##1# What was the equally insightful contribution to the theory of translation over the last decade? ##
+A) semiotics.
B) linguistic phenomena
C) contrastive linguistics
D) linguistic basis
##2# The earliest linguistics theory of translation was developed by… ##
+A)Y.L.Retsker and A.V.Fedorov.
B) Roger and T.Bell
C) L.S.Barkhudarov
D) Galperin
##3# …is a general theory of sign systems. ##
+A) semiotics.
B) linguistic phenomena
C) contrastive linguistics
D) linguistic basis
##4# What did Russian scholars Y.L.Retsker and A.V.Fedorov mostly pioneer? ##
+A) a linguistic analysis of translation problems.
B) distinctive features
C) varieties of translation
D) general characteristics of translation
##5# Y.L.Retsker and A.V.Fedorov’s theory came to be known as … ##
+A) the theory of regular correspondences.
B) permanent correspondences
C) antonymic translation
D) the process of translation
##6# In the 60 th some linguistics N.U.Rozentsveig in Russia and L.E.Nida in the USA proposed a theoretical model of translation based on…##
+A) generative or transformational grammar.
B) permanent correspondences
C) typology of relationship
D) Slander
##7# E.Nida subdivided the process of translation into…##
+A)3 stages
B) 2 stages
C) 4stages
D) 5stages
##8# As an inter-lingual communicative act in which at least how many participants are involved? ##
B) 2
C) 4
D) 5
##9# Who or what are considered as an inter-lingual communicative act participants? ##
+A) sender of source, the author of the source language message, the translator, the receptor of the target – language.
B) the author of the source language message, the translator
C) sender of source, the author of the source language message
D) the receptor of the target – language
##10# How many phases does the Translation as an inter-lingual communicative act include? ##
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
##11# What are the two phases of Translation as an inter-lingual communicative act? ##
+A) communication between the sender and the translator and communication between the translator and the receptor of the newly produced target – language text.
B) language receptor, analysis the original message. Extracting the information contained in it
C) the translator acts as a target – language sender, producing an equivalent message in the target – language and re – directing it to the target language receptor
D) the source – language receptor for whom the message was originally produced
##12# In mid-fifties of the last century conference interpreter was still in its infancy with the first simultaneous interpretation having been used… ##
+A) after World War II at the Nuremburg Trials (English, French, Russian and German).
B) after World War I
C) after the 70s
D) after the 90s
##13# How many ways are widely used in the translation of literary works? ##
B) 2
C) 4
D) 5
##14# Which doesn’t go in the following order Of the The four ways of widely used translation of literary works? ##
+A) distinctive translation.
B) Word for word translation
C) logical translation
D) Literary translation
##15# Which of the one doesn’t come as The principal types of lexical correspondences between two languages? ##
+A) permanent correspondences.
B) Complete correspondences.
C) Partial correspondences
D) The absence of correspondences
##16# Which of the one doesn’t come into the Complete correspondences of lexical units of two languages? ##
+A) Realiaes.
B) Proper names and geographical denominations
C) Scientific and technical terms / with the exception of terminological polysemy
D) The months and days of the week, numerals
##17# What’s neologism? ##
+A) a newly coined word or expression.
B) The world denoting things peculiar to the social and material life of the Nation
C) Proper names, geographical denominations, names of streets, big shops, theatres
D) The way of greetings, formulas of politeness
##18# Which of the one does not go into The three types of the most suitable for describing all kinds of lexical transformations ##
+A) Metaphor.
B) Lexical substitution
C) Addition (supplementation);
D) Omission (dropping)
##19# …subdivided into Concretization, generalization; antonymic translation; compensation ##
+A) Lexical substitution.
B) Omision
C) Addition (supplementation)
D) Lexical transformations
##20# What is Concretization in translation? ##
+A) replacing a word with a broad sense by one of a narrower meaning.
B) In this case a SL word of concrete meaning is rendered by a TL word of general meaning
C) it is a complex lexico-grammatical substitution of a positive construction for the negative one and vice-versa, which is coupled with a replacement of a word by its antonym when translated
D) A formal inexpressibility of semantic components is the reason most met with for using supplementation as a way of lexical transformation
##21# What is Antonymic translation in translation? ##
+A) it is a complex lexico-grammatical substitution of a positive construction for the negative one and vice-versa, which is coupled with a replacement of a word by its antonym when translated.
B) A formal inexpressibility of semantic components is the reason most met with for using supplementation as a way of lexical transformation
C) replacing a word with a broad sense by one of a narrower meaning
##22# What is compensation in translation? ##
+A) certain elements in the original text cannot be expressed in terms of the language it is translated into.
B) it is a complex lexico-grammatical substitution of a positive construction for the negative one and vice-versa, which is coupled with a replacement of a word by its antonym when translated
C) A formal inexpressibility of semantic components is the reason most met with for using supplementation as a way of lexical transformation
D) replacing a word with a broad sense by one of a narrower meaning
##23# What is omission in translation? ##
+A) In the process of omission, words with a surplus meaning are omitted (components of typically English pair–synonyms, possessive pronouns and exact measures) in order to give a more concrete expressions.
B) it is a complex lexico-grammatical substitution of a positive construction for the negative one and vice-versa, which is coupled with a replacement of a word by its antonym when translated
C) A formal inexpressibility of semantic components is the reason most met with for using supplementation as a way of lexical transformation
D) replacing a word with a broad sense by one of a narrower meaning
##24# What is Metonvmic Translation? ##
+A) a lexical transformation based on the substitution of contiguous concepts.
B) rendering of the meaning of some idiomatic phrase in the source language by a phrase in the target language consisting of non-correlated lexical units, e.g
C) the selection of more concrete or exact translation equivalents or invariants of meanings than those given in bilingual dictionaries
D) replacing a source language unit with a target language unit which is not its dictionary equivalent but the meaning of which can be logically inferred from it
##25# What is Paraphrasing? ##
+A) rendering of the meaning of some idiomatic phrase in the source language by a phrase in the target language consisting of non-correlated lexical units, e.g.
B) a lexical transformation based on the substitution of contiguous concepts
C) the selection of more concrete or exact translation equivalents or invariants of meanings than those given in bilingual dictionaries
D) replacing a source language unit with a target language unit which is not its dictionary equivalent but the meaning of which can be logically inferred from it
##26# What is Concretization of meaning (specialization)? ##
+A) the selection of more concrete or exact translation equivalents or invariants of meanings than those given in bilingual dictionaries.
B) rendering of the meaning of some idiomatic phrase in the source language by a phrase in the target language consisting of non-correlated lexical units, e.g
C) a lexical transformation based on the substitution of contiguous concepts
D) replacing a source language unit with a target language unit which is not its dictionary equivalent but the meaning of which can be logically inferred from it
##27# What is Modulation (sense extension/ expansion)? ##
+A) replacing a source language unit with a target language unit which is not its dictionary equivalent but the meaning of which can be logically inferred from it.
B) rendering of the meaning of some idiomatic phrase in the source language by a phrase in the target language consisting of non-correlated lexical units, e.g
C) the selection of more concrete or exact translation equivalents or invariants of meanings than those given in bilingual dictionaries
D) a lexical transformation based on the substitution of contiguous concepts
##28# What is Antonymic (antonymous) translation? ##
+A) substitution of an affirmative in sense and structure source language unit for a semantically corresponding negative in structure sense unit of the TL and vice versa.
B) rendering of the meaning of some idiomatic phrase in the source language by a phrase in the target language consisting of non-correlated lexical units, e.g
C) the selection of more concrete or exact translation equivalents or invariants of meanings than those given in bilingual dictionaries
D) replacing a source language unit with a target language unit which is not its dictionary equivalent but the meaning of which can be logically inferred from it
##29# What is the notion of diminutives in translation? ##
+A) a root word that has been modified to convey a slighter degree of its root meaning, to convey the smallness of the object or quality named, or to convey a sense of intimacy or endearment.
B) it is a complex lexico-grammatical substitution of a positive construction for the negative one and vice-versa, which is coupled with a replacement of a word by its antonym when translated
C) A formal inexpressibility of semantic components is the reason most met with for using supplementation as a way of lexical transformation
D) replacing a word with a broad sense by one of a narrower meaning
##30# According to Retsger what are the types of lexical transformation? ##
+A) Generalization; Differentiation; Descriptive translation; antonymic translation; Omission; Compensation.
B) The speech of foreigners and dialects; Individual peculiarities of speech;
C) Diminutive and augmentative usages;
D) Equivalent-lacking grammatical categories; Different stylistic figures (play upon words, metaphors, periphrases, irony etc.)
##31# What is Descriptive translation? ##
+A) In most cases it is the replacement of an equivalent lacking word or phrase of the source language text for its description employing the language units familiar to the target language speaker.
B) a root word that has been modified to convey a slighter degree of its root meaning, to convey the smallness of the object or quality named, or to convey a sense of intimacy or endearment
C) it is a complex lexico-grammatical substitution of a positive construction for the negative one and vice-versa, which is coupled with a replacement of a word by its antonym when translated
D) A formal inexpressibility of semantic components is the reason most met with for using supplementation as a way of lexical transformation
##32# What is Transposition? ##
+A) change in the structure of a sentence / is necessitated by the difference in the structure of the language fixed or free order of words etc, in the semantic of a sentence, and others.
B) a root word that has been modified to convey a slighter degree of its root meaning, to convey the smallness of the object or quality named, or to convey a sense of intimacy or endearment
C) it is a complex lexico-grammatical substitution of a positive construction for the negative one and vice-versa, which is coupled with a replacement of a word by its antonym when translated
D) A formal inexpressibility of semantic components is the reason most met with for using supplementation as a way of lexical transformation
+A) the way of thinking / in thе phraseological unit / does not bear a specific national feature.
B) this way of translating is resorted to when the phraseological unit has a specific national realiae
C) idioms, with completely or partially transferred meanings, e.g
##34# What is the correct definition for semi-idioms? ##
+A) both literal and transferred meanings, e.g. chain reaction (a term in physics and a figurative expression), lay down one’s arms (a military term and a figurative expression).
B) idioms, with completely or partially transferred meanings, e.g. a smart Aleck, Tom, Dick and Harry; Do you see any green in my eye?
C) literal or phraseomatically bound meanings, e.g. in a hurry, safe and sound, pay attention to smth
##35# What is the correct definition for phraseomatic units? ##
+A) literal or phraseomatically bound meanings, e.g. in a hurry, safe and sound, pay attention to smth.
B) idioms, with completely or partially transferred meanings, e.g. a smart Aleck; Tom, Dick and Harry; Do you see any green in my eye?
C) both literal and transferred meanings, e.g. chain reaction (a term in physics and a figurative expression), lay down one’s arms (a military term and a figurative expression);
##36# What is the correct definition for phraseological units? ##
+A) idioms, with completely or partially transferred meanings, e.g. a smart Aleck; Tom, Dick and Harry; Do you see any green in my eye?.
B) both literal and transferred meanings, e.g. chain reaction (a term in physics and a figurative expression), lay down one’s arms (a military term and a figurative expression);
C) literal or phraseomatically bound meanings, e.g. in a hurry, safe and sound, pay attention to smth
##37# What is partial conformities? ##
+A) partial conformities of phraseological units in two languages assume lexical, grammatical and lexico- grammatical differences with identity of meaning and style, i.e. they are figuratively close but differ in lexical composition, morphologic number and syntactic arrangement of the order of words.
B) translating a phraseological unit is not an easy matter as it depends on several factors: different combinability of words, homonymy, polysemy, synonymy of phraseological units and presence of falsely identical units, which makes it necessary to take into account of the context
C) both literal and transferred meanings, e.g. chain reaction (a term in physics and a figurative expression), lay down one’s arms (a military term and a figurative expression);
D) a formal inexpressibility of semantic components is the reason most met with for using supplementation as a way of lexical transformation
+A) this way of translating is resorted to when the phraseological unit has a specific national realiae.
B) translating phraseological units by a free combination of words is possible when the phraseological unit has a particular national feature and has no analogy in the language it is to be translated into
C) Phraseological unities having Russian counterparts with the same meaning and simailar images. They can often be traced to the same prototype: biblical, mythological, etc
D) Phraseological units of the source-language sometimes have synonymous equivalents in the target-language. The choice is open to the translator and is often determined by the context
##39# What is (mono) equivalents? ##
+A) a TL expression coincides with the SL unit in meaning and in imagery, e.g. the thread of Ariadna – нить Ариадны, to kill time – убивать время, fair play – честная игра.
B) a set expression in TL that is equivalent to the SL in meaning, but differs completely or partially in its imagery. In such cases the authors use a symbol of approximate translation before a Russian analogue, e.g. to have one’s heart in one’s mouth сердце упало, to know the ropes - знать как свои пять пальцев, to see eye to eye with smb- сходиться во взглядах; the naked eye невооружённый глаз;
C) a set of TL synonyms which can be used in translation either interchangeably or depending on the situation, e.g. to pay the devil (coll) – трудная задача (neutr), сам чёрт ногу сломит (coll), кой-кому туго приходится (neutr), творится что-то невероятное (neutr);
D) rendering the meaning of a negative construction by means of a positive construction or vice versa, e.g. don’t count your chickens before they are hatched – цыплят по осени считают, не на того напал – you’ve picked the wrong person
##40# What is analogue? ##
+A) a set expression in TL that is equivalent to the SL in meaning, but differs completely or partially in its imagery. In such cases the authors use a symbol of approximate translation before a Russian analogue, e.g. to have one’s heart in one’s mouth сердце упало, to know the ropes - знать как свои пять пальцев, to see eye to eye with smb- сходиться во взглядах; the naked eye невооружённый глаз.
B) a TL expression coincides with the SL unit in meaning and in imagery, e.g. the thread of Ariadna – нить Ариадны, to kill time – убивать время, fair play – честная игра;
C) a set of TL synonyms which can be used in translation either interchangeably or depending on the situation, e.g. to pay the devil (coll) – трудная задача (neutr), сам чёрт ногу сломит (coll), кой-кому туго приходится (neutr), творится что-то невероятное (neutr);
D) rendering the meaning of a negative construction by means of a positive construction or vice versa, e.g. don’t count your chickens before they are hatched – цыплят по осени считают, не на того напал – you’ve picked the wrong person
##41# What is selected synonym? ##
+A) a set of TL synonyms which can be used in translation either interchangeably or depending on the situation, e.g. to pay the devil (coll) – трудная задача (neutr), сам чёрт ногу сломит (coll), кой-кому туго приходится (neutr), творится что-то невероятное (neutr).
B) a set expression in TL that is equivalent to the SL in meaning, but differs completely or partially in its imagery. In such cases the authors use a symbol of approximate translation before a Russian analogue, e.g. to have one’s heart in one’s mouth сердце упало, to know the ropes - знать как свои пять пальцев, to see eye to eye with smb- сходиться во взглядах; the naked eye невооружённый глаз;
C) a TL expression coincides with the SL unit in meaning and in imagery, e.g. the thread of Ariadna – нить Ариадны, to kill time – убивать время, fair play – честная игра;
D) rendering the meaning of a negative construction by means of a positive construction or vice versa, e.g. don’t count your chickens before they are hatched – цыплят по осени считают, не на того напал – you’ve picked the wrong person
##42# What is antonymic translation? ##
+A) rendering the meaning of a negative construction by means of a positive construction or vice versa, e.g. don’t count your chickens before they are hatched – цыплят по осени считают, не на того напал – you’ve picked the wrong person.
B) a set expression in TL that is equivalent to the SL in meaning, but differs completely or partially in its imagery. In such cases the authors use a symbol of approximate translation before a Russian analogue, e.g. to have one’s heart in one’s mouth сердце упало, to know the ropes - знать как свои пять пальцев, to see eye to eye with smb- сходиться во взглядах; the naked eye невооружённый глаз;
C) a set of TL synonyms which can be used in translation either interchangeably or depending on the situation, e.g. to pay the devil (coll) – трудная задача (neutr), сам чёрт ногу сломит (coll), кой-кому туго приходится (neutr), творится что-то невероятное (neutr);
D) a TL expression coincides with the SL unit in meaning and in imagery, e.g. the thread of Ariadna – нить Ариадны, to kill time – убивать время, fair play – честная игра;
##43# What is loan translation? ##
+A) a word-for-word translation of a SL idiom which has no ready correspondence in TL. This happens when a translator wants to retain the nationally specific imagery of the SL expression which may also be culturally relevant, e.g. as dead as a doormail – ‘мертвый как дверной гвоздь’, as tight as a drum – ‘тугой как барабан’ . This means of translation can be used only in cases when it does not destroy the sense of an original expression and does not result in a misleading phrase, e.g. Чем дальше в лес, тем больше дров – The deeper into the wood you go, the more timber seems to grow (S.S. Kuzmin).
B) a TL expression coincides with the SL unit in meaning and in imagery, e.g. the thread of Ariadna – нить Ариадны, to kill time – убивать время, fair play – честная игра;
C) a set expression in TL that is equivalent to the SL in meaning, but differs completely or partially in its imagery. In such cases the authors use a symbol of approximate translation before a Russian analogue, e.g. to have one’s heart in one’s mouth сердце упало, to know the ropes - знать как свои пять пальцев, to see eye to eye with smb- сходиться во взглядах; the naked eye невооружённый глаз;
D) a set of TL synonyms which can be used in translation either interchangeably or depending on the situation, e.g. to pay the devil (coll) – трудная задача (neutr), сам чёрт ногу сломит (coll), кой-кому туго приходится (neutr), творится что-то невероятное (neutr);
##44# What is descriptive or free translation? ##
+A) translation of a SL expression by conveying its meaning by means of a free word combination, e.g. cross the floor of the house – парл. перейти из одной партии в другую, the cemetery vote – амер. голоса умерших избирателей, которые продолжают оставаться в избирательных списках.
B) as a result of such a translation the levels of a SL unit of translation and its TL correspondence do not coincide, e.g. tit for tat – отплата, a stroke of fortune / of luck – удача, везение;
C) The actual practice of lexicographic translation shows that different means of translation do not compete with one another, but very frequently they are used side by side to ensure the greatest possible reflection of various aspects of a phraseological unit, e.g. King Log – Король Чурбан (loan-translation with stylistic compensation), (рохля, тюфяк (analogues); пассивный человек, не умеющий использовать представившейся ему возможности (descriptive)}
##45# Find the right example given for anatomic translation. ##
+A) Ann didn’t say anything – Anna sukut saqladi.
B) He raised his hand – U qo’lini ko’tardi
C) Also there was an awkward hesitancy at times, as he essayed the new words he had learned – Ba’zida u yaqindagina o’rgangan so’zlarini talaffuz qilish uchun hozirlanib, to’xtab olardi
D) Nicholas’s girl cousin scraped her knee rather painfully – Nikolasning
xolavachchasi tizzasini qattiq urib oldi
##46# Generalization is… ##
+A) replacing a word’s narrow meaning by one with a broad sense.
B) a complex lexico-grammatical substitution of a positive construction for the
negative one
C) replacing a word with a broad sense by one of a narrower meaning
D) used when certain elements in the original text
##47# What is phraseological collocation? ##
+A) structurally inseparable and stable units.
B) descriptive translation
C) phraseological functions
D) partially motivated
##48# Translate the sentences into Uzbek paying attention to the lexical transformation. On the way back to home Rudolf stopped for a glass of beer ##
+A) Uyga qaytishga Rudolf bir stakan piva ichun to’xtadi.
B) Uyga qaytishga Rudolf bir stakan piva ichish uchun to’xtadi
C) Yo’lda Rudolf piva ichish uchun to’xtadi
D) no correct answer
##49# How many lexical transformations do you know? ##
B) 9
C) 8
D) 2
##50# ….. the translation usually is used during the negotiations meeting of the
of the statesmen ##
+A) the consecutive.
B) similes
C) notes
D) the memorial
##51# What kind of translation of a text written in one language into another visually? ##
+A) sight translation.
B) metaphor
C) stock
D) intervene
##52# How many types of grammatical transformations do you know? ##
B) 3
C) 5
D) 6
##53# Translation is … ##
+A) determined by quiet a member of practice.
B) grammatical fact
C) different languages
D) commutations of translator
##54## What simultaneous interpretation do you know? ##
B) 8
C) 6
D) 7
##55# How many theories of translation do you know? ##
B) 6
C) 4
D) 2
##56# ………… is the translation of oral information from one language into another after listening it ##
+A) Antonymic translation.
B) Phraseological translation
C) Consecutive translation
D) Condensed Manipulating the register
##57# .….. replacing a word with a broad sense by one of a narrower meaning ##
+A) A concrete definition.
B) An integral transformation
C) Generalization
D) Sight translation
##58# Types of lexical transformations are ##
+A) Lexical substitutions Supplementation and Omissions dropping.
B) Omission and addition
C) Lexical substitution and addition
D) Sight translation, addition and omission
##59# … is necessitated by grammatical redundancy of certain forms in two languages. ##
+A) omission.
B) translation
C) addition
D) transposition
##60 … is the way of finds equivalent and is transformation of the affirmative
construction into negative or vice versa. ##
+A) A loan word.
B) Antonymic translation
C) A genetic word
D) International words
##61# … exists when the same meaning are expressed in two languages in a way ##
+A) formal equivalence.
B) semantic equivalence
C) situational
D) pseudointernational words
##62# … is the process determined by quite a number of factors. ##
+A) Translation.
B) Substitution
C) Omission
D) Complete conformities
##63# Grammatical transformations are as follows: ##
+A) Substitution, transposition.
B) Translation, Omission
C) Semantic substitution
D) omission, supplementation
##64# Find the right example for lexical transformation? ##
+A) Both translations are right.
B) He scraped his knee rather painfully-U tizzasini qattiq urib oldi
C) none is correct
D) Look at these old paintings! They are in an excellent stages of preservation – mana bu rasmlarga qara. Ular juda yaxshi saqlangan
##65# The translation should reflect accurately … of the original text ##
+A) style.
B) idioms
C) register
D) form
##66# Substitution,supplementation,omissions,droppings are the types of … ##
+A) Transformations.
B) Transliterations
C) Lexical conformities
D) Transpositions
##67# To pull somebody’s leg=Qulog’iga lag’mon ilmoq is an example for... ##
+A) translating by anology.
B) descriptive translation
C) verbatim translation
D) omission
##68# Cold war =Sovuq urush is an example for … ##
+A) Verbatim translation.
B) Translating by analogy
C) Descriptive translation
D) Addition
##69# How many types types of phraseological conformities are there: ##
B) 2
C) 5
D) 4
##70# In _____________the TT receivers read the TT as though it were a ST written in their own language. ##
+A) Instrumental translation.
B) Literal translation
C) Documentary translation
D) Free translation
##71# What is adequate translation? ##
+A) Translation by analogy.
B) Free translation
C) Word for word translation
D) Literal translation
##72# What is machine translation? ##
+A) Translation done on computer.
B) Free translation
C) Literal translation
D) All answers are correct
##73# What is translation of realias? ##
+A) Translation of special words.
B) Literal translation
C) Word for word translation
D) Free translation
##74# What is translation? ##
+A) Translation is the expression in target language of what has been said in source.
language preserving stylistic and semantic equivalence
B) The tendency to use certain established formulas in the TL culture, namely collocations
C) The typology of relationship between linguistic, grammatical and lexical units of language
D) It is freedom from SL linguistic and cultural interferences
##75# What subjects is the translation of theory and practice based on? ##
+A) The theory of translation is subdivided into general theory, dealing with the
general characteristics of translation, such as the translation of fiction poetry technical and scientific literature, official documents, etc.
B) It is freedom from SL linguistic and cultural interferences
C) the typology of relationship between linguistic units
D) the process, activity of reproduction source language originally in target language
##76# What is the traditionally under translation is understood? ##
A) the product of the process of translation
+B) the process, activity of reproduction source language originally in target language.
C) Relationship between linguistic units
D) the general characteristics of translation, such as the translation of fiction poetry technical and scientific literature, official documents, etc.,
##77# What qualities must translators have ? ##
A) Knowledge of four language skills: listening, writing, speaking and reading
+B) knowledge of the languages / at least 2 languages, cultural background: ability to interpret the text.
C) The general characteristics of translation, such as the translation of fiction poetry technical and scientific literature, official documents, etc.,
D) relationship between linguistic units
##78# What is the features of naturalness in Literary translation? ##
A) It is the prime distinctive characteristic of natural translation, idioms and proverbs
+B) The salient features of naturalness can be classified as primary and secondary, the latter - such as intelligibility, accessibility or readability– being generated by the former, the process, activity of reproduction source language originally in target language.
C) It is the process of translation where the main task is to transform the nature or emotions of the work. It is possible some addings or omissions
D) The general characteristics of translation, such as the translation of fiction poetry technical and scientific literature, official documents, etc.,
##79# Well-Formedness in literary translation is…. ##
A) The salient features of naturalness can be classified as primary and secondary, the latter - such as intelligibility, accessibility or readability– being generated by the former, the process
+B) Well-formedness is a property of syntax which requires that the target language be consistent with the TL grammar rules and be free from SL syntactic interference.
C) Knowledge of four language skills: listening, writing, speaking and reading
D) readability– being generated by the former, the process, activity of reproduction source language originally in target language
##80# What is the Acceptability? ##
A) It is freedom from SL linguistic and cultural interferences
+B) Acceptability is the target linguistic and cultural norms C) It is accepted group of word and word combinations.
D) readability– being generated by the former, the process, activity of reproduction source language originally in target language
##81# Idiomaticity is … ##
A) Idiomaticity is a feature of authenticity which is basic to natural translation
+B) Idiomaticity is the tendency to use certain established formulas in the TL culture, namely collocations.
C) It is phrase logical parts of speech
D) It is freedom from SL linguistic and cultural interferences
##82# Authenticity is… ##
A) A contemporary translation language
+B) It is the prime distinctive characteristic of natural translation, idioms and proverbs .
C) a system of unknown language
D) Idiomaticity is the tendency to use certain established formulas in the TL culture, namely collocations
##83# What is the subject matter of the theory of translation? ##
A) Theory of translation is the process, activity of reproduction a source language originally in target language
+B)the theory of translation subdivided into theory, dealing with the general characteristics of translation, regardless of its type, and special branches, concerned with a theoretical description and analyses of the various types of translation, such as the translation of fiction poetry, technical and scientific literature, official documents, etc.
C) It is accepted group of word and word combinations
D) The general characteristics of translation, such as the translation of fiction poetry technical and scientific literature, official documents, etc
##84# What is the Contemporaneity in literary translation? ##
A) Contemporaneity is important due to its incidence on naturalness, i.e. on
intelligibility, acceptability and readability
+B) Contemporaneity can be illustrated in the translation of any ancient work that
addresses its new readership in the language of the new age. It presupposes that
literary norms can change across cultures and periods.
C) The general characteristics of translation, such as the translation of fiction poetry technical and scientific literature, official documents, etc
D) Theory of translation is the process, activity of reproduction a source language originally in target language
##85# What are the main features of the nature of translation? ##
A) Nature of translation is the process, activity of reproduction source language
originally in target language
+B) Translation is the expression in target language of what has
been said in source language preserving stylistic and semantic
C) Contemporaneity can be illustrated in the translation of any ancient work that
addresses its new readership in the language of the new age. It presupposes that
literary norms can change across cultures and periods
D) The general characteristics of translation, such as the translation of fiction poetry technical and scientific literature, official documents, etc
##86# How many styles are there in the English? ##
A) 3
C) 2
D) 4
##87# What is the styles of language? ##
A) system of unknown language
+B) A system of familiar language.
C) A system of related language
D) A system of unrelated language
##88# How many types are subdivided special literary words? ##
A) 3
C) 4
D) 2
##89# What is archaism? ##
A) new words
+B) Old words.
C) borrowed words
D) abbreviations
##90# What is Modern for “haply”? ##
A) happy
C) here
D) her
##91# Why is archaism used? ##
A) to develop language
+B) to develop historical theme.
C) to develop history
D) to develop themes
##92# Where does neologism appear? ##
A) in newspaper
+B) in scientific style.
C) in functional style
D) in historical documents
##93# Which is abbreviation? ##
A) sputnik
+B) PM, NIS.
C) assembly
D) sh
##94# How many parts are official documents divided? ##
A) 5
C) 6
D) 4
##95# What is publicistic style? ##
A) business
+B) press report.
C) ads
D) essay
##96# How many parts is newspaper style subdivided? ##
A) 5
C) 6
D) 4
##97# Find the metonymy? ##
A) he supported his family by pen
+B) I read Shakespeare.
C) a golden use, green youth
D) she is fox
##98# Find the irony? ##
A) Do it yourself
+B) she jumps gracefully as an elephant.
C) with lips of flame and heart of stone
D) she has no roof over her head
##99# ... is presented aurally to student as well as visually.
Complete the sentence ##
A) memory tests
+B) sight interpretation.
C) shadowing
D) studying
##100# What is the styles of language? ##
A) a system of related language
+B) a system of familiar language.
C) a system of unknown language
D) a system of unrelated language
##101# Which is oxymoron? ##
A) paid a visit
+B) pleasantly ugly face.
C) heart of stone
D) golden age
##102# Which is zeugma? ##
A) she is like a fox
+B) she lost her head, purse.
C) the kettle boils
D) she read Byron
##103# What is stylistics? ##
A) a subject which studies literature
+B) a subject which studies linguistics.
C) a subject which studies architecture
D) a subject which studies architecture
##104#How many characteristics belles-lettres style ##
A) 2
C) 1
D) 4
##105# is the barbarism? ##
A)A rabbit heart
+B)Tete- a-tete.
##106# International words… ##
A) different languages
+B)Words which have similar form and meaning in foreign languages.
C) borrowed words
D) abbreviations
##107# Onomatopoeia is …. ##
A) colloquial words
+B)a combination of speech-sounds which aims at imitating sounds produced in nature.
C) Borrowed words
D) abbreviations
##108# What does the following word combination mean 'to put in place of another, to be used instead of? ##
A) substitute
C) handle
D) symmetry
##109# What is loan translation? ##
A) Loan translation are used when the realizes are translated
+B)Loan translation -word expression phrase is translated without any translation.
C) Loan translation -nearly correct but not exact
D) Loan translation -the correct translation
##110#What figure of speech is used in the following sentence? Time flies line an arrow ##
A) simile
C) metaphor and simile
D) metonymy
##111# What does 'asymmetry' mean? ##
A) various meanings of translated the same way
+B)an expression comparing two things.
C)unexpected differently, mistake that may easily be made
D)a change in position, character
##112# What kind of language is mostly used in translation? ##
A)Colloquial Literary language
+B)Bookish Literary language.
C)Adequate translation
D)Literary English
##113# Choose the closest translation of the following sentences. The strike closed most of the schools in New York. ##
A)Ish tashlash maktablarning yopilishiga sabab bo’ldi
+B)ish tashlash natijasida Nyu-Yorkdagi ko’pchilik maktablar yopildi.
C)Ish tashlash maktab yopilishiga sabab bo’ldi
D) Ish tashlash maktab yopilishiga sabab bo’lmadi
##114# ... is presented aurally to student as well as visually.
Complete the sentence ##
A) memory tests
+B)sight interpretation.
C) shadowing
D) studying
##115# Give the right definition to the word 'pitfalls' ##
A) lazy way for understanding
+B)unexpected difficulty mistake that may easily be made.
C) hesitating answer
D) Good reply
##116# Give the right definition to the word 'handle' ##
A) to deal with to control
+B)It is a thing with which we can hold something.
C) to manage
D) to succeed in
##117# Give the right definition to the word 'shift' ##
A) unexpected difficulty
+B) change in position direction or character.
C) to control
D) description
##118# What are the two most important factors in translation quality? ##
A) Terminology and indicative translation
+B)The nature of the source text and perfunctory translation.
C) Machine translation and cynical expectation
D) Terminology and the nature of the source text
##119# A machine translation system... ##
A) increases the need for terminology management
+B)can only put out the terms into it.
C) is the same as perfunctory translation
D) enrich vocabulary
##120# ... are able to adapt various kinds of source text. ##
A) machine translation systems
+B)skilled human translators.
C) interpreters
D) Current machine translation systems
##121# How many parts is the text of translation divided into? ##
A) translation of newspaper style
+B)translation of belles-lettres, translation of technical texts translation of scientific literature, translation of newspaper style.
C) translation of belles-lettres, translation of scientific literature
D) translation of belles-lettres, translation of scientific literature
##122#What form of the translation is used in the given sentences 'the apple of the eye'- ko’z qorachig’ ##
A) descriptive translation
+B)Translating by analogy.
C) word for word translation
D) formal translation
##123#What form of the translation is used in the given word combination 'to enter the House’-a’zo bo’lish ##
A) Descriptive translation
+B)particular translation.
C) translating by analogy
D) lost translation
##124# What form of the translation is used in the given sentences . 'Many hands make light work. ##
A) Equivalent translation
+B)descriptive translation.
C) word by word translation
D) lost translation
##125# What are the principal types of grammatical correspondences between two languages? ##
A) transposition, collocation
+B)complete correspondence partial correspondenee absence of correspondenc.
C) complete correspondence observed correspondence general correspondence
D) transliteration
##126#Complete morphological correspondence is observed when... ##
A) in the languages considered there are identical grammatical categories with identical particular meanings
+B)in the languages examined there are grammatical categories with identical categories meaning but with some differences in their particular meanings.
C) In the language considered there is a grammatical category of case nouns
D) usually the result of machine translation does not work
##127# Choose the closest translation of the following sentence: However tired you are, you must finish your work. ##
A) Siz bu ishni tugallashingiz zarur
+B)Qanchalik charchagan bo’lishingizga qaramasdan, siz bu ishni tugallashingiz kerak edi.
C) Bu ishni tugallashingiz kerak
D) Ishni tugallang
##128# Choose the closest translation of the following sentence: He felt in his duty to help the government ##
A) U burchini shu ondayoq angladi
+B)U hukumatga yordam berish burchi ekanligini angladi.
C) U sezdiki hukumatga yordam berish kerak
D) Hukumatga yordam berishni burchi deb o’yladi
##129# How many principles of translating words is denoted specific realia? ##
A) Transliteration, adding
+B)Omission, adding.
C) Transliteration, creation of new single or complete word
D) Transcription, omission
##130# What is translation? ##
A)Translation is the theory were mainly concerned with the typology of relationship between linguistic units
+B)Translation is the study of linguistic phenomena and the establishment of certain correspondences between the languages.
C) Translation is the expression in target language of what has been said in source language preserving stylistic and semantic equivalence
D) Transcription, omission
##131# What subjects is the translation of theory and practice based on? ##
A) Translation is the theory were mainly concerned with the typology of relationship between linguistic units
+B) The theory of translation is subdivided into general theory, dealing with the general characteristics of translation, such as the translation of fiction poetry, technical and scientific literature, official documents, etc.
C) all answers are right
D) the translation of fiction poetry, technical and scientific literature, official documents, etc
##132#What is the traditionally under translation is understood? ##
A) the product of the process of translation
+B) the process, activity of reproduction source language originally in target language.
C) Relationship between linguistic units
D) the general characteristics of translation, such as the translation of fiction poetry technical and scientific literature, official documents, etc
##133# What qualities must translators have ? ##
A) Knowledge of four language skills: listening, writing, speaking and reading
+B)knowledge of the languages / at least 2 languages, cultural background: ability to interpret the text.
C) the general characteristics of translation, such as the translation of fiction poetry technical and scientific literature, official documents, etc
D) relationship between linguistic units
##134# What is the features of naturalness in Literary translation? ##
A) It is the prime distinctive characteristic of natural translation, idioms and proverbs
+B)The salient features of naturalness can be classified as primary and secondary, the latter - such as intelligibility, accessibility or readability– being generated by the former, the process, activity of reproduction source language originally in target language.
C) the process, activity of reproduction source language originally in target
D) It is the process of translation where the main task is to transform the nature or emotions of the work. It is possible some addings or omissions
##135# … is the process determined by quite a number of factors. ##
D) conformities
##136# Grammatical transformations are as follows: ##
A)Translation, Omission
+B)Omission, supplementation.
D)Semantic substitution
##137# The main types of phraseological conformities are as follows: ##
A)Absence of conformities, ecology, gestures and habits
+B)Complete conformities, partial conformities and absence of conformities.
C) Descriptive and verbatim translation
D) Translation and culture
##138# Phraseological units are divided into 3 groups: they are … ##
A)Cultural sunstitute and a loan word
+B) Phraseological fusions, Phraseological units and Phraseological collocations.
C) Partial Absence units
D) Cultural sunstitute and a loan word
##139# … is possible when the way of thinking doesn’t bear a specific national feature. ##
A)Translating by analogy
+B) Descriptive translation.
C)Absence of conformities
D) Verbatim translation
##140# What is very useful for keeping in the memory the main content of the text for the interpreter? ##
##141# By what way are neologism formed? ##
A) word formation
+B)all of them are right.
C) borrowing
D) semantic extension
##142# Put the right one to complete the sentence. … is the translation of a text written in one language into another visually ##
A) oral translation
+B)sight translation.
C) restructed translation
D) written translation
##143# When the disruptive translation is desirable? ##
A) When translated word is dear to the reader
+B)When the translator has knowledge of the life of the nation of the translating
C) When translated word is not dear to the reader
D) When the foreign coloring is preserved
##144# On which depend the translation of geographical terms? ##
A) On the importance of their country o origin as well their degree ofspecify
+B) On the history of world.
C) They are value-free politically and commercially
D) Only on with of translator
##145# Translate the sentences into Uzbek paying attention to the lexsical transformation. On the way back to home Rudolf stopped for a glass of beer. ##
A)Yo’lda Rudolf piva ichish uchun to’xtadi.
+B)Uyga qaytishga Rudolf bir stakan piva ichun to’xtadi.
C)no correct answer
D)Uyga qaytishga Rudolf bir stakan piva ichish uchun to’xtadi
##146# Name the main types of phraseological conformities ##
A) Complete conformities, partial conformities
+B)Complete conformities, absence conformities.
C)Complete partial conformities and absence of conformities
D) Complete lexical conformities partial lexical conformities
##147# What is the very characteristic of the English language? ##
+B) homonyms.
C) Polysemantic words
D) omission
##148# What additional meaning has English “table” ##
A) Стол
+B) Таблица.
C) пансион
##149# Name of the most difficult problem of translation? ##
A)The choice of additional meanings of the words
+B) The choice of the words.
C)The choice of literature
D)Phonetic phenomena which used to express
##150# Generalisation is… ##
A) used when certain elements in the original text
+B) replacing a word with a broad sense by one of a narrower meaning.
C) replacing a word’s narrow meaning by one with a broad sense
D) a complex lexico-grammatical substitution of a positive construction for the
negative one
##151# Find the example that given to metaphor. ##
A) horrible beautiful
B) he is an ox
+C) busy as a bell.
D) Million colored rainbow
##152# Find the example that given to smile ##
A) she is a fox
B)she is funny
+C) she is like a fox.
D) she is cunny as fox
##153# What is phaseological collocation? ##
A) partially motivated
B) descriptive translation
+C) structurally inseparable and stable units.
D) phraseological functions
##154# What is the phraseological units? ##
A) inseparable and stable units
B) semantically inseparable units
+C) phraseological units are partially motivation.
D) completely non-motivation
##155# Find the example that given to phraseological fusion. ##
A)to show one’s teeth
B) to get one’s goat
+C) black-frost.
D) to enter the house
##156# Neologisms may be divided into… ##
A) root, derived, compound words
B) Semantic word formation root
+C) semantic extension borrowings.
D)Word formation, root words
##157#….. the translation usually is used during the negotiations meeting of the of the
Statesmen ##
A) similes
B) notes
+C) the memorial.
D) the consecutive
##158# The word in the sentences may acquire so called …. ##
A) translation from dictionary
+C) contextual meaning.
D) word translation
##159#… are formed by different ways. ##
A) associative symbols
B) derived symbols
+C) symbols in letters.
D) micro review
##160# What is the non obligatory substitution? ##
A) … is necessitated by grammatical redundancy of certain forms in two languages
B)… are connected with functional sentence perspectives
+C) … is a substitution undertaken by the needs or demands of the context.
D) … is the replacement of the word forms struggles
##161#……… is the translation of oral information from one language into another
after listening it ##
A) Condensed
B) Phraseological translation
+C) Consecutive translation.
D) Manipulating the register
##162#.. is presented aurally to student as well as visually Complete the sentence ##
A) studying
B) memory tests
+C) sight interpretation.
D) shadowing
##163#What’s “Closer” ##
A) semantic words
B) pronouns
+C) deleting words.
D) recording
##164# Find the correct translation for “go-to-hell voice” ##
A) Тихий голос
B) Грубый голос
+C)Хриплый голос.
D) Высокий голос
##165# what type of grammaticaltransformation is in this sentence. He raised his hand. ##
A) Replacement
B) Omission
+C) Transposition.
D) Addition
##166# A unit constant context consisting of a dependent and a constant indicates maybe
called … ##
A) An idiom
B) A phraseological unit
+C) A phrase.
D) A combination
##167# On what depends the translation on of cultural words and institutional terms? ##
A) On the linguistic contest
B) On the collection
+C) On the readership and on the setting.
D) On the setting
##168# Find the correct translation of “palazo” ##
A) Small house
B) Small town
+C) Large house.
D) Country –side
##169# When the particular word of cultural term may be replaced by generic word? ##
A) When the generic terms is not approximate
B) It cannot be replaced
+C) When the particular word is approximate.
D) When the particular word is of not interest
##170# In what terms prevail French word? ##
A) Geographical terms
B) Food terms
+C) Scientific terms.
D) Music terms
##171# What is shadowing? ##
A) it is a method of testing which consists of deleting words from the sentences or text
B) it is the translation of a text written in one language into another visually
+C) it is a word for word repetition in the same language parrot-style of a message
presented through headphones.
D) it is to find words or word combinations which can reflect and give the main
content of the sentence or utterance
##172# Find the words that belong to the smile ##
A)such like
B) is have
+C) “like” and “as”.
D) such as, as well
##173# Shadowing? ##
A) it is based on the assumption
B) the meaning of the speech
+C)it is a word repetition in the same language.
D) it put rates is from go to 140 words for
#174# Consequent translation is…. ##
A) re-translation of oral information
B) lexical equivalents
+C) assertion part.
D) formed by different ways
##175# What means complete conformities? ##
A) translation and culture
B) cultural categories
+C) of form and content is phraseological units.
D) grammatical categories
##176# Find the absence of morphological correspondence. ##
A) friend
B) by plan
+C) with your.
D) my book
##177# When may be observed partial morphological correspondence. ##
A)When in the language considered there are identical grammatical categories
B) When the conformity is in meaning but discrepancy in the structure of phrase
+C) When in the language examined there are grammatical categories ways indented categorical meaning but with some differences in the particular meaning.
D) When there are corresponding grammatical categories in the language examined
##178# What complete correspondence can be seen in English, Russian and Uzbek
Languages ##
A) Category of number
B) Can system
+C) Category of possessiveness.
D) Category of mood
##179# What are the most important grammatical means of expression in English ##
A) Grammatical inflections, word order
B) the order of words, use of function on words
+C) Function words, grammatical inflection.
D) Word order, intonation pattern
##180# Find the example of descriptive translation ##
A) To cross the flour of the house
B) The arms race
+C) The apple of my eye bye.
D)To pull somebody’s leg
##181# Find the correct translation “to pull somebody’s leg” ##
A) Ударить кого-то ногой
B) Вставить не стой ноги
+C) Одурачить кого-либо.
D) Ударить кого-то ноге
##182# Name the translation on which is resorted to when the phraseological unit has a specific national realae: ##
A) Verbatim translation
B) Translation by analogy
+C) Descriptive translation.
D) Word translation
##183# What conformity is in this idiom: “To lose one’s head” ##
A) Partial conformity by grammatical parameters
B) Complete conformity
+C) Phraseological collation.
D) Partial lexical conformity
##184# Find the example of phraseological collation ##
A) To wash up
B) To show one’s teeth
+C) To take care of.
D) To get one’s goat
##185# What is so-called contextual meaning? ##
A) It hasn’t anything in common with main meaning
B) It is a constant meaning of the words
+C) It is not constant, but it has something in common with the main meaning.
D) We can find it in the dictionary
##186# What are the neologisms? ##
A)The words spoken in a certain place and which are understandable only for the
people there
B) The terms used in a certain field of the life.
+C)The words newly coined.
D) The words used by only one person by his nature
##187# Find the right example given for anatomic translation ##
A) He raised his hand –U qo’lini ko’tardi
B) didn’t say anything –Anna sukut saqladi.
+C) Also there was an awkward hesitancy at times, as he essayed the new words he had learned –Ba’zida u yaqindagina o’rgangan so’zlarini talaffuz qilish uchun hozirlanib, to’xtab olardi.
D) Nicholas’s girl cousin scraped her knee rather painfully –Nikolasning xolavachchasi tizzasiniqattiq urib oldi
##188# Put the right one to complete the sentence. … is the translation of a text written in one language into another visually ##
A) oral translation
B) restructed translation
+C) sight translation.
D) written translation
##189# Find the pseudo-international word ##
A) Compositor
B) Pathetic
+C) Football.
D) Diplomacy
##190# In which sentence the metaphor is used? ##
A) The moon is like blood
B) He is an ox.
+C).He is a little sweet thing.
D) John is as tall as a bean pole
##191# Find the example that given to metonymy. ##
A) Shakespeare of our days
B) he is moustache
+C) sweet smile.
D) horribly beautiful
##192# Find the example that given to smile ##
A) she is a fox
B) she is funny
+C) she is like a fox.
D) she is cunny as fox
##193# “ Golden fall” what’s it? ##
A) root morpheme
B) metaphor
+C) metonymy.
D) slang
##194# What’s the method of Cloze? ##
A) sentence
B) repetition
+C) testing.
D) verb
##195# Read a text aloud and expand it (i.e. say the same thing in more words) as
you are going along, again taking care not to change the meaning ##
A) Condensing
B) Expanding
+C) Paraphrasing.
D) Chunking
##196# .…….. replacing a word with a broad sense by one of a narrower meaning ##
A)An integral transformation
B) A concrete definition
+C) Generalization.
D) Sight translation
##197# Types of lexical transformations are ##
A) Sight translation, addition and omission
B) Omission and addition
+C) Lexical substitution and addition.
D) Lexical substitutions Supplementation and Omissions dropping
##198# …exists when the same meaning are expressed in two languages in a way. ##
A) semantic equivalence
B) situational
+C) pseudointernational word.
D) formal equivalence
##199# … is the way of finds equivalent and is transformation of the affirmative
construction into negative or vice verse. ##
A) A loan word
B) Antonomic translation
+C) A genetic word.
D) International words
##200# How do we call words which have similar form and meaning in different
Languages ##
A) international words
B) Loan words
+C) neologisms.
D) Synonyms
##201# Omission is… ##
A) A type of grammatical transformation which can be met with in cases of formal
inexpressiveness of grammatical or semantical components in the language of the
original text
B)A substitution undertaken by the needs or demands of the context
+C)Necessitated by grammatical redundancy of certain forms in two language.
D) A change in the order of linguistic elements such as words clause “and”
In the first phrase the translator acting as a source – language receptor, analysis the original message. Extracting the information contained in it.
In the second stage, the translator acts as a target – language sender, producing an equivalent message in the target – language and re – directing it to the target language receptor.
##202# In the first phrase the translator acting as…… ##
A) a target – language sender, producing an equivalent message in the target – language and re – directing it to the target language receptor
B) a and b
+C) a source – language receptor, analysis the original message. Extracting the information contained in it.
##203# In the second stage, the translator acts as…… ##
A) a source – language receptor, analysis the original message. Extracting the information contained in it
B) a and b
+C) a target – language sender, producing an equivalent message in the target – language and re – directing it to the target language receptor.
##204# E.Nida subdivided the process of translation into .... ##
A) 5stage
B) 4 stage
+C) 3 stage.
D) 2stage
##205# Verbatim translation…. ##
A) is resorted to when the phraseological units has a specific National realias
B) is translating units by a free combination of words, it is possible when the phraseological unit has a particular National feature and has no analogue tranlslation into
+C) is possible when the way of thinking doesn’t bear a specific National feature.
##206# Translating by analogy…… ##
A) is possible when the way of thinking doesn’t bear a specific National feature
B) is translating units by a free combination of words, it is possible when the phraseological unit has a particular National feature and has no analogue tranlslation into
+C) is resorted to when the phraseological units has a specific National realias.
##207# Descriptive translation…. ##
A) is possible when the way of thinking doesn’t bear a specific National feature
B) is resorted to when the phraseological units has a specific National realias.
+C) is translating units by a free combination of words, it is possible when the phraseological unit has a particular National feature and has no analogue tranlslation into.
##208# Translation is a means of… ##
A) Translating communication
B) Identical communication
+C) Interlingual communication.
##209# How many ways of literary works are in the translation? ##
A) 5
B) 4
D) 2
##210# This way is the kind of translating the text without any changes from semantic or logical sides. It often serves as a base in expressing the topic more widely. ##
A) Logical translation
B) Literary translation
+C) Word for word translation.
##211# This way is used for opening the idea of the source text. This kind of translation widely uses the lexical and syntactic changes in the language and delivers the feelings and emotions to the reader. ##
A) Word for word translation
B) Literary translation
+C)Logical translation.
##212# This kind of translation way demands being creative together with translating skill. In consequence, this way is causing many arguments and contrasts of opinions in science. One of the most often met difficulties in translation is that the source and target languages belong to different cultures.
A) Word for word translation
B) Logical translation
+C) Literary translation.
##213# Epithets are …. ##
A) translated considering the stylistic diversity of the text;
B) translated semantically considering the interactions among the characters;
+C) translated considering the described word and its usage by the structure and semantic peculiarities
D) translated by using new, modern words keeping the original meaning;
##214# Comparisons are …. ##
A) translated considering the described word and its usage by the structure and semantic peculiarities;
B) translated semantically considering the interactions among the characters;
+C) translated considering the stylistic diversity of the text
D) translated by using new, modern words keeping the original meaning;
##215# Metaphors are…. ##
A) translated considering the described word and its usage by the structure and semantic peculiarities;
B) translated considering the stylistic diversity of the text;
+C) translated semantically considering the interactions among the characters
D) translated by using new, modern words keeping the original meaning;
##216# Neologisms are…. ##
A) translated considering the described word and its usage by the structure and semantic peculiarities;
B) translated considering the stylistic diversity of the text;
+C) translated by using new, modern words keeping the original meaning
D) translated semantically considering the interactions among the characters;
##217# Irony is…. ##
A) translated considering the stylistic diversity of the text;
B) translated semantically considering the interactions among the characters;
+C) translated by comparing the incomparable words in the contrast way
D) translated by using new, modern words keeping the original meaning;
##218# Find the example of partial syntactic correspondence in sentence ##
A) The climb had been easier then he expected
B) It is forbidden to smoke here
+C)This is to be or not to be a struggle.
D) He raised his hand
##219# In consecutive translation…. ##
A) the interpreter is supposed to be able to give his translation while the speaker is uttering the original message
B) the interpreter may be required for such things as business or professional conferences, training seminars, or presentations
+C) the translating starts after the original speech or some part of it has been completed.
##220# In simultaneous interpretation….. ##
A) the translating starts after the original speech or some part of it has been completed
B) the interpreter may be required for such things as business or professional conferences, training seminars, or presentations
+C) the interpreter is supposed to be able to give his translation while the speaker is uttering the original message.
##221# How many types of lexical transformation are ? ##
A) 3
B) 4
D) 2
##222# …..is a kind of grammatical and lexical transformation which substitutes an affirmative construction for a negative or vice versa with some accompanying lexical change, usually substituting the antonym for the original word. ##
A) Generalization
B) Metonymic translation
+C) Antonymic translation.
D) Paraphrasing
##223# …… lexical transformation based on the substitution of contiguous concepts. ##
A) Antonymic translation
B) Generalization
+C) Metonymic translation.
D) Paraphrasing
##224#…… rendering of the meaning of some idiomatic phrase in the source language by a phrase in the target language consisting of non-correlated lexical units ##
A) Antonymic translation
B) Generalization
+C) Paraphrasing.
D) Metonymic translation
##225# This type of replacement is also fairly common. Especially typical is the replacement of English nouns, derived from verbs and denoting actions ("Nomina Actionis") by Russian verbs. ##
A) Sentence elements
B) Sentence types
+C) Parts of Speech.
D) Word forms
##226# This is sometimes referred to as syntactic restructurings of the sentence in the process of translation. ##
A) Parts of Speech
B) Sentence types
C) Word forms
+D) Sentence elements.
##227# A very common transformation is the replacement of a simple sentence by a complex one and visa versa ##
A) Parts of Speech
B) Sentence elements
C) Word forms
+D) Sentence types.
##228# Which scholars developed the earliest linguistics theory of translation? ##
A) V.L. Retsker
B) A.V.Fedorov
C) L.E.Nida
+D)A and B
##229# Traditionally under translation is understood: ##
A) the process, activity of reproduction source language originally in target language
B) the product of the process of translation
C) the process of changing the whole meaning of text
+D)A and B
##230# Find the correct translation of the sentence ‘’ turn the handle until the air comes into the cylinder” ##
A) tutqichni yoqing havo sylindrga kirguncha
B) Richagni burab havoni sylindirga kiriting
C) Richagni burab havoni cylinderdan chiqaring
+D) Ричагни бураб цилиндрга хаво киришгa вақтини ўўрнатиш
##231# The general theory of translation…. ##
A) has a clearly defined subject matter the process of translation including its results
B) reflects what is common to all types and varieties of translation,
C) reflects the translation of fiction, poetry, technical and scientific literature and official documents
+D) all the answers are correct.
##232# Find the metaphorically transferred word. ##
A) Green colour
B) Green scarf
C) Green tree
+D) Green wound.
##233# When did the Conference interpreting strart? ##
A) during World War ll
B) In Mid fifties of 17 th century
C) In 1950s
+D) during World War I.
##234# Who sub-divides the process of translation into three stages: analysis where an ambiguous surface structure is transformed into non-ambiguous kernel sentences to facilitate semantic interpretation , transfer where equivalents in the target language are found at a kernel or near-kernel level and restructuring where target-language kernel sentences are transformed into surface structures. ##
A) A.V.Fedorov
B) Y.L.Retskar
C) V.Y Rozentsveig
+D) E. Nida.
##235# The situational model of translationis based on situational analysis in linguistics, developed by … ##
A) V. G. Gak
B) J. Catford (UK)
C) Y.L Retskar
+D)A and C
##236# This way is used for opening the idea of the source text. This kind of translation widely uses the lexical and syntactic changes in the language and delivers the feelings and emotions to the reader ##
A) Word for word translation
B) Literary translation
C) General translation
+D) Logical translation.
##237# This way is the kind of translating the text without any changes from semantic or logical sides. It often serves as a base in expressing the topic more widely. ##
A) Logical translation
B) Literary translation
C) General translation
+D) Word for word translation.
##238# This kind of translation way demands being creative together with translating skill. In consequence, this way is causing many arguments and contrasts of opinions in science ##
A) Logical translation
B) Word for word translation
C) General translation
+D) Literary translation.
##239# …….. are translated considering the described word and its usage by the structure and semantic peculiarities; ##
A) Comparisons
B) Neologisms
C) Irony
+D) Epithets.
##240# ………. are translated considering the stylistic diversity of the text; ##
A) Epithets
B) Neologisms
C) Irony
+D) Comparisons
##241# ………… are translated by using new, modern words keeping the original meaning; ##
A) Epithets
B) Comparisons
C) Irony
+D) Neologisms.
##242# ……… is translated by comparing the incomparable words in the contrast way; ##
A) Epithets
B) Comparisons
C) Neologisms
+D) Irony.
##243# ……... are translated semantically considering the interactions among the characters; ##
A) Comparisons
B) Neologisms
C) Irony
+D) Metaphors.
##244# …….. is rendering into the target language non-literary texts, the main purpose of which is to convey a certain amount of ideas, to inform the reader. ##
A) Word for word translation
B) Literary translation
C) General translation
+D) Informative translation.
##245# ……….. may be defined therefore as that which is determined by semantic and pragmatic equivalence between the original and target-language text. ##
A) Informative translation
B) Literary translation
C) Free translation
+D) Adequate translation.
##246# ………… reproduces the linguistic form of the original regardless of semantic or pragmatic equivalence. It may reproduce the morphological and sound form as, for instance, in Chukovsky's well-known examples: композитор for compositor, Черри Орчард (Cherry Orchard) instead of «Вишневый сад». ##
A) Informative translation
B) Adequate translation
C) Free translation
+D) Literal translation.
##247# …….. consists in pragmatically unmotivated additions and omissions of semantic information ##
A) Informative translation
B) Adequate translation
C) Literal translation
+D) Free translation.
##248# In What kind of lexical groups Complete correspondences of lexical units of two languages? ##
A) Proper names and geographical denominations;
B) Scientific and technical terms / with the exception of terminological polysemy/;
C) The months and days of the week, numerals;
+D) all the answers are correct
##249# Find the differences of semantic content of the equivalent words in two languages. ##
A) words with a differentiated / undifferentiated/ meaning: e.g. in English: to swim/ of a human being/ , to sail / of a ship/, to float / of an inanimate object/; in Uzbek: сузмок /одамлар хакида/, сузмок /кема хакида/ сув юзида калкиб юрмок /предмет тугрисида/; in Russian: плавать, плыть;
B) with a “broad” sense; verbs of state / to be/, perception and brainwork /to see, to understand/, verbs of action and speech / to go, to say/, partially desemantisized words /thing, case/;
C) adverbial verbs with a composite structure, which have a semantic content, expressing action and nature at the same time: e.g. The train whistled out of the station.- Поезд хуштак чалиб станциядан жунаб кетди. – Дав свисток, поезд отошёл от станции;
+D) all the answers are correct
##250# Find the ways Of Rendering Non-Equivalents…..##
A) By the diRect borrowing
B) By the translation loans
C) By finding relevant ones
+D)A and B
##251# ………. exists when the same meanings are expressed in the two languages in a different way: "Troops were airlifted to the battlefield" - «Войска были переброшены по воздуху на поле боя». ##
A) Formal equivalence
B) situational equivalence
C) Pragmatic equivalence
+D) semantic equivalence.
##252# ……. is established between utterances that differ both in linguistic devices used and in the semantic components expressed but, nevertheless, describe the same extralinguistic situation ##
A) semantic equivalence
B) Formal equivalence
C) Pragmatic equivalence
+D) situational equivalence.
##253#.…….. a most frequent device in translation from English into Russian. There is a large group of English words of wide semantic volume (спова с широкой понятийной основой). These words belong to different parts of speech; nouns, adjectives, verb. ##
A) Generalization
B) Antonymic translation
C) Metonymic translation
+D) Concretization.
##254# This device is the reverse of concretization. Still there is a tendency in the English language for differentiation where the Russian language uses a more general word, e.g. "рука", hand and arm; "нога" leg and foot; "палец" fingers and toes. ##
A) Concretization
B) Antonymic translation
C) Metonymic translation
+D) Generalization.
##255# ……… is a kind of grammatical and lexical transformation which substitutes an affirmative construction for a negative or vice versa with some accompanying lexical change, usually substituting the antonym for the original word ##
A) Concretization
B) Generalization
C) Metonymic translation
+D) Antonymic translation.
##256# ……. is a lexical transformation based on the substitution of contiguous concepts. ##
A) Concretization
B) Generalization
C) Antonymic translation
+D) Metonymic translation.
##257# ……… is rendering of the meaning of some idiomatic phrase in the source language by a phrase in the target language consisting of non-correlated lexical units ##
A) Generalization
B) Antonymic translation
C) Metonymic translation
+D) Paraphrasing.
##258# ……. is understood to be the change of position/order) of linguistic elements in the Target language in comparison with a Source language. ##
A) substitution;
B) omission;
C) supplementation;
+D) transposition.
##259# …….. is necessitated by grammatical redundancy of certain forms in two languages. ##
A) substitution;
B) transposition;
C) supplementation;
+D) omission.
##260# This way of translating is resorted to when the phraseological unit has a specific national realiae. ##
A) Verbatum translation
B) descriptive translation
C) general translation
+D) Translating by analogy.
##261# ranslating phraseological units by a free combination of words is possible when the phraseological unit has a particular national feature and has no analogy in the language it is to be translated into. ##
A) Verbatum translation
B) Translating by analogy
C) general translation
+D) descriptive translation.
##262# The metaphors generally accepted in some period or in some literary direction are called…… ##
A) Simple metaphor
B) Extended metaphor
C) Compositional metaphor
+D) Traditional metaphor.
##263# It is realized at the level of a text. It can extend at a full novel. ##
A) Simple metaphor
B) Traditional metaphor
C) Extended metaphor
+D) Compositional metaphor.
##264# ……. ncludes the rank of simple metaphors that are interrelated and add each other. They intensify the motivation of an image by repeated connection of the same two plans and their parallel functioning. ##
A) Simple metaphor
B) Traditional metaphor
C) Compositional metaphor
+D) Extended metaphor.
##265# It is expressed by one image but not always of one word. For example: «Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines» etc. ##
A) Traditional metaphor
B) Extended metaphor
C) Compositional metaphor
+D) Simple metaphor.
##266# What main types of translation are singled out on the basis of predominant communicative function of the source text? ##
A) literary translation and oral translation
B) literary translation and informative translation
C) consecutive
+D) written and oral translation.
##267# How many grammatical translations do you know? ##
A) 2
B) 3
C) 5
##268# What are the neologisms? ##
A) The terms used in a certain field of the life.
B) The words spoken in a certain place and which are understandable only for the people there.
C) The words used by only one person by his nature.
+D) The words newly coined
##269# Put the right one to complete the sentence. is the translation of a text written in one language into another visually. ##
A) restructed translation
B) oral translation
C) speech translation
+D) sight translation
##270# Find the right example given for anatomic translation ##
A) He raised his hand U qolini kotardi.
B) Also there was an awkward hesitancy at times, as he essayed the new words he had learned Bazida u yaqindagina organgan sozlarini talaffuz qilish uchun hozirlanib, toxtab olardi.
C) Nicholass girl cousin scraped her knee rather painfully Nikolasning xolavachchasi tizzasini qattiq urib oldi.
+D) Ann didnt say anything Anna sukut saqladi
##271# Grammatical transformations are as follows: ##
A) Semantic substitution
B) Translation, Omission
C) omission, supplementation
+D) Substitution, transposition,
##272# The main types of phraseological conformities are as follows: ##
A) Complete conformities, partial conformities and absence of conformities
B) Translation and culture
C) Descriptive and verbatim translation
+D) Absence of conformities, ecology, gestures and habits.
##273# Phraseological units are divided into 3 groups: they are ##
A) Partial Absence units
B) Cultural sunstitute and a loan word
C) Cultural sunstitute and a loan word
+D) Phraseological fusions, Phraseological units and Phraseological collocations.
##274# is IT possible when the wayof thinking doesnt bear a specific national feature.
A) Descriptive translation
B) Translating by analogy
C) Absence of conformities
+D) Verbatim translation.
##275# Grammatical translation are divided into 4 groups: they are ##
A) Substitution, omission, translation and phrase
B) Transpositions replacements, additions and omissions
C) Grammar, syntax, phrase and culture
+D) Culture, ecology, translation and addition.
##276# … is necessitated by grammatical redundancy of certain forms in two languages. ##
A) transposition
B) translation
C) addition
+D) omission.
##277# is the way of finds equivalent and is transformation of the affirmative
construction into negative or vice verse. ##
A) Antonomic translation
B) A genetic word
C) International words
+D) A loan word.
##278# exists when the same meaning are expressed in two languages in a way. ##
A) semantic equivalence
B) situational
C) pseudointernational words
+D) formal equivalence.
##279# Types of lexical transformations are ##
A) Lexical substitution and addition
B) Omission and addition
C) Sight translation, addition and omission
+D) Lexical substitutions Supplementation and Omissions dropping.
##280# ... replacing a word with a broad sense by one of a narrower meaning ##
A) Sight translation
B) An integral transformation
C) Generalization
+D) A concrete definition.
##281# Read a text aloud and expand it (i.e. say the same thing in more words) as
you are going along, again taking care not to change the meaning ##
A) Condensing
B) Expanding
C) Chunking
+D) Paraphrasing.
##282# is the translation of oral information from one language into another
after listening it ##
A) Condensed Manipulating the register
B) Phraseological translation
C) Consecutive translation
+D) Antonomic translation.
##283# The symbols may be duivided into ##
A) Associative and translation
B) Symbols in letters associative and derived symbols
C) Derived and simultaneous symbols
+D) Culture and Omission.
##284# What is the non-obligatory substitution? ##
A) are connected with functional sentence prespectives
B) is the replacement of the word forms struggles
C) is necessitated by grammatical redundancy of certain forms in two languages
+D) is a substitution undertaken by the needs or demands of the context.
##285# How many theories of translation do you know? ##
A) 2
B) 6
C) 4
##286# Find the absence of morphological correspondence ##
A) with your
B) by plan
C) friend
+D) my book.
##287# What means complete conformities? ##
A) of form and content is phraseological units
B) cultural categories
C) translation and culture
+D) grammatical categories.
##288# How many grammatical translations do you know? ##
A) 2
B) 3
C) 5
##289# express and are associated with number of notions. ##
A) symbols in letters
B) derived symbols
C) unique symbols
+D) associative symbols.
##290# Consequent translation is. ##
A) formed by different ways
B) lexical equivalents
C) assertion part
+D) re-translation of oral information.
##291# Find the example for negative conjunctions. ##
A) China is a large country
B) To fish in trouble waters
C) Lose ones temper
+D) US didnt enter the war until April 1917.
##292# What simultaneous interpretation do you know? ##
A) 6
B) 8
C) 7
##293# is presented over ally to students as well as visually ##
A) memory tests
B) the interview
C) clozer
+D) sight interpretation.
##294# Translation is ##
A) different languages
B) grammatical fact
C) commutations of translator
+D) determined by quiet a member of practice.
##295# Give example for material culture. ##
A) amoh, condattiere
B) hiwa, sithar
C) reggae- rock
+D) Houses and towns, compound hourgade chalef, lawrise, toxer.
##296# What means sight translation? ##
A) lexical character
B) partial syntactic correspondence
C) attributive and comparative
+D) curriculum designed to teach translation.
##297# How many skills included in sight translation? ##
A) 5
B) 6
C) 2
##298# …are formed by different ways. ##
A) associative symbols
B) symbols in letters
C) micro review
+D) derived symbols.
##299# How many types of grammatical transformations do you know? ##
A) 5
B) 3
C) 6
##300# What s Closer ##
A) recording
B) semantic words
C) pronouns
+D) deleting words.
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