1. Tous respectent ces traditions. Ces fruits exotiques murissent en Ouzbekistan

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1.Tous respectent ces traditions.
2. Ces fruits exotiques murissent en Ouzbekistan.
3.L'Ouzbékistan est connu par ses fruits exotiques.
4. Le numéro de mon portable est 8272.
5 ces étudiants étudient au college

1. Vous parlez en espagnol? Non, je parle en francais.

2. Je vais en fabrique.
3. Michel vient du gare.
4. C'est son femme.
5. J'aime ma ville natale.
6. Je parle en francais . J'aime le francais.
7. Je vais chez Clara . Elle habite avec son père.
8. C'est homme va à Paris.
9. C'ette bouquette de fleur pour ma copine.
10. Ils partent pour Paris.
11. Cett plage est très belle.
12. Mon père et ma mère viennent à Paris.
13. Vous patez pour London?
14. Mon grand-père habite à Moscov.
15. Ma tante habite chez votre grand-père.
Je déjeune déjeunai
Tu déjeunes dejeunas
Il dejeune dejeuna
Nous déjeunons dejeunames
Vous déjeunez dejeunqtes
Ils déjeunent dejeunerent Morphology of North-West-Saxon Dialects
2. Principal features of Germanic languages: phonetics

West Saxon was one of four distinct dialects of Old English. The three others were Kentish, Mercian and Northumbrian (the latter two were similar and are known as the Anglian dialects). West Saxon was the language of the kingdom of Wessex, and was the basis for successive widely used literary forms of Old English: the Early West Saxon of Alfred the Great's time, and the Late West Saxon of the late 10th and 11th centuries. Due to the Saxons' establishment as a politically dominant force in the Old English period, the West Saxon dialect became the strongest dialect in Old English manuscript writing.[1]

All the Germanic Languages of the past and present have common linguistic features that are not shared by other groups of languages in the Indo-European family (Slavonic group, Romance group, etc.). These features are characteristic of the Germanic group only. They appeared during the period of the Proto-Germanic Language, before it split into a certain number of the Germanic languages. First of all we are going to discuss the common Germanic phonetic features.

phonetic– as a result of the fixed position of the stress the unstressed syllables were becoming weaker and weaker, they got less distinct and neutral sounds (such as “schwa”) appeared;

The observation method is described as a method to observe and describe the behavior of a subject. As the name suggests, it is a way of collecting relevant information and data by observing

Feedback is information given to the learner about the learner's performance relative to learning goals or outcomes. It should aim to (and be capable of producing) improvement in students' learning. Feedback redirects or refocuses the learner's actions to achieve a goal, by aligning effort and activity with an outcome.

Students can be asked to bring to school an object to show and tell about. This is lots of fun because students will often bring in something that’s meaningful to them or which gives them pride. That means they’ll have plenty to talk about! Encourage students to ask questions about each other’s objects.
Instead of having students bring their own objects, you could provide an object of your own and ask them to try to explain what they think it is and what its purpose is. Another option is to bring in pictures for them to talk about. This could be discussed with a partner or in a group, before presenting ideas in front of the whole class.
Generate a stronger discussion and keep things flowing by asking students open-ended questions.

Age is a very significant factor in language learning. The first fact that teachers should take into consideration is that young learners differ from older ones in the way they learn new languages. First, young learners learn better through play while adults are comfortable with abstract learning and are more analytical. Second, young learners get bored more easily. Generally, they lose interest after ten minutes or so. Young learners are also more egocentric and need individual attention. However, contrary to the common belief, young learners are not better than older ones in language learning. They may be better in imitating the exact pronunciation of their teachers, but they are generally less successful in learning abstract concepts. According to Lightbown and Spada (2006), older learners are not less effective in language learning. They may have difficulty approximating native speakers’ pronunciation, but they are better at reaching high levels of proficiency in second or foreign language learning (Lightbown and Spada, 2006 p 73, cited in Harmer, ).

. Introduce languages early

Get in early! The earlier your child is exposed to a language, the easier it will be for them to pick it up. Babies are able to distinguish between languages from as young as a few weeks old, and though they may not speak right away, they will start to understand quite quickly. The earlier they start getting exposure the longer they have to practice.It doesn’t mean that if you don’t start from birth that bilingualism won’t be attainable, it is never too late to teach your child another language. It just means that the later you leave it, the more difficult it can become.

2. Join social groups with people who speak the target language

If you don’t speak the language you want your child to learn, finding exposure to that language is a priority. Try to find people who speak your target language. There are many groups on social media these days such as Facebook if you want your child to learn Spanish for example, it can be as easy as searching for a Spanish parents group and arranging meet-ups so your children can play together.

. Host an Au pair to introduce a second language

An Au pair can be a great asset to your family. They are usually young girls who come from overseas on an exchange to experience a new country. They look for host families where they help out looking after your children, and in return they are given accommodation, board and some pocket money. If you can find an Au-pair who speaks your target language, then you will have someone living in your house being able to communicate with your child on a daily basis as well as having a babysitter when you need one.

. Hire a Bilingual Nanny or Babysitter

Formal language lessons are not really ideal for young children, they don’t need a sit down lesson doing worksheets. Instead they learn better in a natural environment through play. If you are working parents and you use childcare anyway, then it makes sense to hire a Bilingual Nanny or babysitter who speaks the language you want your child to learn.

You just have to encourage them to only speak to your child in their native language. It will be hard at first but you will be amazed how children can adapt so quickly.

5. Online Language Lessons

There are so many online resources for teaching languages to kids. Check out the Bilingual Kidspot Language Resources, and if you are looking for specific languages you can find the FREE online mini series below with more languages to come.
Give your Child a Bilingual Education

If you want to teach your child a language you don’t speak, a Bilingual School or Daycare is a great option. There are great benefits of a bilingual education. With teachers who can speak two languages, your child will have exposure to both languages constantly on a daily basis, and you will also be able to communicate with them about your child’s progress.

The cost may be higher as they are usually private institutions, however if you think of the long term benefits, it can be a great investment for your child’s future.

Language Immersion Camps

This option is more aimed at older children who have a good grasp on the language already. Many countries run Language Immersion Camps during the Summer where parents can send their children to for periods ranging from weeks to months depending on the age of the child. The idea is to either introduce a new language, or improve the child’s language skills through full immersion in the target language.

8. Start learning the language yourself

Let’s face it, you can’t expect your children to learn a second language alone, at least some participation from the parents is needed. Even if you don’t intend to become a fluent speaker, your child will appreciate you making an effort to at least learn the basics of the language so that you can support them.

IELTS Practice.Org


IELTS essay about obesity and its causes and solutions

Essay topic
The number of people who are at risk of serious health problems due to being overweight is increasing. What is the reason for the growth in overweight people in society? How can this problem be solved?
Sample essay

Over the last few years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of overweight people in the world. This can be attributed to unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical activity. Obesity is a major health problem. It is a risk factor for diabetes, stroke and heart disease.

Excessive consumption of junk foods is the number one cause of obesity. Junk or fast foods are rich in calories and unhealthy fats. When we consume more calories than our body can burn, it will convert the excess calories into fat. As a result people who consume calorie rich foods on a regular basis gain weight. Late night dinners are another cause of weight gain. When we have a heavy meal immediately before going to bed, the body does not get an opportunity to burn it. Our sedentary lifestyle is also to blame. Most of us have jobs that allow us to spend our entire day in a chair. This lack of physical activity reduces our requirement for calories. Still, we are consuming more calories than we need.
Limiting the consumption of calories and making physical activity an important part of your routine is the only way to combat obesity. Our bodies are designed to move. When we exercise, we not only burn the excess calories but also reduce our risk for a variety of illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. We need to make proper changes to our eating habits too. We must make a conscious effort to stay away from fatty foods. We must also ensure that we are having low calorie healthy meals at regular intervals.
Ta’limni tashkil etish shakli - bu o‘qituvchi va o‘quvchining belgilangan tartibda, muayyan maqsadga muvofiq ma’lum rejimda tashkil etiladigan o‘quv-bilish faoliyatining tashqi ifodasidir. Ayni vaqtda ta’limning quyidagi shakllari ajratib ko‘rsatiladi: in dividual, individual guruhli, sinf dars, leksiya seminar va sinfdan tashqari, auditoriyadan tashqari, maktabdan tashqari O‘quvchilarni qamrab olishi, o‘quvchilar faoliyatini tashkil etishi, jamoaviy va individual shakllarining nisbatlari, mustaqilligi darajasi va o‘qish jarayoniga rahbarlik qilish xususiyatlari kabi belgilariga ko‘ra quyidagi uch asosiy turga ajratiladi individual; sinf dars; ma’ruza seminar

Badiiy adabiyotni o‘rganish mashg’ulotiga jamiyat tomonidan belgilangan bosh, umumiy maqsaddan tashqari har bir o‘quvchining xususiy maqsadi ham bo‘lishi mumkinligi singari jihatlar tekshirilishi va jiddiy ilmiy xulosalarga kelinishi vaziyatning talabiga aylandi. O‘zbek adabiyotini o‘qitishda o‘tmish tajribasini bilan birga zamonaviy o‘zbek metodika ilmining namoyondalari qarashlari ham atrofligicha tahlil qilinmoqda.

Badiiy adabiyot tarbiyalanuvchilarga adabiyot bo‘yicha qandaydir bilimlar majmuini singdirish uchun o‘qitilmasligi, balki jozibali badiiy so‘z vositasida o‘quvchilarning hissiyotlariga ta’sir qilish orqali ularning ma’naviy qiyofasini shakllantirish yo‘li bilan bolalarini komil inson bo‘lish sari yetaklash maqsad ekanligi metodikasini tarixida ilk bor tadqiq etildi.
Jamiyatning qay yo‘sinda rivojlanishi jamiyat a’zolarining ma’naviy qiyofalariga bog‘liq. Fuqoralarning ma’naviyatini shakllantirishda beqiyos imkoniyatlarga ega bo‘lgan adabiy ta’limning samaradorligini oshirish , uni to‘g‘ri ilmiy asoslar ustiga qo‘yish nafaqat nazariy, balki sof amaliy ahamiyatga ham egadir. Adabiy o‘qitilishning umumnazariy muammolarini bu tariqa har tomonlama o‘rganish adabiy ta’limining davlat o‘lchamlarini belgilashda, adabiyot o‘qitishning yo‘riqlarini yaratishda, o‘quv rejalarini tuzushda, o‘quv dasturlari ishlab chiqish va darsliklar yonida tayaniladigan sog‘lom ilmiy asosdir. Tarbiya muassasalari, ayniqsa shaxs shakllanishi jarayoniga bevosita daxldor bo‘lgan bog‘cha va maktablar mahalliy sharoitlarni yuksak pedagogik natijaga erisha oladi. Chunki har qanday tarbiya muayyan hayotiy tajriba, ma’lum bir insoniy xusuyatlar tizimi, o‘zigagina xos rasmiy belgilar, aniq insoniy ruhiyat ustiga quriladi.
Yangilanayotgan pedagogik tafakkur o‘qituvchi bilan o‘quvchi hamkor, sherik bo‘lgandagina kutilgan natijaga erishish mumkinligini ilgari surmoqda. Key

Pedagogik tizimlarning turlari

Ta'lim tizimining to'rt turi mavjud:




Super katta.

Bunday tasnif ushbu tizimlarni taqsimlash asosida yaratilgan. Ushbu hodisani tushunishni osonlashtirish uchun ikkita umumta'lim maktabini misol qilib keltirish mumkin, ularda ta'lim bir xil davlat ta'lim standartlari bo'yicha amalga oshiriladi, lekin pedagogik tizim boshqacha qo'llaniladi. Bir maktabda asosiy e'tibor o'qitishdagi muammoli usulga, boshqasida esa madaniy o'zini o'zi anglash darajasini oshirishga qaratilishi mumkin.

Demak, birinchi turdagi pedagogik tizimlar kichik tizimlar alohida o’qituvchi tomonidan qo’llanilishi mumkin bo’lgan va uning ta’limning qo’yilgan maqsad va vazifalarini hal qilish yo’llari haqidagi qarashlariga qarab o’zgarib turadigan alohida ta’lim va tarbiya tizimlaridir. Masalan, geografiya darslarida ob-havo o‘zgarishini kuzatish jurnalini yuritishning pedagogik tizimi yoki mehnat ta’limidagi muvaffaqiyatlar jurnalini yuritish tizimi.

Ikkinchi tur - o'rta pedagogik tizimlar - bular kichik tizimlar bilan birga mavjud bo'lgan va ular bilan o'zaro bog'liq bo'lgan har qanday alohida ta'lim muassasasining faoliyati tizimlaridir. Bunga ko‘pgina umumta’lim maktablarida qo‘llaniladigan o‘quvchilar reytingining pedagogik tizimi misol bo‘la oladi.

Pedagogik tizimlarning uchinchi turi - yirik pedagogik tizimlar - bu har qanday aniq tuman yoki shahar miqyosida keng tarqalish va qo'llanilishini topgan tur. Masalan, Novosibirsk shahrining Sovet tumanida maktab o‘quvchilarini ilmiy faoliyatga jalb etishga alohida e’tibor qaratilmoqda.
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