impacts on the society.To begin with, computers can be used in performing daily chores at the house. For instance, cleaning of the home can be done with the minimum effort and time with the advent of robot maids. In addition, teachers can use computers for teaching their students by staying at their own place. In other words, tutors can arrange multiple classes in different cities at the same time by the help of this tool. Thus, it is obvious that the computer can be used in household work as well as for teaching purpose in the coming future.However, inordinate usage of this tool has many disadvantages. First of all, human beings will be replaced by this machine leading to the increase in the unemployment which is intrinsically tied to the rate of the crime within the nation. Furthermore, the absence of physical presence of teachers in the classroom can raise the problems of discipline within the students. In other words, social development of these pupils will be harmed and thereby, will cause a hindrance in the nation's social growth.From above, it can be seen that computers will be used for various activities at home as well as at educational institutions in the future. But, excessive utilisation of this machine can boost the issues related to job causing rise in the crime and afflict the young people's development. It is thus hoped that people will be made aware of the harmfulness of relying too much on computers.
245Some argue that film and television are a waste of time, because they do not have a direct connection with people's lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree? With the advancement in technology and entertainment industry, television and movies have become an inevitable part of our lives. The film and television industry are perceived to be unrealistic and far from reality having no direct connection with our daily lives. Though, some people believe that watching films and televisions is a wasteful and unproductive habit, I strongly believe that they are a great source of enhancing our knowledge and play a pivotal role in shaping our opinion on worldly affairs.Moreover, the news and media exhibit false and biased information about the people’s lives thus negatively influence the minds of individuals. To elucidate, movies based on superhero characters like batman and superman take children into a fantasy world which is far from reality.Furthermore, films help in enhancing the knowledge of people about the history and culture of their country.To conclude, I vehemently agree that television and cinema is a productive activity which helps in providing a plethora of information to people which enlarge their understanding and erudition about the current affairs and society
246Many children prefer playing interactive games to playing traditional games. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages. Provide specific reasons and examples to supportIn today's world where we all have access to the internet, more and more children are playing computer games and their popularity is increasing all the time. This essay will look at the positive aspects these games can have and also the negative effects on children.Firstly, as education is becoming more demanding for many young people, computer games can provide a way of relaxing and reducing stress. Computer games can take us into different worlds where we can escape from reality. In addition to this, computer games today are very advanced and can help children develop their thinking skills. Instructions need to be understood and games often include complicated problems which need to be solved.However, there are also many problems with the increasing popularity of computer games. Many children become addicted to them and they play for hours, sometimes through the night. In South Korea, the government has banned children from playing games after midnight as the problem was so great and the effect on education was very negative. Furthermore, some children find it difficult to identify what is real and what is virtual. Some people argue that this has led to a rise in crime inspired by video games. This is not proven, but it is undeniable that games today can be very violent.To sum up, there are both advantages and disadvantages with computer games and it seems that parents need to exercise caution and monitor their children's activity as some games may be more suitable than others.
247Nowadays we are more and more a consumer-oriented society. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this situation. Provide specific reasons and examples to With the development of new technologies, people’s life is now more comfortable than it was in the past. In these days it is almost unimaginable that one modern household functions without refrigerators, washing machines, microwave oven, and other appliances. A rapid development of these technologies brings with itself a lot of advantages, but negatively effects these useful technological devices have on humans and environment could not be ignored.With today’s available consumer goods, people do not have much trouble to keep their foods or clothes in the condition that will be useful for them in every occasion. Time spent in preparation of food, washing or ironing of clothes, is far less these days than it used to be in the past, and thanks to new technologies. Just hundred years ago it was unimaginable that you could keep your meats and other food items for months, to prepare some meals in just a couple of minutes or to wash a large number of clothes in just 30 minutes. That is the biggest advantage of these consumer goods, Modern people spend far less time in doing house chores than they used to. In this way, people can save time, and time is the most valuable aspect in the modern society.Even today the Earth is on the highest level of pollution in its history. So it is understandable why people warn on use and overuse of consumer goods.
248 What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online? Share your own experience as an example in your answer. Give specific details and examples in your answer. (150 words)Online shopping, sometimes also referred to as e-shopping is a modern technique of buying products by making use of the internet. A wide variety of things are available in the online market. You can easily purchase them with the help of your mobile phones, laptops, tablets, etc.Online markets are blessings for working people who follow busy schedules. People who do not want to waste time by going to the markets; they can easily buy products online. You can sit on the sofa while making any purchase. However, online shopping does not restrict you with their timings. They are open all the time on all the days of the week. All you need to do is a few clicks on your mobile phone and the product is at your homeBut it can raise several security related issues. Doing payment online requires more attention and care. Because of this reason, many people set their foot back from online shopping. Online shopping sometimes disappoints you by delivering wrong or damaged products. In fact, the long wait for product delivery is not suitable for urgently required items. While shopping online, many sites apply delivery charges on the products; hence you need to pay an extra amount. Online shopping is not suitable for the purchase of many products as you cannot check the actual quality of the product.
249.Violent news stories should not be shown on television and newspapers because they promote violence. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (150 words)
Nowadays, the print and electronic media is a great source of getting information. Sometimes, these two mediums, use different tactics to increase their ratings, and ferocious stories are the best way to engage the audience. It is widely believed, that vicious stories, broadcasted by the newspaper and television actually encourage more crimes in the society. I strongly agreed with this point of view, as I opine that such content should not be shown to the public as it increases tension and insecurity among the people and give new criminal ideas to the youngsters. intialy,the most worth mentioning point is that, terrorizing content, publish in the Newspaper and telecast on TV channels, incline the individuals towards crime. the effect of media is so strong and it fosters the youngsters to everyday crimes like robbery, rape, shooting, snatching etc. The digital and paper media coverage puts more emphases to make the stories more glamorous to attract the juveniles to experience the same situations. To illustrate, the survey by Social Welfare of USA, interviewed the young people in jails, and the most of them answered that they were influenced by the media programs. Another reason to stop the savage broadcast is that, showing the violence on Television means making individuals depress and create a sense of insecurity. It is observed that people are experiencing an increased sense of paranoia, insecurity and mistrust. certain kind of news makes people feel frightened and concerned about their own safety and also the safety of their families and friends.To conclude, I am of the opinion, that violent content on both major mediums, should not be published as it creates fear and safety concerns as well as promote more crimes by giving people advance criminal ideas.
250.Compared to the past, children now spend more time for playing virtual simulation games and participating in online social networks than meeting people in person to socialize. How has this behaviour affected society? Discuss the reasons and consequences of this behaviour. Provide specific examples to support your answer. (150 words)
Playing games are considered an instrument of sound mental and physical health. The trend of indoor games such as video games is proliferating and gaining fame among all age groups – from adolescents to adults. However, the impact of this trend has come under scrutiny and has been a concern for many. The protagonists of such games cite that video games are effective educational tools, whereas dissenters void that claim by counting numerous demerits of such games. I too believe that video games are lethal trends and have negative repercussions. Some of the disadvantages will be outlined in following paragraphs.Firstly, while playing video games, players develop the sedentary position which is harmful to them ergonomically. Additionally, incessant exposure to game monitors could be detrimental to their vision. Other than physical impact, video games also impact emotional and social behaviour negatively, especially to children and adolescents. It can be noticed that the themes of a majority of the video games are prominently based on violent battle, massacre or destroying animal and mankind. Overindulgence to such games makes the young minds of children susceptible to emotional indifference. They could like to emulate the destroyers and warriors regarding them as role models.In contrast, enthusiasts enumerate some credits to the account of video games. They believe that playing such games helps to improve your command on the technical gadgets. It is observed that good players are cognizant of the know-hows of computers and can monitor the game efficiently.To conclude, I would like to reiterate that video games have far more disastrous impacts that outweigh its positive sides. In order to control this destructive trend, parents, teachers, lawmakers and each individual will have to contribute to instigate awareness that video games should be controlled or terminated.

134.Some people think that children should not watch television as it has negative effects while some people believe that they should watch television as it helps them in their future. Discuss both views and give your opinion. It is commonly believed that watching television has negative implications on young ones, however, opponents have counter-view that watching TV brings many benefits to them as it is a nice pass time as well as a source of information for them. I completely agree with the latter view of the given statement. This essay will discuss the arguments of both sides and will give relevant examples to support my opinion. To begin with, some individuals say that television set has manifold detrimental effects on children such as poor health. If they watch television for a long period of time, it will weaken their eyesight and deform their body shape as well because of long sitting hours. For instance, a recent survey in the UK revealed that nearly 60 percent of youngsters prefer to watch television instead of playing outdoor games, and they are frequently suffering from sundry physical illnesses. Therefore, television is not a suitable option to be considered for children as a leisure activity. On the contrary, television helps young minds to broaden their horizon. There are many educational programs broadcasted on television that stimulate children to learn something new and implement in their studies. To exemplify, Discovery and National geography are the most popular television channels among children to learn about nature, the universe, history and science. Hence, If children watch television for a designated period of time, it will ameliorate their performance in academics. To conclude, although television has some serious negative consequences for children’s physical health, under proper surveillance they would get the benefits in their studies and avoid getting addicted to television. The onus is on the parents and teachers to bring these benefits to adolescents

135.Some people believe that personal happiness is directly related to economic success, others believe that there are other factors. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

In the modern world, it is true that each person lives in society. In this regard, there is an opinion that in order to be peaceful and joyful, economic prosperity is essential for the members of society. However, others feel that each individual responsible for his/her happiness. Personally, I reckon that economic development can lead to live a better life. It is widely thought that the main component of fortune is a good life.That is to say, individuals should have a shelter under their head, accomplish their purposes and receive a good treatment in order to consider themselves as a blessed person. Therefore, many wealthy countries’ citizens are happier than the people who are living in poor countries. A good illustration of this is Scandinavian countries. According to World Happiness Report, these countries’ citizens are the happiest nation in the world. On the other hand, others feel that each individual can live a happy life, if they satisfy with their current situation and wealth. Therefore, many poop people consider themselves as a delighted person, because they believe that there are a plethora of other things instead of convenient life, which can bring happiness to the people. For example, family, friends and relatives can make individuals joyful. In addition, a lot of poor people are not more stressful than wealthy people. In other words, rich people can earn some illness, when they pay much attention to double their money.

136.Some people think that the best way to stay fit is to join a gym/health club while others think doing everyday activities such as walking and climbing stairs is sufficient. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

A group of people think that fitness centre or gym helps them maintain body while other individuals opine that daily exercise is enough to keep a healthy body . I consider that routine activity such as walking, yoga is enough to stay fit. On the one hand, Daily exercises are more effective in many ways. Firstly , regular health workout such as jogging, running and yoga are natural, no specific time and money required for this since people can do as part of their daily routine. Besides, these activities help to regulate blood pressure, lower cholesterol and reduce the chance of heart disease. For example, all countries now celebrate International yoga day because it helps millions of people worldwide to fight against diseases such as cancer and heart attack. On the other hand, some people believe that gym or health clubs are flexible for doing a workout because nowadays all health centre provides a huge variety of equipment as well as it has a trainer for guidance. For instance, there are many training drills in the gym such as pull-down, deadlift, bench press, treadmill and many more. These physical activities not only increase the strength of muscles in a body but also develop it. Thus, joining a gym is necessary to keep the body fit. In conclusion, although few people think that joining a gym is the best option to stay healthy, others consider that routine exercise at home is essential in order to tackle dangerous diseases. Therefore, I deem that natural exercise is actually imperative to maintain fitness and health in future

137.In many countries, the government likes to spend more money on the arts. Some people agree with this. However, others think the governmental should spend more on health and education. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

According to many people, investing money on the arts is a waste of money. They claim that the government’s expenditure should be used more for public services like hospital and school. This essay will discuss both sides and give reasons why I think health and education is more important to be financed than others. On the one hand, art is an essential section in human life. It helps people express feeling which language cannot provide. For instance, an artist can bring the moods of scenes into a painting, they can evoke our feelings of joy, happiness or even sadness. Another reason of sponsoring arts is it can spread the culture and lifestyle of a country. For example, Korea has been very successful in bringing their culture to the World which rely on their music and film. Therefore, not only arts promote culture among society, it also help country’s economic developments. On the other hand, I suppose that there are more important to spend a significant amount of the government budget on social health.First of all, a wealth country doesn't only depend on the growing of economics, but also on the quality of citizens life. In specific, if a child is cared for by a good education and well- developed health system, he will become a useful person in society. Secondly, allocating national funds to education and the health sector can certainly contribute to the technological improvements which arts can not accomplish. As an example, funding educational institutes for the poor can decrease the number of illiteracies or unemployments. To conclude, even though the arts are important for expressing different humanity's realities, a proper medical care system and quality literacy are core necessities for a country. Then, I believe that the state should invest more on well-being and schooling than on the arts.

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