Task 2: Complete the sentences with the words and word combinations from the text and translate these sentence
1. In more technical terms, a virus is __________________________ that implants itself to one of your executable files and spreads systematically from one file to another.
2. In common they can be divided by three basic _____________: a place of situating, used operation system and work algorithms.
3. In addition, Macintosh viruses don’t infect DOS-based computer software and ____________.
4. __________________also don’t infect computer hardware, such as monitors or computer chips; they only infect software.
5. For example according these three classifications virus _______________ can be classified as file infector and resident Windows virus. Further it will be explained what it means.
6. A _____________ virus is one that is designed to do no real damage to your computer.
(1. In more technical terms, a virus is a segment of program code that implants itself to one of your executable files and spreads systematically from one file to another.
Ko'proq texnik so'zlar bilan aytganda, virus bu sizning bajariladigan fayllaringizdan biriga joylashadigan va bir fayldan ikkinchisiga muntazam ravishda tarqaladigan dastur kodining segmentidir.
2. In common they can be divided by three basic signs: a place of situating, used operation system and work algorithms
Umumiy holda ularni uchta asosiy belgi bo'yicha ajratish mumkin: joylashish joyi, foydalanilgan operatsion tizim va ish algoritmlari.
3. In addition, Macintosh viruses don’t infect DOS-based computer software and vice versa.
Bundan tashqari, Macintosh viruslari DOS-ga asoslangan kompyuter dasturlarini yuqtirmaydi va aksincha.
4. Viruses also don’t infect computer hardware, such as monitors or computer chips; they only infect software.
Viruslar, shuningdek, monitor yoki kompyuter chiplari kabi kompyuter uskunasiga ham zarar yetkazmaydi; ular faqat dasturiy ta'minotni yuqtirishadi.
5. For example according these three classifications virus Chernobyl can be classified as file infector and resident Windows virus. Further it will be explained what it means.
Masalan, ushbu uchta tasnifga ko'ra Chernobil virusi fayl infektori va rezident Windows virusi sifatida tasniflanishi mumkin. Keyinchalik bu nimani anglatishini tushuntiriladi.
6. A benign virus is one that is designed to do no real damage to your computer
Xavfsiz virus bu sizning kompyuteringizga haqiqiy zarar yetkazmaslik uchun yaratilgan virusdir)
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