I love autumn. I love autumn so much.
In autumn, the cabbage turns yellow. Everything will change. For example, the weather, colorful leaves, rain, and so on. In the fall, all young people travel to schools and colleges, universities, and meet their dear friends. Another reason I love autumn is that I was born in the fall and it is in this season that I celebrate my birthday with my loved ones. Autumn is a wonderful season.
Men kuzni yaxshi ko'raman. Men kuz juda chiroyli.
Kuzda hammayoq sarg'ish tusga kiradi. Hamma narsalar o'zgaradi. Masalan, ob-havo, rang-barang barglar, yomg'ir va boshqalar. Kuz faslida barcha yoshlar maktab va o'quv dargohlari, universitetlarga yo'l olishadi va qadrdon do'stlari bilan uchrashishadi. Men kuz faslini yaxshi ko'rishimning yana bir sababi kuz faslida tug'ilganman va aynan shu faslda yaqinlarim bilan tug'ilgan kunimni xursandchilik bilan nishonlaymiz. Kuz juda ajoyib fasl.
5. Our university
I am a student of "Information Security" of the Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan. Our university was established in 2019. Director of our branch O.Turakulov. The teaching process in our branch is very good. our teachers are diligently teaching us their specialties. In the future, we will strive to be the best in my field and to raise the prestige of our university.
Men O'zbekiston Milliy Universiteti Jizzax filiali "Axborot xavfsizligi" yo'nalishi talabasiman. Bizning universitet 2019 yil tashkil etildi. Bizning filialimiz direktori O.To'raqulov. Filialimizda ta'lim berish jarayonlari juda yaxshi. ustozlarimiz bizga sitqidildan o'z mutaxassisliklarini o'rgatishmoqda. Kelgusida o'z yo'nalishim bo'yicha yetuk kadr bo'lish va universitetimiz shanini yuksak marralarga ko'tarish uchun harakat qilamiz.
6. Student’s life
Students are the future of every country. They are young citizens of our society, full of infinite energy and progressive ideas, fantastic plans and noble ambitions, hopes and dreams. Student life is the brightest period of our life. It is a mixture of studies and great fun. I know that my parents (ex-students) miss those old good days of their student life.
7. Would you like to live abroad and why
I would really love to move to a foreign country. But knowing the native language of the country I am moving to would be a big plus point. I would like to experience a new lifestyle, new culture - everything new. I would really love to move to Germany or Italy. I would even like to visit Spain some day.
8. My favourite subjects
I was a student this year. One of my dreams for so many years has come true. The student was lucky. I am very grateful to God and my loved ones for supporting me for this. I am very happy to have reached these days. I would like to express my gratitude to my teachers and relatives who are teaching us.
Men bu yil talaba bo'ldim. Shuncha yillik orzularimdan biri ushaldi. Talabalik baxti nasib etdi. Buning uchun Ollohimga va meni qo'llagan yaqinlarimdan juda minnatdorman. Shu kunlarga yetganimdan juda xursandman. Bizga tahsil berayotgan ustozlarimga va yaqinlarimga o'z minnatdorchiligimni bildiraman.
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