Variant 2
1 Confocal imaging relies upon the sequential collection of light
from spatially filtered individual specimen points, followed by the elec-
tronic signal processing.
2 Optics & Photonics is an annual event attended by engineers
and designers, corporate managers, application and product develo-
pers, project managers, and technical managers to learn about the latest
trends and commercial developments in optical engineering, remote
sensing, materials and devices, signal and image processing, illumi-
nation engineering, nanotechnology, X-ray optical technologies, and
3 Electrification followed by a wider use of electrical device was
the foundation of automated production processes.
4 Exploiting the latest evaluation technology possessed by the
Konica Minolta Group, we are carrying out thorough quality analysis
from raw materials to finished products, and are providing the highest
quality products to our customers.
5 A LCD panel with the micro-retardation array can be used to
display stereoscopic images watched with or without special glasses by
encoding right-eye image and left-eye image with periodically horizontal
stripes of different polarization states.
6 Samples sent for radiocarbon age determinations should be pro-
tected from sources of extraneous carbon.
7 Within the ESCAPE Project the systems will be tested in different
development phases in order to assess the quality of wrapping materials
influenced by chemicals remaining from the production process which
are potentially transferred in the food chain.
8 Along with a major there may be a number of related areas of
study referred to as minor subjects.
9 In variance with our earlier practice, we did not include names
of discoverers different from the name of the author(s) of the paper
referred to.
10 He quickly began looking through his catalogs and I went on to
explain to him that it was the book spoken about in the Bible that God re-
corded the names of those who had received Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Show more...
1 Confocal imaging relies upon the sequential collection of light
from spatially filtered individual specimen points, followed by the elec-
tronic signal processing.
2 Optics & Photonics is an annual event attended by engineers
and designers, corporate managers, application and product develo-
pers, project managers, and technical managers to learn about the latest
trends and commercial developments in optical engineering, remote
sensing, materials and devices, signal and image processing, illumi-
nation engineering, nanotechnology, X-ray optical technologies, and
3 Electrification followed by a wider use of electrical device was
the foundation of automated production processes.
4 Exploiting the latest evaluation technology possessed by the
Konica Minolta Group, we are carrying out thorough quality analysis
from raw materials to finished products, and are providing the highest
quality products to our customers.
5 A LCD panel with the micro-retardation array can be used to
display stereoscopic images watched with or without special glasses by
encoding right-eye image and left-eye image with periodically horizontal
stripes of different polarization states.
6 Samples sent for radiocarbon age determinations should be pro-
tected from sources of extraneous carbon.
7 Within the ESCAPE Project the systems will be tested in different
development phases in order to assess the quality of wrapping materials
influenced by chemicals remaining from the production process which
are potentially transferred in the food chain.
8 Along with a major there may be a number of related areas of
study referred to as minor subjects.
9 In variance with our earlier practice, we did not include names
of discoverers different from the name of the author(s) of the paper
referred to.
10 He quickly began looking through his catalogs and I went on to
explain to him that it was the book spoken about in the Bible that God re-
corded the names of those who had received Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Variant 2
1 Konfokal tasvir yorug'lik ketma-ket yig'ilishiga asoslanadi
fazoviy filtrlangan individual namunalar nuqtalaridan, so'ngra elektek-
tronik signalni qayta ishlash.
2 Optics & Photonics - har yili o'tkaziladigan tadbir bo'lib, muhandislar ishtirok etadilar
va dizaynerlar, korporativ menejerlar, dastur va mahsulotni ishlab chiqish
pers, loyiha menejerlari va texnik menejerlar eng so'nggi narsalarni bilish uchun
masofadan turib optik muhandislik tendentsiyalari va tijorat ishlanmalari
sezgi, materiallar va qurilmalar, signal va tasvirni qayta ishlash
millat muhandisligi, nanotexnologiya, rentgen optik texnologiyalari va
3 Elektrlash va undan keyin elektr moslamasidan kengroq foydalanish bo'ldi
avtomatlashtirilgan ishlab chiqarish jarayonlarining asosi.
4 ega bo'lgan so'nggi baholash texnologiyasidan foydalanish
Konica Minolta Group, biz sifatli tahlilni amalga oshirmoqdamiz
xomashyodan tayyor mahsulotga qadar va eng yuqori darajada ta'minlanadi
mijozlarimizga sifatli mahsulotlar.
5 Mikro-retardiv massivli LCD paneldan foydalanish mumkin
maxsus ko'zoynaklar bilan yoki ularsiz tomosha qilingan stereoskopik tasvirlarni namoyish etish
vaqti-vaqti bilan gorizontal bilan o'ng ko'z va chap ko'z tasvirlarini kodlash
turli xil qutblanish holatidagi chiziqlar.
6 Radiokarbonit yoshini aniqlash uchun yuborilgan namunalar mos bo'lishi kerak
begona uglerod manbalaridan olingan.
7 ESCAPE loyihasi doirasida tizimlar har xil sinovdan o'tkaziladi
o'rash materiallari sifatini baholash uchun rivojlanish bosqichlari
ishlab chiqarish jarayonida qolgan kimyoviy moddalar ta'sirida
potentsial ravishda oziq-ovqat zanjirida o'tkaziladi.
8 Asosiy yo'nalish bilan bir qatorda bir qator tegishli sohalar bo'lishi mumkin
kichik mavzular deb ataladigan o'rganish.
9 Bizning avvalgi amaliyotimizdan farqli o'laroq, biz ismlarni kiritmadik
qog'oz muallifi (lar) i nomidan farq qiluvchi kashfiyotchilar
10 U tezda kataloglarini ko'rib chiqa boshladi va men davom etdim
unga Xudo aytgan Muqaddas Kitobda aytilgan kitob ekanligini tushuntiring.
Isoni Rabbiysi va Najotkori sifatida qabul qilganlarning ismlarini bog'ladi.
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
Taqdim etish holati
Hech qanday urinish Baholanmagan
Qolgan vaqt
soat 19 daqiqa
2021 yil 5-iyul, dushanba, soat 12:00
Yuborish qo'shish
1 Konfokal tasvir yorug'lik ketma-ket yig'ilishiga asoslanadi
fazoviy filtrlangan individual namunalar nuqtalaridan, so'ngra elektek-
tronik signalni qayta ishlash.
2 Optics & Photonics - har yili o'tkaziladigan tadbir bo'lib, muhandislar ishtirok etadilar
va dizaynerlar, korporativ menejerlar, dastur va mahsulotni ishlab chiqish
pers, loyiha menejerlari va texnik menejerlar eng so'nggi narsalarni bilish uchun
masofadan turib optik muhandislik tendentsiyalari va tijorat ishlanmalari
sezgi, materiallar va qurilmalar, signal va tasvirni qayta ishlash
millat muhandisligi, nanotexnologiya, rentgen optik texnologiyalari va
3 Elektrlash va undan keyin elektr moslamasidan kengroq foydalanish bo'ldi
avtomatlashtirilgan ishlab chiqarish jarayonlarining asosi.
4 ega bo'lgan so'nggi baholash texnologiyasidan foydalanish
Konica Minolta Group, biz sifatli tahlilni amalga oshirmoqdamiz
xomashyodan tayyor mahsulotga qadar va eng yuqori darajada ta'minlanadi
mijozlarimizga sifatli mahsulotlar.
5 Mikro-retardiv massivli LCD paneldan foydalanish mumkin
maxsus ko'zoynaklar bilan yoki ularsiz tomosha qilingan stereoskopik tasvirlarni namoyish etish
vaqti-vaqti bilan gorizontal bilan o'ng ko'z va chap ko'z tasvirlarini kodlash
turli xil qutblanish holatidagi chiziqlar.
6 Radiokarbonit yoshini aniqlash uchun yuborilgan namunalar mos bo'lishi kerak
begona uglerod manbalaridan olingan.
7 ESCAPE loyihasi doirasida tizimlar har xil sinovdan o'tkaziladi
o'rash materiallari sifatini baholash uchun rivojlanish bosqichlari
ishlab chiqarish jarayonida qolgan kimyoviy moddalar ta'sirida
potentsial ravishda oziq-ovqat zanjirida o'tkaziladi.
8 Asosiy yo'nalish bilan bir qatorda bir qator tegishli sohalar bo'lishi mumkin
kichik mavzular deb ataladigan o'rganish.
9 Bizning avvalgi amaliyotimizdan farqli o'laroq, biz ismlarni kiritmadik
qog'oz muallifi (lar) i nomidan farq qiluvchi kashfiyotchilar
10 U tezda kataloglarini ko'rib chiqa boshladi va men davom etdim
unga Xudo aytgan Muqaddas Kitobda aytilgan kitob ekanligini tushuntiring.
Isoni Rabbiysi va Najotkori sifatida qabul qilganlarning ismlarini bog'ladi.
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