1. Qaysi qatorda qo‘shma gapning ikkinchi qismida keladigan vazifadosh bog‘lovchi(lar) qo‘llangan?

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15. Jarangsiz jufti mavjud bo‘lgan til oldi jarangli
undoshlarni aniqlang.

  1. d, b, z B) g, d, z, j C) t, s, ch, sh D) z, j, d

Ingliz tili
46 ….. the police carry guns in your country?
a) does b)is c)do d)have
47.Can I have …..cup of coffee?
a) the other b)other c)some d)another
48. . I … the bus and walked to my house from the bus-stop.
A) got in B) got out C) got on D) got off
49. When I saw her, there was nobody in her room. She was …
A) by herself B) each other
C) herself D) on herself
50. . Paul lives near me and I live near him. We live near …
A) by ourselves B) ourselves
C) on ourselves D) each other
51. Do you know … ?
A) this word‟s meaning
B) meaning‟s of the word
C) the meaning of this word
D) the meaning‟s word
52. They have some nice … in their house. A) furniture B) furnitures
C) furniture‟s D) furnitures‟
53.When we were ….holiday,we went …. a lot of excursions…different places
a) on/on /to b)at/for/to c)on/for/at d)at/on/on
54. I can‟t remember … the key.
A) where did I put B) if I put
C) whether did I put D) where I put
55. They said: We shall help you.
They said that …
A) we shall help you B) they will help us
C) we should help us D) they would help me.
56. . I knocked on the bedroom door …
A) to let some fresh air into the room
B) to get some petrol
C) to read the newspaper
D) to wake them up
57. . I didn‟t hear what she said so I asked her … it.
A) to repeat B) repeat
C) repeating D) repeated
58. A: Colin didn‟t like the film.
B: ....
A) So did I B) Neither did I
C) So do I D) Nor do I
59. ... you post this letter for me?
A) Will B) Shall C) May D) Are
60. A: She‟s got many friends.
B: …? How good!
A) Is she B) Isn‟t she
C) Has she D) Hasn‟t she
61. . … money doesn‟t always bring happiness.
A) A B) The C) An D) –
62. Dallas is … city in Texas.
A) a B) the C) - D) an
63. . At school out teacher made us … very hard.
A) to work B) to working
C) work D) working
64. Jack goes … jogging every morning before breakfast.
A) on B) to C) for D) –
65. . I didn‟t expect you … here.
A) be B) are C) being D) to be
66. . It‟s … . It‟s time to go home.
A) getting ready B) getting late
C) getting old D) getting better
67. . I wanted to make a phone call. Paul let me … his telephone.
A) use B) using C) to use D) to using
68. Last year in California, a team of tree cutters were sent to a job. A row of tall trees along a city road needed to be cut down. The trees were beautiful, but they were sick. They were dropping big branches. The branches were dangerous for cars on the road below. The workers started to cut down the trees. They cut down the first tree. They cut down the second and third trees. Then a worker climbed the fourth tree to cut off its lowest branch. He saw something surprising. Tucked into a hole in the tree were five baby barn owls! The worker climbed down the tree. He told the other workers about the baby owls. They cut down the other trees. They did not cut down the tree that had the baby owls in it. They waited. They waited until the owls were older. They did not cut down the tree until the owls flew away.
Which one would be a good title for the passage?
a)All About Owls
b)How to Cut Down Trees
c)Dangerous Trees
d)The Owls and the Tree Cutter
69. The tree cutter sees the owls before...
A) the trees are sick
B) the owls can fly
C)the cutters go to the job
D)the workers cut down any trees
70. After the worker sees the baby owls,he... A) builds a new nest
B) cuts down the tree
C)tells the other workers
D)drops some big branches
71. What do the workers do after the owls fly away?
A)cut down the last tree
B)leave the last tree standing
C)call a doctor for the last tree
D)wait for the last tree to grow
.72.Earth‟s top and bottom are more different than alike. The Arctic is the farthest place north. It is an icy ocean surrounded by land. Antarctica is the farthest place south. It is a frozen land surrounded by ocean. Both places are too cold to rain. Very little snow falls in either place because the air is as dry as a desert. Large areas of land surround the Arctic Ocean. The land closest to the Arctic is always frozen deep down into the soil. But in the summer, the weather is mild. Some plants grow then, and wolves, foxes, and birds feed on them. Unlike the Arctic, all of Antarctica is covered in ice that never melts. It is the coldest place on Earth. Only tiny insects live there. But sea animals live in the icy ocean around Antarctica. Emperor penguins live on ice packs near the coast
Why did the author write the passage?
A) to entertain you with a funny story
B)to get you to visit the Arctic and Antarctica
C)to tell how the Arctic and Antarctica are the same and different
D)to share facts about cold places
73. Which one is true about the Arctic?
A)The Arctic is an ocean surrounded by land.
B) The Arctic is at the bottom of Earth.
C) Penguins live in the Arctic.
D) The weather in the Arctic is mild all year round.
74. What is one way Antarctica is different from the Arctic?
A) Antarctica is farther north than the Arctic.
B)Antarctica is never mild, but the Arctic sometimes is.
C)Less snow falls in Antarctica than in the Arctic.
D)Antarctica is dry, but the Arctic is wet.
75. Which phrase describes both places?
A)sunny and mild B) icy and frozen
C) snowy and icy D) rainy and frozen

76.Xuroson noibi Ashros islom dinini qabul qilganlardan nima maqsadda Xiroj va jizya soliqlarini olmaslikka qaror qiladi?

  1. O’z hikimiyatini mustahkamlash maqsadida

  2. Movorounnohr aholisini tinchlantirish va arablarhokimiyati mustahkamlash maqsadida

  3. Moliyaviy islohot o’t kazish maqsadida

  4. Aholining mutasil hasharlarga jalb qilish maqsadida

77.VIII arning o’rtalarida Yettisuv o’lkasida tashkil topgan davlatning shimoliy- sharqiy chegarasi
A) Fargona vodiysi
B) Elsuvi daryosi
C) sharqiy Turkiston
D) Oltoy
78… Mavorounnahrning asosiy shaharlari egallangan
Mo’g’ul jangarilari bosqinchilik yurushlarini qaysi shaharlarga yo’naltirilgan?
1.Balx, 2.Nishopur ,3. Hirot ,4. Marv, 5. Marog’a, 6. G’azna,7. Tabriz
A) 1,3,4,6
79. Avestoda hududiy qo’shnichilik jamoasi nima deb yuri tilgan

  1. Vis

  2. Zantu

  3. Dahyu

  4. Varzana

80. Misrda qaysi podshlik davrida Sinay yarimarolining mahalliy qabilalari soliq to’lay boshlagan?
D) Ilk
81.Mil.va. 329-yilda yunon-makedon qo’shinlari Maraqondani egallagach qayerga yurish qiladi ?

  1. Qashqadaryoning sharqiy qismi (Nautaka)

  2. Sug’diyona

  3. Sirdaryo qirg’oqlari (Kiripolis)

  4. Marg’iyona

82.Aleksandr nima uchun Sirdaryo bo’yida, Xo’jandda qal’a barpo etish to’g’risida buyruq berdi?

  1. Spitamenga qarshi kurashish

  2. Saklarga qarshi

  3. Hokimiyotni kuchaytirish uchun

  4. Asosiy kuchni bir joyga to’plash uchun

83.Qaysi Buxoro xonining davrida Qashqadaryodan qarshi cho’liga suv chiqarilgan?
A)Abdullaxon II
B) Ubaydullaxon II
C) Abdulazizxon
84. Baxtli saotni aniqlashda oy manzillarining mohiyati
nomli kitob yozgan shaxsning davrida qaysi fan rivojlangan?

  1. Astironomiya

  2. TIbbiyot

  3. Tarix

  4. Matematika

85. Nechanchi yilgi nizom loyihasiga ko’ra Turkistonda boshqaruv nomi harbiy xalq boshqaruv nomi bilan yurtilgan?

  1. 1877-yilgi

  2. 1865-yilgi 6-avgust

  3. 1881-yil

  4. 1886-yligi 12-iyul

86. Turkiston general gubernatorligida qaysi nizomga ko’ra uyezd boshliqlariga ispravnik huquqi berilgan?

  1. 1877

  2. 1881

  3. 1865-avgust

  4. 1886 12-iyul

87. Meksikada hosil bo’lmagan yilda sodir bo’lgan voqeani toping?

  1. TUrkistonga Samara teatri keldi

  2. Amudaryo flotyasi tash.etlidi

  3. Xivada 81ta sanoat karxonasi ishga tushrildi

  4. Xiva xonligida qurg’oqchilik va hosilsizlik bo’ldi

88. Qaysi Xiva xoni hokimiyatiga krlgach ishini zulmni kuchaytirish va muxoli fatni mahv rtishdan boshlagan?

  1. M. Rah II

  2. Abudulahad

  3. Asfaudiyorxon

  4. Said Abdullo

89. X.Devonov Xiva xonligining minoralari va hamyurtlarini suratga ola boshlagan davrda sodir bo’lgan voqeani toping?

  1. B Britaniya va Fransiya o’rtasida harbiy shantnoma tuziladi

  2. 100 ming polyak bolalari maktabga borishdan bosh tortdi

  3. Germaniyaning bosh shtabi 2 frontda urush olib borish rejasini ishlab chiqdi

  4. AQSH Kubaga majburan shartnoma qabul qildirdi

90.XIX asrning oxirida AQSHda yuritilgan qaysi siyosat AQSHni ‘’G’arbiy yarimsharning politsiyasiga aylantirdi’’

  1. “Monro doktrinasi”

  2. “Yo’g’on kaltak”

  3. “ Ochiq eshiklar”

  4. “Dallar diplamatyyasi”

91.Yahudiylarga qarshi milliy irqiy dushmanlikni avj oldiyish siyosati nima ?

  1. Populism

  2. Eksplutatsiya

  3. Autisemitizm

  4. Izridentizm

92..1876-ylida qaysi davlatda ko’tarilgan qozg’lonning shiori ozoqdlik yoki o’lim bolgan
A) Mehsika
C) Serbiya
D) Albaniya
93. 1897-yilda qaysi davlatda 600 ga yaqin chet el firmalari mavjud edi ?

  1. Xitoy

  2. Hindiston

  3. Avg’oniston

  4. Eron

94.XIXasr oxiri-XXasr boshlarida Rtaliyoda naturalism namoyondalari kimlar edi ?

  1. Steven Kren , Frenk Norris

  2. L Kapuana J viga

  3. P Verlen A. Relebo

  4. E Jolyo Mallarme

95.30 yillk urushdan keyin YEVROPADA gegamonlikni qo’lga kiritgan davlat tarixida sodir bo’lgan voqiani toping

  1. 1798-ylida Misrga yurish qilgan

  2. XVI asrda 300 dan ortiq knyozliklarlanga bo’linish oprichning joriiy rtilgan

  3. 1565-ylida oprichning joriy etilgan

  4. XVII asr oxirida iqtisodiyotida yangi alomatlar payda bo’lgan

96.XVIII asr oxirida qaysi davlatlar o’rtasida do’stlik va tijorat bitiladi imzollangan

  1. Angliya va Fransiya

  2. AQSH vaFransiya

  3. ROSsiya va Fransiya

  4. Germanniya va Rossiya

97. Amur daryosidan jonubda manjur qagbilalari paydo
bo’lgan davr?

  1. XVIIasr oxiri

  2. XVI asr oxiri

  3. XVIIasr

  4. XVIasr boshlari

98.Qaysi bitimga ko’ra B Brtaniya va Fransiya Turkiya Suverineteni va hududiy yaxlitligini tan oladi ?

  1. 1923-y Lazanna

  2. 1922-yRapallo

  3. 1939-y Molotov Ribbentrop.

  4. 1918-y Brest-Litovsk

99. 1933-ylida SSSRni tan olgan davlat qaysi?

  1. Angliya

  2. Fransiya

  3. Germaniya

  4. AQSH

100. Qachon SSSR hukumati 1946-53-yillarda o’zbda paxtachilikni tiklash va rivijlaantirish to’g’risidan qaror qabul qildi?

  1. 1946-yli 5-fevral

  2. 1946-yli 6-fevral

  3. 1946-yli 7-fevral

  4. 1946-yli 8-fevral

101. Qachon Mirzacho’l shaharchasi Guliston shahriga aylantirildi?

  1. 1969-y

  2. 1977-y

  3. 1947-y

  4. 1961-y

102.. O’zb SSSR fanlar komitetiga qachondan boshlab Otajon Hashiuov raislik qila boshlagan?

  1. 1932-y

  2. 1934-y

  3. 1940-y

  4. 1943-y

103. 1925-yli 3-mart kni Bobon Mavlonbekov rapsligida O’z SSSR MTK luzurida qanday kaussiya tuzilgan

  1. DAvlat apparati va sanotni o’zbeklashtirish markaziy kamissiyasi

  2. Davlat apparatini va mahallilashtirishi markaziy kamissiyasi

  3. Tashkilotlar aro o’zbeklashtirish ham

  4. Muvaqqat inqilobiy homitet ham .

104. Quyidagi qaysi javobda xaritada yulduzclia

bilan belgilangan davlat tarixi bilan b og iiq
bo'lgan voqea berilgan?

A) 1836-yiIda Fransiya inusta.inlakasiga aylandi.
B) 1882-yikla Alimad Orabibcv Qoliirada Oliy
davlat organi — Muvaqqat kcngasli tuzdi.
C) 1885-yilda mustaqil Mahdiylar davlati
D) 1912-yilda "Yosh Jazoir" partiyasi tuzildi
105. Quyidagi jadvalning qaysi
qatorlarida ma’lumotlar mos ravishda

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